antifeminism antifeminst women evil women hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men rape reactionary bullshit sex the enigma that is ladies the spearhead

Your penis, your choice — not your responsibility!

Ladies use these to extract money from helpless men.

When men and women have consensual sex, who is responsible? If you said “both, because they both agreed to and participated in it,” you might be some sort of misandrist feminazi. Because, as W.F. Price explains in a recent Spearhead post, it’s really women who are responsible for consensual heterosexual sex.

If you’re wondering how that could be, well, keep reading. Price starts off by considering what he calls “the feminist claims of mass rape throughout society.”

If as many rapes happen as they claim, chances are someone on your street has been raped recently. There must be multiple simultaneous rapes occurring at any given time within your zip code. Can you hear the silence screaming around you? (this is probably what goes through the minds of feminists).

Why yes, Mr. Price, chances are that someone on my street has been raped recently. Indeed, I know numerous women who have been raped. I’m guessing most women don’t share the intensely personal fact that they’ve been raped with you, Mr. Price, because you’re the sort of person who likes to go around talking dismissively about “the feminist claims of mass rape throughout society.”

Let’s continue:

Anyway, the point is that if men are so irrepressibly prone to rape and so sexually voracious, and women so prone to being unwilling, then who really is most responsible when consensual sex does happen?

Well, that’s an interesting approach to logic: snidely dismiss the fact that rape is common, then go ahead and assume it’s true for the sake of the rest of your argument:

One of the most sacred and cherished rights of feminists is the right to say “no” — that is, the right to deny sex. Do men value the ability to deny sex as much as women? Perhaps when it comes to forced sodomy, but that isn’t a common issue. One rarely sees men marching down the street with placards declaring that “NO MEANS NO,” and when they do, they are generally just holding signs for women. So, if women actually like denying sex, and are more likely to exercise that power, who has more choice when it comes to whether or not a given sex act will occur?

I cannot help but marvel at the twisted logic here. Women want the right to say no to sex they do not want to have. But getting this “no” to be taken seriously is such a problem that some women organize actual protests in the streets to declare that “no means no,” and this means that … they are the ones responsible for sex.

And if women are more responsible for sex than the men they have sex with, just who should bear the responsibility for the pregnancies that sometimes follow? I think you see where Price is going here, but let’s let him spell it out:

Let’s break it down:

    Men have a higher sex drive than women

    Men have less control over their sexual impulses

    Women value the ability to deny sex

    Women are far more likely and able to deny sex than men

If the above are true, then barring outright rape, surely women are more to blame for pregnancy than men. So why does the law treat males and females as equal participants in the sex act, and why does policy hold the man to be more responsible? Clearly, the female has more control.

Since women sometimes say no to sex, they should bear all the costs of raising children?

It’s the strangest evo-psych argument I’ve seen so far: Since men are hardwired to be horndog sex-havers, they shouldn’t have to take responsibility for the consequences of this sexual activity, at least when it comes to contributing something to support the children that sometimes show up about nine months later. Ladies: think of the poor men, at the mercy of their boners! How dare you expect that they pay their share of the costs of raising a child?

In Price’s mind, child support is not only unfair to poor horndog men, it’s  a cancer destroying civilization as we know it:

There’s been a lot of hand-wringing over the disintegration of the American family and marriage, but few people dare to point out the obvious reason America is fast becoming a nation of bastards. It’s actually fairly clear: women are not being held to the appropriate level of responsibility where their sexual choices are concerned. In the old days, it was understood that, barring rape, women were more responsible for who they slept with than men, and if they screwed up they had to deal with it. This is why the rate of illegitimacy was so low for so long. However, today, women can get pregnant and receive guaranteed support from not only the government, but whatever random man they permitted to have sex with them.

Raising a child as a single mom is apparently the easiest thing in the world. But making men pay for a portion of the costs for this child is tyranny!

Holding men more responsible than women for sex has been an abysmal failure, yet the policy remains in place despite thousands of years of received wisdom that lets us know it is a bad idea. Holding men and women equally responsible would be inappropriate as well, but we’ve gone past even that. Without some change in policy soon, the majority of all births in the United States will be illegitimate in a decade or so. The current system, which absolves women of responsibility for a choice that is largely in their hands, and for which they have even more options and tools at their disposal to deal with the consequences than ever, is unsustainable.

