
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

“joe beta who is told that status is not important and he should just be “equal” and “respectful” to women and that will get him sex actually gets nothing or very little.”

Yo, whiny asshole, imma let you finish, but nobody ever said that being respectful to women would get you sex. Most women are not sex workers, and even the ones who are do not accept “respect” or “being equal” as a form of payment.

Also, funny thing. I often work around men who you’d call alphas – ie, professional musicians – and the only ones I’ve ever contemplated sleeping with have been the ones who display what you’d describe as beta behavior (ie they’re respectful, polite, friendly, they go out of their way to make me like them, they talk to me in a way which indicates that they percieve me as an equal)*. The ones who display what you’d describe as alpha traits I generally refer to as “assholes”. I know this is hard for you to process, but not all women like thuggish, dominant assholes! It’s OK if you need to take a minute to sit down and rest after picking the pieces of your shattered head (and theory) off the walls, floor, etc.

* Please note! What is being described as “beta” behavior here is what in the real world could be described as “wanting a woman to like me, therefore trying to make a good impression” or in even better cases as “being a nice person”. It does usually work in terms of making a man more likeable. It doesn’t, however, make a woman want to have sex with a man she finds physically unattractive. This is not women being evil lying bitches, this is women having physical preferences.

“Also obvious? When a guy thinks of relationships as the price of sex, and has no interest in actually, you know, relating. I can kinda spot that a mile away and no wonder you don’t get sex then.”

But! They’re putting the correct cheat codes into the vagina vending machine, what do you mean that’s not good enough?

“That’s not objectification If, however, I go into a bar, or the grocery, and say, “10 on the left, a pair of 8s on the right… I can cut the 9 off from her 6 partner and then we can shag till dawn.”, that’s objectification. They aren’t people anymore (NB, that both descriptions were gender neutral: it’s not who does it, it’s what gets done).”

Can we make this into a little graphic that we can post? Because I’m getting really tired of explaining to people that looking at someone and thinking they’re attractive is not objectification.

RE Wetherby’s point about some people not having many partners because they got lucky the first or second time and found someone perfect for them – I agree that those people are relatively common, and totally ignored by our PUA friends. In fact, I recently got a comment in response to mine on Jezebel from a guy who said that he doesn’t like sex with strangers because it makes him feel uncomfortable, and he needs emotional intimacy in order to feel comfortable fucking someone. He went anonymous in order to make that comment, and you know what? The crap that PUAs spout is part of the reason why men who feel that way don’t feel able to say so openly. Talk about shaming language…imagine being a guy who doesn’t want to fuck an endless succession of strangers.

PS Why do women approach men who’re famous in a supplicating kind of way in which they don’t approach other men? Because those men are FAMOUS, and the women are often fans, not because those men are “alphas”. People act really really weird around folks who’re famous, especially if they’re fans. It’s not a normal social interaction at all. (This is part of the problem with the original book The Game, btw, that Strauss took a lot of his observations from watching fans interact with Motley Crue, which is about as far from a normal social environment as you can get – if those women weren’t willing to do pretty much anything to interact with the band, they wouldn’t have been backstage in the first place.)

13 years ago

If vsh says “pampered princesses,” we know it’s MRAL.

13 years ago


I googled “sociosexual hierarchy” and found this quiz…with MOAR than just alpha, beta and omega! had to substitute “women” for “man” since I’m a woman but my result is:


You are average in appearance, attitude, and dominance. Women are strongly attracted to Alphas, but Deltas are usually the providers whom they settle down with. They glorify women, but are not entirely at ease with their Delta status (unlike Alphas, Betas, and Sigmas). You are part of the great majority of men out there.

see PUA dudes? it happens to women too. Seeing as how not many guys are interested in me it kinda makes sense. Somehow, someway, I will go on!!!!!1

If anyone else is bored and in need of some lulz, I highly recommend it

13 years ago

“Oh – and alphas hate women more than anyone, that’s why their so good at getting them. It’s just due to the aformentioned catchet factor – that they are super attractive to women due to their status alone (women objectify men for status) that all of the actions are backwards rationalized as good, while betas trying to do the same thing are viewed as evil and sexist.”

Wow, that’s some fascinating pretzel logic you just puked up there. Having status = hating women? Please bear in mind that most men who have high social status either inherited it (ie, no effort or choice involved), earned it by being really good at something (athletes, actors, musicians, etc – granted that “being really good at” is debatable in the latter instances), or acquired it by making lots of money. None of those latter things (being unusually good at one particular thing, making lots of money) necessarily indicates anything at all about the man in question’s feelings towards women. I don’t get that sense that Bill Gates, for example, particularly hates women, and he’s very rich. Clinton has plenty of faults, but he doesn’t seem to hate women as a group. And so on.

“Women vote with their vaginas. That nice kid (and the countless guys like me) who suffered became the man I am today – and the man who will see to it that the next generation of boys didn’t suffer like I did. Revenge time baby.”

I have to say, that doesn’t seem to be working out very well for you so far, given that most women’s reactions to you seem to range from disgust to amused contempt.

13 years ago

What women, alphas and their supporters say has no effect on me anymore. Watch what they do, not what they say. I just sit back and watch and replicate the behaviors and get what I need from women. I don’t like them and never will. Oh and feminists and most women DO say that “hierarchy”, status and male dominance are bad things that men shouldn’t do or seek – but then women turn around and chase those same men for sex. Our matriarchal reality we grew up in is a lie designed to subjugate the bottom 80% of men for the benefit of women and the top 20% of men. It’s all dissimulation – to trick the beta boys into being low status, while women and alphas run ahead and get all the status and thus all of the sex.

