
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

vsh – sex is not something you ‘give’, it’s something you DO!

13 years ago

vsh: I’m… wow, your worldview is fucked up. So, my marriage of ten years (loving and monogamous) is… what, a delusion on my part? Do I need to find a totem, like in Inception, so I know when I’m in the real world of no one loving anyone else?

13 years ago

We’re primates after all

Bonobos. Google it.

13 years ago

Okay, we’ve already established that you’ve never met lesbians or [other] women. At this point, I’m pretty sure you’ve never met people.

Doesn’t seem like it, does it?

13 years ago

Pretty sure vhs is using a different definition of ‘status’ to the rest of us, like B_n with his ‘respect’.

13 years ago

get money, fuck bitches.

How’s that working out for you, then?

You’re probably just the baddest little gangsta in Des Moines, I’m guessing.

13 years ago

VSH’s walls of text are really gaggingly difficult to read.

But it is hilarious to see the part about how society ought to give ALL MEN MOAR status, rights, money, power, than WOMEN.

Because, you know, allowing for different demographic groups (i.e. comparing men and women in the same social group), that’s what already exists.

So, VSH, how do your theories apply to people over 70? Because my 83 year old mother moved in her 93 year old lover a couple of years ago, and they’re having a kickass time of it (he’s the only man she’s ever been involved with worthy of her).

Or let me guess, they don’t, because you don’t believe anybody over, what 30 or so, actually has sex?

13 years ago

Y’know, if it were true that women only were “attracted” to the status symbols (i.e. nice car)…why would they need the man at all? Why not just get the car for themselves? Autosexuals FTW!

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

We’re primates after all

Naturalistic Fallacies on the internet: Truly, an effective argument if ever there was one.

13 years ago

ithiliana: that rocks! go your mom!

13 years ago

@Belledame222: I’ll save him the trouble of typing out the big long word with his manly fingers:

Bonobos found to be smarter than chimps because COOPERATION!!!


How much fucking time I’ve wasted watching men in committee meetings trying to establish dominance…….

13 years ago

But it is hilarious to see the part about how society ought to give ALL MEN MOAR status, rights, money, power, than WOMEN.

It’s an interesting definition of “society,” isn’t it.

But assuming he was right (again, dude who doesn’t understand things: I’m not, really, it’s a game to entertain the other people here. ssh):

so basically as I’m understanding it, as things currently are, *all* women benefit and so do 20% of men.

So that’s 70% satisfied members of society, versus 30% who’re bitching.

What’s everyone else’s motivation to change back? I mean, according to this kind of dude, there’s no such thing as altruism anyway, so fuck ’em.

13 years ago

@Belledame222: She does rock! (And best thing is, she still gets the crappy little amount of alimony awarded her back when my father, whose doctoral degree she paid for by working full time, dumped her for grad student–it’s not much, but it does add up over the years–because she’s not marrying anybody). She’s living in SIN and dancing it up (literally–they met dancing, they dance regularly, dancing is one of the best exercises out there).

13 years ago

(we are of course assuming for this little exercise the completely heterobinary model etc etc etc)

13 years ago

“Why not just get the car for themselves? Autosexuals FTW!”

This works, I’ve seen it in action. You attract men who like cars, and spend many happy hours lapping the main and parking in Franklins carpark with the bonnet open and the radio up loud, comparing engines. It’s more fun than sitting on the Post Office steps, waiting for a bloke to pick you up. (and safer, you can go home when you want, instead of having to ask the bloke driving)

13 years ago

This dude also seems to be (willfully? it’s hard to tell) misunderstanding the difference between “in days of yore, women married the creepy loser who had money and power because that’s what got them wet”

and “when your average creepy dude wasn’t much relative to other men but still had a lot of money and power relative to any woman by herself, women married them (slept with them, whatever) because that was how they, like, knew they were going to be able to eat and have a roof over their head.”

13 years ago


13 years ago

Nope, vsh, I’m saying that fans often want to fuck the stars who they admire. This is a very specific dynamic, and not one that can be extended to social interactions as a whole, which is where Neil Strauss went wrong in the first place.

And nope, you can’t fake it till you make it. I’ve had guys try game on me – I laughed at them. (BTW, negging? Don’t do that, it makes you look ridiculous.) And it’s not statistically possible, within the system you’ve outlined, for significant numbers of men to be “alphas”. By definition they’re unusual people.

As to the idea that society should be male dominated so that men like you who’re sex obsessed and repugnant to women can fuck lots of random ladies who you pick up in bars – nope, that’s not ethically acceptable, or good for society as a whole, and it’s not going to happen. If you really want to live in a male dominated society, it’s pretty easy to get jobs in Saudi Arabia if you have the right skillset, but I don’t think your attempts to have lots of casual sex are going to turn out very well.

13 years ago

I like how he conveniently forgets that most men don’t have much power or status, yet still manage to have sex, have relationships or even marry. Men like vsh can never conceive of this because they can never conceive that they themselves fail with women because they are miserable little shits who want to take women’s rights away just so they are guaranteed a fuck with a Megan Fox lookalike.

