creepy dawgies hypocrisy oppressed men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit shaming tactics

Can Reddit handle the truth?

Shaming: Does not always work with dogs.

So the other day I got an interesting comment from a new fan. And by “fan,” I mean someone who hates my guts. “Casper” makes what he evidently thinks is a devastating indictment of my main modus operandi – that is, quoting misogynist dunderheads, and mocking them.

Clever. You encourage hatred towards men while using their own language to shame them. …

You’re just a hate-mongerer albeit an intelligent and creative one. Hitler would have just loved you

That’s right. I “encourage hatred towards men” by reporting what some dudes actually post on the internet, usually under a fake name that can’t be traced back to them. Pointing out when someone says something shitty evidently makes me as bad as Hitler.  (I should note that I mock specific men, not men in general, and that I also mock specific women with similar opinions.)

Casper also complains that “[e]ven the name of your site is an effort to shame men.” Again, I should point out that the dumb punny title of this blog isn’t directed at all men, merely those who act like misogynist boobs (or, if you prefer, boobz). “Boob” is pretty much the mildest insult I can think of, not to mention one that is a bit archaic; it’s a bit like calling someone a ruffian or a jackanape. Frankly, it’s far too nice a name for many of the people I write about here.

Of course, Casper isn’t the only one who feels that pointing out the offensive crap that people say is somehow equivalent of starting a death camp in your backyard. Take the many critics of ShitRedditSays.

For those who aren’t familiar with the ways of Reddit, ShitRedditSays (or SRS) is a user-created forum (subreddit) on Reddit devoted to pointing out some of the worst, most bigoted and awful crap posted on Reddit that nonetheless gets upvotes and acclaim from Reddit regulars.

The SRS modus operandi may seem a bit familiar to anyone who reads Man Boobz: SRSers find highly upvoted crap on Reddit and post it to their subreddit, where others react with horror and/or laugh about how hilariously awful it is. They don’t send out “downvote brigades” to downvote the crap they link to; they don’t try to track the bigots down in the real world and harass them. No, SRSers post what they find, and they mock.

On a couple of occasions, they’ve gone further. When they discovered that actual child porn was being circulated in Reddit’s “Jailbait” subreddit, a hangout for ephebophile creepers to creep on pictures of underage girls, SRSers spread the word beyond Reddit, and the resulting media attention led to Reddit finally deleting that subreddit.

Problem solved? Not exactly; the creepers merely moved on to any number of other subreddits devoted to the sexualization of underage girls. And so SRS struck again, alerting the media to the fact that Reddit still hosted a forum even creepier than r/jailbait – that is, r/preteen_girls, devoted to sexualized pictures of girls under the age of 13. This time, the Reddit admins moved more quickly, and banned all the subreddits that, in their words, “focus on sexualization of children.”

And apparently the Reddit admins are still pissed off about it. Recently, someone on Reddit leaked the log of a private chat between a Reddit moderator and one of the site’s administrators (that is, someone who actually works at Reddit). (See here and here for more details.)

The admin, known as hueypriest, described SRS’s attempts to get child porn and other material sexualizing children off of Reddit as “kind of like a forrest [sic]  fire,” and grumbled about SRSers and other opponents of child porn sending “frivolous tips” to the FBI:

the fbi is not interested in following up leads of 17 year olds who’s boyfriends post shit on the internet

And evidently neither was Reddit, until SRSers and others revealed what was going on in its sleaziest subreddits to the world.

Again, all SRS did was to point out what was there.

Ever since Reddit’s belated shutdown of what hueypriest euphemistically described as the “questionable” subreddits, there’s a lot of talk on Reddit about how SRS needs to be shut down.

A couple of comments in the SubredditDrama subreddit pretty much sum up the frustrations a lot of us feel towards Reddit’s admins and many of the site’s users. 1338h4x writes:

Subreddits sexualizing kids? Let that slide for 5 years until the public pressure and bad PR is finally too much. Subreddit calling out sexism, bigotry, etc? SHUT IT DOWN RIGHT NOW!

This would just be the ultimate validation of SRS’s message. I dare them to do it.

Matriarchy adds:

Making reddit look bad = the worst thing. Perhaps they should stay on the ball and actually get rid off the terrible shit in advance … you know, that way they don’t look bad by having a policy that tacitly allows child pornography to remain on the website for extended periods of time.

