Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.
Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)
But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.
and, I’m pretty sure Mesogog is being snarky, yes.
I think it’s more something like how in that other kind of “game,” you level up in order to get better gear, and you get better gear in order to level up.
and then pwn all the other gamers, yes.
He already said, at least this one did: because “relationships” are just a big ol’ scam wherein you actually have to “give” something BACK in exchange for Teh Secks. Like money, or pretending to enjoy the woman’s company after the three minutes are over. “Processing.” “Talking.” “Cuddling.” “Making coffee.”
I still want to know about this dude’s childhood. Vhs, were you breast fed?
Actually, given how PUAs feel about feminists, I kind of feel like we need to start wearing a specific symbol to identify ourselves, as a way to ward them off. It would be like wearing the Hamsa, but for warding off assholes instead of evil spirits (encountering a PUA could certainly be considered bad luck, so no change there).
What, wield the labrys like a crucifx? “Back, foul creature of the douche!”
Plus an Eye of Horus necklace, just to be safe and discourage them from even entering the same room as us.
kirbywarp : since there is a ‘?’ at the end of my sentence, that means I’m not sure. So the definition is respected! ^_^’
The “angrily masturbationg” is rarely something people boast about.
But he also said that if the relationship is open for the man, it’s alpha!
“Back, foul creature of the douche!”
Much like an actual douche, a PUA does not belong anywhere near your vagina.
hot dang, I was mistaken. I tip my hat to you, mesogog, for tripping my douche sensors. 😀
Although the quality writing really should have tipped me off…
kyrie: Two things about the poly/open relationships:
– why don’t you and PUAs (since you don’t count yourself as one) don’t aim for that instead of desesperatly negging woman after woman to get one night of hook-up? I’ve never heard any of you guy speaking about that.
Because they don’t want relationships. They also don’t want to admit women have agency. The only, so far as they can see, “just” ordering of the world is, “Men on top, Alpha Males on top of other men. Me an Alpha Male.”
Look at his definition of Alpha:
1: Gets lots of sex
2: Can sleep around, even when married.
3: Women can’t live without his magic cock.
That’s it. That’s his entire understanding of male/female relations.
What I genuinely don’t understand is why having sex with lots of women that you don’t particularly like (and vice versa) is considered to be any kind of sensible aspiration. Presumably it’s the “having sex with lots of women” bit that trumps everything else in their weird little universes.
No, it seems like “birdwatcher with the biggest book” makes just as much sense.
Well, they do. See Johnny for example:
The link also answers your second question – it does not hurt him, it is required. For others, it’s that it’s easier to get everyone involved to agree to non-exclusivity if it benefits both.
You can also find discussions in other guys’ materials. It’s not that common, because many in the community are romantics at the core and want a girlfriend and later wife (plus possibly some swinging).
“The link also answers your second question – it does not hurt him, it is required. For others, it’s that it’s easier to get everyone involved to agree to non-exclusivity if it benefits both.”
Well, then my question doesn’t apply to him. vsh seemed to think that a relationship open both way was necessary detrimental to a man.
“You can also find discussions in other guys’ materials. It’s not that common, because many in the community are romantics at the core and want a girlfriend and later wife (plus possibly some swinging).”
I… I don’t know what to answer. PUAs are romantic? Are we speaking about the same people? The community that invented “negging”, that train themselves to lie and manipulate women to have one-night sex? The fucking community that invented “rape game”? (disclaimer: it’s actually rape, but you pretend it’s not and the girl want it. Like most rapists)
Also you seem to imply that nor open or poly relationship can be romantic or lead to marriage. That’s just silly.
vsh pretty much confirms my suspicions that PUA is basically nothing more than homosocial bonding through competition. Sex is incidental to the whole enterprise and it’s pretty much just there as a ‘counting coup’ mechanism, where the status in the in-group is all about how much you get to humiliate or pull one over members of the out-group (women). They then project their scoring rules onto society and claim it’s universal instead of simply something that arises in their little clique. They then build an edifice of self-justification through pseudoscientific bullshit, for instance, the idea that 20% of the men get to hog all the sex.
Kyrie, thanks for your reply.
You are right, that question was directly about vsh’s opinion. I just added that part as supplemental information to the first question to show that not all people are quite as unreasonable as vsh, and that open relationships and polyamory are discussed.
Yes, I think we are. It’s a wide community; some seek monogamous, others are into polyamory, many seek partners for casual relationships and still others just want random one night stands. What is actually taught varies even more widely. You mention negs, this is a very polysemous term. Clarisse Thorn has an article about three concepts associated with this term on the GMP, http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/feminist-sm-lessons-from-the-seduction-community-part-one-the-neg/
She enjoys one of them, finds the second manipulative, but not necessarily harmful, and the third horrible and misogynistic. And some branches do not teach negs at all, and recommend not using something like that. Lying is quite controversial, often honesty is one of the central values (“Honesty and Integrity are key”, “Honesty is the greatest aphrodisiac” etc.). Of course, all the bad stuff exists too, I do not wish to deny that, and it can be horribly vile; I don’t know much about that stuff except what David posts here, and that tells me enough to stay far, far away.
