Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.
Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)
But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.
Wrong again! The women who want men to be femmey and/or submissive want men to be like that so they can fuck them, because they find them sexy.
Basically everything that you know about women would fit in a minature thimble.
PS – It’s not because you’re a “beta” that women don’t want to fuck you. It’s because you’re a horrible person who hates women.
Cassandra – game/pua as a cultural meme and movement is evidence that men recognize everything I’m talking about on a visceral level. One beta alone can’t change anything – but masses of betas definitely can (and will). Let me ask you, who is going to protect alphas when betas rise up? Women? lol. Who is going to protect women ? A few alphas ? Alphas only have power because betas will respond to that power. Once betas are aware of the matriarchal dystopia, then it all starts to fall apart.
Keep on telling yourself that you’re part of a real social movement, honey. I’m sure that fantasy comforts you on those long lonely nights. (Wait – do sociopaths experience loneliness?)
Also, you still didn’t answer the last few questions. We’re waiting! This may be the only time in your life that you ever have women waiting to hear what you have to say, so you may as well enjoy it for this brief moment.
Since game/pua is barely a meme, and certainly not a general cultural meme, let alone a movement I think this “matriarchal dystopia” is pretty safe.
Yeah, it’s kind of on the same level of cultural influence as the Privilege Denying Guy Tumblr, but less popular.
PUA is fucking joke, dude. Seriously, you’ve been conned.
At least the people who started the Privilege Denying Guy Tumblr and all the other various memes aren’t charging people money to participate.
vsh: Seriously, you need to start paying attention to the world outside your head.
Who’s going to protect women? We will, and the people we care about. I know this is difficult for you to comprehend, but many, many women don’t actually need men to protect them, we can fucking well take care of ourselves.
Even if you were to accept dudebro’s premise that no men care about the women they’re in relationships with and would go along with his forced prostitution idea, what about fathers, brothers, etc? BRB – have to go ask my Dad how he feels about me being forced into sex slavery so that some guy who doesn’t even like sex can look cooler in the eyes of other men.
Dear VegetarianSocietyofHawaii247:
Take this test: http://personality-testing.info/tests/LPS.php
Then get off the internet, and into therapy.
Ok, let me try a different approach here.
You say that ALL women are getting sex from “alphas” and that’s why they uphold this system, BUT there are a lot of women that aren’t conventionally attractive or, “high quality women” as you would call them.
If “alphas” can have sex with whatever woman they want, then why would they have sex with these “low quality women”, and why would these women help uphold a system that does not favor them?
You said:
How about we do a quick Google search?
For yaoi I got 53.500.000 results. Hm, does seem quite a lot for a weird outlier thing, but oh well. Let’s look up slash fiction too: 16.000.000 results. Apparently, those few outliers are quite productive!
Now let’s search for PUA! 19.400.000 results. At least it’s a bit more than slash fiction?
Maybe if we look for MRM, just because I’m nice!
15.400.000 results, and none of them on the first page are about the Men’s Rights Movement. What about MRA? 18.000.000! Oh well, that’s a bit more. But what’s this? None of the results on the first page say anything about Men’s Rights Activists! However, I now know where to get motorcycle windshields 😀
For a cultural meme, you guys seem to have less influence than women who like to see hot guys bone each other. And if you think THEY are weird outliers (which is especially rich considering you joked about fantasizing about lesbians earlier) then what does that say about your movement?
Pretty much every female friend I have digs guy-on-guy action, so that’s why I wanted to throw in my two cents!
Would it be really mean of me to start throwing visual kei videos at him? Not only is yaoi more influential (and popular) than PUA, but it’s even spawned an entire musical subculture in which alpha males (ie rock stars) wear makeup and sometimes women’s clothes and pretend to make out with each other on stage/in videos/during photoshoots for the entertainment of a female audience, and a lot of the women/girls in that audience want to bone them mostly because they’re wearing dresses and groping other men?
We live in a matriarchal feminist dystopia? FUCKIN’ A!
I still think this vhs clown is MRAL.
VSH: I’m 56. I last had sex with a man in 1982. My life partner is a woman.
And the men I had sex with back in the day tended to be the geeky broke humanities majors dudes, soooooooooooooooooooo tell me again what world you’re living in?
And protip: just throwing in numbers% does not in fact prove anything if you’re pulling the numbers out of your ass.
I don’t know, Cassandra, it would probably cause VarroaSensitiveHhygiene to implode.
