
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

Damn, Eurosabra. After a certain point, isn’t it easier to just go out and talk to some girls?

13 years ago

Sorry Roissy, I hate feeling hungry and I love peanut butter and sheepdogs.

But you might not be happy if you had peanut butter and a sheepdog at the same time, because the sheepdog would try to eat your peanut butter. Unless you were feeding the peanut butter to the dog, and that’s what made you happy.

13 years ago

But they do, shaenon! They totally go out and talk to girls. Granted they erect a grand fantasy around possibly normal human interaction to deceive themselves into thinking they’re gaming the system… But… eh.

13 years ago

According to Eurosabra’s dizzying statistics, an average dude asks out 300-2000 girls in his lifetime. It must be exhausting. (My other half says he’s asked out six women and about half said yes; clearly he’s a balding, slightly overweight alpha.)

13 years ago

What is it with PUAs and their obsession with totally made up statistics?

13 years ago

@ katz

Amusingly enough, hitting on pretty much every attractive woman who you meet is indeed likely to result in a lot of rejection, whereas if you only ask out women who’ve already indicated some interest in you, or who you know you have some things in common with, the odds start to look a lot better.

Like Holly said, they’re obsessed with a very limited set of circumstances.

13 years ago

There’ll be some fine print somewhere that you other half’s sex-with-women doesn’t count. I’m not sure what the PUAs are trying to achieve – it doesn’t look like any kind of sex I’ve come across 🙂

13 years ago

It’s very easy to talk to girls. Sleeping with them is an entirely different matter if you’re short, disabled, and “ethnic”, as I am. Of course I’ve made a minor career out of pick-up and light gaslighting, but no one has yet lodged any complaints, in fact, the major sticking point is that since I’m not at all pushy I’m *forgettable*. And pick-up has a boatload of rape culture, sure, but that’s easily discarded by not being an ass (as I clock in just above Little Person territory, women find me unthreatening in the extreme, and as I have visible disabilities and am very, very breakable, I am not EVER going to put myself in a position to be slapped, shrugged off, tossed or otherwise broken by pushing someone’s boundaries. Heh, pick-up jokes about Saami men abound, as in “she picked me up and put me on the barstool.” I’m not Saami, but…I sympathize.)

13 years ago

So I looked at the stick people penis pictures, and then Kirby’s floating people picture, all while watching “In the Night Garden”. Weird dreams are now absolutely guaranteed!

13 years ago

Well, here someone is, lodging a complaint! Gaslighting people in order to get them to fuck you is unethical.

Now go play in traffic.

13 years ago

@ Magpie

I’ve been loving movie depictions of how people’s brains work when they’re high recently. It’s fun to see how various people try to get at the sensory distortion. If you think about it, being high has a lot in common with weird dream states.

13 years ago

It’s a pity I have to do it, though, but if women insist on only dating men who are 5’10” and up, who are they going to believe, me or their lying eyes? I really DO have that level of chutzpah, sometimes it works.

13 years ago

Nope, no pity for you. You’re just a selfish, unethical person.

13 years ago

Sleeping with them is an entirely different matter if you’re short, disabled, and “ethnic”, as I am.

Are you sure they’re not turned off by your calculating the number of hours you’re required to spend with them in exchange for sex?

13 years ago


I get weird dreams when I miss my meds (even by only a few hours). When I remember these dreams, they sort of feel like a memory of something that really happened, not a dream. This is usually OK, sometimes embarrassing, but no fun if the dream was a nightmare.

13 years ago

Honestly, Eurosbra is a perfect example of someone who should just go ahead and pay for it. It would be far more ethical. I guess he wouldn’t enjoy himself as much if he didn’t feel like he was tricking women into it, though.

13 years ago

BTW, I really DO look unconventional enough that at the height of my dating life before I learned Game I had to approach 300-1000 women a year to have a normal dating life, I was always a friendly extrovert, but friendly extroversion doesn’t counteract everything. As for the gaslighting, f!ck me if I’m supposed to lead with the facts that I’m relatively poor, don’t drink, rarely drive, don’t own a car and have to share housing even as an adult. The rest, they can see.

13 years ago

Other Half is 5′ 9 1/2″.

But you know what they say: It’s better to have loved a short man than never to have loved a tall.

13 years ago

@ magpie

What’s really wierd is when you wake up from a vivid dream and it takes a while to reorient yourself and realize that it wasn’t real. I once had an entire conversation with my husband about something that happened in a dream before it dawned on sleepy me that the reason he looked so confused was that I’d been dreaming the stuff I was talking about.

13 years ago

No, most sex workers hate Johns. Whereas I have mutually-consensual enjoyable experiences for free. There is such a thing as being allowed to be charming, and show oneself in the most favorable light.

13 years ago

I had to approach 300-1000 women a year to have a normal dating life

Sweetie, that’s not a normal dating life.

13 years ago

I used to have sex with a man who was 5ft5! Even though I actually like tall dudes. Then again, the man in question was handsome, charming, and not a lying creep like our friend here.

13 years ago

Eurosabra, honey, you’re about as charming as a Saw movie.

13 years ago

@ Cassandra

Poor confused you & hubby 🙂 I hope it was a happy dream!

Ex used to talk lucidly in his sleep – we had a few conversations that he didn’t remember at all in the morning. Which was a bit of a nuisance if we’d arranged or decided something during the conversation 🙂

13 years ago

@ Magpie

It was about a meal that I was convinced we’d had with his mother, which is why he was so confused. It would be even weirder if the out-of-it person you were talking to never even woke up, though.

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