Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.
Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)
But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.
Wow, vsh247, that’s an awful lot of words to say “BUT WHAT ABOUT MY PENIS!?”
Alphas view women as objects merely for their personal pleasure. Did JFK view Mimi Alford and the rest of his sex toys as “people” ? Did Clinton view Monica that way? Does the local star athlete, gang leader or musician, or the famous actor view his thousands of lays as “people” ? The the so-called liberal hipster types who preach women’s rights but then bang tons of women view them as “people”? lol. Then why should beta males ? Why can’t betas and lower ranking men held out of the market by women ? Is it because of women’s hardwired drive to only want to mate with alphas while using betas as a sexless/sex starved “free” support system.
Mating is a transaction and alphas don’t have to pay if they don’t want to – they know this and women know they give it all to them for free. Most guys don’t want relationships they just want sex. Relationships are a payment. Alphas bang hundreds of women for “free” – some such as famous men bang thousands and actually could bang thousands more if they had the time with all the young women of prime reproductive age throwing themselves at them for sex (and not expecting be viewed as “equal” either – the women suddenly understand their “place” beneath the alpha). All while joe beta boy constantly gets lectured at about being equal and nice and seeing women as “people” all to get some poon. Enough.
The point is, you have an upper tier of men who don’t have to give women anything – not relationships – and just get sex and women will be feminine and pretty for them – they get to live the dream while the rest of us slave away in the matriarchy – suckers while women and alphas live it up.
Really – if women like socially dominant men who are superior to women themselves in the hierarchy – then it really makes no sense for any male to allow himself to be “equal” to women and thus viewed as unsexy and forced out of the mating game. Social darwinism must go both ways. If women want a survival of the fittest competition where only a few men “win” – then I say its fair for men to impose that same type of system upon women – without apology.
usuallly having to “pay” for sex with relationships, dates, etc
My god, the horror. In order to get women to have sex with you, you actually have to spend time around women. You poor, poor thing. Really, I’m completely baffled as to why women aren’t jumping at the chance to have sex with someone who finds merely being around them to be a terrible burden!
To cut the snark for a moment, this sort of attitude is another example of how misogynists seem to hate men almost as much as women. Apparently, men aren’t supposed to enjoy things like “companionship” or “cuddling” or “conversation” or “emotional support” or “hilarious in-jokes” or “being loved” or any of the numerous other things people get out of relationships. In this view, men are, as Holly put it, “sex-seeking robots.” And that’s just sad. I like men enough to think that they are not robots, but complete, complex human beings who generally like being hugged and sharing conversation and so forth, and so it’s pretty terrible to hear someone paint all men as mindless vagina-seeking dick-missiles.
You know, I’m ugly as sin, firmly middle class and have never been in a relationship my whole life, yet I somehow manage to find women on a semi-regular basis that are interested in hooking up with me. It’s almost like you guys are full of shit… but that can’t be it. Clearly someone slips some VR glasses on me once in a blue so that I form these erroneous conclusions and remain ignorant to all this social darwinism!
The way I heard it, he legitimately enjoyed Marilyn Monroe’s company. Which’d surprise no one, she was actually smart as a whip and very well educated. I can’t say I followed a dead dude’s sexual history very far though, so why don’t you do something better than implication.
I can’t say, seeing as I don’t know them. I know a couple of people who’ve had sex with a lot of people, though, and they still considered them people.
Shit, I’m willing to bet at least some of those people *do* view the people they sleep with as people. It’s not difficult to have sex with someone while thinking of them as a person.
*Christ, you assholes are racist.
Well, Assange didn’t. But do you not understand that it’s possible to sleep with multiple women and still view them as people? We have at least 4 poly types right here. Having casual sex doesn’t necessitate not viewing women as people, it just means viewing that casual sex as also being something the woman is doing for her own pleasure, and thinking that they are people with value outside of sex.
Statement assumes facts not in evidence.
Statement assumes facts not in evidence.
Statement assumes facts not in evidence.
