
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

The surgeon also told me noodles were out because they’d get stuck in the wound. Surely mac & cheese isn’t sticky enough to be a problem?

I’m having a really hard time imaging living on mashed potatoes for a week.

13 years ago


I had my wisdom teeth out before… The problem is that particles of food can get stuck in the wound and cause bad stuff. I remember my mom made me soup from a can, but blended it so that it would wash out properly. Mac and cheese though, probably not a good idea.

13 years ago

A bit of cream cheese in mashed potatoes cheers them right up. Not my favorite potato dish either, but easy eating.

13 years ago

@CassandraSays I missed a bunch of the discussion with hit and run reading… But can you eat eggs? When I was a young teen, I had to have a bunch of teeth pulled — I joke that I had double rows like some sharks — plus another oral surgery piled on top of it, just to make me suffer. There are lots of starches you can eat afterwards, but for me eggs were the savior. If you scramble eggs over low heat, it’s just a very soft protein. I’m more into tofu than I was as a kid, so scrambled tofu might also be an option, or other soft tofu options.
I am sure it will go well, and you have my best wishes in that general direction. 🙂

13 years ago

Alas, I hate the taste of eggs. That’s a point though – just mashed potatoes would leave me awfully low on protein. There is a soft tofu dessert that I like, that might be a good option I guess.

Thanks for the suggestions and support, everyone! Once I actually get it done I’m sure you’ll all hear me whining about it.

13 years ago

How about pudding? Yogurt? Butternut squash soup? (The last one is a lovely winter dish anyway.)

13 years ago

I think I’m not supposed to eat anything hot, but lukewarm butternut squash soup could work. Of course being me I’m going to want to make a curried version.

What about onions and garlic? Wouldn’t the little bits also be at risk of getting suck in the wound site and creating problems?

I have a feeling I’m going to be eating a LOT of yogurt.

13 years ago

Yeah, not to get everyone OT, but the Sunset Strip thing began because I needed venues that were easily accessible by public transit late into the night and provided a context where people were open to meeting someone new, although I have met new friends in many contexts, including on the street. One can also make the rounds of a club and meet most of the people in the place in about 3-4 hrs, without people assuming you are doing this methodically, if you are open and friendly and reading people well enough not to force yourself on someone closed off. Finally, urban anonymity is pervasive enough that I’ve actually met the same people in the same places on several occasions and not had them remember me, which they would have done had I been That Guy. So I maintain the issue is that I’m not memorable enough. In certain places, I am a known regular, if not a high roller.

You seem to think that I’m triggering creep-dar, when in fact the main problem is I’m too bland and forgettable. If you have a pleasant 10-15min conversation with someone and then move on without boundary pushing, you will be remembered as a nice but clueless guy, even if you ask for a number and that request is declined. Your munches seem to be inhabited by guys who are less than aware of their boundary pushing and I kind of resent being lumped in with that brand of douchbaggery.

13 years ago

Incidentally, one terrifying countermeme cropping up now among self-identified omegas who hear “Game Is a Scam” from feminist blogs is “game is a scam, so rape is cheaper than sex workers” which is fairly horrifying. I can’t think of a blogger who has said that outright but I’m busy with pushback against it IRL.

13 years ago

No, more that Omega anti-Gamers tip over into rape apologia, as seen with Eivind Berge. Berge “wish[es] [he] was a PUA”, according to his website. But rape apologia will do.

13 years ago

Yup, rape apologia is bad. Luckily you don’t have to apologize rape in order to be anti-Game. In fact, that’s the polar opposite of what you need to be to oppose Game.

13 years ago

Also, the PUA tendency to label certain men as Omegas is totally helping those guys to attain a positive attitude and greater mental stability.

13 years ago

Incidentally, one terrifying countermeme cropping up now among self-identified omegas who hear “Game Is a Scam” from feminist blogs is “game is a scam, so rape is cheaper than sex workers” which is fairly horrifying.

Um, hell yes that’s horrifying Eurosabra. Do you think, if these men hadn’t heard game is a scam from feminist blogs, that women would be safe and have their rights respected when having sex with them? Or even being around them at all? Because strangely, I do not feel remotely comfortable with the idea of spending time with someone who believes he can trick his way into women’s pants, but has no moral qualms whatsoever with raping them if it turns out that doesn’t work. The problem isn’t not believing in game, the problem is being ready and willing to rape people.

It’s like if someone had heard a good way to make friends is to have blackberry-scented hand cream on at all times, so that when new aquaintances shake your hand their hands will smell of blackberry; but if zie heard somewhere that that doesn’t work, zie’d be entirely willing to drag people off and chain them in hir basement as a second choice. Sure, zie’s not dragging anyone off when zie’s wearing blackberry handcream; but if zie’d consider chaining people up as reasonable under any circumstances than zie’s hardly a safe person to be around.

13 years ago

Or, put another way, game should never be the only thing standing between a man and rape. There should also be things like “a conscience,” or “an understanding of the fact that women are humans, not fuckholes, and should be treated as such,” or “total abject horror at the idea of doing that to a person.”

13 years ago


like, like, like

13 years ago

@Eurosabra: You tend to think that anybody here gives a damn about your game or whatever it is.

We don’t.

So why come blather at us?

13 years ago

if you are open and friendly and reading people well enough not to force yourself on someone closed off. and you need to approach 1,000 in a year to find one who is interested in sleeping with you… in venues where, “2 o’clock gorgeous” is happening…

I’d guess there is something, somewhere, which is wrong in this equation.

13 years ago

Yes, 1000 a year back in the old days when I was doing everything wrong. I’m now at 1 in 100, which is theoretically half as good as an average man with game. I think it’s damn good for someone who has a body like mine. Oftentimes I miss someone’s interest by not being interested fast enough.

Two o clock gorgeous is often drunk. What would you think of a man who slept with drunk enough to be impaired women? I thought so.

13 years ago

What would you think of a man who slept with drunk enough to be impaired women? I thought so.

I would, of course, think “gee, it’s too bad feminist blogs drove him to it,” right Eurosabra? Amirite??

13 years ago

There was enough ambiguity in Pecunium’s words for it to be both shaming of passive men and a veiled accusation.

13 years ago

What would I think of them? Depends on whom they were accepting offers from. I’ve known a lot of women who, for reasons other than being drunk (and more with wanting to have sex) decided to hit on the most interesting guy they’d seen that night.

What I find amazing is that I am some sort of Amazing Alpha. I’d say my “rate” is somewhere between 10 percent, and 30. Depends on what you’re measuring. If it’s women I wanted to sleep with, and made some sort of investigation as to reciprical interest, might be down to about 10 percent. If it’s women I actually approached, it might be as poor as one in three.

That fails to account for the one’s I didn’t clue in on, and who had to be a bit more blunt and tell me they wanted to have sex. For those the numbers are in the 80 percent range; because I haven’t wanted to sleep with all of them.

But if you want to keep wallowing in your hypersensitivity, that’s your lookout. I said what I meant to say. If you were in places where people go looking to find sexual partners, and you were batting .001, something was drastically wrong with how you were going about it.

13 years ago

I see that Eurosabra’s quest to prove that he’s a horrible person continues, now with bonus “feminism made me do it”. There’s no need to make all this effort, dude, we already know that you’re a pathetic excuse for a human being.

13 years ago

Well, not as bad as Benny, apparently.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

You’re pretty shitty, dude.

I like how you assholes rate your approaches to people based on how many women it lets you bed. “Treating her like a human? I’ll try it, but if it doesn’t get me laid it’s out”.

PS: Is that 2% supposed to be real? Because it is fucking pathetic as an approach if so.

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