I ride motorcycles. I’ve done things like 8,000 miles in 19 riding days (SF ->Barstow ->Flagstaff -> Albuquerque -> Oklahoma City -> Memphis -> Oak Ridge -> DC -> New York -> Syracuse -> Ottawa -> Naples -> Ottawa -> Callendar -> Iron Bridge -> Rhinelander -> Minneapolis -> Lincoln -> Laramie -> Wendover -> SF), and I can’t to Motocross.
Then again, I’d like to see these guys hunt a deer, much less a mammoth. Who wants to bet they ruin more meat then they harvest, and then they can’t preserve it?
I’ll even give odds, on most of them.
Anyone want to cover any of that action?
12 years ago
Probert is a little before my time but, having watched a couple of his fights, I can see what you mean! I felt the same way when I used to watch Donald Brashear fight
12 years ago
Shadow: As much as I loved my late 90’s Wings (first Cup in like, 60 years!), the shit Probie pulled made me a little sick to my stomach.
12 years ago
It’s kinda funny and pathetic how when men do better than women in something physical or sport related all the MRAs and generally sexist dudes think it’s some glorious win for Team Man, or that it reflects their own individual abilities. How many of them can successfully put out a fire? how many of them can flawlessly complete a motocross course? I’d wager not many.
Sounds a lot like a good deal of racists. They claim how superior a race of people are so they can feel they’ve achieved something just for existing. Of course, they’re just little parasites who can’t actually earn anything on their own merit.
Of course, they’re just little parasites who can’t actually earn anything on their own merit.
It’s true that racists tend to be most insecure about their status, statistically poverty-level individuals. However, men who reject feminist dogma actually earn quite a bit more. People who earn $8.5k less tend to send less to Uncle Sam, and are also more likely to be on welfare.
Just my two cents.
It’s pretty quiet in the comments, so here’s the story of Magpie’s Excellent Day.
Got new glasses, top and shoes, started the day with a hair cut, so I’m feeling very glamorous. Met a friend for coffee, sat outside because the weather was really nice. Dropped into a shop to look at the pretties, and chatted with the owner for half an hour, drinking turkish coffee. Looked into the mower shop to see if my lawnmower was fixed – they said it was buggered and I should throw it away, but this was good news because I have some money saved up. Had lunch with Dad at the new cafe – one of the posh sort where you can’t pronounce most of the menu, and you’re not sure what you’ll get til it arrives. Very nice light lunch. Went to Bunnings and bought a brand new mower that runs on batteries. It’s quiet, just whirrs. It starts with a button and is very light to push around, and it even dealt with the knee-high grass! I can finish the rest of the long grass tomorrow morning, I won’t have to worry about waking people on a Sunday morning, because it is so quiet. And the cat has a big cardboard box to play in. Everything today has gone great!
Your missives sparkle with such intellect and class that we are shaking in our boots as our rigid ideology fails us. Truly, you have hurt me to the core. Oh, wait, huh, this is a disgustingly unfree market and priveleged people might have certain advantages in it.
I don’t know if I ever made my position on welfare clear, btw, so I will. i think a freed market society wouldn’t have much need of it, and that mutual aid networks would cover what need there was, but if there’s to be a State and we’re to use it for “a safety net” then I want all the current bureaucracy gone and the ridiculous net of programs replaced by a Guaranteed Minimum Income, which I’d ideally want financed through property taxes, but I’m flexible there. Lot less state, plenty of security for “the citizens,” people have bargaining power, it’s cash to be put back into circulation, it eliminates the “need” for a minimum wage, etc. Sadly, the Democrats fell to despicable collapse on the workfare bs, and only the Greens, some socialists, and scattered Geolibertarians are really arguing for it now. I say we go for it. You wanna argue about the libertarian-ness of it, take it up with fucking Hayek.
“Zhinxy, it’s the perfect excuse to go and buy something – Puss needs a bigger box!”
This is true! But my sister gets a lot of packages, so it’s harder to excuse XD
12 years ago
They’ve been talking here about swapping all the different welfare payments for one standard allowance, calculated the same way no matter why you need it. It would make things easier to understand, I reckon.
“They’ve been talking here about swapping all the different welfare payments for one standard allowance, calculated the same way no matter why you need it. It would make things easier to understand, I reckon.”
