It’s kind of telling that when MRAs see women being hired for anything, there first reaction is to blame it on some sort of quota. Cause a woman couldn’t possibly be hired as a fire fighter on merit, oh no.
I went to fire training school in the military, and I did fine. I handled the same equipment as the guys in that school. Sure, a lot of them were stronger than me. A few of them were weaker. But I learned a lot, and I was considered capable. I guess you could say affirmative action had something to do with it on SOME level, (Really, it was about a small boat and my duties as an E-4, but you know, at some point, somewhere…). So what should have been done? I should have NOT been trained in fighting fires, and an objectively stronger guy should have been selected for it?
I swear, sometimes this logic seems like any competent fire fighting woman NEEDS to be replaced with a bigger, stronger man, obviously. But what about the guys that are already there, and aren’t the biggest and strongest? Aren’t they taking up a slot that could be better filled? All those men need to be replaced by bigger, stronger-er men. So eventually, we’re just selecting the biggest, strongest people in the nation, or, better, breeding superstrong white dude firefighters in secret tanks? All because you NEED to be SURE you have THE BEST PEOPLE fighting the fires!
12 years ago
@ zhinxy
I have a solution! From now on only retired former NFL players may be hired as firefighters. Thus they will be a. large, b. strong, and c. definitely not women.
Why they’d want to do the job after retiring with plenty of money I’m not sure, but this is a minor hurdle that will be easily overcome because MANLY.
12 years ago
Addendum – Former NHL players may also be considered, but only if they were goons.
Goons? Like, Something AWful readers? Is that a lot of NHL players?
12 years ago
Goons – The ones who fight a lot and don’t score many goals, usually distinguishable by their lack of both teeth and technical skill.
(Oh, some hockey fan is going to yell at me for that – how dare you denigrate our goons!)
12 years ago
Also, this is fun for talking about quotas in fire fighting (longish post): source
“Among the 350,000 paid firefighters in the nation today, the 2000 Census reports that women number slightly more than 11,000, or 3.7%. This figure places firefighting in the lowest 11 percent of all occupations in terms of women employees.”
“When fire department leaders are challenged about these numbers, they traditionally respond that women do not want and cannot handle the job, so numbers are to be expected. Are they right?
The proportion of women among the employees in these 184 occupations [that are similar in physical demand] is 17%.”
“A widely-held stereotype is that women are simply not strong enough to meet the job’s physical requirements, and, consequently, that departments employing women must be endangering public safety by lowering physical standards. This assumption misapplies generalizations about the general population of women to the unusually fit group of women who are typical firefighting applicants. Among recruits to the Milwaukee Fire Department, for example, prior to participating in the department’s training, the average female recruit was in the 85th percentile among
women of the same age in physical fitness. Table 2 reports that 35.0% of our women survey respondents were active in gyms or sports before they became firefighters, about double the male rate.”
“[About physical requirement tests in different departments] The remaining 54.2% implement “home grown” tests, many of them developed with little attention to professional techniques for test development and validation. Some tests reject trainees for slowness in sprinting when many departments forbid sprinting as fatiguing and worsening smoke inhalation. Others impose extreme requirements for strength in isolated muscle groups, rather than testing the whole-body strength which firefighting involves. Still others test upper body strength, where men typically out-perform women, without measuring stamina and agility, which are also necessary for and where women often outscore men.”
“Among respondents to our departmental survey, the average pass rate for women on the CPAT [a standardized physical test] was 68.0%, substantially higher than the 49.0% rate in departments using other tests… ”
“A final factor influencing pass rates is the circumstances under which tests are administered. Our interviews produced numerous stories about tests conducted in ways that assist men to succeed and set women up to fail. Examples include timed trials in which women were required to drag wet hoses over wet pavement while men dragged dry hoses over dry pavement; pre-test training in which men were given performance tips and women were not provided the same information; men tested with properly-fitting clothing and equipment while women struggled with ill-fitting gear; and men tested in front of peers who cheer them on while women were tested in silence.”
