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Reddit MRA: "College women [are] humping their way through entire sports teams not only guilt free but feeling justified in doing so."

I am devoid of wit today, so here without comment is a heaping slab of “women are whores” courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. The whole thread is full of poop; check it out.

In case anyone has forgotten, Alpha Cock Carousel T-shirts are available for purchase at the Man Boobz store on Zazzle.

That’s right, motherfucking ALPHA COCK CAROUSEL T-SHIRTS.

Thanks to Shit Reddit Says for pointing me to this poop.

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13 years ago

Those terms are so ubiquitous in our society I think a lot of us slip up and use them without thinking sometimes. I’m embarrassed to say that I certainly have. 🙂

13 years ago

Boggi (re FF/IR/Preggo Punchout)Do you even bother to read your sources? Are you that stupid?

No, he doesn’t.

Yes, he is.

13 years ago

Boggi: Only idiots believe in God.

Thanks for calling me an idiot.

But let’s just drop the conversation from here. I didn’t mean to be such a dickbag (except to IR who deserves it.)

Not really an apology. It’s an explanation (not a great one) but what you are asking is that we give you a pass on being a dickbag, because the target was a nasty person. The rest of the people whom you insulted should be willing to take one for the team.

Not a great moral system on display there.

The comment about it being stupid is a bit better.

13 years ago

FF/IR/Preggo Punchout: You can’t try to henpeck and bully people through the Internet like you can at work or school.

So why do you persist in the attempts?

13 years ago

Gross generalizations about male sexuality: Misandry!
Gross generalizations about female sexuality: Facts!

13 years ago

You might find it offensive but it’s the truth. More women are STDiseased than heterosexual men. This is proof that women are sharing alpha men. The numbers are likely higher than reported due to a higher number of closet cases amongst men. It’s more acceptable for a woman to be a lesbian than it is for a man to be homosexual.

13 years ago

Antz: You should go read the piece being quoted. He’s not talking about illustrations.

He’s talking about fucking kids.

That’s bull. It’s a cultural thing. There are plenty of cultures across the world that are open with their childrens sexuality, and children are very sexual. In some cultures parents even masturbate their children to help them go to sleep, even in early American culture.

Child pornography is a multi-billion dollar international industry for a reason, people enjoy it. Humans are the most sexual creatures on the planet, the second is our closest relative the bonobo ape. Kids and adults have been having sex since before the dawn of man. If you want the rape and the kidnappings to stop you legalize it and take it out of the hands of the black market. Prohibition doesn’t work.

Rape and kidnappings.

Not, Stories, cartoons and animated films.



He wants that to be legalised.

13 years ago

Oops. Wrong thread.

13 years ago
Reply to  Buttman

Let’s get some education as to WHY that is, Buttman. Many STIs are silent and men don’t know they’re carrying them and transmitting them. Women get checked (typically) more frequently, so get diagnosed and treated more effectively than men. Further, for certain STIs, there are no tests in men, such as HPV…but men most certainly DO carry and transmit them…oftentimes they just don’t know. Additionally, there is only one current STI that is affecting women significantly more frequently than men, and only in 2 specific age groupings – and that is Chlamydia. However, there are STIs that are more prevalent among men. Before spouting off about “offensive but it’s the truth” – maybe try researching the WHY of it. Otherwise you come across as grossly uneducated about the facts.

13 years ago

M Dubz: That’s right. A true alpha male eschews marriage and fucks dozens of drunk sluts. These options are, unfortunately, not available for beta male pussies.

Holly: Like I’d grope a fat whore like you.

13 years ago

prosey: Otherwise you come across as grossly uneducated about the facts.

Otherwise? Nope, SOP.

13 years ago

Sorry to take this discussion off of spirituality or whatever, but did anyone notice that the weirdo on Reddit was like “I was a tight end in college, and now I’m sympathizing with ‘Mr. Beta Last Choice’ who no one loves, posting on Reddit about my life as a former alpha male when I got to bone lots of girls (with condoms so I didn’t get the herps etc.) who just gave it out to me and my brahs on the team?”

Just sayin’… sounds a little inauthentic. Meanwhile, I was never a jock, but I love women, treat them right, and often enjoy intercourse with them. MRA’s/Redditors ought to try it. Wait no, just kidding, it’s a drag to have to apologize to women for the shit some misogynist loser put them through… And I have dealt with that before.

MRA’s… please, for the sake of all men (and don’t forget the ‘wimminz’) just go your own way and don’t worry about us “alphas” who don’t suck at life and being with women.

13 years ago

I dunno, Felix, Cadbury cream eggs are good at first but get disgusting about halfway through. They’re too big.

Anyway, as Ami said once about (I think) NWO, MRAs seem to think all women are Lauren Conrad and all men are homeless. Sleeping with entire sports teams is an activity open only to very few college women. (Let alone young women who don’t go to college!) I never got the opportunity myself in spite of my tremendous hotness. I doubt I would have taken up the offer, but it would have been nice to be asked, you know?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Now I’m thinking about the logistics of having sex with (checks) 11 people. (Do I also sleep with the alternates?) Do I hide the fact that I’m sleeping with everyone from the team, or am I open about it? What if someone on the team just doesn’t like me? Will there be drama between the quarterbacks and the runningbacks? What if someone on the team isn’t poly? 😛

13 years ago

I think you must hide to everybody that you sleep with any of the players. At least until you finished the whole team, at which point you will earn the title of slut thanks to gossip.

13 years ago

I dunno, Felix, Cadbury cream eggs are good at first but get disgusting about halfway through. They’re too big.

They make mini cream eggs now.

13 years ago

At least one of the football players at my undergrad was known within certain circles to prefer sex with dudes. Queer athletes must fuck up these ladies’ ability to go through the roster.

13 years ago

You probably have to make do with an autograph, in that case. Especially if you can get him to sign your boob.

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