Let’s hope!
People rarely want to calculate the tax costs of what’s needed to monitor all those lazy poor folk on assistance and MAKE SURE they aren’t “taking advantage of the system” either.( Hint, that is way not free… )
12 years ago
It’s calculated in the budget that Centrelink will “breach” a certain percentage of people/weeks. The Centrelink officers aren’t happy about it, because they have to go looking for reasons to breach people when there is no reason to cut their payment off! For a while the Gov would hand your payment over to a church charity to pay your bills and rent when you were cut off. Strangely enough, the church was the one the treasurer belonged to :[
I remember famous misogynist/cartoonist Dave Sim going through a period of obsessing over women firefighters in the back pages of Cerebus. He honestly believed that hundreds, possibly thousands, of people were dying in fires all the time because of the countless incompetent female firefighters hired under those well-known firefighter quotas.
Then again, maybe it’s like that in Canada. Damned if I know.
As someone who has lived among rich white people and poor white people in the US, my experience is that the notion that poor people are more racist is utter bullshit. I have heard upperclass people in upstate New York say things that only someone who as KKK affiliated would say in Appalachia. Wealthy northern racists tend to only engage in explicit racism when they don’t think there is a person of color in the room, but they share most of the worst beliefs you could find among rural or southern racists. As someone who looks very white, some of the shit people will say to my face when no visible people of color are around among wealthier USians is every bit as horrible as anything you would hear from a Klansmen (and I say that as someone who has actually had runs ins with the latter).
Poor white people have their fair share of racists, and it’s ridiculous to deny it, but when you actually boil it down, wealthy people have just as horrible of views on average (and more power to implement them). It’s quite popular for rich white people to scapegoat the poor, especially the rural poor, so as to not actually have to own up to their own racism and the racism that is rampant in their communities.
Wow, I got more response than I was expecting with this one. All I was trying to do was to counter Boggi’s misconception that MRAs had a more “parasitic” existence than male feminists. Now all this hogwash about how you’re entitled to free money and you earn less because of evil villain corporations who have it in for feminists…
Are you still here? That wasn’t really a reaction to you, poor thing. And no, people aren’t entitled to anything, but I would replace welfare with the basic income system that old commie Friedrich Hayek advocated in The Road To Serfdom, if we’re to have a state economy instead of a free market. Which unfree market corporations are a much bigger drain on and distorter of than anybody at the bottom rung.
@factfinder, you do realize that us actual socialists think the bourgeois is the unproductive class right? Probably not, capitalists are allowed to be incredibly lazy in their understandings of other economic theories. Showing that someone is wealthier, to me, in fact suggests that they are far, far more likely to not be productive workers. Who makes the food you eat? The clothes you wear? Who provides physical and other caretaking for members of society? Removes the trash? And, the rich also get to be the luxury class (thereby having free time to sometimes do novel things) by sucking off all that labor, which is often unrenumerated or low paid. It’s wealthy people who are the social leeches.
If you want me to even begin to consider the argument that corporations don’t receive welfare at the highest rates, they need to start paying taxes at similar rates to poor people, paying when they commit torts (fuck limited liability), no eminent domain on their behalf, etc.
And take away the welfare for the rich, don’t allow them to utilize any student loans, government subsidized programs, spaces, grants, contracts, etc.
Pay back all of the stolen land, all of the stolen labor, all of the injuries done.
The rich could barely even begin to make reparations for the systems that put them where they are and the systems that keep them there without being as broke as the rest of us, or worse. It’s easy to say “I got here on my own” if you ignore the billions of dollars, massive social systems, and hundreds of years of brutality that put you in place to take those opportunities.
Really, the standard Marxist definition of the wealthy as parasitic on the wage laborer is probably far too kind, state capitalism requires plenty of completely uncompensated toil and misery to be viable… Reccing David graebers amazing Debt, the first five thousand years to all and sundry, such great illumination on all such topics.
To the other two former military people, I also took the naval flight deck firefighting class when I was stationed at Lemoore Naval Air station.
