$MONEY$ antifeminism armageddon chivalry disgusting women evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy it's science! MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men precious bodily fluids sex the enigma that is ladies the spearhead vaginas

Uteruses Versus Duderuses

Apparently a lot of ladies have these things living in their lady regions.

Today, more insight into the enigma that is ladies. Our topic? The uterus and its discontents. The uterus, for those who  have not heard of it, is a lady organ that ladies who were born ladies have down in their lady regions. It is used for two purposes: making babies, and oppressing men.

Some ladies, you see, like to trick men into giving up their sperm (or to steal it from them without their knowledge). The ladies somehow use this sperm to grow babies in their uteruses — I’m not sure on all the details here — which they then use to extract money  from men. As is well known, it really doesn’t cost anything to raise a child, and the ladies use most of the so-called child-support they get from men to pay for bon bons and Cadillacs.

It gets worse. According to a dude called Joe Zamboni over on The Spearhead, some of these uterus-having ladies are at risk of developing something called Golden Uterus Syndrome, or GUS. First described by Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, Zamboni notes,

Golden Uterus Syndrome (GUS) occurs when a woman thinks she deserves special privileges just because she has given birth to a child. … Supposedly all sorts of things (like a mother not taking a job, and instead staying at home) are for the benefit of the child, when in reality they are simply a cover for the woman manipulating others to get her way. … So many of these mothers just take, take, take — like parasites.

Even worse, Zamboni explains, is that some women deliberately infect themselves with Golden Uterus Syndrome, thus guaranteeing them a life of ease as a stay-at-home or single mother:

[W]omen all over world are blatantly getting pregnant so that they don’t have to work at a job, so that they can be supported by a man. I’m not going to act like I approve of their behavior to ensnare and enslave a man, so that this man is then forced to pay eighteen years of child support at the very least.

GUS is rampant in the United States. And it’s time for an intervention.

Mothers now enjoy many unwarranted preferences, and it’s time to reestablish a new and more equitable balance.

Luckily, Zamboni explains, we can combat many of the evil effects of GUS simply by acting like assholes.

The fact is that other people, be they men or women, owe nothing to mothers. As the recent Italian ocean liner accident (Costa Concordia) dramatically revealed, chivalry is dead. I won’t give my seat on the bus to a mother who’s standing, and I certainly won’t give my sinking-ship lifeboat seat to a mother.

The social contract between men and women is dead, and feminist women are the ones who killed it. Mothers in general don’t do anything for me (although I appreciate my own, God rest her soul).

Men shouldn’t feel guilty for treating mothers badly. Because feminism.

Once upon a time, there may have been good reason to protect mothers, to support mothers, etc. (I don’t know, I wasn’t there). But that is one hundred or more years ago. Today’s American women claim to be the equals of men, if not better than men. At least in this instance, I am pleased to give them what they say they want (equal treatment).

Motherhood is, after all, a choice, and men really shouldn’t be burdened by any of the costs of human reproduction.

The fact is that modern mothers have a choice to have a child or not. When they have a child, it is their own personal burden that they are taking on — it is their decision to have that baby. I had no part in their past baby making decisions (unfortunately even if I was the contributor of DNA material), and I do not now agree to allow them to off-load the baby-related responsibilities and costs onto me. …

This is fundamentally a question of self-responsibility, and women in general seem loath to take on true self-responsibility. A friend of mine calls it “congenital female selfishness,” but I think it is more like an acculturated selfishness, and a “pussy pass” so that they can get out of trouble, so that they don’t need to grow-up. As long as we men keep playing the mangina and white knight roles, as long as we keep giving all sorts of special treatment to mothers, going out of our way to protect mothers, doing all sorts of special favors for mothers, we feed and perpetuate the GUS fantasy.

And really, why should men have to pay just because some lady wants to take up babymaking as a hobby?

The fact is: the world doesn’t need more children. … Women don’t need to have children. They want children. Having children is a preference, and men are supposed to endlessly indulge women in the fulfillment of this wish. It’s time that the women-having-babies conversation was brought into the realm of public conversation, and then dealt with rationally and responsibly.

