
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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12 years ago

Misogynists Revealed As Lemmings

12 years ago

Most Righteous Ami Loquacious

I have no idea when the MRAL acronym thing started, but I like it.

12 years ago

me too! 🙂

12 years ago


The problem with leaving a gap, as it was explained to me, is that over time if there’s a gap the remaining teeth will shift into that space, which messes up your whole jaw. Of the two teeth affected in my case, neither of them are visible when I smile. The one on the bottom shouldn’t be so hard in terms of the implant, but on the top you’re getting really close to the sinuses, which also worries me, plus they may have to do a bone graft, which again bothers me.

And yeah, cost is horrifying.

12 years ago

My Right Arm’s Limp.

…I am not as good at this as Ami.

12 years ago

Moewicus, Relax, Anything is Lovely!

12 years ago

@Eurosabra: Because women are never short, disabled, or “ethnic” (whatever the fuck that means)?


You sure you aren’t another MRAL sock?

12 years ago


Being told to not manipulate women into sex? MISANDRY!!!


most of the men I know are either my slightly taller than me, the same height as me or slightly shorter. Short or just average height men often complain that they are disadvantaged because women won’t date short men, but as someone who is a taller woman and based on my observations, most men seem to prefer short women. Probably because they feel dominant and short girls are “fun to toss around”. Yes that was a description I’ve read numerous times from men on why they like short women. They vilify women as shallow for wanting to date tall men, but how many of them feel comfortable dating a taller woman than them?

and for the record, I don’t care if a guy is taller than me. Most of the guys I’ve liked have been my height. One was slightly shorter, and another was a bit taller. None of them wanted anything to do with me so NiceGuysTM? shut the fuck up. You aren’t worthy of pity but of scorn because you are, in reality, not so nice. You’re entitled douchebags.

12 years ago

i do like a tall man…but i do like a short man too…both have provided me with moments of toe curling lust and joy. i guess i just kinda like who i like without getting out the height chart.

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

“It’s a pity I have to do it, though, but if women insist on only dating men who are 5’10″ and up, who are they going to believe, me or their lying eyes?”

Yeah yeah yeah, from one of the millions of women dating short guys, your height is the least of your worries.

I actually like my boyfriend being short… I used to be really attracted to tall men, but it’s so much more comfy to be with someone my own height. No long legs taking up all the space in the car, awkward kissing on tiptoes and so on!

12 years ago

Cassandra, I just had a dental implant put in about a month ago. I opted for twilight sleep, so I have no memory of it, but after it hurt less than a root canal, even though I looked like Marlon Brando in The Godfather for two days afterwards. Make sure you follow all the after care and use that horrid rinse they give you.

My teeth are crap, so I’m looking at a couple more of these, yay! If you want more info or moral support, either PM me on the forum or add after my user name here.

12 years ago

@ Eurosabra

I think you’re a fantasist. And whilst you were interesting (if dispicible) to read, you lost it with the inane disposability gibberish.

Off you to go The Spearhead and list off reasons why you’re oppressed 🙂

12 years ago

>>I had to approach 300-1000 women a year

Yeah, that’s realistic…

1000 clocks in at a bit less than 3 women a day, or 20 in a weekend if you’re not approaching out of the bar scene, so let’s assume you go out every freakin’ Friday and Saturday that’s 10 a night.

Either is pathetic. It demonstrates a complete lack of standards on your part and a ‘I’ll fuck anything that moves’ mindset, which people can smell miles away. Trying to be everything to everyone on the off chance that you’ll score interest from a woman by having a personality so bland that it targets every woman in the world is ridiculous. Despite the fact I hate ‘meat market’ analogies,the best strategy is definitely niche dating: *drastically* limit your options only to people that are sharing interests with you or have interests that are complementary or related (that’s better actually, because dating a clone is boring). For instance, in my case, I tend to be interested in women with radical left politics, or who listen to hard music and dress unconventionally (punk, goth, metal, what have you), or geeky women. That’s because *I actually share a scene with them*, which means I actually have a shot at holding their interest.

“Be everything to everyone” is why pop music sucks.

