Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.
Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)
But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.
VSH: Women don’t count as people/citizens
No surprise there, but amazing one of you troll dudes comes right out and says it.
Do you really think the MRM=80% of men, and 80% of men are not getting any sex?
How long have you been living in that attic?
Vsh, I’ve been out, so pardon me if you’ve already addressed this, but:
Do you understand how many people in our culture are just plain ol’ monogamous? They met someone they liked, and now they do all their romancey things and their sex things with that one person. Good-looking people do this and ugly people do this; rich people and poor people; unhappy people and quite a number of very happy and loving people.
How do you fit this into your warped little worldview?
Seriously, vsh, do you have any concept of our Earth thing we call love?
Okay, so I have some more questions for vhsbetamaxwotsit.
1) Why do so many men patronize pro-dommes?
2) If women render men “genderless” by not sleeping with them. How long in between fucks before the gender-rendering wears off and he’s genderless again?
3) What are your thoughts on yaoi?
@Holly: think VSH addressed that.
Basically, monogamous man only gets one notch (in belt? on penis?) no matter how often he has sex with wife.
Alpha male who sleeps with lots of women once has many notches (penis about to fall off from all the notches).
VSH has no sex and is busy wanking to the idea of all the alpha men who have beat the matriarchy that has so oppressed VSH and dened him his natural notches, therefore we are all bad.
I think that’s it; I’ve not been reading too carefully because long, boring, repetitive.
Oh, and women aren’t people. So we don’t count.
And yet, much to your apparent chagrin, we do actually have rights. Exercise them, too.
Tell me, this convincing of the other 80% of men that supposedly share your worldview and will then join you in your toppling of the “matriarchy.” What does it look like, this activism of yours? Outside of your brilliant job persuading people on the Internet, I mean. Does it look anything like this, by any chance?
As has been pointed out countless times, the number of men who involuntarily live long “incel” lives is infinitesimal. You have yet to explain why so many of us beta motherfuckers are still pretty easily finding women to hook up with, get in relationships with or get married to. You also have yet to explain why 80% of men would be perfectly fine with a system that would drive a number of their sisters, daughters, mothers and firends into forced prostitution. Shit, 80% of men would not support a system where their fuckin neighbour two houses over would be forced into prostitution because most men aren’t sociopaths.
Catholic monks and priests who actually retain their vows of celibacy. Victims of the matriarchy?
I think it’s fascinating how guys like VSH insist women are totally different from men and should have no rights because we’re utterly separate creatures… yet often have great difficulty telling if a particular poster is male or female.
Oh. I see.
…Is he aware you can have sex with someone more than once?
He’s basically making the same argument that HIMYM made much more humourously. He also seems to think most men are a bunch of suckas that sit around in monogamous relationships because what’re ya gonna do?
I really wonder what guys like VSH think sex is for, too.
I like sex because:
A) It feels good
B) I like feeling desired
C) It makes me feel closer to my partner
It seems like the relentless pursuit of Alpha Cock would only sort of help with B, and would actively defeat the other two. Being with a “beta” who’s gotten to know my body and cares about pleasing me (A), appreciates me rather than taking me for “I can have any woman I want, you’re just a notch” granted (B), and will develop a relationship with me (C) really seems like the winning choice here.
I don’t want to sound like I’m dumping on casual sex, it’s certainly a fine option, but I don’t think VSH is really considering the incentives for sex between people who actually like each other.
…Then again, I’m pretty sure he has no idea what the phrase “people who like each other” means.
“Do you really think the MRM=80% of men, and 80% of men are not getting any sex?”
Of course not, but the betas really are the middle 60%.The sex they’re getting is more of the “pay for it with relationships and monogamy” type of sex with one or a few mediocre women who will put all kinds of feminists demands on them anway (who needs that shit). Omegas – bottom 20%, are the ones who really get nothing. But regardless, alphas get to bang away and feast on the pool of women/sex and the rest of the men are bascially left to crawl around for the crumbs within our matriarchal dystopia. Game is about becoming wise to this reality and learning how to use women just like alphas do – failing that just drop out and be omega and beat it to pr0n. But above all else avoid the beta path which feeds the matriarchal beast and keeps men blind to the fem-matrix that suffocates them.
“And women are inferior to men – including the betas – only the falsehood that is feminism allows you to think otherwise. No society can be stable if you have 80%+ of the men getting very little of the women/sex, while the top 20% of the men feast. Those top men’s status and “women’s rights” can easily be dismantled by that bottom 80% of men – providing they know what is going on – and that is what pua/mra is all about. ”
Well, hey, look on the bright side – at least now PUAs are admitting that their goal is to strip women of their rights. On the “we will take down the alphas” part, um, not sure that it’s a good idea to announce that. What’s in it for those guys, to support you? Obviously they won’t (if they existed…let’s play along here), so you have all women, plus 20% of men, adamantly opposed to your plans. It’s going to be pretty hard to overcome that just because a few of the remaining men come around to your point of view, especially since the men you want to overcome are the movers and shakers who essentially hold all of society’s wealth (the actual wealth, not the vagina wealth). Incidentally, is this starting to sound like Marxism for Dummies to anyone else? Except women ARE sex, so we currently own the means of production, which the betas intend to take over the ownership of. Wouldn’t it be easier to just build artificial vaginas?