It’s time that men got a backbone and refused to endlessly indulge women in their desire for, and rearing of children. In large measure, it is the continued willingness of men to indulge this selfish female desire that has led to our overpopulation problem.

Exactly! It has nothing to do with governments and religious institutions campaigning against birth control and abortion, or any of that stuff. It’s female selfishness, plain and simple.

It’s time for all men to say “no” to women that selfishly keep having babies. It’s time for third party men to say “no” to providing support and protection to mothers who have quite clearly rejected any sort of partnership with a man. It’s time for all men to say “no” to the exploitative demands of these GUS-infected self-serving mothers.

Stirring words indeed.

Naturally, Zamboni’s argument found receptive ears over at The Spearhead.

“Great article Joe,” wrote Pendelton.

The living hell a man goes through where the golden uterus lives on his back and shoulders 24/7, also using his children to dump on and chump off him has got to be comparably unbearable.

And it’s always to be remembered that this type of woman, being a natural mercenary and hostage maker, has the legal violence of the law to back up her nastiness.

Why do people put up with these nagging hoyhums ?

Stonelifter added:

woman have the golden everything syndrome. They think you owe them for life if you had sex with you once; sex which they also enjoyed as well as you.

They make you diner once, you owe them for life

Admittedly, if a woman builds you an entire diner, I think you probably do owe her for that.

Durandal worked in a bit of “we hunted the mammoth for you” as well:

Women’s value is defined by what they have. Which is a vagina, uterus, and babymaking capability. Hence the self-entitlement and the probable evolutionary adaptation of selfishness and reliance on emotional solipsism and manipulation.

Men’s value is defined by what they do. Which is build absolutely everything, provide everything and advance civilization through their effort, rationality, intelligence, courage and sacrifice.

When our fiat monetary system falls apart and our economy winds down (and it will, if it hasn’t already), watch as government mandated entitlements for women from education & employment quotas to divorce court payouts go up in smoke and an immediate desire to reinstate productivity and real wealth (brought to you by patriarchy) returns for good.

Orecret also predicted the end of the world as we know it (and he feels fine):

Sometimes I wonder how much of the tension between women and men and the consequent breakdown of the social contract between them are due to overpopulation on the planet.

A greater population is no longer needed. Babies and children thus have a lower social value… as do WOMEN… and the male-female bond generally.

Women have gained more power due to prosperity and technology. They are currently experiencing what to them seems like a moment of glory. Only they are poised for a great fall as the effects of overpopulation on the planet become more acutely felt.

As elbow room becomes significantly impinged, men will find themselves even less inclined to take on any sort of partnership with a woman, especially where children are concerned. This effectively frees up men to use their time as they see fit as they are not to be burdened with the expenses and responsibilities of marriage, etc.

Men will act less and less in the public sphere. Corporations will have a hard time hiring men to jobs that they neither need nor want having been freed from the burden of family. Armies will shrink due to the lack of will the everyman has in protecting a society where the social contract has broken down much to the detriment of men everywhere.

The society will crash around us. Women will find themselves without male partners in an increasingly harsh social and natural environment. Life will become increasingly difficult for them and they will be (evermore) unhappy.

The MEN will be free and feral. Returned once again to a natural state where the majority of them are the happiest.

It seems a collective Wile E. Coyote moment is about to take place on a global scale.

It’s a good thing that THIS roadrunner has already gone ghost.

Each of these comments got dozens of upvotes on The Spearhead. Spearheaders know good sense when they see it!


There is some here.
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12 years ago

So Brandon is now a vet, in addition to working in IT and volunteering at a food pantry (later to be hired part time.

Yeah no lying and exaggerating going on here. (yeah right)

12 years ago

He’s an Ubermensch!

12 years ago

He’s Uberdouche.

12 years ago


I don’t need society to tell me that murder is wrong…I came to my own conclusions that taking anothers life is intrinsically wrong and immoral.

