When men and women have consensual sex, who is responsible? If you said “both, because they both agreed to and participated in it,” you might be some sort of misandrist feminazi. Because, as W.F. Price explains in a recent Spearhead post, it’s really women who are responsible for consensual heterosexual sex.
If you’re wondering how that could be, well, keep reading. Price starts off by considering what he calls “the feminist claims of mass rape throughout society.”
If as many rapes happen as they claim, chances are someone on your street has been raped recently. There must be multiple simultaneous rapes occurring at any given time within your zip code. Can you hear the silence screaming around you? (this is probably what goes through the minds of feminists).
Why yes, Mr. Price, chances are that someone on my street has been raped recently. Indeed, I know numerous women who have been raped. I’m guessing most women don’t share the intensely personal fact that they’ve been raped with you, Mr. Price, because you’re the sort of person who likes to go around talking dismissively about “the feminist claims of mass rape throughout society.”
Let’s continue:
Anyway, the point is that if men are so irrepressibly prone to rape and so sexually voracious, and women so prone to being unwilling, then who really is most responsible when consensual sex does happen?
Well, that’s an interesting approach to logic: snidely dismiss the fact that rape is common, then go ahead and assume it’s true for the sake of the rest of your argument:
One of the most sacred and cherished rights of feminists is the right to say “no” — that is, the right to deny sex. Do men value the ability to deny sex as much as women? Perhaps when it comes to forced sodomy, but that isn’t a common issue. One rarely sees men marching down the street with placards declaring that “NO MEANS NO,” and when they do, they are generally just holding signs for women. So, if women actually like denying sex, and are more likely to exercise that power, who has more choice when it comes to whether or not a given sex act will occur?
I cannot help but marvel at the twisted logic here. Women want the right to say no to sex they do not want to have. But getting this “no” to be taken seriously is such a problem that some women organize actual protests in the streets to declare that “no means no,” and this means that … they are the ones responsible for sex.
And if women are more responsible for sex than the men they have sex with, just who should bear the responsibility for the pregnancies that sometimes follow? I think you see where Price is going here, but let’s let him spell it out:
Let’s break it down:
Men have a higher sex drive than women
Men have less control over their sexual impulses
Women value the ability to deny sex
Women are far more likely and able to deny sex than men
If the above are true, then barring outright rape, surely women are more to blame for pregnancy than men. So why does the law treat males and females as equal participants in the sex act, and why does policy hold the man to be more responsible? Clearly, the female has more control.
Since women sometimes say no to sex, they should bear all the costs of raising children?
It’s the strangest evo-psych argument I’ve seen so far: Since men are hardwired to be horndog sex-havers, they shouldn’t have to take responsibility for the consequences of this sexual activity, at least when it comes to contributing something to support the children that sometimes show up about nine months later. Ladies: think of the poor men, at the mercy of their boners! How dare you expect that they pay their share of the costs of raising a child?
In Price’s mind, child support is not only unfair to poor horndog men, it’s a cancer destroying civilization as we know it:
There’s been a lot of hand-wringing over the disintegration of the American family and marriage, but few people dare to point out the obvious reason America is fast becoming a nation of bastards. It’s actually fairly clear: women are not being held to the appropriate level of responsibility where their sexual choices are concerned. In the old days, it was understood that, barring rape, women were more responsible for who they slept with than men, and if they screwed up they had to deal with it. This is why the rate of illegitimacy was so low for so long. However, today, women can get pregnant and receive guaranteed support from not only the government, but whatever random man they permitted to have sex with them.
Raising a child as a single mom is apparently the easiest thing in the world. But making men pay for a portion of the costs for this child is tyranny!
Holding men more responsible than women for sex has been an abysmal failure, yet the policy remains in place despite thousands of years of received wisdom that lets us know it is a bad idea. Holding men and women equally responsible would be inappropriate as well, but we’ve gone past even that. Without some change in policy soon, the majority of all births in the United States will be illegitimate in a decade or so. The current system, which absolves women of responsibility for a choice that is largely in their hands, and for which they have even more options and tools at their disposal to deal with the consequences than ever, is unsustainable.
Despite his own handwringing about the state of The Family, Price doesn’t’ spell out how married men fit into his sex-responsibility equation. Are married men considered as responsible for babies as their wives? Is this responsibility retroactively nullified if they get divorced? It’s all very complicated. Which is, I guess, inevitable, once you arbitrarily decide that two consenting adults who have sex with one another are somehow not equally responsible for this sex.
Naturally, the Spearhead peanut gallery provided many more nuggets of wisdom. WGMOW – apparently a woman herself – gave Price’s bizarre argument a big ditto:
I don’t even see anthing debatable here. It is entirely the females who make the decision when and where to get knocked up, and then get child support from a man with the means to provide her with a bank account and credit cards seemingly for life. It there is no such man available she gets handouts from Big Daddy Government in the form of welfare, Sec 8 housing, free utilities, food stamps, free health care, free college education, and in some states, even a car.
These are the females that feminists say are “strong, powerful, and smart.” Bullshit. They are just as dependant as the females of the Victorian age. Then, they went from the care of their fathers into the care of their husbands. Now, they go from the care of their welfare mothers into the care of the government. All courtesy of our tax dollars.
AfOR put it even more bluntly:
The law fucks men over because they can be made to bleed more than a wimminz, they make better hosts for the parasites of society than wimminz.
Who exactly are the parasites here? The babies?
Hf seemed annoyed that women are allowed any autonomy at all:
Women typically struggle with knowing what exactly it is that they want. The “No Means No” movement is just as much trying to convince themselves and each other as it is trying to convince men. Deception is very much a part of a woman’s autonomy.
