I am devoid of wit today, so here without comment is a heaping slab of “women are whores” courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. The whole thread is full of poop; check it out.
In case anyone has forgotten, Alpha Cock Carousel T-shirts are available for purchase at the Man Boobz store on Zazzle.
That’s right, motherfucking ALPHA COCK CAROUSEL T-SHIRTS.
Thanks to Shit Reddit Says for pointing me to this poop.
Tell me, Captain, what is this Earth thing you call “love”?
…Interesting. Now, Captain, I’ve also heard of a concept in your Earth society called “not giving a shit who other people sleep with,” but I confess, I am many sun-cycles away from understanding this one.
And there I was suffering from the delusion that I was the first person my wife could seriously envisage spending the rest of her life with.
No, instead I’m “Mr Beta last choice”, as I’ll doubtless come to recognize when the divorce comes through and my fantasies of the perfect marriage are exposed as a hopeless delusion.
But in the hopefully wildly unlikely event that we do get divorced, why on earth shouldn’t she go on to have sex with other people? What business would it be of mine any more? In any case, that’s certainly what I’d do, and probably pretty quickly after the relevant papers had been signed.
I just want to say that I wholly support these guys’ decision not to get married. The entire female population just dodged a bullet right there.
I like carousels. Why in the hell do they feel the need to soil such a wonderful ride with their stupid metaphors?
Pretending for a moment that this is true for all women rather than for a tiny number of women…so? Why is anyone else supposed to care? Is this 1952 and society has once again decided that pre-marital sex is shameful and everyone should pretend they’re not doing it?
Jocks really aren’t my cup of tea, and I can think of all kinds of reasons why girls pursuing them in college isn’t necessarily great for the girls. But the idea that this should cease immediately because it’s bad for the men who those girls marry later…LOL.
You know what? I once had a problem with sports groupies. I don’t anymore, because screw it, women can have fun too. Keep it safe and don’t get attached, it’s all good. These guys are just jealous because they aren’t in a position to benefit.
Some of the wording here is rather telling, I think. The guys who didn’t use condoms “caught” STIs. Not “helped spread”, but”caught”. Because of course they aren’t responsible, it’s those dirty sluts amirite?
I didn’t want to marry a naïve virgin, and neither did she. In fact, for all sorts of reasons, I think that the more sexual experiences people have before marriage, the better.
OHAI, I;m over here not giving a fuck who people sleep with. These guys may want to look into that.
The theory of spontaneous generation is true after all!
Have fun sleeping with multiple people in college. Later settle down and have a family.
This is problematic how?
Oh, I see, it’s a problem when women do it. Gotcha.
They sound pissed because no one’s sleeping with them. The thought of women being able to choose drives ’em up a wall.
Those MRA’s sure do get pissy when women decide to sow their own wild oats. They can gripe all they want, but they can’t force everyone to buy into the double standard.
Is it weird that I found master_mason’s comment more irritating than the other two? I mean, it’s a whole chasm of awful, but that guy’s response is just so goddamn Reddity.
I so love this Mr. Beta Last Choice insult. Pretty sure that whoever someone ends up with in a strictly monogamous relationship will always be that person’s Last Choice, no matter how fucking awesome that person thinks her partner is. If you’re not someone’s last choice, that means you were dumped!
You also have to wonder at the logic behind thinking that if a girl stops sleeping around, that means her current lover was the *least* interesting one on her list.
“Is this 1952 and society has once again decided that pre-marital sex is shameful and everyone should pretend they’re not doing it?”
CassandraSays, have you read the US news lately? Cause, apparently, yes.
The bit about fertility is the poop icing on the poop cake. Ladies owe betas their most fertile years!!!
No, no, no. These guys are exactly right!
I had lots of sex with a great many people when I was in school and then when I was finished school, I went right out and got engaged to Mr Halite who is totally a Last Choice Beta – which is clear because he does Beta nonsense like half the housework, paying for dinner sometimes and listening actively and making insightful comments when we have a conversation.
And he was totally my third (and last) choice. I only said yes to him because neither Liam Neeson nor Misha Collins returned any of my phone calls.
Has any couple in the history of MRAland ever raised their children together?
It’s like they think it’s standard procedure to sign the birth certificate and the restraining order on the same day.
Holly: no, the children are the women’s job until the divorce. Then they’re some mysterious added expense in their lives.
I know it *says* something like “ladies are sleeping around and I think that is bad,” but all I *hear* is “ladies are choosing to sleep with men who are not meee! Waaah!”
Yeah the “Most Fertile Years” thing is BS. I’m sure these dudes are just dying to get saddled with a bunch of kids at age 22. Since according to MRAs those fertile years are somewhere between what, 14 and 22?. I mean, that’s totally the only reason why you’d complain a woman wasn’t giving you her “most fertile years”, because you want to have like 5 kids before you’re out of college, right?
“Has any couple in the history of MRAland ever raised their children together?”
The manosphere seems largely to consist of bitter ex-husbands (like W.F. Price) or young dudes who engage in lots of short-term relationships and one night stands but are convinced they already know everything there is to know about marriage and raising children from said older, bitter men like Price and are determined to avoid it in their future.
So, no, probably not.
Yeah, I was struggling with the notion of the “most fertile years” and why it should matter that said years are “wasted” on “alpha cocks” when the only role it seems children play in the MRA paradigm is the gun with which women mug men.
I mean, if it’s the babies that the men are interested in, then most women are fertile into their forties. Is a baby born of a woman’s “most fertile years” quantitatively different from a baby born later?
Perhaps I should give my poor brain a break and just assume that what these guys want is an excuse to beat up on women.
Which just helps feed the parts of society that say that women are never good enough. And thinking about that usually makes me curl up and cry.