Pecunium, No, i wasn’t a DC, but I was an Electrician’s Mate in a small Engineering Dept, so I had DC duties. (We mix it up a LOT in the Guard, just because of our low numbers. )
12 years ago
God/Vishnu/Allah/Mr. Joe/Nobody gave us pandas to compensate for zir creating MRAs.
12 years ago
@David I don’t know about that. I once had a dream in which I was in a bad car accident, and the EMTs were all pandas. They did a great job of patching me up and taking me to the hospital. And they let me pet their soft, soft fur. But in another dream, a giant grasshopper was trying to do my laundry, and he did a terrible job and shrunk all my clothes. So I’m going to go with the mammals.
zhinxy: I know all about how cross training works. You were a coastie? I had thought you were a squid, and so I was going to ask where your A school was, had you been a DC Mate, because I spent some time on Naval Station Treasure Island (the nastiest Galley/Mess Hall I have ever be obliged to use. The only thing which could have made the coffee worse was using water from a bilge. As it was I think they use water from the Bay every other day, and just topped off with fresh. Only place I have ever had everything be bad, even the potatoes).
lol. pecunium and zhinxy once again prove that when two us military persons (excluding phs) get together, they begin speaking a language only tangentially related to english 😛
12 years ago
yep, we should stick with nepotism, white dudes always do the best job. President Bush didn’t get anyone killed while he was in office. He didn’t fuck up the Hurricane Katrina rescue effort or just completely ignore it.
yep, white dudes never fail.
Sharculese: Was it that gibbery? Truth be told I don’t know as I can tell anymore, esp. as I speak several dialects of military (Two of Army as well as Navy, Marine, and some Zoomie)
12 years ago
That’s cause goons are talentless hacks that are just lucky that they know how to throw a few blows… unless they’re on your team, in which case they are players with heart that are there to protect your stars and get your team riled up.
Which is why I can look condescending askance at Tie Domi, and have nothing but love for PJ Stock
Hah, that was bad? I only did four years, so I definitely must bow to Pecunium’s militarese, but that all seemed pretty straightforward to me. :p
12 years ago
“affirmative employment policies result in women and other social groups being employed despite their incompetence.”
Sort of like patronage for the rest of us, eh?
In my experience as a training officer the women and minorities rarely failed to qualify because they rarely applied if they were not up to the job. The white males were the ones who most often failed to qualify because they thought being a white male was all it took.
Cloudiah: Compelling evidence. I’ll keep an eye on those grasshoppers.
12 years ago
It’s kinda funny and pathetic how when men do better than women in something physical or sport related all the MRAs and generally sexist dudes think it’s some glorious win for Team Man, or that it reflects their own individual abilities. How many of them can successfully put out a fire? how many of them can flawlessly complete a motocross course? I’d wager not many.
And to even further their unreasonable, biased views…when you point out that statistically that violent, sadistic criminals are men, the majority of rapists are men, that most of the time it’s men who start wars, that Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, etc were men, George W Bush was a man….oh no suddenly it’s all about men as INDIVIDUALS. Suddenly that’s misaaaaandry!
Hey morons? you don’t get to take credit for the great things men have done just because you have a cock. Unless you’ve done something great, you’re just another schlub. And if you’re so keen on believing that you’re represented by the men at the top, if you want to be logically consistent, then you better equally represent yourself by the men at the bottom too…you future Ed Gein you 😉
12 years ago
Shadow: Even die-hard Wings fans gave Probert the side eye when he played for us – he really, really seemed to enjoy kicking the shit out of people, to a point where is was more than a little disturbing.
It’s kind of telling that when MRAs see women being hired for anything, there first reaction is to blame it on some sort of quota. Cause a woman couldn’t possibly be hired as a fire fighter on merit, oh no.
