
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

vsh: Truly, a work of staggering intellect. Why, the greatest mind of the past century – nay, TWO centuries – would tremble before the might of your mind.

13 years ago

Go hunt me a mammoth, creeper.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

One has to wonder why so many feminists (even on this thread) are into bdsm and other sick sadistic shit that isn’t even sexy to most people – it’s all about forcing most men to be women (“equal” to women) while alphas get away from this.

One of the reasons I keep coming back to this board is because so many of our trolls come out with something that would actually be progressive if they didn’t back it up in the weirdest way possible. Sometimes they advocate for male birth control–not because it’s a worthwhile thing for all genders to be able to control their own reproduction, but because all women want to trap you into making babies. Other times they support women being able to work outside the home–but it’s only because marriage is for suckers.

Now, they’re arguing that dominant women do, in fact, exist, which is something that’s rare even in the BDSM community. But vhs thinks this is true because femdoms *really* just want to make men as *unattractive* as possible? o.O

13 years ago

Sooo gay men don’t really exist vsh? Its all just a “femdom conspiracy” XDXDXD

13 years ago

vsh: I just read the OP again… Dave never mentioned you. No one here asked you to speak, so just keep your fingers in your lap and you might learn something.

Well, no, I don’t think so. You are deluded. You’ve built a myth of how the world works and any actual facts (like the fondness of women for yaoi or that they like sex for the sake of sex, and “status”, Α/Β/Μ/Θ/Φ/Ω what the fuckever you want to call the fairies in your little fantasyland have nothing to do with it.

Facts be damned, as far as you’re concerned, so there’s no point in trying to help you see the error of your ways. You want to wallow in the Slough of Despond, go to. None so blind as those who will not see, etc..*

We’ll go on living happy, satisfied lives. The feminists among us (the women and the men) will continue to fuck whom they want. Make love to whom they want. Not fuck whom they want. Love whom they want, and pity those who (take a look in the mirror) who refuse to admit this simple fact.

Men and Women are so much more alike than they are different that the only sensible thing to do is treat them as equals.

*NB, this is not an MRA double period, it’s a stop after an abbreviation

13 years ago

‘gay’: you keep using that word. I do no think it means what you think it means.
See, in my world, gay men are a group of people who are… not very interested (sexually or romantically) in people like me (ie women). Therefore I don’t want all men to turn gay, I have zero interest in that, especially not if I want to control them. (The idea of “controlling with pussy” a gay man is absurd)

13 years ago

My question still stand, vsh: why do you care about sex? If the purpose if sex is sociosexual power and the purpose of the previous is sex, I would conclude that neither gave value.

13 years ago

Vsh, please go watch this and then never come back:

13 years ago

Bdsm: you know there are men who do find it sexy? And they don’t give a shit if you like it?

13 years ago

Having plenty of youtube video doesn’t prove your world view is right. It’s like you were trying to convince me you’re a prince because Disney sell a lot of movie.

13 years ago

Notice how the video ends all politically correct and niceguyish (of course to appease the feminazi’s who would just try to have it taken down if it didn’t).

You do realize we don’t actually have that power, right? Well, we could try, but even without the cute ending, the video doesn’t break youtube policy on copyright or anything else.

Great news! Being a douchebag is not illegal, even (lol) on the internet!

13 years ago

@formerElizabeth: this looks like an accurate description of PUAs. Great video.

13 years ago

I’d just like to say, as an asexual, that yaoi is still hot as hell. As is yuri, for that matter.

13 years ago

So…women sexually fantasize about beta males so more men will become betas, so there will be fewer alphas, who are the only men women are really attracted to. Because women want fewer attractive men around. And the men they find attractive are the opposite of the men they have sex fantasies about.

I think I just tore something in my brain.

Dude, not even female chimps want alpha male chimps. Look it up; the betas get laid more, probably because they’re not tired out from defending their status with other males.

13 years ago


I think I just tore something in my brain

Me too. I fear some of us just lack the incredible agility to follow these amazing gymnasts

Need to know
13 years ago

“Go hunt me a mammoth, creeper.”


Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

Most women are much more social and verbal than most men are, so it’s not surprising they’d be more hits/pages for even a fetish women are into.

Huh, I thought they were only weird outliers? And many nerdy women who write tend to be quite socially awkward as well. (in b4: “they are just ugly geeks who can’t get laid!!!!11!”)

And the fact that women want to see most guys emasculated and made “gay” is consistent with my thesis that most women wish most men (betas) would be submissive, “gay” – so they’d lose sociosexual status/value, and be easier to control by both women and alphas, who of course are not going to be forced to do anything “gay”, unmanly, and undesirable.

Uhhh, if I told you that one of my female friends who writes (smoking hot, I gotta admit) fiction where quite manly and not at all “emasculated” (nice homophobia there) guys (who you would probably see as “alphas”) have quite rough sex, you would probably just see that as proof that women dig alphas. So it there a way that will convince you that some women just dig good looking guys?

“Gay” sex is a loss of sexual value for straight men.


I know there are some bi/homophobic women who think that sex with guys who had sex with other guys is icky, but there are also many women who really dig having two dudes make out with each other, and wanting to have a threesome with them! I talk from experience.
It’s what being objectified can feel like.

One has to wonder why so many feminists (even on this thread) are into bdsm and other sick sadistic shit that isn’t even sexy to most people – it’s all about forcing most men to be women (“equal” to women) while alphas get away from this.

I’m just gonna ignore the homophobia and get straight to this.
What the fuck does it matter that some women like stuff that most some people are not into? And now dommes are about forcing men to be women?
You have no fucking idea about how BDSM works, have you?

Back to the point about game becoming a major cultural meme and movement far greater than any “gay” fetish that few normal people know about.

Yeaaaaah…that’s why “yaoi” has a lot more results than PUA, and why shows like “True Blood” or the BBC “Sherlock” are pandering to women who dig that stuff are so popular, or why there is actually an industry of games with homoerotic content targeted to women.

My point is that most men know about the basic narrative of game/pua: that women want alphas and bad boys while using betas and nice guys, i.e nice guys finish last.

Just a question: do you consider yourself a “nice guy”? Because, believe me, you are not nice by any stretch of the word. The reason women won’t date you isn’t because you are too nice, I assure you.
I am nerdy, socially awkward and shy as heck, yet there are women interested in me, even though I’m what you would call “nice”.
The difference is, I’m not nice to get laid, I’m nice because I genuinely enjoy being a decent human being and making people happy.

So, yeah. I think you really, REALLY underestimate women’s sexual agency.
I assure you, the women who dig gay porn don’t dig it because it’s “emasculating” to guys. They enjoy it because they like hot guys, the more, the better.

Again, you said you like fantasizing about hot lesbians. WHY IS IT DIFFERENT WHEN WOMEN DO IT?

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