
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

I think I see where your disconnect with us is, vsh! You like fucking for status. I’m pretty sure most people here who like fucking, like it for the fucking itself. Sex can be fun, even with the same person twice! True story.

13 years ago

Quackers: They are alpha by his standards… they are having sex.

13 years ago

Sex can be fun, even with the same person twice!

In fact, for the vast majority of us, it’s way MORE fun when it’s with someone you’ve had sex with before. Even leaving out all the emotional stuff, sex with someone who is familiar with what sort of sex you enjoy generally tends to be better sex, for pretty obvious reasons!

13 years ago

Myoo – because women are hypergamous. They get off on sharing a top tier of men, i.e. being in the harem of the alpha males, while having a collective cuckoldry of beta male worker drones to take care of women and maintain the system. Betas are the ones required to be egalitarian and see women as equal, pay for dates, have committed relationships etc – just to get sex with one or a few mediocre woman Otherwise get no sex at all and be shamed and sociosexually ostracized like omegas. Carrot(do this and you will get sex) and stick (do this and you’ll be banished to omega-dom) keeps betas being betas. Much better for men to learn game and try to get at least some of that alpha action or drop out and be an omega and watch pr0n. Alpha or omega. This is what breaks the cycle and exposes feminism/women/matriarchy for what it is. Beta is the sucker path that feeds the matriarchal beast.

Rutee- most feminists whine incessantly about men only wanting women for sex and their bodies, femininity, etc – i.e. for objectifying women. You’re just being deliberately obtuse i.e. playing stupid but I’m used to that by now when it comes to dealing with feminists/women. Also, you don’t see it as a problem if alphas do it – only when betas do – since alphas have status (which is what women want) and betas don’t (and who are tricked into not pursuing status and just being nice guys).

Men aren’t attracted to women’s status – that’s a projection since women objectify men for status. Those women have status precisely because they have feminine youth and beauty and men desire those characteristics. If they didn’t then they wouldn’t be attractrive. For example ugly or old women with status (such as female politicians, rich older women, etc) are not sexy to men. Powerful women do not have male groupies the way powerful men have female groupies. Essentially all women are groupies to varying degrees for the alpha males – this is female sexual psychology.

13 years ago

And once again, even if that was true, you can’t just fake status. No woman is going to think you’re super-mega-alpha and want to fuck you just because you’re an asshole and you try to boss her around.

13 years ago

See, you can tell that vsh knows a lot about women from the way he dismisses out of hand anything they tell him about themselves. Because there’s no better way to understand someone than lot listening to them.

13 years ago

*[not] listening*

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Myoo – because women are hypergamous.

Statement assumes facts not in evidence!

Rutee- most feminists whine incessantly about men only wanting women for sex and their bodies, femininity, etc – i.e. for objectifying women.

Having Sex != Objectifying women.

You’re just being deliberately obtuse i.e. playing stupid but I’m used to that by now when it comes to dealing with feminists/women.

I am calling you stupid, dude, for not recognizing basic facts about sex. I am not pretending not to understand you, I am saying you are wrong.

Also, you don’t see it as a problem if alphas do it –


since alphas have status

Pecunium doesn’t. You said he’s an alpha though.

Men aren’t attracted to women’s status – that’s a projection since women objectify men for status.

Statement assumes facts not in evidence!

For example ugly or old women with status (such as female politicians, rich older women, etc) are not sexy to men.

Hint: The women who think Hugh Heffner is sexy are far and few between.

13 years ago

Cassandra – the type of guy who can get Megan Fox would have to have very high sociosexual market value and thus would also be the type who could (if he wanted to) bang countless women before and after he was with Ms. Fox. Oh, and usually guys with such high value don’t stop banging on the side even when they’re married, and their wives usually don’t require them to stop either. Because women (even someone like Megan Fox) understand that in order to get an alpha male they have to share him with many other women – which women actually enjoy – as the true female fantasy is to be in the (actual or de facto) harem of the alpha male.

13 years ago

Funnily enough, the guy who Megan Fox actually married is kind of a geek.

13 years ago

He’s also spooky-looking.

13 years ago

“Because women (even someone like Meghan Fox) understand that in order to get an alpha male they have to share him with many other women – which women actually enjoy”

Funny, the second Mrs. Gingrich didn’t look at it that way.

13 years ago

vsh, there’s someone whining here, but it’s not the feminists.

13 years ago

Even funnier, I suspect that she married him because she’s kind of a geek too. She’s just an unusually pretty one.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

while using the lower ranking men as a “free” egalitarian, genderless support system

Wait, what? You just referred to them as men, so how are they “genderless”? o.o

13 years ago

Rutee – most alphas have sex only with women who “conform to traditional standards of beauty and femininity” as feminists would say. Most of the women alphas bang are the beautiful, young pretty looking women – the types of women betas are told we’re not supposed to want – as this is objectication, sexism etc. The alphas are usually much higher up the sociosexual ladder than the women themselves. Feminists say that hierarchy and power gaps like this are unequal and oppressive. But I guess its only “bad” when beta males attempt to do it – when alphas do it its all sexytime and a-ok. The way I see it, if alphas aren’t held to the feminist rules, then neither should betas. Betas should be allowed to pursue status, to pursue women for their beauty and sex only – and not forced to be “good” if alphas aren’t.

As I stated, women have an alpha lover/beta provider complex – two sets of rules for two sets of men – female sexual selection in action. Of course women will never admit this, lest they lose their masses of egalitarian beta male slaves.

13 years ago

This just in! If a woman doesn’t fuck a man, that renders him genderless. Somehow. Lesbians, think about what you’ve done and repent!

13 years ago

Hey, is it not at all possible that the reason men with “status” or whatever can get with Megan Fox is that they, like her, are rich and famous? Therefore they’re likely to run in the same social circles? Honestly, how likely is it that the average person is ever going to even meet Megan Fox?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

their masses of egalitarian beta male slaves

Dude, where ARE all these beta slaves? I could really use some help with the laundry right now! *hates folding towels*

13 years ago

Dracula, are you suggesting that most people tend to date folks who they have something in common with, and who’re part of their social circle? That’s misandry, that is. The matriarchy thanks you.

13 years ago

@Molly Ren: I KNOW! I rather enjoy laundry, but wow, the floors need some work!

If I had some egalitarian beta male slaves, they’d be dustmopping and swiffering and swooshing away happily while I sit on my fat happy butt eating bonbons and stomping trollz on the internet.

Where are they all????????????????

13 years ago

If a man fucks a man, does that make them both genderless, or double their genderness?

13 years ago

@ ithiliana – so that why my kitchen floor is always dirty!

@Molly Ren – I just hang the towels straight back on the towel rail in the bathroom. And I NEVER iron ANYTHING

13 years ago

If a man fucks a man, they have infinite recursive gender!

13 years ago


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