antifeminism I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA reddit

The Burny Mike Show

All hail mikesteane, brave Reddit warrior and champion of the rights of men!

Found on the Men's Rights subreddit.
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12 years ago

Crumb: I want to see this article, about the “female soldier who was too small/weak”, because I don’t believe it.

I’ve been in that sort of spot, and 1: it doesn’t take being all that large to manage a turret/SAW combination. 2: No one is going to put someone who can’t manage the equipment into that spot.

But a guy vaguely remembers somebody else reading about it on the Internet! So it must have happened!

12 years ago

In Elam’s case, he said that women should serve, but that they should serve in women-only battalions so they don’t slow down and fuck up the men. And he actually used the term “separate but equal”, because it’s not like those words have ever carried any unpleasant historical connotations.

12 years ago

For Buttman:

(Man, when you find yourself writing “For Buttman,” you’ve already lost at life. Sigh.)

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Morgan – If your epilepsy is well controlled and you have a license, legally they can’t discriminate against you.

However, FD hiring tends to be REALLY competitive and full of excuses for them to reject someone for “not being a good fit” or “not having the right spirit” or whateverthehell. So, to be honest, if they know about your epilepsy they probably will find one of those things to use against you. 🙁

Private ambulance companies will hire anyone with an EMT cert and a pulse, but the benefits/pay/respect are low and don’t ever go up much. I don’t know if I would spend 7K just for that.

12 years ago

I would love just a compilation of women failing videos.

I bet you would, Buttman. Anything to take your mind off the fact that -according to you- you can’t get a woman to spend any time with you unless you pay her.


Look at how proud you are.

So sad.

12 years ago

On topic:

My best guy friend is a firefighter. He finds the idea that female firefighters are only hired because of political correctness and quotas fairly absurd. Of course, he’s just someone who works with women in the department on a regular basis and not an expert like the guy with the speculative, second hand in the original post.

12 years ago

With that attitude, I’m surprised Buttman hasn’t posted in the “Making Women Suffer is Ineffective” thread

12 years ago

Lucky us, we have a compendium of Buttman’s written failings, preserved for the ages and added to whenever he posts.

12 years ago

What the hell is this?

It was linked on the side of that reddit page

12 years ago

It looks like a pathetic attempt by MRAs to troll. Is that what that it?

12 years ago


Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

It looks like they were sort of going for a Manboobz “expose the feminists’ real dark side!” thing, but pretty much all their links are to MRAs talking about how much they hate the imaginary feminists in their heads, so, you know, not a lot of meaty content there.

12 years ago

I am a medical malpractice defense attorney. The idea that men never screw up just makes me howl with laughter. In fact, in my experience, it’s exactly the opposite: male doctors are much, much more prone than women to making serious errors that cross the line between a professionally acceptable, if risky and ultimately unsuccessful, judgment call and actual incompetence. Not because there is something inherently wrong with men — but because in a sexist culture, men are often indoctrinated with the belief that they are infallible, and that projecting confidence and dominance is more important than avoiding catastrophic mistakes. In other words, “hide your ‘weakness’ at all costs, even if the cost is someone else’s life.” Prioritizing the welfare of one’s patient above one’s ego? Nah, that’s for chicks, because they shouldn’t have an ego anyway. But it’s women who are the “irresponsible” gender, amirite?

12 years ago

Look at how proud you are.

So sad.

This needs to be made into a poster stat!! I would say MRA marmoset but I reckon it doesn’t quite fit the meme

12 years ago

My brother was a volunteer firefighter in a small town. There were two women there, and amazingly enough (not) the women were well qualified and competent.

This sexist shite happens even in the amazingly heroic area of sign painting! I don’t know what excessively manly traits are required to print out signs or create screen printed graphics, but I was routinely subjected to extraordinary bullshit on the account of my being female. Also, the guy who was training with me…had no clue and couldn’t follow directions. Cost the owner 5000 when he cut out parking signage that were supposed to be in vinyl onto a huge, ten foot span of custom ordered aluminum. Why? Because he didn’t check the program to insure that he was using a vinyl cutting machine.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

This needs to be made into a poster stat!!


Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I’d like to submit these for consideration. First, the story of a male firefighter who f***ed up far worse than any of the female examples given by MRAs ( Thankfully, these firefighters are a minority. Second, this is exactly what MRAs are doing (

And if anyone knows how to embed links, that would be useful. Thanks.

12 years ago

I’ve also seen a lot of this nonsense in restaurants. There is nothing more “womanly” than cooking meals in a family restaurant. But somehow every woman who walks into a kitchen with manly men forgets how to cook the exact same frigging meals she serves her own family at home. What makes it even more laughable is that most of the meals involve canned or dried just add water prepackaged not food. And these guys more often than not can’t cook from scratch. Not even gravy for christs sakes.

All of that being said, I’ve met a couple guys who taught me a lot about cooking and presenting delicious meals. And they don’t get high and mighty about it, because it was their mothers who taught them how to cook in the first place! The one guy used to take jabs at me because I’m white, and we all know how white people like bland food. I learned a lot about simple Afghani meals. And man that guy could cook! Nuts, now I want curried lamb…

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

(the more higher paying male dominated jobs, like “lawyer” and “doctor” don’t require hardly any physical strength).

True Story: the most exercise I ever got as a lawyer was one time I had to go out to a client’s house and crawl underneath it to take pictures. But any able-bodied person and a whole lot of disabled people could have done the same thing.

Other than that, I occasionally lifted boxes of files. Also, I took the stairs in most courthouses. But the stairs weren’t a job requirement; I just wanted exercise and hate elevators.

12 years ago

What is this obsession with consistency? Again and again, across the political spectrum, people call their enemies out on the supposed inconsistency of disagreeing with each other. Don’t you realize your enemies are a big tent if they are even allies?

12 years ago


You are awesome, my little shoemaker’s elf!!

I really need to watch that version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

12 years ago

I like to pretend the other one doesn’t even exist. The Gene Wilder version is the ONLY version.

12 years ago

So this one time I was at work and a guy dropped a thing.


12 years ago

And it’s totally the fault of those incompetent women farmers that they can’t get themselves a guvmint loan, rite?

Amazing how I keep finding evidence without even looking for it that contradict’s NWO’s argument that women run everything, and get all the goodies, and men are denied any support whatsofuckingever.


12 years ago


I may, or may not, have felt a little suicidal after finishing the Depp version. It’s funny, this is the first time I’ve actually matched Gene Wilder’s name to his face even though I’ve watched a shit ton of his movies (I literally wore out my VHS of Blazing Saddles).


It all makes sense when you add a Yakov Smirnoff-esque “In NWO USA” before every rant