
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

What the shit? One minute you go from “I have a mighty 1% success rate when seducing for sex” to trying to pretend you have a coterie of women near you at all times who will sleep with you? What a transparent liar.

13 years ago

Rutee: No, you see it was before he got Game (though not the nasty kind, just the confidence building that comes from gentle gaslighting), he was batting .001, and now (with the help of game), he’s up to .020.

Which, hes says, is better than most men ever manage.

13 years ago

“Which, hes says, is better than most men ever manage.”

This is my favorite part of his argument, and the PUA argument in general.

Um, guys? Most men’s batting average is considerably better than that, without them having to attend any Game workshops (that will be $500, please). The secret is not constantly pestering women who clearly have no interest in you.

13 years ago

Don’t fear the creeper.

13 years ago

I have to say that listening to PUA’s talk, at first I was thinking, wow… there are some dudes out there who are getting all sorts of sex, because guys kike Roissy are all about how much more sex the are getting then everyone else (thus proving they are alphas).

Then I saw more of what they were saying.

One… I’m pretty sure I’m doing at least as well as the “Masters of Game”, in that, more often than not, if I decide I really want to sleep with someone, we end up spending some time not sleeping together.

I might not have Roissy’s numbers (hard to say, I know how many partners I’ve had, I have no way to know how many he’s had; nor any good reason to trust his self-report. Unlike me, he’s made something of a career [albeit, not it seems a monetary one, merely one of adulatory fanboys telling him how great he is] of his mad skills with the ladies), but I’ve also not spent huge amounts of my energy trying to get laid with new women all the time.

I will wager I’ve had more sex than he has, even if he’s had more partners, because I’ve had lots of repeat business.

13 years ago

I managed to invoke some words of power, and tripped the auto-moderator.

13 years ago

Quality beats quantity.

13 years ago

In my experience, quality begets quantity.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Feminists and their allies can mock all they want – but women do impose a sociosexual wealth” hierarchy upon men, where there are extremely sociosexually wealthy men (alphas) who get to have no strings sex with lots and lots of women, masses of men (betas) who struggle to get much of anything – usuallly having to “pay” for sex with relationships, dates, etc with women who are not even as good looking as they themselves are – and then you have the bottom tier men (omegas) who cannot get sex/female validation if their lives depended on it. Whereas any woman of reproductive age – even if ugly, poor, disabled, unpopular etc – can easily get sex. Women (and the alpha males they give all the sex to) are entitled to sex and reproduction – only the betas are expected to be “nice” and “egalitarian” to get anything at all.

Men do objectify women – for looks/beauty – but women do objectify men – for relationships, status, power, dominance etc – and always have and always will even in a modern world. Even women with power seek out men with power – usually more in fact – because women are hypergamous. Feminism is all about women wanting to be objectified for the same reason they objectify men for – power, status, “success”, “achievements”, etc – all just codewords for alpha – the only thing women value.

Fact is – men with social status – whether that status is popularity, “coolness”, thuggery, money, high status careers, fame, power, etc – is what women gravitate towards sexually. Even if the male is ugly. Look at all of the ugly old politicians who have beautiful, young women of prime reproductive age throwing themselves at them, or the ugly serial killers and thugs in prison. While joe beta who is a decent guy struggles to get anything. Famous actors, musicians etc – even those who aren’t good looking – can have sex with hundreds if not thousands of women – again, while joe beta who is told that status is not important and he should just be “equal” and “respectful” to women and that will get him sex actually gets nothing or very little.

Feminism is Matriarchy is female sexual selection on steroids. Women are hardwired to have sex with the alpha males while using the beta males as a kind of cuckold support system. Birth control and women’s rights allows women to dispense large amounts of sex, which disproportionately goes to the top ranking males – who are often bullies that women uplift in the sociosexual hierarchy by rewarding their behavior with sex, and then women encouraging those men to abuse and dominate the softer/nicer beta men – this is feminism/matriarchy in action and what it really is about – a socially darwinistic misandrist movement masquerading as egalitarianism. Every man who is bullied and suffers social and physical bullying by alphas (who then get all the sex/women as a result of their thuggery) is really a victim of women’s violence – done to beta males via alpha males – this is how the masses of men are kept in line under Matriarchy. Only the beta males are expected to “see women as people”, “be equal to women”, “not objectify women” – required to follow the feminist rules (which make such men unattractive to women, by design). But those same women will drop their “rules” as fast as they drop their panties for alpha males. Those same women will be feminine and sexy and not mind being “objectified” by alphas. These are really the men who benefit greatly from feminism – which is essentially a system of sexual wealth distribution upwards to alpha males.