Nehalem provided a new slogan for the no-male-responsibility-for-sex-or-babies movement:
To get the point across more easily I suggest we modify a common liberal slogan and say:
Her body, her choice, her responsibility.
This being The Spearhead, it sort of goes without saying that each of these comments got dozens of upvotes.
Apparently, then, the only responsible course of action for unmarried women today is to never ever have sex with men. No sex, no consequences, no responsibilities to share with force upon men! But somehow I suspect that the MRAs of the world wouldn’t be happy with this solution.
That ‘wimminz’ blog is something…looks like NWO has a friend.
The only reason there are so many single mothers is because of the welfare state. “Child support” is an invention of the welfare state. Things were better when men weren’t forced to pay for women’s decisions. It’s a woman’s choice but it’s a man’s enslavement. He has no choice but to become a walking wallet for the woman he had sex with. He has no right to equal parenting under our misandrist gynocratic system. If you take away all the financial incentives that men are forced to pay then the amount of single mothers would be cut in half.
The main problem evo psych followers have is that its THE ONLY explanation for everything in life. Also, they belive that there are absolutely no nuances to it.
I’ll go as far to say that evo psych has a small amount of influence on any given person. However, the culture you’re raised in, the way you were raised and what works best for you as a person has a much bigger impact. Evo psych was meant as a study of the whole of humanity, individual variances are therefore likely to be huge. Evo psych followers also tend to overlook what opportunities are available. Why the hell would a woman who is quite capable of looking after herself and lives in a fairly peaceful society would hook up with an abusive jerk is beyond me. And they clearly don’t understand what an alpha male in primates like Bonobos or gorillas look like either. Alphas in those primates generally seek to settle conflicts in a way that de escalates the tensions, rather than beating on all and sundry. Geesh!
Did anyone here read the wimmenz post where he talks about his ‘dirty little secret’? Yeah, I bet that guy was just such a great family man.
Who started this whole alpha/beta bullshit anyway?
“Who started this whole alpha/beta bullshit anyway?”
Wolves. The manliest quadrapeds of the animal kingdom.
The idiots who started the whole alpha thing were studying captive wolves. They did not understand what they were observing, and make things up as they went along.
Who started this whole alpha/beta bullshit anyway?
Jesus did. Well the alpha/omega part anyway. I don’t know about the beta.
All good answers but I was wondering more about how that idea found its way into the Manopshere.
Actually, scratch that. I’m guessing it has something to do with MRAs and their love of evo-psych bullshit.
Um, I would say that the Man Himself started it, when He decreed that His hot bitch, Mother Nature, should enforce rigid sociosexual roles in all gendered species. Why did He wish 80% of all populations to toil as an inferior underclass? To this I can merely say, the Lord works in mysterious ways.
But personally, I like to think that alphas, betas, and omegas earned their respective rank through actions in past lives. As a high-ranking alpha, we can assume that I was exceptional. I could have been, say, Babe Ruth. August Strindberg. Benito Mussolini. Betas were passable but unexceptional, while the omegas were the bottoms. Ed Gein, for example, was probably reborn as an omega, along with all the other losers who lived in their moms’ basements as adults.
Oh Mesogog, you studly alpha you, take me under yon cyber anonymity and let us make passionate lulz together!
Mesogog, it is so nice to find a fellow alpha in this hive of betaboys and manginas spouting nonsensical feminist dogma (or should I say CATma?) in the hopes of copping a pityfuck from a short-haired hippie chick with hairy armpits and a pussy gaping from all the alpha cocks who had pounded it for hours.
Alpha wisdom: it is necessary to spend time among your fellow men. Every second around a whiny beta’s seething estrogen leeches some of your precious testosterone.
…Eventually this place will have more fake trolls than real ones.
…I’m okay with that.
Ozy, why do you list Toysoldier on your NSWATM links page? He’s proven himself to be an MRA troll.
August Strindberg, you say?
pillowinhell: yeah, just read that one. This guy is a Grade A asshole.
“Secret” family courts, pshh. He and NWO should get together.
Myoo: A car? Even ignoring all the other bullshit, a car? I have never heard of any social service anywhere in the world giving anyone a car. A bus or subway pass, maybe, but a car? Who believes that?
I saw that. Blame it on Ronald Reagan, and his dog whistle, that, “welfare mothers are driving Caddillacs” while hard working people (whom he then screwed) are in beat up Chevy’s.
This is just the same idea, metastasized.
Crumbelievable: Because he was nominated as a sensible MRA ages and ages ago (before we figured out that, yes, the MRAs are ALL terrible) and I’m way too lazy to change things unless they are pointed out to me.
the “dirty little secret” post is even more horrifying when you notice that the most recent post talks about how much ten-year-old girls are always trying to seduce their fathers.
Oh Mesogog, please take me under your wing! Alpha me up real good!
I get the sense you’re, being sarcastic to mock me, but from the posts he’s made here , he doesn’t seem the least bit sensible. He’s the one who called us misandrist for doubting Antz’s story, ignoring the fact that Antz lies to us all the time. TS might occasionally write something halfway decent but othertimes he trolls just as much as every other MRA. And also he promotes the False Rape Society on his blog.
Jawnita, I read that post too. All I can hope is that his ex knows about his blog and is saving his posts, in case he changes his mind and wants the kids back. I can’t think of any man who believes children and teens willfully try to seduce their parents unless they are pedophiles. Also, the whole rape apology thing where a father was confronted by his daughter and he says that she took her clothes off willingly…sorry at that point I had to log off. Just sick.
Crumbelievable: No sarcasm here! MRAs are actually all terrible, and I am actually way too lazy to bother to change things. 🙂
Ok sorry for being hostile then. It’s always hard to read people’s true expressions over the Internets.