Despite his own handwringing about the state of The Family, Price doesn’t’ spell out how married men fit into his sex-responsibility equation. Are married men considered as responsible for babies as their wives? Is this responsibility retroactively nullified if they get divorced? It’s all very complicated. Which is, I guess, inevitable, once you arbitrarily decide that two consenting adults who have sex with one another are somehow not equally responsible for this sex.

Naturally, the Spearhead peanut gallery provided many more nuggets of wisdom. WGMOW – apparently a woman herself – gave Price’s bizarre argument a big ditto:

I don’t even see anthing debatable here. It is entirely the females who make the decision when and where to get knocked up, and then get child support from a man with the means to provide her with a bank account and credit cards seemingly for life. It there is no such man available she gets handouts from Big Daddy Government in the form of welfare, Sec 8 housing, free utilities, food stamps, free health care, free college education, and in some states, even a car.

These are the females that feminists say are “strong, powerful, and smart.” Bullshit. They are just as dependant as the females of the Victorian age. Then, they went from the care of their fathers into the care of their husbands. Now, they go from the care of their welfare mothers into the care of the government. All courtesy of our tax dollars.

AfOR put it even more bluntly:

The law fucks men over because they can be made to bleed more than a wimminz, they make better hosts for the parasites of society than wimminz.

Who exactly are the parasites here? The babies?

Hf seemed annoyed that women are allowed any autonomy at all:

Women typically struggle with knowing what exactly it is that they want. The “No Means No” movement is just as much trying to convince themselves and each other as it is trying to convince men. Deception is very much a part of a woman’s autonomy.

Nehalem provided a new slogan for the no-male-responsibility-for-sex-or-babies movement:

To get the point across more easily I suggest we modify a common liberal slogan and say:

Her body, her choice, her responsibility.

This being The Spearhead, it sort of goes without saying that each of these comments got dozens of upvotes.

Apparently, then, the only responsible course of action for unmarried women today is to never ever have sex with men. No sex, no consequences, no responsibilities to share with force upon men! But somehow I suspect that the MRAs of the world wouldn’t be happy with this solution.



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13 years ago

Also I realized that I brought it up thinking that ozyMRAdias was you.

M Dubz
M Dubz
13 years ago

The only reason there are so many single mothers is because of the welfare state. “Child support” is an invention of the welfare state. Things were better when men weren’t forced to pay for women’s decisions. It’s a woman’s choice but it’s a man’s enslavement. He has no choice but to become a walking wallet for the woman he had sex with. He has no right to equal parenting under our misandrist gynocratic system. If you take away all the financial incentives that men are forced to pay then the amount of single mothers would be cut in half.

Um dude, you do realize that, assuming a heterosexual couple raising children in a traditional family environment with a stay at home mother, the husband was out working to provide a paycheck for his wife and children? And that, in the case of welfare, tax paying men and women are contributing to welfare? No? You’re just that dense? Well then.

13 years ago

Once again: MRA State “Critique”= Women! Getting Stuff! Ruling world through manginas! RARRRRGGGHL!

The boring fuckers don’t even throw the Bilderbergers in anymore. *sniffle*

13 years ago

I was just talking to an economist about ending the State. We were on about community resilience, wildcat anti-corporate activism, the decline of scarcity, and the replacement of inefficient welfare organization and provision with high-tech-enhanced mutual aid. We left out the damn greedy wimmenz. How could we be so blind?!

13 years ago

Back to the drawing board, zhinxy! Could you somehow work in vagina as currency? They seem to think it is.

13 years ago

The OP made my brain shut down.

Seriously, I found myself scrolling without reading and thinking it was just more of the same old MRA bullshit.

Ima go OD on kitten pictures and I’ll be back later.

13 years ago


13 years ago

@ Crumbelievable, re: ozyMRAdias

<Leonard Nimoy> It’s Ozy, Captain, but not as we know zir.

13 years ago

Meso’s entertaining in an Arks sort of way.

13 years ago

I’m pretty sure Meso is just taking the piss. It’s pretty good for what it is.

13 years ago

I also am pretty confident that Mesogog doesn’t believe what he writes. His first post where he speaks about masturbating angrily over the knowledge of the discomfort of pregnant women was too much for me to believe.
I’m a mesatheist.