But apparently you do need society to tell you that offering a seat to a disabled or pregnant person is a good thing to do, and that violating the consent of another individual is a bad thing to do even if you justify it to yourself as self-interest.

12 years ago

Actually, I wonder…

You are suffering from a terminal but treatable illness. The problem is that the treatment is $1000 more expensive than you can afford or borrow. However, you do have the ability to kill another person in an untraceable manner to take their $1000 dollars. The person has no family and few friends, so they are unlikely to be missed. Do you kill the person to save your life?

Brandon, I’d be interested in how sturdy your “murder is wrong” morality is when you no longer have to suffer any personal consequences from it as a result.

12 years ago

dammit blockquote… why you fail me now?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Nietszche wasn’t the best dude by any means, but I think he is rotating in his grave like a high-speed turbine to think of being associated with this incompetent.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

@Holly: I am not making a stink about giving up ones seat. I am making a stink at David demonizing someone who doesn’t give up their seat to the groups of people David says he should.

What I’m still not understanding, Brandon, is why do you care?

I mean, you obviously do care whether or not David thinks you’re an asshole for not giving up your seat on the bus to a person David might think you should give your seat up to, or you wouldn’t be commenting repeatedly. But why do you care? Why do you care if one random Internet blogger, or even a whole bunch of random Internet commenters, think you’re an asshole if you don’t try to do a particular decent thing? We’re random strangers on the Internet, dude. We’re not your family, friends, or coworkers. So why does it matter?

Also, FWIW: I’m a disabled woman who has never been pregnant, and I have no problem with pregnancy being considered a temporary disability. I’ve known plenty of pregnant women who had to deal with symptoms similar to what I’ve dealt with every day of my life: borked hip joints, severe nausea, etc. These symptoms suck. I have no problem with anyone, including pregnant persons, getting help for them when they need it.

And, just to blow your mind, Brandon: even with my disabilities, I’ve gotten up and offered my seat to persons who looked like they may need it more than I do. By your logic, I was “more entitled” or at least “equally entitled” to that seat than they were. But I offered it anyway, because I do find it easier to stand than some folks with disabilities do, and because it was a kind thing to do.

12 years ago

Dani, you’re trying to use common sense in dealing with Brandon. We’ve tried, but that doesn’t work, unless you want more stupidity, goal post shifting, and general suckitude.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

@Pillow: There are transportation services for people that are disabled so they do not have to ride conventional transportation (such as the MBTA’s The Ride). They get picked up and dropped off without them standing in the subway or at a bus stop nor are they placed in a position where they would hurt themselves (standing up on a bus). So maybe they should be proactive about their own safety instead of demanding others to take care of it for them.

1. Not all cities have these services. Even if they did, not all disabled people live in cities.

2. Even cities that have these services often leave them under-equipped and under-funded, meaning that standard public transportation is sometimes the more accommodating and efficient option for persons with disabilities. You seem to forget that, even with disabilities, many of us have jobs, kids, volunteer positions, and other responsibilities. (We often go to the doctor, for instance.)

When we can use the easiest option for us, we will damn well do it, even if that means having to ask an asshole like you if we can have his seat and risk him giving us an assholish answer.

3. Demanding that disabled people “be proactive about their own safety” by scheduling rides with “special” transportation services when conventional ones will serve their needs just as well is, essentially, demanding either (a) that disabled people voluntarily separate themselves from society as a whole, (b) that disabled people take on a “second shift” of managing their disabilities*, or both.

Coming from someone who felt the need to concern troll about disabled people’s feelings, this is especially disgusting. Do not insist you know what “offends” me, then turn around and insist I do extra work seeking services that may not even exist, just so your smug ass never has to risk being thought assholish for not standing up to offer me a bus seat. When you do that, you really are an asshole.

*in the real world, most disabled folks do this anyway, but we’d like to keep the to-do list as short as possible

12 years ago

@Hellkell: True, but Brandon has been at the top of his form today–I’m not sure he could dig it any deeper or pile it any higher!

