
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

I get really super disoriented in the morning sometimes, to the point where I look at the numbers on my alarm clock and have no idea what they mean. I hear a loud annoying sound, and pressing buttons on the strange device seems to make it stop, but then the numbers start changing (me setting the alarm time). I make the numbers go bigger a little bit, for some reason I can’t quite remember, then fall asleep again never quite understanding what I’ve done.

13 years ago

Ever wake up convinced you are facing East, even though you know perfectly well your bed faces South?

13 years ago

“There is such a thing as being allowed to be charming, and show oneself in the most favorable light.”

This may be the best euphemism for lying I’ve ever seen. No, I’m not lying on my resume when I make up a job title that I never actually held, I’m just showing myself in the most favorable light.

13 years ago

I don’t actually lie, as in tell an untruth. Most of the time, it never becomes an issue, and other times other activities (ahem) take precedence. One is allowed to be charming, and present oneself in the most favorable light.

13 years ago

That’s nice, dear. Don’t you have some random girl to gaslight? Oh, sorry, I mean be charming to.

13 years ago

Is “gaslight” really the proper verb to use? I thought it was the act of whipping people up into a frenzy using extreme statements to cause chaos…

Is that sex now?

13 years ago

Well, that’s how Eurosabra described the way he interacts with women. Charming, no?

13 years ago

No one I’ve actually been in a relationship with has ever complained. Nor has anyone else. Men are disposable and interchangeable enough that no one remembers anything that man said, you know, the midget who left with that laughing girl, I don’t know, she seemed to be into him, does anybody know him? Nobody knows and nobody cares. I am simultaneously totally visible and totally invisible. And I try to be decent, but I don’t volunteer the peculiarities of my existence, particularly when I lack common attributes of IN-De-pendence and Masculinity as they are arbitrarily defined in our culture and by women’s minimum “standards.”

13 years ago


Greeaaattt…. Though isn’t that very similar to the PUA mentality of negging women until their sense of self-worth collapses and they become convinced that that random sex is the best they deserve?

In other news… new gravatar! I think this will be a very worthy protest.

13 years ago

Creepy asshole is creepy! And also rather pathetic.

Ingrid Bergman is always amazing.

13 years ago

Kirby, every time I see your gravatar I think it’s the old Kool-Aid mascot, and then I wonder why it’s holding a sign that’s not an invitation to consume overly sugary flavored water.

13 years ago


Oh YEAH!!!

13 years ago

I love “Gaslight.” Angela Lansbury is a saucy young tart!

13 years ago


13 years ago

It’s more of a shorthand for the amount of work one has to do assuming competent Game (approach, 15minute conversation, 1 hour coffee meet, 7 hours dating) per lay. An Alpha will get 4 out of 5 women initially interested and close the deal with 1 in 2, a beta with game will get 1 in 50 to 1 in 100, varying degrees of beta have the average man’s 1 in 500 for a total of 3-6 lifetime partners, some men can only get a single date by asking out 100 women and will take 3 months to a year (even playing “cute girl of the day” game) to do that and only 1 in 1000 will actually sleep with them. According to Baumeister and Tice, historically speaking, 60% of men who ever lived have left no progeny. Thus, omega status is more likely than not.

I first started dating people nearly thirty years ago, and I never once made calculations like that. Or ever felt the need to. In fact, it would never have occurred to me.

I’ve seen plenty of posts that reduce women to the status of objects, but this doesn’t even do that – they’re just abstract, meaningless numbers.

13 years ago


I’m married to a fat chick with red hair.

Best decision I ever made.

13 years ago

@Eurosabra, it sounds like you got dealt an unlucky hand for dating. It’s not like nobody is going to want to date or have sex with you, but I can see how it might be harder for you than a more conventionally-attractive man.

However, women being people and all, their right to not be manipulated into sex is more important your desire to have sex with them. You don’t “need” to gaslight women, because you can’t have sex any other way. For one thing, you probably can have sex without altering a woman’s sense of reality, but even if you absolutely couldn’t, you still wouldn’t “need” to, because no one has a right to partnered sex.

You say you’ve had good, consensual times with women, but if you’re using the term “light gaslighting” appropriately, it is not informed consent on the woman’s part. That distinction is what makes it unethical.

You also said this:

Men are disposable and interchangeable enough that no one remembers anything that man said, you know,

What? No, I don’t know. I had 3 conversations with men today, and I remember them all pretty well. If they’d been strangers I wouldn’t remember the conversations in such detail, but that would be true if they were women, too. It’s not some male disposability thing, it’s a using-a-lot-of-cognitive-energy-to-remember-specific-details-about-people-you’re-not-going-to-encounter-again-is-wasteful thing, be they male or not male.