I ride motorcycles. I’ve done things like 8,000 miles in 19 riding days (SF ->Barstow ->Flagstaff -> Albuquerque -> Oklahoma City -> Memphis -> Oak Ridge -> DC -> New York -> Syracuse -> Ottawa -> Naples -> Ottawa -> Callendar -> Iron Bridge -> Rhinelander -> Minneapolis -> Lincoln -> Laramie -> Wendover -> SF), and I can’t to Motocross.
Then again, I’d like to see these guys hunt a deer, much less a mammoth. Who wants to bet they ruin more meat then they harvest, and then they can’t preserve it?
I’ll even give odds, on most of them.
Anyone want to cover any of that action?
Probert is a little before my time but, having watched a couple of his fights, I can see what you mean! I felt the same way when I used to watch Donald Brashear fight
Shadow: As much as I loved my late 90’s Wings (first Cup in like, 60 years!), the shit Probie pulled made me a little sick to my stomach.
It’s kinda funny and pathetic how when men do better than women in something physical or sport related all the MRAs and generally sexist dudes think it’s some glorious win for Team Man, or that it reflects their own individual abilities. How many of them can successfully put out a fire? how many of them can flawlessly complete a motocross course? I’d wager not many.
Sounds a lot like a good deal of racists. They claim how superior a race of people are so they can feel they’ve achieved something just for existing. Of course, they’re just little parasites who can’t actually earn anything on their own merit.
Of course, they’re just little parasites who can’t actually earn anything on their own merit.
It’s true that racists tend to be most insecure about their status, statistically poverty-level individuals. However, men who reject feminist dogma actually earn quite a bit more. People who earn $8.5k less tend to send less to Uncle Sam, and are also more likely to be on welfare.
Just my two cents.
Yeah! Poor people are societal leeches, amirite?
Hooray! I’m a societal leech! 😉
It’s pretty quiet in the comments, so here’s the story of Magpie’s Excellent Day.
Got new glasses, top and shoes, started the day with a hair cut, so I’m feeling very glamorous. Met a friend for coffee, sat outside because the weather was really nice. Dropped into a shop to look at the pretties, and chatted with the owner for half an hour, drinking turkish coffee. Looked into the mower shop to see if my lawnmower was fixed – they said it was buggered and I should throw it away, but this was good news because I have some money saved up. Had lunch with Dad at the new cafe – one of the posh sort where you can’t pronounce most of the menu, and you’re not sure what you’ll get til it arrives. Very nice light lunch. Went to Bunnings and bought a brand new mower that runs on batteries. It’s quiet, just whirrs. It starts with a button and is very light to push around, and it even dealt with the knee-high grass! I can finish the rest of the long grass tomorrow morning, I won’t have to worry about waking people on a Sunday morning, because it is so quiet. And the cat has a big cardboard box to play in. Everything today has gone great!
Your missives sparkle with such intellect and class that we are shaking in our boots as our rigid ideology fails us. Truly, you have hurt me to the core. Oh, wait, huh, this is a disgustingly unfree market and priveleged people might have certain advantages in it.
Magpies day sounds awesome. My kitty has outgrown his favorite box. It makes him sad. He needs a new one 🙁
Zhinxy, it’s the perfect excuse to go and buy something – Puss needs a bigger box!
I don’t know if I ever made my position on welfare clear, btw, so I will. i think a freed market society wouldn’t have much need of it, and that mutual aid networks would cover what need there was, but if there’s to be a State and we’re to use it for “a safety net” then I want all the current bureaucracy gone and the ridiculous net of programs replaced by a Guaranteed Minimum Income, which I’d ideally want financed through property taxes, but I’m flexible there. Lot less state, plenty of security for “the citizens,” people have bargaining power, it’s cash to be put back into circulation, it eliminates the “need” for a minimum wage, etc. Sadly, the Democrats fell to despicable collapse on the workfare bs, and only the Greens, some socialists, and scattered Geolibertarians are really arguing for it now. I say we go for it. You wanna argue about the libertarian-ness of it, take it up with fucking Hayek.
“Zhinxy, it’s the perfect excuse to go and buy something – Puss needs a bigger box!”
This is true! But my sister gets a lot of packages, so it’s harder to excuse XD
They’ve been talking here about swapping all the different welfare payments for one standard allowance, calculated the same way no matter why you need it. It would make things easier to understand, I reckon.