13 years ago

Meso is a regular poe-ing, I think. Womb turd. They used the phrase “womb turd” earlier. Only our regulars and a few classic trolls would ever conceive of such a phrase. After all, wasn’t it MarkyMark’s phrase? We could attribute it to his “readers”, but I am not convinced those exist.

13 years ago

Hm, apparently zero tolerance man uses that phrase too, is it a thing amoung mras?

13 years ago

Who started this whole alpha/beta bullshit anyway?

Wincest knotting porn. Well, that’s where I first encountered it.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

… knotting porn?

13 years ago

Very complicated tantra, knotting 😉

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I originally read it as “knitting”. Sam and Dean knitting naked is porn I could get behind!

13 years ago

No argument there!

13 years ago

Well, I’ve never fucked a dollar bill, but I do like to keep an eye out for exotic places to stick my cock. It’s not even a sexual thing, I mean, I usually don’t even bring myself off anymore. It’s really just a funny little compulsion, sort of like how Nikola Tesla did things in threes or Ted Bundy liked to kill people. You know how a lot of people will have bucket lists and shit, you know, Things to Do Before I Die? And how some people get more specific- Sexual To-Do List? 500 Must-Read Books? Well, my bucket list is just places to put my wang. Coke can. Ear. Vacuum. That kind of stuff. Now, usually I was able to cross things off pretty quickly, but one bullet point that was on my list for a fuck of a long time was “mouse hole”. Every day, it was there, uncrossed, mocking me, for at least two years.

I finally managed to nail it circa about 2008, when I was working a day shift stocking shit in some local supermarket. Sort of a dead-end job, you might be thinking- and yeah, sure, but it paid the bills. Besides, it’s sort of the curse of the alpha- got so much meat presenting itself to you, it can be hard to have the self-control to take a break and do anything else. So there, I was, in the backroom, loading milk cartons, when I saw it. Almost perfectly round, looking practically handmade. Big enough for my cock, but small enough that it would be a snug fit. I might even be able to masturbate in it. So I pull my pants down, squatted, and took out my cock. Since it’s twelve inches long when flaccid, I had to feed it into the hole like a hose. But I finally got it in, sighed contentedly, and then pulled back shrieking when two mice fastened their teeth and claws on my scrote.

At this point, the supervisor opens the door, walks in, and just stops. Here’s a guy yelling incoherently, whipping his flaccid dick around like a lasso in a wild attempt to dislodge two mice, their claws fastened firmly into the soft pink flesh. He started to say something, but unfortunately never got the chance to finish because at that moment I whipped my cock around in a particularly vicious arc and the mouse on my scrote was torn off, spattering droplets of blood on the floor and ripping a ragged piece of skin down the side so it hung bloody and sagging. The mouse flew through the air, paws extended like a trapeze artist, and landed spread-eagled on the guy’s own considerably smaller bulge, digging its claws in through the fabric of his suit and hugging his sack. By this point the dude’s right there with me, dancing around, trying to yank the mouse off and yelling “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” at the top of his lungs and of course at this point, with the door open and all, most of the store could hear the ruckus. I could see workers and customers alike begin to look over in alarm, a small bemused crowd forming in the doorway as we both jumped and hollered like a couple of imbeciles.

Finally I forced my brain into something approximating a lucid state, and with my brief moment of clarity, I reached out with both hands and gripped the base of my dick. Like I was playing tug-of-war, I hauled all twelve inches toward me until the blackish mouse on my glans was within reach, close enough that I could see its beady little eyes and its grayish teeth, half sunk into my glans. I gripped the mouse with one hand and, thinking vaguely of the ticks I had removed the same way, yanked it up. A chunk of my glans was torn off with the mouse, and claws dragged bloody furrows in the flesh, but I got in. Fueled by adrenaline and rage, I hurled the mouse, along with the little piece of dickskin stuck in its teeth, at the wall. I didn’t even watch to see it hit; I was out the emergency exit in a flash, vaulting over the fence, in my car, out of the parking lot. I never went back to that store again, and I don’t know if my supervisor died, or what. Maybe the mouse just made off with his junk.

Moral of the story: Women are bitches.

13 years ago

This looks like very bad literotica.

13 years ago

worst porn ever mral

13 years ago

LOL at 12 inches flaccid. Of course it is.

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