Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.
Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)
But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.
that’s funny because his rants made me think of
I think it’s kind of like the Easter Bunny, except instead of scattering chocolate eggs on the lawn, it’s like little capsules of vag.
@Shadow: Nooo, because Neil Patrick Harris is AWESOME, and he, well, isn’t.
One of them, anyway.
Only if it’s one of these.
Okay, you CANNOT be real.
Spanky, tell us about your childhood, okay? Please? I kind of really need to know.
Woah, Belle, clicking that link made my antivirus go into Defcon One mode.
We could send Spanky some of the Japanese snake venom ice cream. Tastes horrible AND makes your tongue kind of numb. We’d be doing anyone who has to be around him irl a favor if it prevented him from talking for a while.
This I cannot deny. But still, “Ima take over the world.. then Penny will like me” is like the MRA song (or theirs is a badly butchered karaoke version of it atleast)
I think vsh had so much time to grace us with because we’re just a tab away from his digital lady loves. Why, he can troll us in the middle of his date even! Unlike if he were to date an alpha seeking woman in this gynocratic feminocracy.
…How Lovecraftian.
@Shadow: Yeah, it is, except, again: NPH/DH is adorkable, and they really, really aren’t. Kind of a cross between the “Nice Guy” mentality of DH and the sociopathic tooliness of Captain Hammer would be closer.
Loll true that. I don’t know if associating the Manosphere with DH will ruin DH for me or make the Manosphere more bearable. Only time will tell.
Keep it real, who the hell’s gonna hear him anyway?
All I’m getting from this is that you probably have a cuckold/humiliation fetish and can’t quite own up to it. It’s okay, Spanky. We’re here to help.
I love that this guy literally can’t seem to imagine what female dominance-either fetish or y’know real life-might look like without “alpha males.” Like, at all. He like walked out of a Joanna Russ story or something. “Where are the men? Take us to your leaders!”
It’s like some bizarro version of radical/cultural feminism, isn’t it? If this guy didn’t exist, Twisty would’ve had to invent him.
@ Shadow
I assume that he must have a job in order to pay for his internet service. Think of his poor coworkers. Actually, think of his family. How awkward would that be at Christmas dinner?
@ Belle
It seems like a lot of these guys have some sort of weird obsession with Femmedom. Which…ew. GTFO my playground, creepy weirdos.
That should be part of the screening process for BSDM clubs. At the door they should ask “are you, or have you ever been, affiliated with the MRA movement?”. If you say yes they write NO on your forehead in magic marker and send you away.
As an alpha, sometimes I like to board buses to nowhere, just so I can sit back and admire the meat that’s at my fingertips. I’ll pay the fare for a looping route, settle back in the back and just admire that which is rightfully mine. My kingdom. My empire. Every once in a while, if I see a real choice cut of meat, I’ll waltz on down to the aisle and give it a closer look- you know, to check for cellulose, botox, all that stuff. In recent years, women have become more adept at disguising the quality of their own meat with cosmetics and surgery and what-have-you. And that’s fine for some alphas, but personally, I prefer organic.
Eventually I’ll get off where I got on, my hard alpha cock proudly jutting out through the open fly in my jeans. As I swagger home, the betas and omegas look, cringe, and cower against the walls, pressing themselves into the shadows where they belong. Likewise the meatholes salivate uncontrollably, drawn to my pink mast like flies to honey.
*slow clap*
Congrats Mesogog, you can use dirty words. Mama would be so proud.
oh, also this. ^_^
Mesogog is a poe, right?
Isn’t the point of Poe that you can’t tell? 😛
Vsh, I read your answers and it really doesn’t answer anything.
You stated that the point of sex is high sociosexual status, but the point of high sexual status is sex. Therefore, should I deduce that the point of sex is to convince yourseld, or other men, of your self worth? That sound a bit shallow and pathetic, don’t you think?
Learn to play an instrument, make art or learn magic trick will achieve more easily the same goal.
I ask if Fox’s husband, assuming he only has sex with her, is an alpha. You answered that he is because he obviously cheats on her. But it makes no sense, based on your previous assumptions; You think that women chose more easily, their partners, to whom they “give the hot sex”. Therefore, a very attractive, conventionnally speaking, very famous and probably very wealthy woman such as her could replace her husband in a second. Why would you assume that her husband can cheat without repecussion?
Two things about the poly/open relationships:
– why don’t you and PUAs (since you don’t count yourself as one) don’t aim for that instead of desesperatly negging woman after woman to get one night of hook-up? I’ve never heard any of you guy speaking about that.
– Why does it hurts you, or you notchcount, or your sociosexual status that the relationship is open in both way? Do you think that the woman get dirty or is it simply about countrolling her?
Last question: Have you ever had sex? Is that an activity that you enjoy? If so, isn’t it more interesting than bragging about it? If not – the enjoyment part -, wouldn’t it be better for you to find activities, alone or with others, that make you happy?
It was a pretty good day. Then, I read the words “my pink mast” and did a spit-take. Instant upgrade to really fantastic day. If you are a Poe, friend, I tip my hat. If you are not a Poe… lol. I hope you enjoy your life.
kw: you’re right, you know. a “Poe” shouldn’t really mean “a troll;” it’s, like, Schrodinger’s troll.
Is this an example of “negging”?