Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.
Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)
But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.
Even if you bang her everyday its still “1″.
So if a guy fucks one woman once, it’s the exact same thing as a guy who’s had sex with one woman hundreds of times? Do I even have to explain how little sense this makes?
Basically the whole PUA movement is what would happen if MRAL metastasized.
But Dracula, men do not want to be in relationships, ever!
Relationships are misandry!
Well he’s already said masturbating to porn is better than sex with a mediocre woman. So… you’re making an educated guess.
Maybe he has a fetish for having sex with a different woman every time? I mean, I’m poly and like variety, but I don’t use up my partners like tissues.
Nah, he’s made it pretty clear that the whole point is to force other men to respect you.
I still don’t understand why he doesn’t just lead a happy life of telling his friends he had sex with every supermodel ever, while in fact never having contact with women and spending his time doing something he actually likes. It seems vastly more efficient.
Also, I’m just going to leave this here. Go read the research that he links to, and then read some PUA stuff again with that in mind.
Here’s the money quote, BTW.
“Many of the motivational factors that were identified in incarcerated rapists have been shown to apply equally to undetected rapists. When compared to men who do not rape, these undetected rapists are measurably more angry at women, more motivated by the need to dominate and control women, more impulsive and disinhibited in their behavior, more hyper-masculine in their beliefs and attitudes, less empathic and more antisocial.”
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Didn’t you write:
<blockquote<I just sit back and watch and replicate the behaviors and get what I need from women.
So… you’re an alpha now, right? Doesn’t that mean that you’ve already knocked down Pecunium’s “alpha status”? As a result of you’re successful alpha status, shouldn’t Pecunium be somewhere, terrified, and unable to have sex. And if you’re an alpha -as you’ve claimed- what are you complaining about? Sounds like becoming an alpha is really easy.
Another MRA who thinks:
1) Women are a hivemind and have no individuality.
2) Despite 1, some random guy knows better than women themselves what women think and want.
Actually, this was the second quote:
Actually I feel like that quote from the Lisak paper should be posted every time MRAs decide to barge into any conversation and/or issue. If you look at Lisak’s findings, and then look at the stuff that most MRAs write, it’s pretty obvious why they trigger an instant threat response from most women.
Lol, famous men are not alpha males? That exact is what an alpha male is – a man with popularity and status
Then I wasn’t an Alpha. I was on the fringes in high school, not, “popular”, though I was known; I was bullied. I was the new kid in lots of schools. Yep.
And I wasn’t having sex with kids my age. No, it was women in their early twenties, and then in their middle twenties. It wasn’t until I was in my middle twenties that my lovers got to be my age.
Must have been all that status and popularity I had.
Molly – genderless because they are emasculated and told to be “equal” to women, see women as “people”, be “friends”, have “relationships,not “objectify” women, not pursue dominance, not to be masculine – all that feminist crap – yet alphas, bad boys and high status males are not held to this.
I do all those things, and I am an Alpha.
These words, I think you don’t understand them and you make it up as you go along.
I recommend you take notes, it makes it easier to keep the story straight.
While alphas are out banging tons of different (usually pretty) women, increasing their notch count, and thus their sociosexual status and power over the rest of the men
Uh-hunh. When I was active duty, and was able to tell more than half of Ft. Hood to get off their ass and pick up trash… I was really powerless because I was in a relationship, and my “notch count” wasn’t going up as fast as it had been when I was single.
I just sit back and watch and replicate the behaviors and get what I need from women.
If I were you, I’d be “replicating” the “beta” behavior, since it seems to get better results than the shit you’re doing now.
Holy crap Cassandra, that link and info just gave me more grey hair. I remember having to explain how to stay safe to my college friends before we went bar hopping. And there were a lot of angry dudes when I was dead sober and ‘interfering’ with their attempts to separate my friends from the group. I think the worst time was when we went camping, and my very drunk best friend and I suddenly found ourselves alone at another campsite our group had been visiting. I know for certain that had I left my friend, she would have become a rape victim. Luckily, I was dead sober and able to get her back to safety. The guys kept trying to ply me with alcohol, I wasn’t having it.
And yes, when someone says they don’t like a group you belong to, its time to leave and not look back.
Also, if someone appears to be telling you that they don’t like a group you belong to, don’t try to rationalize that away – believe them. And then run, don’t walk, as far away from that person as you can get, especially if they’re also displaying signs of anger.
But yeah, the Lisack research was the first time I’d actually seen academic confirmation that the instinct I’ve had all my life that men like that are dangerous isn’t just a matter of personal aversion – men like that actually are dangerous, from an objective pov.
Wow, that blog post is disturbing and eye-opening. I had to turn away several times, because…ugh.
To be honest, I’m scared as to what I can do or would do…yes, the post offered tips, but there is an especially ugly Rape Culture I’ve been inundated in since I was young. At best, I feel like all I can do is just do things bit by bit…and on the web.
I hate to break it to you but actually they do have groupies.
All I can think of is:
Mayor Adam West: This press conference is over. I can’t see you now, I can’t hear you now, You’re not here now. La La La la la la La La la la
@Polliwog – that he doesn’t see that as an option implies that his mates need to see some sort of ‘proof’ before he can carve the notch. Don’t want to think about that too much 🙁
Quick life lesson: If your friends require proof that you maintain an ever increasing number of sex partners as a condition of their ongoing respect, you have shitty friends. Get new ones.
“…I do all those things, and I am an Alpha…”
Uh, no yer not. Anybody that spends as much time in front of a keyboard as you, is not an “Alpha Male” – assuming such a thing exists.
Something tells me that they are more his ilk than his friends