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Reddit MRA: "College women [are] humping their way through entire sports teams not only guilt free but feeling justified in doing so."

I am devoid of wit today, so here without comment is a heaping slab of “women are whores” courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. The whole thread is full of poop; check it out.

In case anyone has forgotten, Alpha Cock Carousel T-shirts are available for purchase at the Man Boobz store on Zazzle.

That’s right, motherfucking ALPHA COCK CAROUSEL T-SHIRTS.

Thanks to Shit Reddit Says for pointing me to this poop.

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13 years ago

How much do you want to bet that this former college tight end is himself a Mr. beta last choice whose wife lied to him about riding the cock carrousel?

13 years ago

I think Il128’s comment is the most telling. “College women aren’t about ‘free love’ and all that nonsense anymore[;] they are[,] as of 25 years ago, being selective…”

This guy doesn’t want to go back to the 50’s. He wants to go back to the, um, mid-80’s? Because those are the years when “free love” was a thing? And, word to Shulamith Firestone, “free love” meant “women have to sleep with everyone”?

But, ugh, now the women are “selective”, damn them!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

How much do you want to bet that this former college tight end is himself a Mr. beta last choice whose wife lied to him about riding the cock carrousel?

Zero dollars, because like half of the words in that bet don’t even mean anything. 🙂

Also, I’m pretty sure “fertile” is just MRA for “sexy,” but with more evopsych.

13 years ago

I figured “most fertile years” was MRA for “the years before they get all ugly because they’re not fertile enough anymore. It’s called SCIENCE.”

13 years ago

Holly, you ninja’d me! And in my most fertile years!

13 years ago

Selectiveness is misandry. If you don’t want to fuck every single man you meet, this means that you hate men. Truefax.

13 years ago

I still want to know if I can get some kind of certificate of having slept with a bunch of nerdy gamer virgins that lets me go about slutting it up as I will.

13 years ago

Look, I’m not humping my way through any sports teams, unless you count Magic as a sport. Am I allowed to be a slut now?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Can I just say to all the MRAs who think they’re foiling the master plan by not marrying and fathering children:

No, seriously, anything that makes there be fewer births on the planet, that is not perpetuating class, race, or other forms of oppression, is fine in my book. Your reasons are idiotic but you maintain my blessing!

Bedelia Bloodyknuckle
13 years ago

Oh noes! Women having sex without getting married? Say it ain’t so! *rolls eyes*

13 years ago

I think Il128′s comment is the most telling. “College women aren’t about ‘free love’ and all that nonsense anymore[;] they are[,] as of 25 years ago, being selective…”

As if MRAs are never selective at all!

Woman over 30? Old hag, wouldn’t bang.

13 years ago

Actually, as David showed a few weeks ago, MRA Redditors decided that 22 was the cut-off point for a woman’s attractiveness.

13 years ago

Also, I’m pretty sure “fertile” is just MRA for “sexy,” but with more evopsych.

I figured “most fertile years” was MRA for “the years before they get all ugly because they’re not fertile enough anymore. It’s called SCIENCE.”

Ah. That’d be it, then.

13 years ago

So…this is really relevant to men’s rights? “hurrhurrrr stoopid lady drivers are stoopid at driving”

Gotta love how Southern Man actually saying that tagging the post as “women drivers” was a bit much got him more downvotes than upvotes. Anything that even dares express that women aren’t actually so horrible gets automatic downvotes!

Need I mention again W.F. Price has a daughter? words cannot express how much I pity that poor girl who’s father thinks women are nothing more than trash. How he can hold his views and look his daughter in the eye is beyond me.

13 years ago

MRAs not wanting to get married.

Hey, as long as they leaving more space for me… 😀

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

The Danica Patrick post is just this xkcd comic for the umpteenth time:

…Unless someone’s willing to make the claim that male NASCAR drivers never crash? If so I would really love to meet this person, they sound like they have a fascinating view of the world.

13 years ago


I love that comic so much, but it’s sad how often I see it referenced. Women’s lives in a nutshell.

Statistically men cause larger and more serious car crashes anyway, so they can shut their face holes.

13 years ago

and can I just show some love for Randall Munroe overall? he actually features female scientists in his comics, on top of that he recognizes both the struggles and accomplishments women have faced in STEM

I’m not in the STEM field, but I printed and posted that one on my wall.

13 years ago

Lara: “I think Danica handled her car well. It was Jimmie Johnson who caused the pile up.”

This comment was downvoted so much that it became hidden. The poster is ostensibly a women herself, which merits instant thumbs down, but then she has the nerve to suggest that it wasn’t even Dana’s fault, which is ridiculous because women are clearly to blame for everything.

13 years ago

also the men who I’m referring to to shut their face holes are the men who always say women are bad drivers, not men overall.

13 years ago

The consensus seems to be that it was Jimmy Johnson’s fault. I just caught the replay a coupla minutes ago, that was one big ass pile up!

13 years ago


I’ve seen Lara comment there before and she is always downvoted until her comment is hidden. The moment they see a female name, they automatically downvote because they are bigoted losers overflowing with bias.

I think I’ve seen Lara post on Roissy too. I’m sorry but women like her who sniff around the manosphere trying so hard to get validation from some of the biggest douchebags on the planet are really pathetic imo. Are you really that starved for attention? why not engage with men that are, you know, actually rational and normal? whatever floats their boats I guess.

13 years ago

So…this is really relevant to men’s rights? “hurrhurrrr stoopid lady drivers are stoopid at driving”

Gotta love how Southern Man actually saying that tagging the post as “women drivers” was a bit much got him more downvotes than upvotes. Anything that even dares express that women aren’t actually so horrible gets automatic downvotes!

Need I mention again W.F. Price has a daughter? words cannot express how much I pity that poor girl who’s father thinks women are nothing more than trash. How he can hold his views and look his daughter in the eye is beyond me.

Bitching how horrible women are. *yawn*

I thought they were about mens’ rights.

Rachel Maud
13 years ago

Man, I was supposed to riding something called an “alpha cock carousel” for the past four years? I’m about to graduate, and only NOW do I find out I’ve been doing it all wrong??


13 years ago

@Rachel Maud

you and me both. I didn’t have sex once during college, mainly because the guys I liked didn’t feel the same way about me.