
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

I don’t even get the woman asking Brandon for money story, since aren’t we supposed to be talking about men spending money on/giving stuff to women in the hopes that those women will sex them up but good, even though those sneaky women haven’t sexed them up yet? But Brandon is in a monogamous relationship, so that doesn’t really make any sense.

13 years ago

@Pillow: This is the exact reason why I don’t buy women drinks, gifts, trinkets, flowers or pretty much anything until they give me back even the smallest amount of anything that shows they are invested in the convo, relationship, etc…

@Molly: You don’t get out much do you? If she needed a hundred bucks and she knew me for a week. Do you think she would be more successful asking for $100 as opposed to $25?

Smaller demands have a higher chance of getting fulfilled. It isn’t about wither or not I have the money (which I do), it is about her saying a dollar amount that I feel comfortable with and would most likely give out to her. It’s actually pretty manipulative on the woman’s part.

Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
13 years ago

@Holly: Really? Because that just happened to me yesterday. I knew this girl for about a week and she was already asking me for small sums of money ($10-25).

Did her parents not give her an allowance this week?

13 years ago

@Holly: This was pretty much the exact convo:

Her:”Can I ask you something?”
Me: “Yes”
Her:”Can I borrow 10 bucks from you? I will pay you back Friday.”
Me: “What for?”
Her: “Cigarettes”
Me: “No”

13 years ago

@Jill: It’s even funnier because the woman I am talking about is older than I am.

13 years ago

Gifts help you get into a woman’s heart, do they? All women don’t agree that all women’s affection/access to all womens’ genitals has to be paid for with money and gifts.

I’m with pillowinhell – if a guy gives me Classic Expensive Romantic Gift, I know he doesn’t know or care who I am, and he obviously thinks that if he ‘pays’ then I’m contractually obliged to give him what he wants. Like a meat vending machine. And that doesn’t make me like him more.

13 years ago

Her:”Can I ask you something?”
Me: “Yes”
Her:”Can I borrow 10 bucks from you? I will pay you back Friday.”
Me: “What for?”
Her: “Cigarettes”
Me: “No”

That’s not a gift, that’s microcredit. Last I checked there were 1309 men and 752 women on kiva asking for small loans.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Okay, wanting to borrow a few bucks for cigarettes is not at all the same thing as saying “give me money because I’m a lady.”

13 years ago

Get out more…make friends with people below your tax bracket.

I don’t even know what the hell this is supposed to mean.

I know people in all sorts of tax brackets, and this doesn’t seem to happen. Maybe my friends are smarter than you?

13 years ago

It’s even funnier because the woman I am talking about is older than I am.

Stop hanging out at nasty bars.

13 years ago

@Cloudiah: I never said this exchange was a “gift”

@Holly: I had little faith in her ability to repay me. Since about 2 hours prior she was talking about how she owed someone else money. She used “borrow” because “have” was a harsher term.

13 years ago

@Hellkell: Can I have a list of bars you go to…so I never go to them.

13 years ago

I’ve even *shock horror!* lent money to men! And I’m a woman! I don’t lend money for cigarettes, cos I’m passive aggressive that way, but rent? And I did it out of love rather than an expectation that I would get sex. It’s a strange world.

13 years ago

Okay, so this was someone who borrows small amounts of money from from people, and is lousy at paying them back. This has what to do with her being a woman?

13 years ago

I go to all of them. Everywhere. At once. I’m just that good.

13 years ago

It’s even funnier because the woman I am talking about is older than I am.

I don’t understand why this makes the story funnier. Are older women funnier than younger ones? But wait, if the story isn’t funny to begin with, can it be made funnier by adding in the ages of the parties involved?

13 years ago

Ew, Brandon just patted me on the head.
I get this image of Brandon keeping score in a small note pad, ascribing monetary value to sex acts, and balancing the columns at the end of every date.

13 years ago

@Hellkell: Fine. I will let you know which ones I am at so you know to avoid them.

@Dracula: The initial comment that started this topic was by FelixBC. Read from there.

13 years ago

Cloudiah, older women probably are funnier to Brandon. It’s probably something “HAW HAW, old bag.”

And i get the feeling this happened in a bar, with one of the older regulars, and Brandon, being himself, thinks she’s pathetic just because she’s a woman. And we all know he has ideas about women. Once they pass fuckable, forget it.

13 years ago

@FelixBC: Accounting? Really? Ugh…

13 years ago

@Holly: I had little faith in her ability to repay me. Since about 2 hours prior she was talking about how she owed someone else money. She used “borrow” because “have” was a harsher term.

Okay, sure, but none of this has anything to do with you being a man and her being a woman. Me and my boyfriend went out to lunch with my friend and his fiancée the other day, and he tried to get me to cover at least his, if not her, meal. I refused, because I’ve covered for him a number of times without getting the same in return, and we all paid for our own meals as we’d originally intended to. It had nothing to do with the fact that he’s a man and men are conniving jerks, out for ladies’ wallets; it was because he’s sort of a cheapskate.

13 years ago

“This is the exact reason why I don’t buy women drinks, gifts, trinkets, flowers or pretty much anything until they give me back even the smallest amount of anything that shows they are invested in the convo, relationship, etc… ”

Hey look, I was right. Every *act* on her part has an equal *purchase* on his part. ‘Cause women are bodies and men are wallets.

13 years ago

Y’know, I actually did go on a few dates with this girl when I was, I dunno, around seventeen, I think? Anyway, she didn’t seem even remotely interested in me an any meaningful way despite being the one who asked me out, and kept trying to get me to buy her things. So yeah, I broke things off fairly quickly.

Somehow, I managed to get through that experience without concluding that That’s What Women are Like.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I get this image of Brandon keeping score in a small note pad, ascribing monetary value to sex acts, and balancing the columns at the end of every date.

Man, guys who do this never consider market value, either. A blowjob and intercourse with a sleepover runs like $300 in this town, minimum, if you go to a sex worker. But guys who play the “you owe me now” game always seem to think $15 for three beers earns them unlimited rights to your body.

13 years ago

“until they give me back even the smallest amount of anything that shows they are invested in the convo, relationship, etc…”

What does she have to give for the convo? A handjob?

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