Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.
Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)
But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.
@kirbywarp Your gravatar image has absolutely made my day. Thank you kindly.
It always struck me that the “alpha-males” they love whining about are exaggeration that any man that actually gets girls, has charm and looks is automatically one. Honestly, with the attitude of many beta males: women must be under 30 at most (and pretty with little effort), their fuck’em-and-leave-’em attitude, the racist attitudes toward interracial relationships (seeing white women who have had sexual contact with black men as tainted), seeing women as stupid and worthless and referring to non-American female Asians as “Little Brown Fucking-Machines” makes them just as bad as the alpha males they despise.
And then I tried to explain and the whole thing just confused him. Except the Red Dwarf bit, Red Dwarf is always good for a laugh.
Do you ever intend to actually talk about stuff on your blog? Is it always just going to be pictures of women in weirdly distorted positions?
“Do actually ever make a counter argument, or indeed a valid point of any kind in your articles? Or is it merely always sad-sack, Colbert sarcasm/ lame mockery?
Go read Futrelle’s debate with Paul Elam to see what good arguing with MRAs does.
Actually, go to any MRA site like AVFM or The Spearhead and post a polite disagreement with the author’s position and let me know how it goes.
When one of the most popular and well-respected MRAs tells you, ‘I’m not interested in reason or debate, only in inflicting pain’, what can you possibly say to that?
There’s a point at which arguing with stuff just gives it more validity than it deserves. If someone tells you the moon is made of cheese, you don’t tell them about the Apollo missions and the composition of moon rock and the ancient origins of the moon relative to the breeding of the domestic milk cow–you tell them that’s goddamn ridiculous.
This whole “alpha” thing has about as much real substance to dissect as the cheese theory.
No, there are not two to five different “kinds” of man which women can somehow distinguish. I promise you as a woman.
…Hell, I promise you as a woman who’s dating a giant nerd, and he didn’t even have to demean me first.
But…but…Holly! Not following the Greek method might mean that they’d have to think about other reasons as to why they can’t get a date! We can’t expect them to do that when there’s perfectly good females to dump blame on!
I’m with Holly on this. They might as well be saying women only date unicorns.
Well, one could in theory describe unicorns as “horny”…
Well, one could in theory describe unicorns as “horny”…
Everyone knows unicorns are only interested in virgins.
…Which just gives them one more thing in common with manosphere dudes.
That would mean Kirby is not a kirby and you are not a vampire. Spear can remain Spear.
But I really am a small nation with disturbing local customs!
Who gets to be the class of sociology students?
I’m actually in a sociology class right now. So far our assignments have included things like “attend and write your observations on a cultural event” and “write an essay on disability issues in the hospital setting.”
But I’m waiting for that “troll a feminist blog” assignment. Maybe that’s the final.
@ Holly- heh heh heh. Spear. heh.
OT but check out the latest example of pro-abuse on the Spearhead
The comment after this one claims Rihanna attacked Brown with a spiked heal, which is nothing but a damn lie. Of course MRAs are lying filth so they didn’t even bother to read the leaked police report that has been plastered all over the internet
What did Rhanaa deserve the beating for? for looking at Chris Brown’s cell phone
Stay classy MRAs.
The Penis Song!
I feel like from now on we should respond to all MRA whining with this.
The Whambulance thing was cute for a while, but it’s getting old.
@CassandraSays: At least those little girls at least had a reason to be pissed.
Pffft…as if little girls know what it’s like to live a hard knock life…little boys however….
Actually I think this is how they see themselves, with feminism being the big dude in the funny hat.
Since we talk about alpha males : have you seen the latest by Roissy/Heartiste ?
All I want to say to Roissy is: What the hell is in this for me?
I make all these sacrifices, make myself into the perfectly gorgeous, selfless, virginal woman of his dreams, and I get…?
Bear in mind, when composing your answer, that I already have a home and food, so you’re going to have to try a wee bit harder than “you will be kept as a household servant free of charge!”
I’m expecting, like, fabulous prizes.