I mean, it must be quite awful for him that these pretty, waifish guys in the cute dresses are apparently way more Alpha than he could ever hope to be 🙁
Just to be clear – I don’t put myself into any particular category. I’m not a pua, mra, etc. Just a nihilist and social observer. I’m out for myself, basically, in a dog eat dog world of matriarchy and sociosexual competition. Most of the guys in the pua/mra movements like women far more than I do and actually see women as “worth saving” bs. I just don’t care about stuff like that anymore. Let women sink or swim – just like I’m forced to. Males in this world growing up – especially the younger ones – have no rights and get nothing from this society. While women/girls get everything, along with their “chosen” males – the alphas.
Also, nobody said anything about forcing women into prostitution – just legalizing it.
Most men in “relationships” really are just there because they can’t get sex otherwise in the open market and are fearful of being banished to the omega-dom. Not because they actually like the woman. (WHY do women feel entitled to relationships anyway ? ESpecially the repulsive women in this matriarchal feminist dystopia who, imo are only good for their bodies.) Basically, monogamous relationships are slavery for suckers who don’t know better or can’t do better or are just to weak to go without some mediocre pussy so allow themselves to be owned by the matriarchy.
And I actually prefer if women have rights for my own selfish reasons – I’m not taking care of them, and I rather be an omega and just beat it beat it (to pr0n) than some beta provider slave with a “relationship” to some mediocre femnag who really just wants to bang alphas (and was probably used up by them) anyway and will take you for all your money eventually.
But betas should not have to follow the feminist rules if alphas dont, and betas shouldn’t be the ones disproportionately disempowered by feminism.
How does trolling feminist blogs advance this goal?
Ha, that’s just what you say because you don’t know about cuddling.
Plus I’ve met the most alpha of all of them, and he’s actually nicer to women than he is to men! And he could buy and sell the entire PUA movement 1000 times over, just to add insult to injury.
But you’re right. If the realization that lots of women actively prefer femmey men, and go out of their way to avoid macho ones, gave him an aneurysm I’d feel kind of guilty. Also, since you can get away with being more explicit in cartoon form than anyone can on stage, it might be more amusing to post actual yaoi. I wonder if it works like Raid for MRAs and you can use it to clear them from the room.
@ hellkell
Hmm, check out the last comment. If this is one of our regular trolls I’d guess whatsisname, the one who came up with “slobbering crotch maws”, rather than MRAL.
“Ok, let me try a different approach here.
You say that ALL women are getting sex from “alphas” and that’s why they uphold this system, BUT there are a lot of women that aren’t conventionally attractive or, “high quality women” as you would call them.
If “alphas” can have sex with whatever woman they want, then why would they have sex with these “low quality women”, and why would these women help uphold a system that does not favor them?”
Lots of alphas will still fuck a mediocre woman on the side because it raises his notch count and sociosexual status, period. Also, sometimes the less pretty is just hanging around and it’s “just there” and prettier women are not around. Also men like sexual variety. Also pussy is pussy sometimes. I’ve known tons of ugly, fat, unpopular women who get to have sex with relatively athletic, popular men. The reverse (fat unpopular guy with hot girl) never happens. The unpopular dork omega male is lucky if he ever gets anything at all. THAT is the core difference between the experience of men and women in our matriarchal dystopia. Women and alphas are entitled to as much sex as they want – while betas and omegas have to crawl around for the crumbs. Society as I see it is just a big sex party for alphas and women while betas and omegas are the slaves who get to pay for the drinks, clean up the mess etc – but who never actually get invited to the party – but who are just suckers who uplift a system which oppresses them.
Women love matriarchy because women’s sexual fantasy is to be in the harem of the alpha male while using the beta and omegas as a “free” support system. Femdom on a mass scale, basically. Female sexual selection in action. Women get to be “equal” to the betas, who are used for friendship, “relationships” etc while then chasing the alphas for no-strings sex. Only when used up or needing money do women “settle” for a beta. Women get it to have their cake and eat it too this way. Spend their prime years riding the cock carousel then have betas as a “fall back plan”.
Also, given that he prefers porn to actual sex and that we’re running out of acronyms, I vote that we call him Spanky from now on.
…You have no idea why people have sex, do you.
Question: If you have sex with someone, but don’t tell anyone, does it still raise your all-important “status?”
How about if you don’t have sex, but just tell everyone you did?