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Reddit MRA: "College women [are] humping their way through entire sports teams not only guilt free but feeling justified in doing so."

I am devoid of wit today, so here without comment is a heaping slab of “women are whores” courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. The whole thread is full of poop; check it out.

In case anyone has forgotten, Alpha Cock Carousel T-shirts are available for purchase at the Man Boobz store on Zazzle.

That’s right, motherfucking ALPHA COCK CAROUSEL T-SHIRTS.

Thanks to Shit Reddit Says for pointing me to this poop.

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13 years ago

Love that forceful attitude. “Demanding.” Like I’m supposed to follow your orders or else something happens to me… I never really got into the whole Sub/Dom scene. I tried it once on a dare, and all I got out of it was a staph infection.

13 years ago

Only God is perfect.

God is the means for the powerful to control the masses by consecrating their policies as divinely mandated. Small people want simple answers to big questions, and God’s dogmas act as a substitute for real philosophy.

Only idiots believe in God.

13 years ago

Alpha males get to be selective. She was probably too ugly, fat, masculinized, and slutty for the man of her dreams. Look at the hypergamous nature of women– the person she’s with for the rest of her life, and she admits she’d leave him for the alpha males she diddles herself to at night while her beta boyfriend drools in his sleep, unaware of her emotional cuckoldry.

13 years ago

We will drop our edible refuse and food scraps in the rooms, if we remember to.

So men are the space whale from Doctor Who?

13 years ago

Only idiots believe in God.

Well, that was…bigoted.

Everyone else: Permission to tell Boggi to fuck off?

13 years ago

As an atheist: fuck off Boggi.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

God is the means for the powerful to control the masses by consecrating their policies as divinely mandated. Small people want simple answers to big questions, and God’s dogmas act as a substitute for real philosophy.

And Internet Atheists think that everyone who believes in God is an American Evangelical Christian who believes God is a big man in the sky who makes a lot of rules and can cure your cancer.

I am a small person (61 inches!), but God is not just a complicated answer but an unfathomable one, and one that I don’t claim to fathom.

It’s possible to believe in the divine without believing there’s a big man with a beard who explains everything and can fix everything.

13 years ago

It’s possible to believe in the divine without believing there’s a big man with a beard who explains everything and can fix everything.

Well, there is, but he’s Dumbledore.


Only idiots believe in God.

Speaking as a theist, fuck off as well.

13 years ago

Also, your God and your religion is a corporate marketing tool for the rich to exploit the poor and the middle class. That’s all they are.

Now go away.

13 years ago

Boggi, you’re not keeping up on this conversation, are you?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Also, your God and your religion is a corporate marketing tool for the rich to exploit the poor and the middle class. That’s all they are.

An inexplicable sense of the numinous is free, man.

Also free, apparently: the ability to look down on the vast majority of humanity for holding a wide diversity of beliefs that you clearly don’t even understand.

For the record, I’m a pantheist; I believe in the divine but I don’t believe that it’s anthropomorphic, communicates with humans, or dictates human behavior in any way. Sorry I’m not the “Jesus said if I give the pastor more money he’ll make my leg grow back!” stereotype you want all believers to be.

13 years ago

Well, there is, but he’s Dumbledore.

Well, there was anyway. Plus we used to have Gandalf. Elves are stealing our bearded men!!!

13 years ago

Um, OzyMRAndias, you ok? That was depressing. Good, but depressing.

13 years ago

As an anti-religion atheist with a BA in philosophy, I think just labeling your opponents as “stupid” is a totally shit argument. I think there are a ton of good criticisms both on a philosophical and social level towards religion and theism, but you’re not really making any of them…

13 years ago


Momentary Delurk! I know this is probably outdated, but your xkcd link reminded me of another excellent comic about a personal hero of mine.

13 years ago

IME, it’s never the case that people who disagree with you are just all stupid; there are incredibly smart people in every school of thought. Anyway, if your beliefs are truly that self-evident, you shouldn’t need to resort to calling people stupid, because you could simply explain why your view is obviously true and all reasonable people would automatically believe you.

Conclusion: Religion is complex and why people believe what they do is not a matter of them being too stupid to recognize what’s obviously the right answer.

13 years ago

And Internet Atheists think that everyone who believes in God is an American Evangelical Christian who believes God is a big man in the sky who makes a lot of rules and can cure your cancer.

I am a small person (61 inches!), but God is not just a complicated answer but an unfathomable one, and one that I don’t claim to fathom.

It’s possible to believe in the divine without believing there’s a big man with a beard who explains everything and can fix everything.

Of course not all theists are like that, and spirituality is far deeper than just praying to a big-bearded man in the sky. It’s really about our humanity; who we are mythically and metaphysically. I’m not against religion in and of itself but against a certain type of religiosity that America and other countries like America promotes, where God is a parent to obey and religion is reduced to obeying maxims and conforming to superficial values.

Of course there are smart theists who are real thinkers and philosophers, but most MRAs, like NWO, Meller, and IR, fall into the type of religiosity I described. They’re just stupid, embittered people with a herd mentality, as their silly prejudices towards women clearly shows.

But let’s just drop the conversation from here. I didn’t mean to be such a dickbag (except to IR who deserves it.)

13 years ago

I am beyond okay. I am fulfilling my genetic destiny having casual sex with hundreds of women I despise! My true masculine nature is fulfilled by fucking stupid whores; the orgasm is the only meaning life has, and any pretensions otherwise are so much tissue paper and pretty lies over the cold, hard reality.

…I’m so alone.

13 years ago

Of course not all theists are like that, and spirituality is far deeper than just praying to a big-bearded man in the sky. It’s really about our humanity; who we are mythically and metaphysically. I’m not against religion in and of itself but against a certain type of religiosity that America and other countries like America promotes, where God is a parent to obey and religion is reduced to obeying maxims and conforming to superficial values.

Only idiots believe in God.

I’m having a bit of trouble reconciling these two statements. Was the first one posting in haste?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I’d hug you, ozyMRAndias, but somehow I suspect you’d make it weird.

13 years ago

We need a word for that gropey thing that creepy guys do if you try to hug them. The hrope? The grug?

13 years ago

Well, internet hugs to ozyMRAndias anyways.

What comfort food are MRAs into? Tapioca? That has all those nice eggy things in a glutinous sauce. Yum.

13 years ago

Boggi: If you want to mock religion then head over to Pharyngula* or any number of other blogs. Here we mock misogyny.

*I love Pharyngula and I’m an atheist who loves to mock people for their religiously motivated choices but I do it in appropriate places instead of derailing blogs that aren’t about religion.

13 years ago

Chocolate is too linear, all those darned squares with logos on each one. And that whole thing with the cocoa content and single origin beans, that’s downright competitive.

Cadbury creme eggs now, that’s comfort. Eat one in the dark and suck out the filling.