
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Like, for real, thanks, dude, you destroyed Game as a concept, on your own terms, better than I would think to. That is an insultingly small number for a group of idiots who claim you need to reliably be sleeping with multiple women a week.

Mind, for those of us who aren’t mega assholes, “Does it get me sex” is not the correct way to approach conversations, but you empathy-less fucks aren’t even good at being shitty human beings.

13 years ago

You’d be surprised if you met me, I’m gentle, warm, empathetic, and non-pushy. Give me ten minutes to talk away my face and back, and you’ll have met a multilingual, cultured scholar.

49 out of 50 women I meet can’t get over the hunchback almost Little Person thing when it comes to dating. Their preferences are not my fault. And I do have to explain the transit dependence, which is a minus, emasculating. 2% is my liberation, better than many men will ever do. And I don’t Game with insults or dominance, when a common putdown is that someone will spontaneously joke about tossing me to shut down my conversation.

So, actually, it “works”, if only because it gave me steps to take in a concrete way. It works much better for more typical men.

13 years ago

“Their preferences are not my fault.”

Their preferences are also something that you should respect. If someone isn’t attracted to you and doesn’t want to have sex with you, they have every right to feel that way.

13 years ago

You’d be surprised if you met me, I’m gentle, warm, empathetic, and non-pushy.

really? How do you know that is how you come across to total strangers in a bar scene? What kind of feedback from others supports this self-perception?

I ask because a number of our troll dudez, notably Brandon and MRAL, claim to be all lovely in “real life” as if internet interaction isn’t real.

If that’s true, I am left to wonder how such a disconnect between online persona and offline persona comes to exist. But I mostly think that the women they interact with are too polite to tell them what shitheads they’re acting like–which is how most of the women I know treat shithead men offline.

13 years ago

So, to recap: Eurosabra is completely shallow but resents shallowness in the shallow women he pursues. He lies about who he is to women to get them to have sex with him, but expresses some resentment that the shallow women he pursues aren’t interested in getting to know more about his fine qualities. And despite pursuing thousands of women based on nothing more than their looks and proximity to his bus stop, claims to have a 1 in 100 average.

Oh, and if feminists keep saying Game doesn’t work it’s going to cause men to rape.

That about the gist?

13 years ago

Also, let’s pretend for the sake of argument that Eurosabra is correct and he comes across as gentle and empathic in real life. It seems unlikely, given how cold and calculating his attitudes towards women are, but let’s pretend.

Why do you think that your being warm and empathic means that women should be willing to have sex with you, Eurosabra? Once again we’re back to the fact that women have physical preferences, libidos of their own, possibly boyfriends or even girlfriends, etc. They are not sex vending machines that ought to provide you with the sex that you want if you’re just nice enough and ask in the correct way.

The fact that you don’t get this is just one of the many reasons that you’re creepy.

13 years ago

Eurosabre, weren’t you talking earlier about how you blend in, how forgettable you are? Um, if you have a hunched back that would probably make you rather memorable wouldn’t it? Its not something seen with any regularity, even mild cases. So I fail to see how women you had spent time with would completely forget that they’d done so…

13 years ago

Maybe they forget him because he slips ketamine into their drinks.

And yes, Eurosabra, you really do come across as creepy enough that you might do something like that.

13 years ago

Riiiiiight, Eurosabra. You’re a warm and empathetic dude who “lightly” gaslights (your words) women.

Eat a bowl of bees.

13 years ago

CassandraSays, perhaps they are just trying to politely discourage him. It just seems strange that he would say that he’s unusually small for a man almost straight off the bat, but the women don’t remember him and now this. Both traits are unusual enough to stay in a persons memory.

13 years ago

People keep treating me well as a regular various places and inviting me various places and into their social circles. That sort of evidence? And I tend to bond with them on the basis of shared experience and culture, whatever my appreciation of aesthetics.

So you’ve summarized Strawsabra. Big deal.

13 years ago

You’d be surprised if you met me, I’m gentle, warm, empathetic, and non-pushy. Give me ten minutes to talk away my face and back, and you’ll have met a multilingual, cultured scholar.

Then how come you never get a second date? You couldn’t be approaching 1000, or even 100, women every year if anyone ever wanted to see you again.

13 years ago

Also, what the hell could you possibly talk about that wouldn’t be an immediate turnoff? All you ever do is spout made-up statistics about a completely bunk theory. If you think and talk about dating that way, you’re going to think and talk about politics or the arts or whatever else that way, too.

13 years ago

So you’ve summarized Strawsabra. Big deal.

So fucking whiny.

You’re the person who comes here complaining that the women you approach aren’t physically interested in you, despite the fact that you’re -according to you- charming, intelligent and empathetic. You deliberately pursue women who, by your own admission, are not interested in the hopes that if you pursue enough of them, while lying about who you actually are, you’ll wear down/temporarily interest 1 in 100.

These are your words. There’s no “Strawsabra.”

This is who you claim to be: a fundamentally dishonest person, who doesn’t think enough of himself to pursue a relationship with someone who might actually like him. You can call it “Game” if you want.

I just call it sad.

13 years ago

Pillowinhell, yeah, I can see that. I’ve occasionally pretended not to remember people who I met once and didn’t care for. It could also be that he’s so boring that people forget him, but I find it hard to imagine anyone not noticing and remembering a very unusual looking guy who was methodically going around and hitting on every woman at the bar/club.

Really, though, his fundamental issue seems to be that like most PUAs he thinks that if a woman/women as a whole don’t seem to want to fuck him that’s NOT FAIR, and therefore whatever unethical things he has to do to make sex happen are justified as a result of women’s unfair refusal to fuck him.

Everytime he starts yakking I hear this song in my head, but with the lyrics changed to “hey hey, he’s a creeper, people say he’s creeping around”, and so on.

13 years ago

He’s whiny and rather dim–who comes to a feminist blog to wank about their horrid dating luck and admit to being a total misogynist creepball? Wrong venue, dude.

13 years ago

I’m sure Heartiste would be happy to trade Game tips with you. His words are also gross and creepy and misogynistic!

I’m sure it will be a match made in heaven.

13 years ago

Eurosabra soesn’t want a girlfriend, or even just a date – he wants a number he can skite about. I wonder what he does to provide ‘proof’ to his mates that he’s not making it up?

13 years ago


13 years ago

Eat a bowl of bees


13 years ago

He’s a whiny asshole who’s obsessed with his height,

“You know, I come to conquer Italy because I thought they were all small, you know? I thought they was really tiny guys…”

“No, no! They are freaks! Not one of them under five foot six! What kind of theatre are you running?…That’s what I like! LITTLE THINGS HITTING EACH OTHER!”

13 years ago

I didn’t say it was horrible. I’ve even got a few female admirers, dates, FWBs and a PUA group. It’s just that it took stripping my life of all other activities besides work to sustain the lifestyle. The “thousand to one” was the bad old days, long over.

13 years ago

I know Heartiste personally, and frankly, his politics are cruel. I don’t actually hate people enough to go that route. Breivik etc.

13 years ago

“hey hey, he’s a creeper, people say he’s creeping around”

Creeper-man, creeper-man, does whatever a creeper can…

13 years ago

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