Almost all of the dudes you’ve named so far give cachet; the lady in question can then brag to her friends about the catch. What was that about not giving anything again?
Statement assumes facts not in evidence.
Oh christ, don’t I fucking wish.
Even if your stupid premise were true (Spoilers, it isn’t) then any dude who deliberately didn’t treat women as equals for the purpose of getting laid would still be an asshole.
Social what? Do you understand what concepts mean before you use them? Even your fever dreams are nothing of the sort.
Even if your stupid premise were true (Spoilers, it isn’t) men wouldn’t be ‘imposing’ anything. They’d have just caved to women’s demands. Your choice of language betrays the fact that you *know* your stupid premise isn’t true. You’re just trying to rationalize your jackassery.
Oh, and asshole, what do you think of gay people?
I’m astounded by those of you who actually read through that wall of text.
Obviously, all gay men are alphas, like Brian Kinney, because everyone knows they’re all having sex *constantly*. Lesbians, on the other hand, are women, so they never have sex with each other.
Relationships are a payment.
What the fuck, dude? Relationships are fun. Good ones are, anyway. You get to spend time with an awesome person sharing mutually fulfilling experiences. Yeah, it takes some work and compromise, but if you’ve got someone good, someone who cares for you and supports you and makes your life better, it’s more than worth it.
Just because you can’t see beyond the end of you own dick, doesn’t mean it’s not true.
This is for you, vsh.
It’s pretty hilarious to finish up a “who can think up a more disgustingly cute nickname” text message competition with my (male) partner by checking in here and finding out that no men enjoy romantic relationships. Okay dude. Sorry you never heard of casual sex. I’m way more sorry for any women you’ve dated, who may have thought of themselves as your girlfriends, but who you considered to be date-operated sex vending machines.
vsh: Perhaps you might wish to examine conditions here, instead of in Bizarro World. ‘Cause that’s really, really not how things work for the vast majority of people.
What coherence there was, is now gone. How did JFK/Clinton/Warren Beatty look at women? I don’t know, and neither do you.
Fact: I’ve had lots of partners (well above the “average”, though given the number of people who voluntarily have one-three, those averages are suspect. I’d like to know the mean and the median).
Some of those women, “gave it to me for free”. She was in the mood, I was in the mood, we had some slippery fun and went our separate ways. I’m pretty sure I could do that on a regular basis.
Which has zip, zilch, zero, nada, nothing, nil, to do with women being equals. The only way, “Really – if women like socially dominant men who are superior to women themselves in the hierarchy – then it really makes no sense for any male to allow himself to be “equal” to women and thus viewed as unsexy and forced out of the mating game, makes any sense is if women only have value as sex-objects.
Which means it’s not the “Alphas” who are objectifying women, it’s men like you. And that, again, is why women don’t want to fuck you… you think of them the way I think of the vacuum cleaner, or the washing machine, as things.
Which is why women aren’t fucking you. It’s not because you are a Nice Guy™, it’s because you’re a schmendrick with an entitlement complex, as well as being an asshole and an ignorant fuck (in all senses of the phrase).
Oh, I get it – so the men at the top of the sociosexual hierarchy who women give all the sex to – don’t really “objectify” women; no instead the “enjoy” women, “appreciate” women. Of course. Folks, this is the whole alpha lover/beta provider complex in action.
A man’s sociosexual status is really what it comes down to in the eyes of women at any given context. This is what determines whether women will view him to be an objectifier or misogynist or simply someone who “enjoys” women. When a beta wants sex just for the the sake of sex, just for the enjoyment of feminine beauty – then that’s bad, you see. But alphas are not held to that standard, they get to use women all they want and not give anything in return. And if one claims there is catchet in having sex with a high status male – this just proves my entire thesis – that women are hardwired to fuck the alphas while using the betas as friends or relationship guys. Oh – and alphas hate women more than anyone, that’s why their so good at getting them. It’s just due to the aformentioned catchet factor – that they are super attractive to women due to their status alone (women objectify men for status) that all of the actions are backwards rationalized as good, while betas trying to do the same thing are viewed as evil and sexist.