I went to fire training school in the military, and I did fine. I handled the same equipment as the guys in that school. Sure, a lot of them were stronger than me. A few of them were weaker. But I learned a lot, and I was considered capable. I guess you could say affirmative action had something to do with it on SOME level, (Really, it was about a small boat and my duties as an E-4, but you know, at some point, somewhere…). So what should have been done? I should have NOT been trained in fighting fires, and an objectively stronger guy should have been selected for it?
I swear, sometimes this logic seems like any competent fire fighting woman NEEDS to be replaced with a bigger, stronger man, obviously. But what about the guys that are already there, and aren’t the biggest and strongest? Aren’t they taking up a slot that could be better filled? All those men need to be replaced by bigger, stronger-er men. So eventually, we’re just selecting the biggest, strongest people in the nation, or, better, breeding superstrong white dude firefighters in secret tanks? All because you NEED to be SURE you have THE BEST PEOPLE fighting the fires!
@ zhinxy
I have a solution! From now on only retired former NFL players may be hired as firefighters. Thus they will be a. large, b. strong, and c. definitely not women.
Why they’d want to do the job after retiring with plenty of money I’m not sure, but this is a minor hurdle that will be easily overcome because MANLY.
Addendum – Former NHL players may also be considered, but only if they were goons.
Goons? Like, Something AWful readers? Is that a lot of NHL players?
Goons – The ones who fight a lot and don’t score many goals, usually distinguishable by their lack of both teeth and technical skill.
(Oh, some hockey fan is going to yell at me for that – how dare you denigrate our goons!)
Also, this is fun for talking about quotas in fire fighting (longish post): source
“Among the 350,000 paid firefighters in the nation today, the 2000 Census reports that women number slightly more than 11,000, or 3.7%. This figure places firefighting in the lowest 11 percent of all occupations in terms of women employees.”
“When fire department leaders are challenged about these numbers, they traditionally respond that women do not want and cannot handle the job, so numbers are to be expected. Are they right?
The proportion of women among the employees in these 184 occupations [that are similar in physical demand] is 17%.”
“A widely-held stereotype is that women are simply not strong enough to meet the job’s physical requirements, and, consequently, that departments employing women must be endangering public safety by lowering physical standards. This assumption misapplies generalizations about the general population of women to the unusually fit group of women who are typical firefighting applicants. Among recruits to the Milwaukee Fire Department, for example, prior to participating in the department’s training, the average female recruit was in the 85th percentile among
women of the same age in physical fitness. Table 2 reports that 35.0% of our women survey respondents were active in gyms or sports before they became firefighters, about double the male rate.”
“[About physical requirement tests in different departments] The remaining 54.2% implement “home grown” tests, many of them developed with little attention to professional techniques for test development and validation. Some tests reject trainees for slowness in sprinting when many departments forbid sprinting as fatiguing and worsening smoke inhalation. Others impose extreme requirements for strength in isolated muscle groups, rather than testing the whole-body strength which firefighting involves. Still others test upper body strength, where men typically out-perform women, without measuring stamina and agility, which are also necessary for and where women often outscore men.”
“Among respondents to our departmental survey, the average pass rate for women on the CPAT [a standardized physical test] was 68.0%, substantially higher than the 49.0% rate in departments using other tests… ”
“A final factor influencing pass rates is the circumstances under which tests are administered. Our interviews produced numerous stories about tests conducted in ways that assist men to succeed and set women up to fail. Examples include timed trials in which women were required to drag wet hoses over wet pavement while men dragged dry hoses over dry pavement; pre-test training in which men were given performance tips and women were not provided the same information; men tested with properly-fitting clothing and equipment while women struggled with ill-fitting gear; and men tested in front of peers who cheer them on while women were tested in silence.”
zhinxy: Did you do have Firefighting/Damage Control as a rate?
Really, we shouldn’t be hiring mammals to do any kind of important or dangerous jobs as all. I mean, look at this. Mammal incompetence at its worst!
