Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.
Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)
But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.
“You have no idea why people have sex, do you.”
Nope, he does not. Even in the scenario he’s proposing, lots of men would indeed fuck the woman they find less attractive, but not because hey if I do my number goes up and that means other men will worship me – more because they’re, you know, horny? And sex feels good?
Do you listen to yourself vsh?
Maybe you should reread what you wrote:
Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?
Arks loved posting under his own name too much, and this one’s not as funny.
I don’t even know how many people most of my friends have had sex with. Hell, I don’t even know if some of my friends have ever had sex or not!
…How am I supposed to assign them a super-mega-significant “status”?
Spanky doesn’t seem to understand how Femdom works either, so I guess we can add that to the ever-growing list.
Yup because nothing characterizes a matriarchy like………..WOMEN BEING IN HAREMS.
That word: I do not think it means what you think it means.
Or are you of the ilk that believe the fact that men mostly white are in the major positions of social power in this country (legal, educational, political, corporate systems) is the CLEVER PLOT BY THE FEMINISTS WHO CONTROL ALL THE MEN?
Holy shit, projecting like IMAX much?
Used for friendship? Do you even know what a friendship is? Assuming that no guy ever actually wants to be friends with women (which is not true btw), why are straight guys friends with other straight guys if they don’t even get sex out of it? Since you seem to think the only thing a guy wants is to get his dick wet, why have human contact that doesn’t lead to sex?
…wait, let me guess. Is it to brag to them about how many chicks you fucked and to compare your “notches”?
That’s just sad, man. That’s just sad.
Spanky’s life really does sound miserable. I almost feel like we should send him some ice cream.
ok this is what we got just from that lovely paragraph:
So all women and I mean all women have a sexual fantasy of having harems upon harems of men “supporting them”. And them having this fantasy means female domination on a mass scale somehow. Females pick their sexual partners which is bad because it leads to “female sexual selection”(whatever that means). So women are equal because they use typical dudes while sleeping with attractive rich men until something happens leading them to need typical dudes to take them in. So then you admit you are jealous said women can get laid while they are young then settle down with some gut when they are older or something.
yeahhh something tells me you have issues with women.
that would actually be kind of funny 😀
I also find it interesting how guys like him are usually ever so quick to use “but women have rape fantasies so they dig bad guys! I’m just giving them what they want!” as an excuse to treat women like shit, but for some reason they tend to be very reluctant to cater to the needs of the many women who love pegging or who would like to see them make out with another dude while wearing a pretty dress.
*some guy
I have to say, “cock carousel” sounds like one hell of a sex toy.
(assuming your ridiculous scenario is true)
Why are you so obsessed over how much some women get laid?
What would a solution to this “issue” be?
Actually cock carousel sounds like a toy that Pedobear would give to small children.
Still pondering the phrase “distributing sex” – just how is this done? Maybe it works something like that Canterbury Tale with the cartwheel and the fart?
I’ve got to stop follwing links to personality tests. I get a score way different to average, and then I fret about it!
This dude’s the energizer bunny of WTFery
But how can there even be any betas? According to you, you were a beta but you’ve learned to be alpha by emulating alpha behavior and now you get lots of no-strings, relationship free sex from women. If it’s this simple, why are you so angry? And how can there be any “betas” who haven’t figured this out and utilized your technique?
Well, I’m guessing he’s got a lot of time on his hands.
vsh:But you’re basically agreeing with my (and the entire game/pua) thesis, that women’s raw sexual attraction (and not relationship type attraction) is for men with status.
No, she’s not. She’s saying that your thesis fails on its merits.
Let’s look at what you said, and what she said.
You said that you are going to emulate the status that women want, and so be swimming in sex.
She said that the status you are trying to emulate, isn’t emulable.
Ergo, if you are right, and it is status women want your plan is doomed to failure.
But your definition of Aplha is wrong. It’s recursive. You say Alphas have high, “sociosexual status”. How do they get it… by having lots of sex/having sex with massively hot women.
Then you go off into the weeds about how having sex with a Megan Fox automatically makes a man an alpha, and Megan Fox will immediately stop caring if he cheats on her (which is female movie stars never divorce their husbands for cheating on them).
A does not follow from B. You, basically said that sticking an alpha dick into someone
To be honest, I could care less about your rights – I care about my sociosexual status and survival and my rights
Then why should I give a flying fuck about you? You want to ruin a good thing (admittedly, a thing you don’t believe exists, but that just makes it worse, not more excusable). You want to hurt half the people on the planet. People I like, respect and love.
Bugger that for a lark. I’d rather see you dead in the street.
“They say it’s better the second time; they say you get to do the weird stuff…”
–Captain Hammer
(“We do the weird stuff!”)
Okay, this has got to be a Poe.
“Hello, random dude person who appears to be happily in a monogamous relationship. I’m here representing the Revolting Omegas. Did you know that you’ve been cheated of your rightful due of fucking a nightly succession of barflies whom my PUA buddies deem fuckworthy? That’s right! You’ve been saddled into a “relationship” with a mediocre woman, and–”
-wanders away nursing black eye- “Clearly an Alpha posing as a Beta.” -makes neat little ‘x’ next to address.- “Hello, sir…”
But, we’re not “people,” remember. We’re, like, NPC’s with tits. Who won’t put out.
I wonder if that list of “feminists demands” includes, like, i dunno, an orgasm of her own.
I mean, seriously, dude, besides everything else that’s screaming REPULSIVE EXCUSE FOR A PERSON STAY FAR AWAY about you? You sound like a TERRIBLE lay. Seriously. No one this completely self-absorbed, not to mention completely clueless about how people work, is any good in bed.