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Reddit MRA: "College women [are] humping their way through entire sports teams not only guilt free but feeling justified in doing so."

I am devoid of wit today, so here without comment is a heaping slab of “women are whores” courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. The whole thread is full of poop; check it out.

In case anyone has forgotten, Alpha Cock Carousel T-shirts are available for purchase at the Man Boobz store on Zazzle.

That’s right, motherfucking ALPHA COCK CAROUSEL T-SHIRTS.

Thanks to Shit Reddit Says for pointing me to this poop.

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Rachel Maud
12 years ago

Yeah, I too was unaware that, as a woman, I can automatically sleep with whoever I want. Which begs the question, WHY OH WHY isn’t the hot guy who works at the campus library (and looks like Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds) already sleeping with me??

God, I’m really sucking at this whole “being a female university student” thing.

12 years ago

“I thought they were about mens’ rights.”

MRAs care as much about men’s rights as the members of the Family Research Council care about families.

12 years ago

@Rachel Maud

It’s almost as if if you aren’t gorgeous and skinny a lot of men will pretend you don’t exist or just see you as one of the guys!

I’m surprised I even managed to graduate since slutting it up was apparently part of the curriculum!

12 years ago


what’s the Family Research Council? I’d look it up but I’ve slammed my head into the keyboard one too many times tonight 😛


Holly, maybe someone go over there and mention that no man ever in the history of racing ever ever crashed his car.

Or blamed his pit crew.

12 years ago

*Checks article*
I guess acknowledging sexism against men is a few grand above his pay grade.


Quackers, have some cookies first.

They are…not a good thing.

Cookies however are.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

… but what if I don’t WANT to sleep with the entire powerkiting team?

(Mildly hilariously, my university is over 80% female. If these guys applied this logic to my uni, every guy would get laid, on the grounds that there aren’t enough ‘Alphas’ (by their statistics) to do sufficient slutting with.)


Yes and IR?

12 years ago

Content note for poor writing and utter uselessness: by Ideologue Review/FactFinder, the dumbest game concept writer ever:

Two girls in luck
by ~periRick

Voice over: Two cum-hoes
Visual: Two semi-diagonal bars zip across a black background. Both bars have a perspective, 3/4 view of the women’s eyes like a typical fighting game. The one on top has mascara and eyeliner done up in a faux-asian style. The bottom one has a teardrop tattoo and has large fake lashes with ostentatious gold eyeliner.
Voice over: One feeder
Visual: Outline of the millionaire appears behind the tinted window, visible only by the orange glow of a cigarette or small cigar. In his left hand, an average square camera is visible, about the size of a normal disposable.
Voice over: Two preggos
Visual: The millionaire and window become more distant as the view quickly pans out. The panned-out areas are darker than the rest. The two eye-bars are arranged so that they are in the respective women’s bodies as they become visible. The shading lifts to reveal two heavily pregnant women. The room is about 10 meters wide, each woman on either side, and has white or greyish tile, except for the window, and a sealed metal door. Setting has a high-tech yet retro feel to it. Could be anywhere between the 80s and modern day. Both women are shackled to the floor with one clamp.
Voice over: One breeder! *Buzzes*
Visual: A small red bulb on the top of the room flashes, lighting the entire room briefly, and the shackles pop open. The two women begin waddling towards each other, gradually gaining momentum. One pulls her fist back, eying the others’ belly, as the other prepares to knee her opponent.
Voice over: Preggo Punchout!
Visual: Blood and gore splatter effect, first “Preggo” and then “Punchout!” Everything fades to black except title, as blood and gore smear down the screen. The sound of a lullaby or other childish music can be faintly heard.


originally posted by FactFinder, who now posts as Ideologue Review

12 years ago


Ah ok. Skimmed their wiki page, more extreme conservative bullshit. Kinda like how AVfM is all excited because Concerned Women for America are staging some thing against VAWA. Because even if you’re getting the shit beaten out of you, as long as you don’t divorce your abuser, that’s all that matters amirite?

12 years ago

@Idealogue Revew:

*reads link*

Sexism Pays: Men Who Hold Traditional Views Of Women Earn More Than Men Who Don’t, Study Shows

ScienceDaily (Sep. 22, 2008) — When it comes to sex roles in society, what you think may affect what you earn. A new study has found that men who believe in traditional roles for women earn more money than men who don’t, and women with more egalitarian views don’t make much more than women with a more traditional outlook.

The researchers looked specifically at gender role views as a predictor of a person’s earnings. They controlled for job complexity, number of hours worked and education. Their analyses showed that men in the study who said they had more traditional gender role attitudes made an average of about $8,500 more annually than those who had less traditional attitudes.

For women, however, the situation was reversed. Women who held more traditional views about gender roles made an average of $1,500 less annually than the women with more egalitarian views. Put another way, if a married couple holds traditional gender role attitudes, the husband’s earning advantage was predicted to be eight times greater than a married couple where the husband and wife have more egalitarian attitudes.

“These results show that changes in gender role attitudes have substantial effects on pay equity,” Judge said. “When workers’ attitudes become more traditional, women’s earnings relative to men suffer greatly. When attitudes become more egalitarian, the pay gap nearly disappears.”

Do you even bother to read your sources? Are you that stupid?

12 years ago

These MRAs are like Gorilla199, a rather pathetic excuse for an internet blogger.

12 years ago

BoggiDWurms, he really, truly is that stupid, and he does not seem to read any sources, ever.