“Women don’t “need” rights or status to get sex. Men do. That’s why society needs to be male dominated. And sex is – in our feminist dystopia – a de facto “right” for women and alpha males. The only ones without these rights are the betas and omegas.”
Again, imma let you finish, but a society does not run on sex alone. Most people also want other things out of life, in addition to sex. Some people don’t want sex at all. Not everyone is like you…in fact, most people are nothing like you, even the ones who are men. There is something very wrong with the way your mind works (there’s also the fact that you seem to have had a morality bypass). Most men are not sociopaths. You realise that you’re a sociopath, right?
Much as it sucks for you, none of your dreams will ever come to pass. Too bad, so sad, etc.
@ Holly
VHStapewahIhatetheworld may as well be screaming “I don’t actually enjoy sex, except in the sense that other men admire me when I do it!” from the rooftops. Which does rather explain why most women don’t want to have sex with him.
belledame – oh, lol with that whole “women want bonobo type of men” bs. Women don’t want co-operative, egalitarian nice guys – they want bad boy alpha chimps who will dominate them. Even female sexual fantasy (romance novels, soaps, etc) centers around women obsessing about some dominant male who will “take her” (of course not overtly asking for consent – if a beta did it he’d be considered a rapist) and just do what he wants with her, where the woman herself is feminine, helpless etc compared to males. That’s what women are turned on by due to evolutionary hardwiring, and why they’ll never respect “equal” men (unfortunately, would be a much better society). Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
VSH, why do you even want to have sex?
Since you don’t like women and don’t seem to care much if it feels good… what do you even hope to get out of it?
Haha, ninja-ed by Cassandra.
It’s funny how the guys who scream loudest about how they must have the sex they deserve never come off as the sort of guys who would actually enjoy sex anyway.
I do not need feminism to tell me that I’m superior to a sex-crazed, lackwitted loudmouth like you, I promise you. XD
You know, I’m actually not sure this needs further comment, but what the hell.
Sex: The end goal of society if you are a lackwit.
If I didn’t legit love all 3 matrix movies, the idiotic comparisons might tarnish the movie to me somewhat.
“belledame – oh, lol with that whole “women want bonobo type of men” bs. Women don’t want co-operative, egalitarian nice guys – they want bad boy alpha chimps who will dominate them. Even female sexual fantasy (romance novels, soaps, etc) centers around women obsessing about some dominant male who will “take her” (of course not overtly asking for consent – if a beta did it he’d be considered a rapist) and just do what he wants with her, where the woman herself is feminine, helpless etc compared to males. That’s what women are turned on by due to evolutionary hardwiring, and why they’ll never respect “equal” men (unfortunately, would be a much better society). Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”
I’m going to repeat Belle’s question about yaoi here. Have you heard of it? It’s one of the fastest growing market segments in terms of what kind of literature women consume, and it doesn’t exactly support your theory. Apparently when given free reign what the female imagination focuses on is sweet, cuddly, physically beautiful men fucking each other in the ass.
Cassandra – you have no clue how male hierarchies work. Heavy lies the head who wears the crown. The top men are at the top of a MALE hierarchy, where the other men only “allow” them to have that status because it is somehow beneficial. The top men are always worried that their status can easily be toppled. By raising “ass consciousness” men then begin to understand the true distribution of sex/women in the sociosexual marketplace. Such a hugely unfair distribution cannot stand. Alphas will do what we tell them in order to not lose their status. Also, women and alphas are essentially entitled to sex – so why not betas ?
Women do own the means of reproduction, and do only give most of it to a few men – feminism is female sexual selection on steroids – while the rest of the men have to grovel and crawl around just to get scraps.
“I do not need feminism to tell me that I’m superior to a sex-crazed, lackwitted loudmouth like you, I promise you. XD”
You know, I think that it’s the most anti-feminist women I know (the really old fashioned ones who’re into all things traditional) who would be most appalled by VHSwomenarefuckholes and his theory of how the world should work. I can just see my granny’s facial expression now.
VSH, do you actually want to have sex?
Not to be known as a man who has had sex. To actually do the physical act. With the touching and the feeling good and the letting a woman see your private parts and silly sex faces and the cuddling afterward.
I can’t see you as much of a cuddler, is all I’m saying.
Nope. If genuine alphas exist, they don’t give a shit what men like you think. If you had the kind of social power it takes to challenge an established heirarchy, you wouldn’t be so pissed off that you’ve been reduced to ranting on the internet.
“I’m going to repeat Belle’s question about yaoi here. Have you heard of it? It’s one of the fastest growing market segments in terms of what kind of literature women consume, and it doesn’t exactly support your theory. Apparently when given free reign what the female imagination focuses on is sweet, cuddly, physically beautiful men fucking each other in the ass.”
So some outlier women have some weird fetish, so what? And more likely, they’re just trying to trick betas into being submissive and “gay” – which is consistent with feminism/matriarchal degrading the betas and uplifting the alphas. Femdom, basically. Most women wish most men (betas) were “gay”/sissy/submissive so they could just do things for women and not want sex from them – sex is for the alphas and bad boys, you see.
Spoiler: If you want us to believe that this is an outlier, you really need to do the research to show it..