13 years ago

Y’know vsh, there is such a thing as a middle ground between being a sniveling, manipulative, passive-aggressive doormat and an obnoxious, repugnant, unappealing douche.

I don’t expect you to believe me, since you’ve clearly been fully indoctrinated into The Cult of PUA. But for the benefit those following along at home, I have to tell that you’re doing self-improvement wrong. The path you’re walking down will bring nothing but disappointment and humiliation.

13 years ago

It’s funny how the little idiot doesn’t realise that even if we just give all men even more power, there will still be a hierarchy with celebrities, rich dudes, political figures etc. still maintaining the same comparative status with the rest of men. And if women really were interested in being in alpha harems and using beta providers, then nothing would have changed. Women would still sleep with the alphas and use the betas. Of course since the whole scheme is idiotic, we might as well discuss what we should do about the problem of flying ostriches and the harm that they cause society.

13 years ago

That too! In super traditional male-dominated societies, it’s even harder to get casual sex, because there’s so much pressure on women not to have sex outside marriage.

13 years ago

Here’s the thing, vsh247: no matter how many times you explain your sad little misogynistic view of the world, you can’t change the fact that many people here — myself included — are very happy with their sex and love lives. You can yell from the high hills that my boyfriend secretly wishes that he could treat me like a thing instead of a person; that he doesn’t actually like spending time with me, but he feels he has to in order to ensure that he can have sex; that he never benefits from the love and support we share with one another; but we still had a fantastic time cuddling with kitties and watching TLotR and having sex and eating spaghetti this weekend. Hell, maybe he was faking it, and every single moment he was biding his time until I took my top off or something. Somehow I doubt it. There’s got to be an easier way of getting laid than spending months and months in my presence, pretending to enjoy our silly games and funny stories while secretly checking out until the naked parts.

You could spend hours telling me all about how I’m only attracted to status, how I want to be with a man who treats me like dirt, and how my ultimate goal is to be in a poly relationship where only the man gets to have multiple partners; but I still know what it feels like to be sexually attracted to a man, and, much like when I’m sexually attracted to a woman, I know it’s about things like the cut of his shoulders, his face, his eyes. I also know that I’m not interested in engaging in a sexual relationship with anyone other than the guy I’m already with, and I wouldn’t be okay with it if he started a sexual relationship with somebody else while he was still seeing me.

You could tell me how men in my life who I’m not dating are only nice to me because they expect sex to “flow naturally” from it; that once they realize that’s not going to work, they’ll start treating me like dirt, both because they want to and because it will make my panties wet. But I know the men in my life, I know how I’ve helped them through tough times and how they’ve helped me.

I guess what I’m saying is, you can’t make me unhappy about how things are in my world. Sorry. All you’re doing is making me sad for all the people in yours.

13 years ago

Belledame –
“so basically as I’m understanding it, as things currently are, *all* women benefit and so do 20% of men.
So that’s 70% satisfied members of society, versus 30% who’re bitching.”

Well, let’s see what happens when most men find out the truth about how women distribute sex – and thus sociosexual power – amongst men. You’re under the false assumption that the masses of beta males “have to” follow your reality. It only takes a few dissatisfied customers to cause mayhem. And women are inferior to men – including the betas – only the falsehood that is feminism allows you to think otherwise. No society can be stable if you have 80%+ of the men getting very little of the women/sex, while the top 20% of the men feast. Those top men’s status and “women’s rights” can easily be dismantled by that bottom 80% of men – providing they know what is going on – and that is what pua/mra is all about.

Women don’t count as people/citizens in my formulation of society – they are sex objects to be consumed – and even women see it this way on a primal level which is why they spread for alphas.

Women don’t “need” rights or status to get sex. Men do. That’s why society needs to be male dominated. And sex is – in our feminist dystopia – a de facto “right” for women and alpha males. The only ones without these rights are the betas and omegas.

To be honest, I could care less about your rights – I care about my sociosexual status and survival and my rights. Matriarchy is social darwinism imposed by women and alphas on men – turnabout is fair play. Anyway, women will cry about rights and equality but still spread for the powerful men who don’t follow women’s “demands”. Feminism is one big “shit test” and the men who ignore women’s demands (alphas) are the ones who succeed.

13 years ago

Shadow –
“It’s funny how the little idiot doesn’t realise that even if we just give all men even more power, there will still be a hierarchy with celebrities, rich dudes, political figures etc. still maintaining the same comparative status with the rest of men. And if women really were interested in being in alpha harems and using beta providers, then nothing would have changed.”

This is somewhat true, but under feminism a huge percentage of men are emasculated and robbed of their power while a certain portion escape this and aren’t required to follow the rules. A society where women aren’t robbing/parasiting the betas is one where they have far more status, and also where the alphas basically are only allowed to have status (as I stated, male status is something that can only exist because the larger male group allows it) if they conform to our pua/mra anti-feminist values and promote a less steep sociosexual hierarchy. Also – legalize prostitution – the market will eventually bring down prices and drive up quality – so even an omega can bang as much as alphas. And lots of the prostitutes will be alphas sisters lol so we’ll get to get some payback on them.

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