The alpha/beta/omega sociosexual class system is real and something experienced and perceived by men individually and collectively. Most men know clearly what one is talking about when this is described, and this hierarchical class sytem as experienced by those who describe it is just as valid as any other. Women/feminists are simply being deliberately obtuse i.e. “playing stupid” – but clearly know that the men who get the no strings sex are the ones who women value as studs, masculine, cool, – alpha- whereas the men who don’t get the sex are laughed at as having small penis, not getting laid, weirdos, nerds etc. Women know that sociosexual wealth, sex, beauty, femininity and all of the things men like are something they only give to the top ranking alpha bully dogs – at the expense of the rest of the men. Women know – and the truth comes out in moments of anger – which is why I – unlike most men actually welcome women’s shaming attacks on beta males. It gives us insight into female sexual selection and what feminism is really about – enslaving the majority of the men as relatively sexless, genderless, “egalitarian” worker drone beta males – while giving the sex and power and gender/masculinity to a few top dog alpha males. It is about purging the betas from the genepool. It is female sexual selection and matriarchal social darwinism in action. Humans are descended from twice as many women as men for this reason. Women(even ugly, fat, poor, etc) and alpha males are entitled to sex and reproduction – while the beta boy chumps are expected to be the nice guys who aren’t “allowed” to want sex, beauty and femininity – who are expected to just enjoy being at the bottom of the sociosexual hierarchy while women and alphas live it up.

13 years ago

women do impose a sociosexual wealth” hierarchy upon men, where there are extremely sociosexually wealthy men (alphas) who get to have no strings sex with lots and lots of women, masses of men (betas) who struggle to get much of anything – usuallly having to “pay” for sex with relationships, dates, etc with women who are not even as good looking as they themselves are – and then you have the bottom tier men (omegas) who cannot get sex/female validation if their lives depended on it.

Well, I’m definitely not an omega, as I have sex regularly and have a large number of good female friends, some of whom go back decades. But I also can’t be a beta, as I don’t “struggle to get much of anything” and have been more than satisfied with the quality of partners I’ve had over the years.

Which means I must be an alpha. Woohoo!

Either that or you’re talking absolute crap, of course. Grudgingly, I have to accept that the latter might be a possibility.

13 years ago

You see, making this sort of claim without any evidence (you present NO evidence whatsoever, just a bunch of claims, and no, a bunch of men believing these claims to be true does not make them true) shows the absolute sterility of your argument:

Whereas any woman of reproductive age – even if ugly, poor, disabled, unpopular etc – can easily get sex.

There are many women who can attest that this is not true, including myself.

You also completely leave out all the lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, etc from your stupid little theories of the universe.

Citation fucking needed.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

usuallly having to “pay” for sex with relationships, dates, etc with women

It’s really sad that there are people out there who think this of dates and relationships.

I don’t think of them as collecting a fee but as, you know, spending time with my sweetie. We provide company, emotional support, a trusted confidant, and lots and lots of cuddles for each other. And he gets these things too. When we cuddle, he gets cuddled too, and as he is not a sex-seeking robot he actually enjoys that.

…This is one of those things that’s hard to explain, it’s so obvious.

Also obvious? When a guy thinks of relationships as the price of sex, and has no interest in actually, you know, relating. I can kinda spot that a mile away and no wonder you don’t get sex then.

13 years ago

If guys like this want to see relationships as purely transactional, they shouldn’t be surprised when women are pragmatic shoppers looking for the best deal.

13 years ago

If guys like this want to see relationships as purely transactional, they shouldn’t be surprised when women are pragmatic shoppers looking for the best deal.

Indeed. Where’s that “like” button?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Only the beta males are expected to “see women as people”, “be equal to women”, “not objectify women” – required to follow the feminist rules (which make such men unattractive to women, by design). But those same women will drop their “rules” as fast as they drop their panties for alpha males.

No, dude, I promise you, your problem is not that you’re too nice.

I really wouldn’t even worry about that one.

Also: Never mind queer people, never mind single women–the Greek system doesn’t even account for relationships. I don’t go around judging all men sex-worthy or not-sexy-worthy at all times, because I have a boyfriend.

The question of “who am I in an established, positive relationship with?” influences my sex decisions a lot more than who has the silverest back and pounds his chest the hardest. And not because that relationship is “payment” but because it means I trust him more than I trust some random silverback. And this is kind of the normal way things work and I can’t believe I even have to explain this.

13 years ago

Holly, it does seem like we’re running a seminar on basic humanity this morning, doesn’t it?

13 years ago

That’s some wall o’ text. I salute you sir, it takes a special mind to be able to put that much quantity on the page, and manage so little quality; and maintaining something which resembles coherence.

It’s all balderdash of course. If the Α/Β/ Ω were true… I wouldn’t have been getting laid when I was in my twenties, stone broke and looking nothing like Brad Pitt (or, more to the point at the time, Tom Cruise/, though I was compared to Matthew Broderick, if you made him skinny).

But I was, and I wasn’t using Game. I was treating women as if they were people. I talked to them, got to know them, enjoyed their company for the sake of their company.

