
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

@katz I know of some fun online sheet music sources to browse, where you might be able to find one octave trumpet solos. Want ’em?

13 years ago

dsc, if the person asking isn’t a potential fucktoy, Brandon wouldn’t even be thinking about helping. Remember this is the guy who wouldn’t call 911 from a safe location if he saw you getting mugged.

13 years ago

Cloudiah: Sure.

13 years ago


brandon used to come here trying to find common ground, although he still had a lot of the problematic attitudes and general solipsism. then it turned out his common ground involved a feminism that never called men out for any reason, and when we rejected that he flipped the fuck out and started in on whatever weird trolling routine he thinks he’s pulling. he used to be a lot more obsessive about it, though.

13 years ago

Scores featuring the trumpet via the International Music Scores Library Project:

13 years ago


That actually happened to me. To be fair it was when I was living in an apartment and she said she lived in one of the apartment buildings a few roads down from me but it still freaked me the fuck out. Really Brandon, if you ever find yourself in need of help from a stranger, PLEASE don’t ask them for their address in your search for reciprocity. Anyone who gives a stranger help is not expecting much back.

13 years ago

The “relationships require give and take” advice sure becomes dickish when it’s used to mean “so make sure the other person is giving you enough to be worth your time.”

13 years ago

Sibley Music Library’s Music Scores Online:

Couldn’t figure out a way to limit to trumpet, but you can do a keyword search.

13 years ago

Sheet Music Consortium:

(Limit search to Digitized Sheet Music only to avoid frustration.)

13 years ago

And finally, the Library of Congress has a few sheet music collections on its Performing Arts site:,%20Music

Okay, that’s all I got. Happy trumpeting.

13 years ago

@Pillow: Yes, I dislike feminism and feminists. I think feminists coddle women and treat them as victims and non-actors in there own lives. A lot of feminists seem to believe that men are actors and women are acted upon. Whenever someone gives a feminist a proactive solution to their problem…they mostly make nothing but excuses about why they aren’t being proactive in their life (read “I can’t fix or have a better life because the patriarchy!!!”).

I think feminists are only out to help men as long as the end result also benefits women. If something benefits men at the expense of women (e.g shared parenting legislation), feminists tend to oppose it. Not based on fairness but that women aren’t benefiting.

I have changed nothing. I am still the same person. I am just talking about a subject that most of you aren’t hostile and defensive about. When it comes to economic and legal positions, I tend to agree with feminists positions like equal pay. The problem is that the execution of that principle is all fucked up. When it comes to the basic and ingrained tenets feminism like “patriarchy” and “gender is a social construct”…I think they are both simplistic, black and white and incorrect. I also tend to disagree with feminists that men and women are equal but we serve different biological functions.

13 years ago

Thanks, Cloudiah!

13 years ago

Nice strawfeminist, there. I have never heard a feminist say they couldn’t fix their (ahem) life because patriarchy.

Do I need to go up or down a tax bracket to hear this in the wild?

13 years ago

I don’t pay taxes, and I don’t say I can’t fix my life because patriarchy. So, up I guess?

13 years ago

I don’t suppose I could push Mr Boring into giving an example of a feminist identifying person specifically say that they can’t ‘fix their life because patriarchy’ could I?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh that was Eurosabra? xD DSC just gave me quotes, I didn’t pay attention to the name…

Yeah, I remember Eurosabra and how he used to troll you endlessly Holly xD

13 years ago

Caraz, you could try. He’ll just tell you he’s not your student, so look it up yourownself.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I can’t fix my life because of patriarchy.

13 years ago

I think feminists coddle women and treat them as victims and non-actors in there own lives. A lot of feminists seem to believe that men are actors and women are acted upon. Whenever someone gives a feminist a proactive solution to their problem…they mostly make nothing but excuses about why they aren’t being proactive in their life

this is a fairy tale and not even a very clever one, but good on you for trying

I am just talking about a subject that most of you aren’t hostile and defensive about.

and brandon’s total lack of self-awareness strikes again

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I tend to agree with feminists positions like equal pay. The problem is that the execution of that principle is all fucked up.

What’s wrong with the execution of those principles now?

How are they currently being executed? (this is to make sure you live in reality, sometimes our trolls, like you, believe things that aren’t true and therefore get upset about things which aren’t.. actually things to be upset about)

And what would you do instead?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I think feminists coddle women and treat them as victims and non-actors in there own lives. A lot of feminists seem to believe that men are actors and women are acted upon. Whenever someone gives a feminist a proactive solution to their problem…they mostly make nothing but excuses about why they aren’t being proactive in their life

Except.. that’s not true… -_o My trauma therapy has all been about taking CONTROL of my life after that control was stripped from me.

What would you prefer instead?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

It’s weird that our MRAs often whine that FEMINISM IS NOT ABOUT SOLUTIONS, but pretty much all MRA stuff is whining about how they can’t fix nething and feminism needs to fix everything, and it’s not a lot of claims and criticisms but no actual solutions outside of “DESTROY FEMINISM!” e_e

13 years ago

don’t suppose I could push Mr Boring into giving an example of a feminist identifying person specifically say that they can’t ‘fix their life because patriarchy’ could I?

the answer is probably going to be someone who had the temerity to point out that patriarchy exists. we’ve been down this road with brandon before.

13 years ago

Shorter brandon…I’m here to argue in bad faith, with people I don’t like and don’t believe.

Look Brandon, perhaps you’d enjoy Feminist Critics better. I don’t mind debating various points of feminism, unless I have reason to believe that the other person has already decided to be completely unmoved by any argument I can make. Hell, I’ll even take a “hmm, I still don’t think I agree, but I think about it”. This is not the position you seem to be adopting currently.

Why are you here?

13 years ago

@lyn and everyone else

Thanks for the recommendations! I’m going to look into how to make mashed potatoes. Also I guess squash would be OK if I made it extra soft and served it lukewarm? Will adding soy sauce and rice wine to it create a problem? Obviously vinegar is out.

@ hellkell – Will email you, and thanks.

Meanwhile, Brandon is throwing another tantrum. Oh look, it’s Wednesday (or any other day). The thing about insulting women about their looks over the internet is that A. you have no idea what they look like, and if you happen to do that to a woman who knows she’s pretty she’s just going to find it funny, and B. in order for that particular insult to sting, the woman has to like you and care about your opinion at least a little. Brandon, none of the women here like you. We don’t care if you find us fuckable, because we don’t want to fuck you. Maybe try to find an insult that actually stings?

On Eurosabra, no, he’s not MRAL. He’s a whiny asshole who’s obsessed with his height, so I can see why people would think he was, but unfortunately that particular set of stupid ideas is relatively common among young men. Eurosabra wins a special prize for choosing to pursue his silly hit on all the ladies and if you gaslight them enough some of them may fuck you strategy in an environment where the average person is much hotter than him, and conventional hotness is very highly prized. LA is a big city – there are other places he could hang out. But nope, he’s insistent on choosing the environments in which he’s most likely to be rejected. Neither smart nor possessed of much self-esteem, that one.

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