That would indeed be silly. I did not phrase this well, and should have expressed myself clearer. I apologize. What I meant to say was that many subscribe, at least in part, to traditional notions and want to find a partner they can be exclusive with, preferably long-term. Of course, poly relationships can be romantic and commited, and I am glad for everyone who is in a happy arrangement, no matter how many people are involved.
Interesting. I’ll go read the link.
This seems impossible to deny, on the basis of the evidence.
Part of the problem is that, almost by definition, these people have never been in a successful long-term relationship – in fact, with their mindset, I’m not sure they ever could be. Which is why such things usually don’t enter into their equations at all, or get glibly dismissed as the sort of things that “betas” let themselves be sucked into by evil scheming women.
At the risk of sounding like B____don, I had sex last night, and it was sensational. When you’ve had the same partner for over a decade and remain on the same physical and emotional wavelength, there’s nothing to touch it. It’s not about performance, or “proving” anything: by now, we know instinctively what buttons to push (metaphorically and literally) and exactly how to spin things out to precisely the right length of time that both of us need, and so we can concentrate on just enjoying it, and each other.
No-one can tell me with a straight face that that’s a lesser experience than fumbled, often embarrassing sex with someone you don’t even like very much (or at all), and who probably feels the same way about you. At best, it’ll be a coldly mechanical physical process with precisely none of the elements that I routinely get out of it. At worst, it’ll be humiliating.
@Kyrie, just a small addition. Clarisse recently posted the whole article on her own blog. I found the other parts quite interesting as well, so I’d recommend reading that instead of the GMP versions.
Most women are much more social and verbal than most men are, so it’s not surprising they’d be more hits/pages for even a fetish women are into. And the fact that women want to see most guys emasculated and made “gay” is consistent with my thesis that most women wish most men (betas) would be submissive, “gay” – so they’d lose sociosexual status/value, and be easier to control by both women and alphas, who of course are not going to be forced to do anything “gay”, unmanly, and undesirable. “Gay” sex is a loss of sexual value for straight men. Those same women into seeing betas act gay would happily assume the feminine role for the alpha and not expect him to be “gay”. It really is femdom on a mass scale, where most men are made (against their will) to be submissives/cuckolds/”gay”/wimpy/feminine and a few men are allowed to be dominant, masculine and high status. One has to wonder why so many feminists (even on this thread) are into bdsm and other sick sadistic shit that isn’t even sexy to most people – it’s all about forcing most men to be women (“equal” to women) while alphas get away from this.
Back to the point about game becoming a major cultural meme and movement far greater than any “gay” fetish that few normal people know about. My point is that most men know about the basic narrative of game/pua: that women want alphas and bad boys while using betas and nice guys, i.e nice guys finish last. The narrative has fully been absorbed by the male collective consciousness by now. Whether any particular male agrees with it or not, he knows about the basic narrative which game/pua builds upon. Just search youtube and google for terms like “pua ; game seduction ; nice guys ; nice guy vs bad boy ; alpha male ; beta male ; seduction community ; pick up forums ; mASF forums. There are countless other terms associated with game/pua that would get countless hits. The seduction community started many years ago in the early days of the internet as alt.seduction.fast newsgroup and the moderated.alt.seduction.fast (mASF). Then you have all of the various pick up gurus past and present and all of their material. MRA is far smaller than game/pua/seduction, but many of the same themes are there.
Just a mainstream example, “nice guy song” by nigahiga has over 31 million hits in its most popular version and there are other versions and others songs and videos like it by that same youtuber. Notice how the video ends all politically correct and niceguyish (of course to appease the feminazi’s who would just try to have it taken down if it didn’t). But it is perfect in describing the entire narrative (and the dillema/torment) that has shaped many if not most men’s lives who grew up under feminism, and the response to this which is game/pua.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfeys7Jfnx8&w=640&h=360%5D
Wow, I never knew liking slash made me a perverted outlier! Wow, I totes feel validated now!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfeys7Jfnx8?feature=player_embedded&w=640&h=360%5D
VHSdelusionalcreeper, you do realize that just repeating the same nonsense over and over again, after people have already analyzed it, debunked it, and rejected it, isn’t going to change anybody’s mind, right? You are aware of this, correct?
If you’re going to waffle on and on at least say something new.
Cassandra – was I even talking to you? Go make me a sammich biatch lol