And I was getting sex. For looks it went from stop traffic to plain. What they all had in common was I liked them. I didn’t objectify them. I appreciated their looks (why not, they were/are attractive).

You, and your ilk, however DO objectify women. You treat them as objects. That’s the difference. I can look at a someone walking down the street, and think, “Damn…!!!” I may even turn and watch for for a bit; because I am likely to never see them again.

That’t not objectification If, however, I go into a bar, or the grocery, and say, “10 on the left, a pair of 8s on the right… I can cut the 9 off from her 6 partner and then we can shag till dawn.”, that’s objectification. They aren’t people anymore (NB, that both descriptions were gender neutral: it’s not who does it, it’s what gets done).

But go back to your playground, and talk to the other kiddies; get them to tell you what sex is all about. I’m sure they know more than the grownups.

13 years ago

I should clarify: I wasn’t, in my twenties, getting all the sex I wanted. I’ll even say there were times I was thinking “shit, I’m not getting any”. I was also looking at other people and assuming they were getting laid left, right, and sideways. Looking back, they were probably getting no more than I was (and perhaps less, I tended to be quiet about whom I was sleeping with).

But I was getting it, and I was getting it at a lot higher rate than the Α/Β/Ω System allows for. I was broke, had no car/a ten year old Toyota (before they were “classy”) was working pizza/security/au pair/studio projectionist and going to school.

Not a “catch”. But that didn’t, when all was said and done, matter. Because it seems I was nice, and liked women for themselves. I didn’t have an agenda (desires, yes, but no one owed me anything. If I went horseback riding with Karen, it wasn’t because I wanted to get into her pants, it was because class was cancelled and she needed a riding partner; and I too wanted to go riding).

That’s where you, and yours, are fucking up (and why you can’t seem to get to the fucking). You see it all as a quid pro quo. It’s off-putting, and bemeans the people you are trying to get into bed. Why should they want to have sex with you? You don’t really see them as anything more than a conniving, scheming cheat, out to take you for everything you’ve got and leave you by the side of the road.

You’re an asshole. With an attitude like that you don’t deserve to get laid.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Hellkell – For serious. Brandon has to learn to stand in line and share his toys, and vsh has to learn that “love” is when two people like each other very much and want to do a lot of things together.

There are some kindergarten teachers and Cub Scout leaders who have some answering to do to us.

13 years ago

A fundamental problem with the Α/Β/Ω system is that it seems to take no account of people who’ve had a very small number of longstanding and very high quality partners – in some cases just one, because they struck lucky first time.

It seems to me that these people are not in any way anomalous – in fact, I reckon they’re a very substantial slice of the pie chart representing the whole of humanity – and yet they’re completely ignored. Presumably because this is because they’re not “buyers” in this “marketplace” that PUAs and their ilk seem to think is normal?

13 years ago

I don’t get people like vsh247, seriously. I’m a guy who has never had sex, and not because I am asexual, but because I am extremely socially awkward. I was somewhat bitter about it when I was younger, but I didn’t blame women for it.
And I have been friends with several women, some of which also had problems having sex, either because they were also socially awkward, or because they were not conventionally attractive. Even if you somehow manage to not be friends with any of the women you meet, you just have to look around to see that there are women having similar problems. It makes me wonder what planet they’re living on where all women everywhere are constantly having orgies with all the “alphas”.

13 years ago

Myoo: It’s because they project. I’m going to try to get into their heads.

1: Everyone want’s lots of sex. (we shall ignore the “why”,and merely focus on the what. The differences they ascribe in motivation for wanting sex are mind-boggling, and completely incompatible; the internal logic is so full of fail as to beggar all hope of description).

2: Anyone who isn’t in a relationship is, therefore, always on the make.

3: Women can always get sex.

4: Since all women can get sex, and everyone wants lots of sex, and there are a lot of guys who aren’t getting sex, there must be a some guys getting tons of sex.

5: If some guys are getting all the sex, then women must be unfairly apportioning it.

6: This is wrong, and it’s the fault of the women.

That, in a nutshell, is, “the Sexual Marketplace”. There are a lot of modifications, and attempts to rationalise the incompatible elements (most of which hinge on the several, but non-severable, theories of female sexuality), but in a nutshell the theory is, all women are fucking like rabbits, so any lack of sex on the part of men is because women are refusing to have sex with them, which is unfair.

13 years ago

Well, yes, I understand that they have those premises, what I don’t understand is how they can reconcile them with reality. I mean, a simple examination of the world shows those premises to be incorrect. It’s as if you met someone who was convinced the sky is green, but never looked up to confirm. Is it simply intellectual laziness, or are their perceptions distorted by their beliefs to that extent? It’s odd.

13 years ago

I’m having dinner tonight with a woman who hasn’t had sex in over a decade – she realised one day that she just didn’t enjoy it, decided to opt out, and that was that.

I’ll have a close look and see if she’s got a horn growing out of her forehead, because she’s clearly some kind of mythical fairytale beast.

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