@All the people not talking about gaslighting potential sexual partners, I didn’t dream about penis balloons! Unfortunately, I had dreams that were just disconnected feelings of fear and frustration. The dreams were scary enough that when I woke up half an hour ago (it’s 2:30 here) I decided it would be worth it to get some water and read through the thread before going back to sleep, in order to remind myself that they weren’t real. Stupid fever!

13 years ago

I know I’m late to the party – but Cassandra and Holly – I had four wisdom teeth out last week. It’s totally a manboobz dental surgery period of time! (Hey, I’m on some pretty good painkillers, ok?!) Have been sitting on the couch, getting up to get chocolate mousse out of the fridge, taking painkillers, and watching Star Trek. You’d think that combination would’ve made for trippy dreams at least, but no. I just dreamt my thesis was slightly different, and then had an epiphany about my not-thesis. Then I was all disappointed that my dream-epiphany was totally unhelpful.

But yeah, not the most horrible experience ever, but really not the greatest either. I recommend mashed root veggies with gravy – mushy but kindof foodlike!

13 years ago

I know I’m late to the party – but Cassandra and Holly – I had four wisdom teeth out last week. It’s totally a manboobz dental surgery period of time!

I had an extraction following an infected root canal a fortnight ago. Under the circumstances, I’d rather have had the extraction first, but I suppose you need to go through the painful bit to persuade you that it’s the only alternative.

(Or at least the only alternative that doesn’t involve spending vast sums on having the root canal treatment redone, with no guarantee of success – extraction was much cheaper, and success almost instant.)

13 years ago

I’m so worried about this whole dental thing that I can’t sleep. Not just the extraction, more what’s to follow. 1 have 2 problem teeth where old fillings fell out and then the teeth cracked when I bit down. One can be saved and crowned with gum surgery, but if I do that the crown will probably only last 5-7 years, even if it works for now. The other one will need a dental implant. The implant scares the shit out of me – you want to put a titanium screw in my jaw? And given the prognosis on the first crown, I’m wondering if it may be simpler to just go ahead and have that one replaced with an implant too. Problem is, implants don’t always work, and the actual process can break your jaw. Plus, again, they’re going to drill a screw into the fucking bone! It’s like something out of Oldboy.

So freaked out about all this. I adore my Dad, but curse the fact that I inherited his weak teeth.

Lyn, can you eat real food yet? I have been informed that pretty much everything I normally eat (mostly spicy, mostly crunchy, usually with rice) I will not be able to eat after surgery, and the things they’re telling me (jello and pudding) do not sound like food to me. Is the idea that you’ll feel too terrible to even want to eat?

13 years ago

The implant scares the shit out of me – you want to put a titanium screw in my jaw? And given the prognosis on the first crown, I’m wondering if it may be simpler to just go ahead and have that one replaced with an implant too. Problem is, implants don’t always work, and the actual process can break your jaw. Plus, again, they’re going to drill a screw into the fucking bone! It’s like something out of Oldboy.

I was offered an implant to replace the extracted tooth, but I’m still thinking about it, largely for the reasons you give. Not only is the cost eye-watering, I’m really not that bothered about the gap left by the extraction – it’s round the side, so not visible from the front.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

before I learned Game I had to approach 300-1000 women a year to have a normal dating life” That is no one’s dating life

How many years has this been? Is it two? (you approached 300 women one year, 1000 the next) is it one? (you approached 301 women and that’s in between 300-1000) Is it multiple years in which case you’ve approached like 2000-3000 or more women? xD Are you keeping count!? You know even at 300 it’s basically one a day… more than that we’re getting into multiple women a day, 1000 we’re talking 2+ a day, and that’s presuming you go out every day and ask women out xD These are DIFFERENT women too? Do you go to different places? Do you live in a big city… say… Boston? xD

Mathematical Reality Annihilates Losers

slapped, shrugged off, tossed or otherwise broken by pushing someone’s boundaries.

Those horrible personal boundaries. xD

It’s amazing you weren’t spat upon as well.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

“It’s a pity I have to do it, though, but if women insist on only dating men who are 5’10″ and up, who are they going to believe, me or their lying eyes? ”

Quick, every woman on this forum . What’s the height of every man you know? What’s the height of the last male cashier you encountered? What’s the height of all the men you’ve interacted with in your recent life? xD

My Rulers are Altered for Length

13 years ago

every man i know is taller than me! i did that on purpose! MISANDRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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