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Dani, you’re trying to use common sense in dealing with Brandon. We’ve tried, but that doesn’t work, unless you want more stupidity, goal post shifting, and general suckitude.

@hellkell: Yeah, I’ve seen so many goalposts shift in reading this thread that I want to set it to dance music.

Definitely time for me to go read a nice book or look at kitten pictures or something. 🙂

12 years ago

So yesterday, on the ride home from work, a pregnant woman walked up the steps of the bus. My head snapped up; I swear to God, nothing disgusts me more than preggos and their gross bodies, their little womb turds that attract so much attention for merely existing. Now, that’s all well and good, but unfortunately, through some strange coincidence they almost always seem to dislike me in turn. They dislike me and want to punish me every chance they get. And so when our eyes met, I knew in that instant that this fucking uggo wanted my seat. She didn’t say it, she didn’t even make any sort of gesture- it’s distinctly possible that she herself wasn’t consciously aware of it. But I intuitively understand people; you see, I have good social skills. And I knew that subconsciously or not, I was the one she expected to stand up, the one she expected to sacrifice his own well-earned rest so she could shlorp down and fill my seathole will her gross liquidy mass.

Fuck. That.

Eyes boring into her fat flabby backside, I began to grind my ass into the hard plastic seat, pushing my back into the whiteboard, spine scrunching like a slinky as I endeavored to make myself one with the bus, nothing but a molded extension of the steel and wood and plastic. Immovable. The guy to my right looked at me strangely, but I didn’t give him a second thought; eyes still fixed on this would-be interloper, I was blind to all else. And now she was turning around, the last quarter clinking faintly in the slot, moving her bloated form down the aisle, bowed slightly under the weight of her bulbous dangling womb turd. Constipation, that’s all it is. Nine-month constipation, presented as a miracle of God. What a fucking joke.

She passed my seat, her eyes rested on me for just a second, and she gave a small smile. Now, it might not seem like much, but I know what that look means; I know all about the poison dart hidden in the vanilla frosting cupcake. I knew what she wanted- what they always want. And so with a righteous smirk on my face, I jerked my head to the left, to the back of the bus. Keep walkin’, preggo.

And as she moved away, eyes downcast, my chest began to swell in pride, and like a phoenix from the flames, I rose out of the steel and plastic of the bus to become a full and independent entity once more. And I felt a stirring in my loins; my cock rising in psychosexual triumph, zero to sixty, straining tightly again my skinny jeans, thick and meaty and solid. I glanced at the pregnant woman, standing not eight feet away and looking just a bit tired, and my rock-hard dick throbbed almost painfully.

And alone in my apartment, lying tangled and sweaty in the bedsheets, I masturbated angrily, thinking about that pregnant woman, thinking of the inconvenience I caused her, thinking of her now, wherever she was, a bit more tired than she needed to be.

12 years ago

We’re random strangers on the Internet, dude. We’re not your family, friends, or coworkers.

Of course his family, friends, and coworkers hate him, too. (I know his family does; not sure about the others.)

12 years ago

Would it be safe to assume that nitwit’s volunteer work is court ordered?

Also too, he’s perfectly happy to benefit from the social contract.

12 years ago

Today I was coming home (on the subway). I had a package. Two people made efforts to see to it I had a place to sit.

I also passed it a bit forward, in that a pair of people boarded the train, and I moved over so they’d have room to sit together.

That’s actually more common than not in my experience of New York City.

And oh yeah, as a disabled person (one who suffers the extra joy of having an invisible disability, so that I’ve had people call me a fraud, to my face, when they’ve seen me getting some small preferment for it), I’m not at all offended by saying someone who is pregnant is disabled. It’s transitory (usually), but it’s a disability.

They aren’t crippled, but they are less able than they were to do things. The inhibitions make things harder, and more dangerous to themselves. That’s a disability; you might want to look it up, it’s not that far from demonise in the dictionary.

