
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

I tried voting with my vagina once. It was difficult pushing the buttons, and I ended up with a terrible UTI. Ladiez, do nor try this!

I was wondering about vagina-sex-hex twenty four seven’s implied threat that raising “ass consciousness” among betas would somehow knock Pecunium off of his alpha perch. I mean once every man has game, are the true alphas dooooooooomed?

13 years ago

Ack! Do *not try this.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Vsh is a pi male. He’s irrational and goes on forever.


13 years ago

Actually I think Vsh is what happens when you spill water on your keyboard, and then try to type, but now some of the letters are stuck in the down position so ffflllllllso anyway, women are bitches and jjjjwwwwwwwwllllllllllllllllllllll alphas!

13 years ago

What women, alphas and their supporters say has no effect on me anymore. Watch what they do, not what they say. I just sit back and watch and replicate the behaviors and get what I need from women. I don’t like them and never will.

No really?! I never would have guessed that in a million years *eyeroll*

If women and their supporters don’t affect you anymore, why exactly are you hear? can’t you stew in your hatred on an MGTOW forum? cuz you aren’t gonna convince anyone here.

13 years ago

also I sorta think Vsh might be MRAL…but not quite sure yet

13 years ago

But MRAL already is exhibiting what Vsh thinks are “alpha” behaviors (being a total asshole to women, attempting to boss them around), and it doesn’t seem to be working out too well for him so far. Maybe he just needs to try harder and get himself a silly hat and some goggles?

13 years ago

vsh is here to either:

A) Troll

B) Gloat about how much pussy he’s sure to get now that no longer respects women. (Not that he ever really did.)

or C) All of the above.

I sure in his mind we’re all feeling totally burned and terrified. *yawn*

13 years ago

Nah, MRAL isn’t good enough at socking to write in a different style than his own. This guy lacks many of his quirks.

13 years ago

It is kind of funny how consistent a pattern this is, PUAs being unable to read tone. As in, they post some random crap, we all respond with amusement and sneering, and they think “omg, I have made them feel chastened, now they are sure to change their ways! yay me, they all think I’m such a stud!”.

I feel like this inability to read social cues is not entirely unrelated to their less than positive interactions with women in real life.

13 years ago

Kyrie – monogamous relationships are beta. Having sex with one woman is beta. It is a notch count of “1” no matter how times you do her. While alphas are banging away and increasing their notch count. Monogamous or committed relationships do lower a male’s social market value (SMV), as the males who have sex with more and prettier women gain status over those who don’t. Women know this and give the sex to only an elite group of men while making the beta masses “pay” with relationships, dates, respect, etc. Monogamy only works if all the men are forced to do it, so they can be equally beta. Not that I want that. I rather be a monk and beat off the pr0n that have to be in a committed relationship with some woman who really wants alphas. Best to just find a woman or two to bear kids and be the wifey type, while also having the side women. Just like alphas do.

Cassandra – everything you say really only confirms my thesis: that women are sexually attracted to and objectify men with status (who are allowed to be dominant, want women for sex and beauty, allowed to be male, etc) while using the lower ranking men as a “free” egalitarian, genderless support system. FACT: Feminists/women are vehemently against MOST males seeking status, power, dominance etc above others, decrying such behavior as sexist and unegalitarian. Yet then these are the types of men who women desire and chase for sex. IOW, women trick the betas and nice guys into being “equal” to women and sharing their status positions in system with women… trick them into not seeking status, power and dominance… trick them into letting the alphas “win”. While women and alphas do the opposite. Alphas are somehow exempt and allowed to pursue status, allowed to have the typical masculine desires for feminine beauty, allowed to use and enjoy women as they see fit. So DUH of course betas and nice guys don’t have status – we’ve been tricked by feminists/women to not seek those things and think we’ll be sexy just by being egalitarian, to “like women as people” bs (that is the same theme of the advice given in this thread) – we’ve been tricked by our matriarchal reality to sit back and just let the alphas and women have the status – and thus all of the sex and sexual partners. This is what feminism/matriarchy is all about, tricking most men into not pursuing status and sex, and then giving it all women and the top men.

Game, PUA and MRA are all about reversing this, about making beta males aware of the matriarchal sociosexual dystopia we live in that masquerades as egalitarianism and equality.

13 years ago

So, Vsh, what you’re saying is that your reading comprehension sucks? Yeah, we already noticed that.

13 years ago

I think vsh’s tinfoil hat is too tight, actually.

13 years ago

μι! Power!

13 years ago

I dreamt about Eurosabra and his ‘notch count’ last night. In the dream I was giving him Auntly advice, “All you want is a number to conquer your friends. Take up birdwatching instead.” Then I saw him in a supermarket queue chatting to the man behind him. He said “I saw three new birds this weekend.” and nobody thought he was creepy.

13 years ago

Oh, Vsh stands for vagina sex hex? I took it to mean very special hater.

I don’t think this one is MRAL, but I’ll perform the secret MRAL testing ritual:

USian! USian! USian!

13 years ago

“Let’s have a nice cup of tea and talk about your pathological need for validation, Eurosabra.”

13 years ago

This one hasn’t called me privileged yet – definitely not MRAL.

13 years ago


IOW, women trick the betas and nice guys into being “equal” to women and sharing their status positions in system with women… trick them into not seeking status, power and dominance… trick them into letting the alphas “win”.

Why? If women like having sex with alphas, how does it benefit them to limit the number of alphas available?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Ahaha, and sexual market value. Because he didn’t have enough unevidenced premises to begin with, right?

This is what feminism/matriarchy is all about, tricking most men into not pursuing status and sex, and then giving it all women and the top men.

Dude, I’m a feminist, and I don’t care how many women a dude sleeps with one tiny bit. I only care that women are treated as people. After that, it’s all good.

Cassandra – everything you say really only confirms my thesis: that women are sexually attracted to and objectify men with status

Because men never sexualize women with status. No sirree bob. You will never, ever see a trophy husband or pool boy. No male wants to sleep with JEssica Alba, Megan Fox, or Lady Gaga.

You’re a lackwit, but you’re actually funny about it. I’m glad, I’d hate for you to be as much of a bore as most of the other lackwits.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Oh, and I have no idea what you’re talking about racism – gang leaders, thugs and bad boys come in all colors. Also – I have gay male friends who confirm that the whole alpha/beta/omega sociosexual market also occurs within gay communities, albeit the dynamic is different to hetero since there are no women to deal with.

So the whole thing works entirely differently, but it still counts as Alpha/beta/omega, huh?

I notice you’re still missing the question of what gay women do. Hint: None of this, at all.

13 years ago

The whole idea of ranking women by number and then exclusively pursuing the ones who all your buddies agree are a 9 or 10 is about beauty giving women status, which then lends the men who fuck them status by association…

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Oh, also, hetero women don’t work like you think they do either, but I’m going to let the heteros handle that more, I suspect. I’m too busy laughing about your idiotic ideas XD

13 years ago

I like that this one comes right out and admits that, to him, the point of sex is not that sex is actually enjoyable or anything, it is purely and exclusively to impress your buddies with your “notch count.”

Dude, if that’s the point, why not just skip the sex altogether and cut straight to the bragging? You can brag about infinite imaginary women, you never have to deal with any actual women, and best of all, actual women never have to deal with you, either. It’s win-win!

13 years ago

“Yeah, well, it’s cool that you married Megan Fox and all, but I slept with 57 women last night!”

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