Really, feminism is matriarchal social darwinism where women and alphas bully, humiliate and dominate the rest of the males – who are expected to smile and be egalitarian good boys.
Oh, and I have no idea what you’re talking about racism – gang leaders, thugs and bad boys come in all colors. Also – I have gay male friends who confirm that the whole alpha/beta/omega sociosexual market also occurs within gay communities, albeit the dynamic is different to hetero since there are no women to deal with.
Growing up in the matriarchy has taught me that the only thing that matters is status, not being nice or any other egalitarian trickery (because that’s all it is – women and alphas have no intention of being equal to anyone) . The beta males, nice guys and softer men need to pursue status ruthlessly and ignore feminism or just play along but really just do what the alphas do. Women will say they want equality with men – but these are not the men they will have sex with. Women want to be banged by men who the woman herself feels socially and physically intimdated by – men who are socially superior to women and make no apologies about it, who act in an entitled fashion and could care less what women think or want. Who basically think of women as inferior. This is how alphas basically operate. The rest of us need to follow their example. They pay lipservice to feminism but really just use women as sextoys, and only have a relationships with a few women who are the mothers of their children – i.e. the “wifey” to come home to while having tons of other hotties on the side. I think women are actually happier with this arrangement, as women’s true desire is being in the harem of the alpha male.
I was a sweet nice boy when I was younger – told to be respectful and become friends with women and view them as people and that sex with naturally follow. To be monogamous and chivalrous. What a sucker I was. That got me nowhere (not sex or relatioships – nothing aside from “friendzone”) and the bad boys, thugs, bullies and cool guys (i.e. those with status within that context) who objectified women – really what they did was made no apologies about their masculinity and wanting women primarily for their looks/bodies – are the ones who get all the play. The type of guys who seek status and ignore women’s cries about wanting to be seen as equal “people”. The type guys who just tell her to shut up and bend over.
Women vote with their vaginas. That nice kid (and the countless guys like me) who suffered became the man I am today – and the man who will see to it that the next generation of boys didn’t suffer like I did. Revenge time baby.
“Revenge time baby.”
Oh yes, I am certain you were a lovely person. NOT.
What you were, and are, is a resentful piece of crap.
Pecunium – you’re simply one of those lucky alpha males. Living it up at the expense of the masses of beta males. The social and genetic winds blew right for you. You’re considered to have high sociosexual status and value by women (regardless of whatever actual socioeconomic status you have). You and the rest of the alphas benefit greatly from feminism/matriachy. You get to objectify/use/enjoy women as much as you want. Feminism is upward distribution of sex/women to guys like you. Of course you love feminism, lol, you’re well compensated. You fear guys like me raising “ass consciousness” amongst the masses of clueless beta boys who would then knock down your status and thus any chance you have of getting sex. How will it be for you when you’re on the bottom end of the sociosexual ladder? Trust me, status is dynamic, as soon as you don’t have whatever status women are looking for – and trust me guys like me who know game soon figure it out – we can easily target that status and bring it down – and then we’ll see how much women really like you. Men are status objects – you’re no different – just luck to have whatever status/coolness women are looking for at the time.
Revenge… by being a sexist dude who tells me to “shut up and bend over”? I’m STILL not fucking THAT! o.O
vsh, just grow the fuck up already. You have no idea how adults relate to each other.
I was a sweet nice boy when I was younger – told to be respectful and become friends with women and view them as people and that sex with naturally follow.
If someone actually told you that, they are a moron. Sex doesn’t “naturally follow” from anything but two (or more) people deciding they want to have sex with each other. “Treat others like they are people, not objects” is not a magical ticket to sex. It is simply a ticket to people thinking you are not a total asshole, which makes them more likely to want to associate with you in any way at all.
