Is Christian J., the blogger behind What Men Are Saying About Women and the inventor of the infamous MRA two-dot ellipses, the worst writer in the manosphere?
I submit to you this sentence from a recent post of his:
One cannot falter to flatter, condone and encourage women more than by recommending and suggesting that the recommended path they have to follow will eventually, somehow, within a particular length of time, will meet with their euphoric predictions.
It’s hard to even know where to start with this hot mess of a sentence. Strunk and White famously exhorted writers to “omit needless words.” Christian J’s writing seems to consist almost entirely of needless words, some merely redundant, others simply wrong: they don’t actually mean what he thinks they mean. Meanwhile, Christian J. manages to confuse even himself with his pointlessly convoluted sentence structure – hence that second “will” towards the end.
Does Christian J’s sentence make more sense in context? A tiny bit. Here’s the whole paragraph:
Feeding the endless lies to women is ofcourse a main passion for feminists, as they believe that they are the epicenter of all wisdom and sage advice. One cannot falter to flatter, condone and encourage women more than by recommending and suggesting that the recommended path they have to follow will eventually, somehow, within a particular length of time, will meet with their euphoric predictions. Meanwhile they have waited in vain for decades for it to eventuate but it never appears to arrive. Feminists and women generally, will ofcourse never admit that they are on the wrong road in trying to fulfill their “mommy track with the picket fence”, dream. They are of the opinion that regardless of what they do, how they behave or what they promote, everything will eventually come their way automatically..
As far as I can tell, the point of his post is merely this: feminists have been telling women they can “have it all” – a career and a family – but really most women want to have kids and work part-time at best. Also, dudes don’t like feminists:
What the feminasties do not tell, is that there is actually a preferential scale that men generally follow to find a partner of choice. One would hazard a guess that being attached to a feminist would be missing on that list altogether or be down amongst the crippled and lame as they suffer from the same..
That’s almost poetic at the end there, with the “lame” and the “same.”
This bit is simply baffling.
[F]eminists want women out in the workforce so they can continually keep changing the rules, knowing that they have a lot of women out there who would in most situations, condone their actions. They can also guarantee that some level of that income will come their way and also ensure that funding and privileges will keep flowing while they have politicians by the balls.
So feminists want women to work so that they can get money from the government?
In the end, Christian J. “argues,” more traditional-minded women suffer:
Meanwhile, and as we have seen time and time again, it’s those women who want to make a different life for themselves who are still marginalised and berated. They have to be seen to be doing the feminist’s bidding, even if it is at their own expense and that is what this is all about. As we have witnessed right from the beginning, the feminists have a standard FU response aimed at anyone who dares to think or act differently to their demands and it’s this girlthink that is basically causing all the problems. So the ball is in the girls court but they fail to pick it up and run with it, meanwhile feminists are screwing their lives even further into the ground..
What on earth does that last sentence even mean? Christian J., mixing metaphors with impunity, has substituted clichés for thought.
Does it really matter that Christian J. can’t write his way out of a paper bag? Well, yeah, it sort of does. The incoherence of his prose reflects the incoherence of his ideas. Christian rails against the allegedly evil influences of feminists, but he never makes clear what exactly they are doing that he finds so objectionable. Nor does he ever explain exactly how feminists are harming “those women who want to make a different life for themselves” by, apparently, being stay-at-home moms. And of course he provides no real evidence to back up any of his points.
In short, Christian J. merely repeats a number of MRA talking points, stitching them together with overblown, incoherent prose heavy on clichés. A lot of MRA writing is like this: long on rhetoric, short on specifics, covering up its lack of substance with with obfuscatory rhetoric. Is this a deliberate strategy to conceal the MRM’s lack of real grievances? In most cases, I don’t think so. MRAs, for the most part, don’t know that they’re saying nothing. They think they are making arguments, when in reality they are having tantrums.
The fact that steak costs more than broccoli is also misandry.
Now I have a craving for steak and chips…
Men need meat! Except for my vegetarian husband, who’s obviously a beta mangina.
(Seriously, people think I made him be a vegetarian, when it was his idea in the first place and at first I was just going along with him.)
Seriously, these guys need some editors, bad.