@ithiliana: Like I give a shit about what the US government classifies. The difference is that most women choose (and want) to be or become pregnant. Nobody chooses to have their leg broken.

That’s not what most insurers say if one engages in things like rock-climbing, or horseback riding. My last LTR had to lie to Kaiser for a few years, because we owned horses. Owning horses (as well as riding them) meant there was a large category of injuries which weren’t covered; they were, “assumed risks”, i.e. one assumed them by owning horses, and being kicked wasn’t covered.

So we didn’t tell her insurer that we owned horses.

@Pillow: There are transportation services for people that are disabled so they do not have to ride conventional transportation (such as the MBTA’s The Ride). They get picked up and dropped off without them standing in the subway or at a bus stop nor are they placed in a position where they would hurt themselves (standing up on a bus). So maybe they should be proactive about their own safety instead of demanding others to take care of it for them.

Ever used one of those? When I had a broken leg I looked into it. From application to approval, not less than four weeks. Rides had to be scheduled 48 hours in advance. The rest of the time, I got to use the bus; and pay the reduced rate for being disabled. Getting that took two-weeks, and I had to use crutches for about two-miles of getting to/from bus stops to get to the office.

Happily the drivers were willing to give me the reduced fare, absent the card (but it wasn’t something I could use on the Train, or the BART… 270 fine to get a disabled ticket without the right ID, cast and crutches, or no cast and crutches).

Keep fucking the chickens.

@Dracula: Only in a feminist world does being treated the same as everyone else equate to contempt.

Only in selfish asshole land (Fuck you Jack, I got mine), does treating disabled people with contempt not deserve opprobrium.

What I find funny is that the commenters here are all about using the “nice and polite” card. But they never see all the times where men have been shouted at by being “nice and polite”.

That’s because I’ve never seen it. Decades of using public transit. I’ve offered my seat lots of times. The most I’ve ever gotten was people saying, “No, thank you”. Never had anyone tell me to, “Fuck off you sexist pig!” when I held a door, either. I’ve spent a lot of time, in a lot of cities, doing surveillance training. I’ve seen lots of people hold lots of doors (it’s a pretty good surveillance detection technique), and in hundreds of hours of watching, attentively, and thousands of door holdings, I’ve never seen it.

Given that I was looking for atypical behaviors, I’d have noticed. So if you’ve had it happening to you, “a lot”, I’d wager it’s not about the door-holding.

How are the truffles in those duxelles?

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Wow, just wow. I think at this point it would be nice to have a recap of Brandon’s points so far.

According to Brandon:

1. Pregnancy can not be considered a temporary disability, even for women with complications like preeclampsia or modified bedrest to prevent premature labor.

2. It is wrong for people to judge others as assholes when they act like assholes. If they do, they will become bitter.

3. It is okay for toddlers and preschoolers to get jostled and injured in the aisles of a crowded bus as long as they don’t disturb an asshole. He waited an hour at a bus stop for his seat so HE EARNED IT FAIR AND SQUARE.

4. Small children are the same as duffle bags and briefcases. That’s why it’s so easy to make them wait hours at bus stops. (I bet eighteen bajillion trillion dollars Brandon has never taken care of small children or taken them on errands.)

5. Pregnant women get themselves pregnant and choose to stay pregnant. In other words, if a pregnant woman wants to use public transportation, she should have an abortion. No matter how much she wants to be a mother, this is a better option than bothering someone who is listening to an Ipod on a bus.

6. It is easy to make the choice to have an abortion, even for minors who have pro life parents and know they’ll get kicked out of home for having an abortion or someone who has a limited budget and lives far from any abortion clinics.

12 years ago

That’s because I’ve never seen it. Decades of using public transit. I’ve offered my seat lots of times. The most I’ve ever gotten was people saying, “No, thank you”. Never had anyone tell me to, “Fuck off you sexist pig!” when I held a door, either. I’ve spent a lot of time, in a lot of cities, doing surveillance training. I’ve seen lots of people hold lots of doors (it’s a pretty good surveillance detection technique), and in hundreds of hours of watching, attentively, and thousands of door holdings, I’ve never seen it.