Of course, I suspect what people actually told you is the same thing I’m telling you: virtually no one wants to associate in any way, including sex, with someone who acts like other people owe them something simply for not being horrible to them. “Treat others like people” isn’t an accomplishment – it’s pretty much the freaking baseline for basic human interaction, and no one is going to reward you for that. You have to do that AND actually be appealing in some way! Oh, the hardship!
Vsh still can’t wrap his tiny mind around the idea that Pecunium sees women as *people* who he happens to have casual sex with, rather than people to use.
Revenge… by being a sexist dude who tells me to “shut up and bend over”? I’m STILL not fucking THAT! o.O
I’m kinda afraid from some of his rhetoric that the idea may be that women don’t get a choice in the matter. :-/
Otherwise, yeah, not exactly sure how “now I’ll be rude to women and they still won’t have sex with me!” is a particularly impressive form of revenge.
Suuuuuure. Rationalize the way treat women by pretending everybody is either like you or worse. We all care sooooooo much.
I was a sweet nice boy when I was younger – told to be respectful and become friends with women and view them as people and that sex with naturally follow.
Nice Guy gigantic red flag! Or ex-one, apparently.
See, you shouldn’t treat women as people because it’s efficient (though I’ve heard it can help). You should do it because they’re people and that’s the right thing to do. Why is it that whenever I read MRAs and PUAs talking, they all sound like a mix of super-villains and Hitler? Not because they do as much wrong, but because of the baffling lack of moral sense. (Also, like super-villains, they tell us – or at least the internet – all their evil schemes)
And what’s all this whining about the “friendzone”? If I could have, right now, more friends (especially friends in the same town as me) in exchange for less sex, I’d probably take it. But that’s because I’m an evil woman.
Not to self: Never trust anyone that uses the term ‘sociosexual hierarchy’
Revenge time? what are you 10? you know the world will go on regardless of what happens in this sexual dystopia of yours…but I guarantee you it won’t go on with women giving up their rights just so they can get married to some asshole with a complex. Sorry to disappoint.
What of women like me hmm? women who have never cared one bit about money or status in a man. I’ve liked guys who worked minimum wage for fucks sake. Women like me who never expect free dinners or anything of the sort. I only want someone who is compatible with my personality and at least a bit physically attractive to my personal standards which is not a Brad Pitt clone. Try the complete opposite of him.
Along with the LGBT you’ve erased, and the men who don’t conform to your world view, you also erase women like me who don’t give two shits about money or status. And no, men don’t throw themselves at me either.
The universe you live in must be a sad, sad place. Because in my universe I see average men dating average women. I have friends in successful relationships- none are alpha by your standards. Just nice, fun guys with girlfriends who love them.
vsh247: Right… I’m, “alpha”, because women want to have sex with me. It’s a tautology.
As to the rest… Sure, that’s it, I objectify women, that must be it. Then again, if I wanted to engage in “game” sorts of trickery, I could. I’ve been trained in real “game”, not the pop-psych confirmation bias based crap the PUA Gurus and Con-men are selling.
I taught the real deal. Military interrogation. Give me twenty minutes, and a reason, and I’ll get more out of you than you thought you could let leak. Give me a context to work in and I’ll get everything you know about a subject.
And all of that won’t do shit if I’m a jerkwad, and and an asshole. Game… is rolling dice. Ask enough women, and one of them will say yes. Back in the eighties (when I was just getting started with a sex-life, and before we were worried about AIDS: My first girlfriend told me not to bring home anything penicillin wouldn’t cure. Time and Newsweek had the same cover one week, “Is the Sexual Revolution Dead?”, because of herpes… the world was different then), there was a study done. Psychologists got guys to stand on street corners and make a bald-proposition to women as they passed by, basically “You’re cute, wanna fuck?”.
The hit rate was about 5 percent saying yes. No drinks, no relationship, no chit-chat.
Five percent. The benign aspects of game (dress decently, take a bath, assume someone will say yes) pretty much move you into that category.
All the rest of your bullshit… guys like you are terrified of guys like me, because you are afraid we’re right, that what women want is something you aren’t willing to provide; a modicum of respect.