“They’ve been talking here about swapping all the different welfare payments for one standard allowance, calculated the same way no matter why you need it. It would make things easier to understand, I reckon.”
Let’s hope!
People rarely want to calculate the tax costs of what’s needed to monitor all those lazy poor folk on assistance and MAKE SURE they aren’t “taking advantage of the system” either.( Hint, that is way not free… )
It’s calculated in the budget that Centrelink will “breach” a certain percentage of people/weeks. The Centrelink officers aren’t happy about it, because they have to go looking for reasons to breach people when there is no reason to cut their payment off! For a while the Gov would hand your payment over to a church charity to pay your bills and rent when you were cut off. Strangely enough, the church was the one the treasurer belonged to :[
I remember famous misogynist/cartoonist Dave Sim going through a period of obsessing over women firefighters in the back pages of Cerebus. He honestly believed that hundreds, possibly thousands, of people were dying in fires all the time because of the countless incompetent female firefighters hired under those well-known firefighter quotas.
Then again, maybe it’s like that in Canada. Damned if I know.
As someone who has lived among rich white people and poor white people in the US, my experience is that the notion that poor people are more racist is utter bullshit. I have heard upperclass people in upstate New York say things that only someone who as KKK affiliated would say in Appalachia. Wealthy northern racists tend to only engage in explicit racism when they don’t think there is a person of color in the room, but they share most of the worst beliefs you could find among rural or southern racists. As someone who looks very white, some of the shit people will say to my face when no visible people of color are around among wealthier USians is every bit as horrible as anything you would hear from a Klansmen (and I say that as someone who has actually had runs ins with the latter).
Poor white people have their fair share of racists, and it’s ridiculous to deny it, but when you actually boil it down, wealthy people have just as horrible of views on average (and more power to implement them). It’s quite popular for rich white people to scapegoat the poor, especially the rural poor, so as to not actually have to own up to their own racism and the racism that is rampant in their communities.
Wow, I got more response than I was expecting with this one. All I was trying to do was to counter Boggi’s misconception that MRAs had a more “parasitic” existence than male feminists. Now all this hogwash about how you’re entitled to free money and you earn less because of evil villain corporations who have it in for feminists…
Are you still here? That wasn’t really a reaction to you, poor thing. And no, people aren’t entitled to anything, but I would replace welfare with the basic income system that old commie Friedrich Hayek advocated in The Road To Serfdom, if we’re to have a state economy instead of a free market. Which unfree market corporations are a much bigger drain on and distorter of than anybody at the bottom rung.
DSC- so much yes, nother thing is that rich white people can self segregate and insulate their racism.
So like the North and the South’s racists then?
Are you illiterate?
@factfinder, you do realize that us actual socialists think the bourgeois is the unproductive class right? Probably not, capitalists are allowed to be incredibly lazy in their understandings of other economic theories. Showing that someone is wealthier, to me, in fact suggests that they are far, far more likely to not be productive workers. Who makes the food you eat? The clothes you wear? Who provides physical and other caretaking for members of society? Removes the trash? And, the rich also get to be the luxury class (thereby having free time to sometimes do novel things) by sucking off all that labor, which is often unrenumerated or low paid. It’s wealthy people who are the social leeches.
If you want me to even begin to consider the argument that corporations don’t receive welfare at the highest rates, they need to start paying taxes at similar rates to poor people, paying when they commit torts (fuck limited liability), no eminent domain on their behalf, etc.
And take away the welfare for the rich, don’t allow them to utilize any student loans, government subsidized programs, spaces, grants, contracts, etc.
Pay back all of the stolen land, all of the stolen labor, all of the injuries done.
The rich could barely even begin to make reparations for the systems that put them where they are and the systems that keep them there without being as broke as the rest of us, or worse. It’s easy to say “I got here on my own” if you ignore the billions of dollars, massive social systems, and hundreds of years of brutality that put you in place to take those opportunities.
Really, the standard Marxist definition of the wealthy as parasitic on the wage laborer is probably far too kind, state capitalism requires plenty of completely uncompensated toil and misery to be viable… Reccing David graebers amazing Debt, the first five thousand years to all and sundry, such great illumination on all such topics.