Same here, and I’ve held doors open God knows how many times, and given up my seat to people who needed it more than me on countless occasions – being a decent human being, it’s my default mode.

But the only time in my life that I’ve ever been shouted at for doing something helpful in public was when I pointed out to the person in front of me in the post office queue that a counter was free, as she hadn’t moved several seconds after it opened. And going from the way she not only erupted at me then but also carried on yelling at me after she’d been served, I don’t think she was entirely right in the head – in other words, a statistical outlier.

12 years ago

Brandon sounds enough like a vet that I believe him. I can, however see good reasons he wouldn’t have stayed in the Army. “Me first” isn’t a useful worldview for a soldier, and those who have it tend to have stagnant (and less enjoyable) careers.

As to morals, everyone comes to reasons for them. I happen to not share, as strongly, the disdain of killing that society does. For other reasons (having to do with intrinsic human worth), I think murder is generally wrong, but I don’t see killing, per se, as something horrid, nor all that personally repugnant.

I do have to say my sentiments on the subject changed after being in Iraq. The idea of killing someone is less problematic, and the willingness to do it is ameliorated, even as the act is psychologically easier.

It’s complicated, unlike Brandon.

12 years ago

Wow, cooperation way back when might well have had EVOLUTIONARY ADVANTAGES!

Read it and weep, Brandon!

12 years ago

Brandon doesn’t follow any ethical theory other than perhaps “what serves Brandon is good, everything else is bad”. It’s not even a well developed egoism, because he doesn’t think others have the right to be that self serving at his expense.

12 years ago

@Darksidecat: It’s also not an egotism that he apparently feels good enough about to not give a fuck what random strangers might think about him! A pretty limp and flimsy egotism that I’d bet he never really lays out for anybody face to face!

12 years ago

“If you like, we can place feminist stickers on active feminists so I can mock them when they take public transportation. If you do that…I will give my seat up to anyone who asks. Even rich white dudes.”

You realize that all your dissembling about equality is wasted when you post stuff like this, right? Like I said before, if you were any more transparent we could use you as a window on the very bus that you want to make your last stand for I AM NOT REQUIRED TO BE POLITE OR NICE TO WOMEN, RESPECT ME BITCHES on.

12 years ago

“@Ithiliana: And just think…when I was younger, I was the “good guy”. Assholes aren’t born…they are made.”

Those women who weren’t grateful when I opened the door for them turned me into the sociopath that I am today! Also feminists, by existing and not wearing labels!

Anyone here who doesn’t think that Brandon is a snivelling, petulant, pathetic excuse for a human being?

@ Dani

I’m an able-bodied person, so a different set of circumstances, but I’m also nearly 40 and usually in very high heels. Despite this, I’ve given my seat to a much younger woman (maybe late teens?) who was stumbling all over the place because she was also in heels, and apparently not very good at balancing in them. Since I have excellent balance (former gymnast), I gave her my seat, since even though one of us was going to end up with sore feet either way, at least if I was the one standing I was less likely to fall and give myself a concussion than she was. I’ve also offered my seat to men before when they’ve obviously just come from a physical job and they looked far more tired than cubicle-dweller me. It’s like not only does the social contract exist, most people kind of see it as the bare minimum that you can do and are quite happy to go above and beyond it since they don’t despise their fellow human beings!

Oddly enough, I’m pretty sure that having a more positive outlook on others, and therefore not refusing to give them your seat because fuck society why should you, leads to less bitterness and a happier life than whatever Brandon’s unfortunate life philosophy is. I am selfish, hear me complain?

12 years ago

Pillow: As a disabled vet, I have no problem with your analogy. I chose to join the Army. I chose to re-enlist. I chose to be in a job with a high likelihood of deployment in the event of a war.

A war happened. As a result I am disabled.

The drunk driver chose to drink. Chose to not take a cab, or get a ride from someone else.

As a result they had a wreck.

Same logical premises. Reasonable analogy.

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