Whe I was a kid, my Aunt lived out beyond the black stump. When we visited, we used to bring an esky full of fuit & veg, because they lived on home-killed beef and mutton. They had no water for a veggie patch or orchard. For them, cauliflower was a yummy treat.
Girlthink is causing basically all our problems!
Feminism is brain cooties!
Political misogyny of the day – the foreign minister is trying to topple the prime minister – his supporters’ slogan is “Ditch the Witch!” This is why I don’t like watching the news!
“As soon as certain topics are raised, the concrete melts into the abstract and no one seems able to think of turns of speech that are not hackneyed: prose consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated hen-house.”
-George Orwell pwns MRAs
Reading this guy’s prose is downright painful. I’m a writer who writes copy for a living, and like all writers I struggle with not using 20 words when five words will do. But if there were an award for incoherence, he would surely take the cake.
It’s tennis we get the, “balls in your court from”, since only one person can deal with it at a time. Other court games (jai alai, squash) for two players use a shared court, and things like volleyball, and basketball are team efforts.
I read that first graf and thought he was explaining that if women only did what he told them to they’d be happy. How wrong I was. He’s a writer of especial talent; he has a gift (thank God) like no other.
It could be tantrum throwing. I’d put my money on alcohol though. If I lived the miserable, hate filled lives these guys do all the while knowing I can’t escape my own skin I’d drink myself into a stupor every night. It must suck when even you don’t want to be around yourself.
When Mose Wright stood up in a Mississippi courtroom in 1955, pointed to the suspect that murdered Emmett Till, and said, “Thar he,” the entire audience sat there in a deafening silence and thought to them selves, “Wow. What a loser. He doesn’t use proper grammar.”
There’s a difference between “not proper” and “ridiculously redundant and devoid of content while being heralded as intellectual.”
Also that scenario is likely a good example of why you don’t need big words and a pompous attitude to make an impact, something DKM might learn well from.
Once again we have magdelyn, defending the indefensible!
Enjoy this simple translation of all the text in the op. ^_^ It’s kind of hilarious how opposite to reality it is… claiming that feminists expect social change to happen on its own and all… That better describes the MRM. *burn*
Actually, “thar he” is more eloquent and concise than anything Christian J. has written.
I know what all those words mean, but that sentence doesn’t make any sense to me. This of course seems to be a recurring theme here.
What!? I would debunk this if I could decipher it.
Does this mean that individual men have preferences to whom they would select as a mate, or does this mean that “all men” as some massive collective entity think the same thing. Logic dictates the former, but MRAspeak dictates the latter.
If you replace feminists with MRM, you would get a much more accurate statement.
Kirbywarp should get a Nobel Prize in editing for that one.
It’s not simply bad grammar. It’s that unless you are someone as awesome as Kirbywarp, the writing is virtually indecipherable. I mean, Christian J seemed to write under this philosophy.
“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.”
Yeah, maybe this guy is over-compensating for not having gone to Berkeley (as I did), or the Ivies, or college at all. Maybe this is as good as he can do, trying to make himself sound smarter than he is. Maybe he is ashamed of his social station. Maybe he grew up in a slum. Maybe his mother was an alcoholic. Maybe he grew up in a single parent household. Myabe he never thought it possible to get an education. So what. Those of you with the fancy educations who feign not understanding his argument (whatever the merits) are disingenuous at best.
“…Studies and real life has already clearly demonstrated that females want to have kids, want to work part time and be a wife. mother and everything that that entails. But feminists demand the opposite, feminists want women out in the workforce so they can continually keep changing the rules…”
That’s his argument. If you couldn’t figure it out, that says more about you than it does about him. Do I agree with it, no.
So… Freud’s theories tell us more about Freud than anything else, eh mags?
Hey David, did you see that Bernard Chapin’s video about you?
Oh no! Losing argument, must change subject!
That’s an incredibly inappropriate and appropriating analogy to use in this situation (also, rather wrong, poor black people are in fact not given the highest respect in courtrooms, that’s the sad reality).
Besides, “pretentious douche” isn’t it’s own dialect. It’s not colloquial speech. It is not academic speech. It’s just being a pretentious douche. Which is not at all similar to a person writing in the words and terms in which they speak within their communities.