Pecunium, No, i wasn’t a DC, but I was an Electrician’s Mate in a small Engineering Dept, so I had DC duties. (We mix it up a LOT in the Guard, just because of our low numbers. )
God/Vishnu/Allah/Mr. Joe/Nobody gave us pandas to compensate for zir creating MRAs.
@David I don’t know about that. I once had a dream in which I was in a bad car accident, and the EMTs were all pandas. They did a great job of patching me up and taking me to the hospital. And they let me pet their soft, soft fur. But in another dream, a giant grasshopper was trying to do my laundry, and he did a terrible job and shrunk all my clothes. So I’m going to go with the mammals.
zhinxy: I know all about how cross training works. You were a coastie? I had thought you were a squid, and so I was going to ask where your A school was, had you been a DC Mate, because I spent some time on Naval Station Treasure Island (the nastiest Galley/Mess Hall I have ever be obliged to use. The only thing which could have made the coffee worse was using water from a bilge. As it was I think they use water from the Bay every other day, and just topped off with fresh. Only place I have ever had everything be bad, even the potatoes).
Ugh!!!!! Luckily, I avoided that. Yorktown VA is where little puddle jumpers become EM’s and DCs both.
But my fire training WAS on a Navy base, in Newport News. We had the remains of the Forrestal rotting there, which was way apt.
lol. pecunium and zhinxy once again prove that when two us military persons (excluding phs) get together, they begin speaking a language only tangentially related to english 😛
yep, we should stick with nepotism, white dudes always do the best job. President Bush didn’t get anyone killed while he was in office. He didn’t fuck up the Hurricane Katrina rescue effort or just completely ignore it.
yep, white dudes never fail.
Sharculese: Was it that gibbery? Truth be told I don’t know as I can tell anymore, esp. as I speak several dialects of military (Two of Army as well as Navy, Marine, and some Zoomie)
That’s cause goons are talentless hacks that are just lucky that they know how to throw a few blows… unless they’re on your team, in which case they are players with heart that are there to protect your stars and get your team riled up.
Which is why I can look condescending askance at Tie Domi, and have nothing but love for PJ Stock
Valerie, that’s so unfair. President Bush is just one white guy, how can we possibly judge them all by…
I see what you did there.
Hah, that was bad? I only did four years, so I definitely must bow to Pecunium’s militarese, but that all seemed pretty straightforward to me. :p
“affirmative employment policies result in women and other social groups being employed despite their incompetence.”
Sort of like patronage for the rest of us, eh?
In my experience as a training officer the women and minorities rarely failed to qualify because they rarely applied if they were not up to the job. The white males were the ones who most often failed to qualify because they thought being a white male was all it took.
Cloudiah: Compelling evidence. I’ll keep an eye on those grasshoppers.
It’s kinda funny and pathetic how when men do better than women in something physical or sport related all the MRAs and generally sexist dudes think it’s some glorious win for Team Man, or that it reflects their own individual abilities. How many of them can successfully put out a fire? how many of them can flawlessly complete a motocross course? I’d wager not many.
And to even further their unreasonable, biased views…when you point out that statistically that violent, sadistic criminals are men, the majority of rapists are men, that most of the time it’s men who start wars, that Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, etc were men, George W Bush was a man….oh no suddenly it’s all about men as INDIVIDUALS. Suddenly that’s misaaaaandry!
Hey morons? you don’t get to take credit for the great things men have done just because you have a cock. Unless you’ve done something great, you’re just another schlub. And if you’re so keen on believing that you’re represented by the men at the top, if you want to be logically consistent, then you better equally represent yourself by the men at the bottom too…you future Ed Gein you 😉
Shadow: Even die-hard Wings fans gave Probert the side eye when he played for us – he really, really seemed to enjoy kicking the shit out of people, to a point where is was more than a little disturbing.