Lol, famous men are not alpha males? That exact is what an alpha male is – a man with popularity and status – which is what women objectify men for. Most women are not fans of the alpha males they bang. They just know they’re high status and get off on being dominated by someone above them in the hierarchy. Men don’t chase women with power/status for sex – because men are hardwired to seek fertility in women and objectify women for beauty/youth as a result.

The betas just need to learn what alphas (who hate women more than anyone – which is why they get the most women) are doing and use women the same way. Equality is not possible with women because women don’t respect men on their level – and are certainly not attracted to them. If this reality be social darwinism then it its better to be the top dog rather than some egalitarian sucker oblivious to the brutal realities of the sociosexual marketplace in the age of feminist hypergamy.

13 years ago

vsh, can you explain me something?
I’ve been wondering for a time. I think it is well established that the men who have, in average of course, the most sex, are the men in relationship, for obvious reasons. So, if the dating scene is so competitive and you care so much about putting your penis in a woman, why don’t you focus more in establishing medium or long term relation-ship (I’m not even saying necessarily monogamous) rather than “picking up” womans in bars?
Is it too hard to pretend to view the girlfriend as interesting person more than an evening? Do you worry it will lower you sociosexual status?

(I’m not saying you should, just wondering why you don’t)

13 years ago

Vsh is just trolling, clearly.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Yo, vsh, I don’t have sex with alpha OR beta males half so often as I do with my boyfriend.

I guess you can convince yourself that our relationship is a price he reluctantly pays for my vagina, if that’s what makes you happy.

13 years ago

Holly, you don’t count, because feminist Batman, that’s why.

13 years ago

My partner and I have had only one sex partner! Are we both Alphas? Omegas? Mu?

13 years ago

vsh, I’m so surprised you don’t like women. I never would have gathered that from your comments.

Oh, do shut up, Eurosabra. Things are tiresome enough with vsh here.

13 years ago

And I also would like to know what Boyfriend is. He’s a cute, funny, nerdy, very intelligent, chubby, guy. He’s a student in his way to a math PhD. Before we met, we were both virgins. All of our “dates” consisted of walks in parks or the likes and board games evening. Oh, we had hot chocolates too, but we each pay our share.
On the alpha side: has sex, doesn’t pay for it.
On the beta side: is nice, or pretend very well.

13 years ago

Well, trollboy, unlike you I’ve actually spent time around those “alphas”, and I can tell you for a fact that the women who chase them usually are fans. Those women aren’t getting off on being dominated, they’re either a. wanting to fuck the guy because they think he’s omg so talented and stuff and I really love that song or b. they’re basically headhunting, collecting stories to boast about to their friends. And here’s another shocker – even in that context, the better looking men get laid more, as do the ones who’re friendlier. I mean, pretty much anyone can get laid if they’re famous and there are fans around, but there’s still a noticeable trend where the handsome, charming ones attract more attention.

Even if this was about those men hating women, guess what? They have social status, and you don’t. Social status isn’t something that you can fake just by being a jerk to women. Women aren’t going to go “OMG he’s so high status, I must fuck him now!” just because you’re nasty to them.

13 years ago

I think we’re Chi. I like this letter.

13 years ago

Mating is a transaction and alphas don’t have to pay if they don’t want to – they know this and women know they give it all to them for free. Most guys don’t want relationships they just want sex. Relationships are a payment. Alphas bang hundreds of women for “free” – some such as famous men bang thousands and actually could bang thousands more if they had the time with all the young women of prime reproductive age throwing themselves at them for sex (and not expecting be viewed as “equal” either – the women suddenly understand their “place” beneath the alpha).

OK, that establishes beyond any reasonable doubt that I’m definitely not an alpha. But I don’t remotely fit our friend’s definitions of ‘beta’ or ‘omega’ either.

So either there are more Greek letters that need to be put into play…

…or I don’t exist…

…or he’s talking out of his ass.

Hmm, tricky one.

13 years ago

@ Bostonian – You’re both unicorns. Sexy, sexy unicorns who get laid far more than our latest whiny trollboy does.

13 years ago

I have decided that we are both Mu. Because I like typing Mu. Kyrie, your Boyfriend can be Mu with my spouse and I, if he likes. You can, of course, be Mu too.

13 years ago

Chi is nice too! I will remain Mu though.

13 years ago

“. . . or he’s talking out of his ass.”

Most of them are very fluent in Fart.

13 years ago

Cassandra: do you remember about the scheme with the paintings in the bar? That’s how you fake high status! But with the time and energy you spent on it, you could have probably have gotten laid twelve times.

13 years ago

@ Wetherby

Maybe happily married people are epsilons. You’re all very tiny, you see, which is why PUAs can’t seem to see you – they refuse to wear glasses because that would make them less alpha.

13 years ago


Scheme with paintings? I do not recall this. Link?

13 years ago

I am not tiny, by any measure of that word…

13 years ago

I’ve decided I am pi. Because really, who doesn’t like pi?

Mmm…delicious pi.

13 years ago

I generally prefer cake to pi.

(Attempts to import a meme)

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