You would think this is a no-brainer. Apparently this is not the case~


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12 years ago

Superflous clotpoles! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elder berries!

12 years ago

Cease your foul speech! Cads and bounders!

12 years ago

David, how dare you make people look bad by pointing out how stupid they sound!

Next thing you know, they’ll add this feature to MRA sites. (One lives in hope…)

12 years ago

It’s not okay to make someone feel bad for something that isn’t bad.

Thirding (n-ing?) this. Though I’d amend “being misogynist” to “doing/saying misogynistic things” – I try to make distinctions between what people are (which they mostly can’t help) and their actions (which they damn well can).

12 years ago

Dee, I think you can totally help being a misogynist. It’s not like brown eyes or height.

Ben Walsh
12 years ago

Laying all of this at the door of “Reddit” is almost like blaming “The Internet”. Reddit is a huge site with an awful lot of users, among whom there are a good few douchenozzles and rapscallions, yes, but it’s a vast open forum. This stuff isn’t representative at all; the most popular stuff on Reddit is amusing pictures of cats. Yes, it provides the ability for random users to create and maintain themed sections for some pretty awful stuff, but, again, so does the Internet. Or, say, WordPress. They are fundamentally neutral tools/platforms that can be used for just all sorts of purposes.

12 years ago

Hellkell – I agree! And therefore I think it should be cast as something you do rather than something you are. I mean, you can tell people are misogynists because of actions, not because of anything inherent to them.

12 years ago

Founts of putrescence, worth no more then the midnight soil they hath spawned from!

12 years ago

I like the one on the right!

I also love the word “cattery.”

12 years ago

Prancing coxcomb! Base, craven cur!

12 years ago

True (and gross) story: a dog once ate his own poop, without me noticing, and then came up to lick me and got doggy poo on my face. Good times, good times.

12 years ago

Of course manosphere dudes hate David and make up lies about him, because he exposes them for the bigoted freaks they are, thus showing the world what bigoted freaks they are. Have another example from a regular at the “moderate” MRA site AVfM:

The funny thing is that ‘Patriarchy’ is exactly what the response is going to be when the shit hits the fan. The only way to stop this cycle from repeating itself is to make it LAW that no woman can vote. That will fix the problem in the short-mid term. To fix it for the long term, we simply make it a requirement to execute anyone who tries to stir up support for changing it back.

Men prefer to be lead by Men.
women prefer to be lead by Men.
When Men lead, life gets better for everyone.
When women lead, life gets better for some women, in the short term, at the expense of everyone in the long term.

Can anyone give me a good reason for giving women ANY form of leadership? At all?

Kill those who oppose your views! strip one half of the population of their right to vote and have a say in how society is run! that’s totally the voice of someone rational and moderate.


12 years ago

If they shut-down /r/srs, that would be AWESOME!!! Just like they ban everybody they disagree with, reddit can ban them…the irony would be delicious.

12 years ago

Pointing out shitty things reddit users say…posting child porn…crimes of the same level, apparently.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@Ben Walsh- The difference is that reddit has a staff. As an organization with staff, there are people around to make sure that the organization is not hosting illegal shit, like child pornography. Because of that, there is a standard that we can hold reddit to, and we should, so thanks /srs!

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago


How now, wool-sack, what mutter you?

12 years ago

Oh hai Mags!

If “everybody they disagree with” = “people who have no problem with with child porn,” I don’t really care what they think. 😀

12 years ago

I have no idea how my randomly generated gravatar turned into — what is that, someone gift wrapping a cat? — but I’m pretty okay with it I guess.

12 years ago

David, I haven’t been following the jailbait situation. As I understood it, jailbait was showing pictures of young women, but they were legally women. If that is the case, then I don’t think it should have been shut down. If there was child porn, then yes, it should be shut down. SRS purposefully antagonizes people for holding opinions that have nothing to do with porn, or whatever. If you antagonize people, they tend to backlash. I think it’s funny that they are complaining about the backlash when they created the circumstances that made it possible. I could give a rats ass about SRS, one way or the other. Although their posts are interesting, the comments aren’t even clever or otherwise interesting.

12 years ago

Isn’t that what people always say about websites, that the owners only ban people who disagree with them?

And isn’t it outright false in the vast majority of cases? The people who make this accusation are usually the ones who were banned or trolls…