12 years ago

They sound pissed because no one’s sleeping with them.
Which is why men who reject feminism earn more, and women are more likely to date rich men*.
* Page 46 fig. 5.5, if I recall correctly.

12 years ago

Hi all, long time lurker, first time commenter.

Thought I’d add my 2c (normally Holly responds in a way that is pretty close to my own thinking, and I’ve never considered “yeah, this!” to really add to discussion), but I noted that these MRAs seem to have a view of college that comes directly from the tube and bears only a passing resemblance to real life.

When I was at college, struggling to get a laid (despite varsity level athletics) I had an inclination to believe that every person in the world was screwing like rabbits on amyl mitrate and viagra, except for me. Fairly soon in the piece, I met my partner (who I’m still with, and hope to be for a long time) and settled into monogamy, something that works for us (but something I hasten to add, doesn’t work for everyone).

Anecdotally, the sex lives of most of my colleagues seem to mirror my own a helluvalot more than the stuff I see on TV. A few people I knew at college are having alot of sex with alot of different people. Some are having none, and there is a full spectrum in-between. But most people I knew were mostly having sex with people they were in relationships with, and casual sex was much rarer than these guys seem to believe.

This seemed to be the case with men and women; gay, straight and bi. Some of my insanely good looking friends on my athletics team were getting none at all, while some of my nerdier friends in my engineering classes seemed to have no trouble picking up.

These guys have such a immature, cartoon view of the world, it almost makes me feel a little sorry for them. They still seem to believe in the jocks and cheerleaders bullshit that appears in frat-boy movies. It’s like they never learned that most things on TV aren’t actually real. The behaviour they attribute to everyone is really only being practised by a minority, who weren’t hurting anybody or doing anything remotely wrong.

Unless you consider “not having sex with me!!!” to be wrong. Which I think gets to the crux of the matter.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I guess acknowledging sexism against men is a few grand above his pay grade.

You’re an even bigger idiot than I give you credit for XD

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Wow, that’s 0/2, and IR got to pick his sources without us demanding them in limited time. This is getting better and better XD

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Hey, IdeologueReview, I know your shtick is to get people whipped up so you can quote them out of context on your blog and make it look like you won the argument, so:

Men are terrible! It’s just their… mannishness that I can’t stand. I find it abhorrent. Masculinity is a plague, a blight, a festering sore upon Womanity. It’s all too much! We should put them away somewhere. We should put the men in little rooms. Little rooms, yes. Under our houses. We will let them out at night, to do the garden. By daybreak they must be back in the rooms! We will drop our edible refuse and food scraps in the rooms, if we remember to.

…Oh no! It’s the MRM! With their piercing logic they defeat me! I am only a worthless little girl after all! There shall be no rooms! IdeologueReview has won the day for men!

There. Go post that. You got what you came for. Leave us alone now.


Because even if you’re getting the shit beaten out of you, as long as you don’t divorce your abuser, that’s all that matters amirite?

Oh yes but they never did say what it means if you just happen to go far far away though.

12 years ago

Beta boys, I’m gonna drop some alpha wisdom on your asses on how to game college women. College women are usually among the easiest to fuck, especially for an older man, because of how many of them had a daddy who abandoned them or didn’t love them or touched them in their private places. They’ll fuck you half an hour after meeting you because they have no dirty past of riding the cock carousel for their hamster to spin. And with their tight asses, springy flesh, and ineffable scent, your hardon will be bursting out of its skin wrapper.

The biggest key is BE AN ASSHOLE. A jaded thirty-year-old slut might be looking for her provider beta, but an eighteen-year-old hottie wants a man with good genes, beloved by other women, and the easiest way to convey that is not to take any of her shit. Ask her if she’s always like this. Tell her to enroll in charm school. Take her to the same dive bar on every date and mention offhandedly all the cool places you went with “a friend”; try to convince her you’re keeping her away from your friends because she’s embarrassing. Casually bring up her flaws– her stupidity, her flakiness, her inability to speak proper English– and attribute them to her being young; offer to take her to Chuck E Cheese’s. When she tries to define the relationship, ask her if she’s joking.

The second key is to BE COOL. Make sure you are down with the hip slang of the young people of today. Make insightful observations about the shows girls watch, like Jersey Shore, Smallville, Glee, and Gilmore Girls. If the girl offers you an E tab in a crowded nightclub at 1 am, take it– don’t be an old fuddy-duddy. Push for a blowjob outside the club. Dress youthfully, not in a suit or tie.

The third is to BE CASUAL. Never go on a date with her– you’ll scare her off. Window-shop while taking a long walk on the streets; hang out talking at a park by the swings; go to a coffee shop and don’t buy anything. Be the superficial friend until you get back to her place– never kino. Then escalate, escalate, escalate, avoiding her faux-protests, and enjoy plundering pussy that will be dry, loose, and saggy only five years in the future.

Finally, find excuses not to hang out with her when she’s on her period– you don’t need the bitchiness and, let’s be honest, college girls are only good for sex.

12 years ago

Wow, that’s 0/2, and IR got to pick his sources without us demanding them in limited time. This is getting better and better XD
You can’t try to henpeck and bully people through the Internet like you can at work or school.

12 years ago

>>>Look, I’m not humping my way through any sports teams, unless you count Magic as a sport

I do. I mean, I’ve actually used the phrase “I’m going to go watch the game” this weekend to refer to me spending a good chunk of the afternoon watching the online stream for Grand Prix Baltimore.

12 years ago

I only said yes to him because neither Liam Neeson nor Misha Collins returned any of my phone calls.

But but but…if you called them, they have to sleep with you! That’s the rules!