12 years ago

Yeah…reading more PUA forums. So women only want men who possess the dark triad of psychological traits. Nice. Because dating men who are high in psychopathy is just awesome!

Gee, no wonder these guys are going out of their way to be such assholes, and clearly it works because so many of these guys don’t get dates. And so many former PUAs have joined the I hate PUA forums when they realize just how twisted up their world views have become.

Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
12 years ago

I’m 5’8″ and dating a man who is 5’6″ , OMG the horror!!!

Plus I am thirty eight and find men from 20yos to 60yos wanting to date me. PUAs minds blown ?

12 years ago

But you know what they say: It’s better to have loved a short man than never to have loved a tall.

Truth. At 5’4″, my husband is way shorter than me. Does that make me a unicorn?

Molly Ren
12 years ago

According to Baumeister and Tice, historically speaking, 60% of men who ever lived have left no progeny. Thus, omega status is more likely than not.

Even if this was true, why is it so darn important to have children? WHY? I am asking this as someone who actually owns reproductive organs, but has no plans to use them.

12 years ago

Because the human race will die out, Molly! Or something. Lord knows that’s one of the many things I’ve heard as someone who is also not using her ladyparts for reproduction.

12 years ago

Because it proves you got laid, which is the only measure of your worth as a human being.

Would like to know how they got these numbers…I have a feeling that they totally ignored infant and early childhood mortality rates. Not to mention the effects of both war and slavery.

12 years ago

The world’s population is worryingly low at present, that’s true.

12 years ago

The worlds population is only worryingly low if you’re WHITE, amiright guys?/ end snark.

12 years ago

Oh Eurosabra… I suddenly feel amazingly Alpha.

That or you are talking bollocks. Maybe I just hang out with, “oversexed” people, but no one I know has ever had to work that hard at getting laid; if they had the least amount of social skills (and I do mean least… bathing and not using the water glass as a finger bowl levels of social skills).

When men treat women as people, with agency and interests and all the stuff that goes with being more than a warm hole attached to a conniving bitch, they do pretty well.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

According to Baumeister and Tice, historically speaking, 60% of men who ever lived have left no progeny.

Fun fact: Mitochondrial DNA is passed down predominantly by women. It was also the factor they used to make this claim. I know you MRAs are as utterly incompetent at science as you are at history, the law, statistics, and the like, but can you not let your ignorance flags fly so high?

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Eurosabra is not MRAL; he was trolling my blog years ago, before trolling my blog was even cool.

However, he’s still a self-involved asshole who thinks that women are attracted to massive self-pity and to methodical “approaches” of everyone in the bar. He also has (or recently had) this thing where he will only “approach” pretty young things in Sunset Strip nightclubs, even though that’s about the most competitive and shallow meat market on Earth, never mind if you’re not conventionally attractive and if you no doubt have a powerful local reputation as that guy.

Even if you can make an argument that you need partnered sex (and you really can’t), I don’t know where the fuck he gets off thinking he needs to only seek that partnered sex in the kind of nightclubs that I’m surprised even let him in.

There is a guy I know who reminds me of Eurosabra. I sorta feel bad for this guy, because I know he’s lacking in social skills, but his coping mechanism leaves something to desired. He comes to the local kink meetups with a box of chocolates and methodically goes up to each young woman and offers them a chocolate. Every young woman and only young women; if he sees a man and a woman sitting together obviously deep in conversation he will offer the woman a chocolate. No one takes his chocolate any more.

I used to take his chocolate, but then he sent me an email inviting me to his birthday party. I said okay. And then he sent a second email saying that he expected everyone who came to his birthday party to have sexual contact with him (“I’d prefer intercourse but at least digital stimulation to orgasm”) so I should prepare myself for that and let him know if I had any diseases.

I didn’t go to his birthday party after that. And I stopped taking his chocolate. And it occurs to me that he can legitimately say “I approached 500 women and didn’t get laid once,” but dude, women’s cruelty and fickleness is not the main problem here.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

The “60% of men have no progeny” thing, if true, only means that 60% of family lines died out between whatever point in history and now. It doesn’t literally mean 60% of men die as virgins.

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