
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

Brandon, to measure the difference in behavior and attitude between you and and MRA…I’d have to use a digital thermometer. Both you and them feel the largely the same way about women. You maybe have a little less spite about it.

13 years ago

You can squeeze a lot of filling, healthy foods into a blended or strained soup – lots of vegetables and hearty broth and things. You can even have some rice in a soup (unblended, obviously, because otherwise that would be gross) since you could probably just swallow it right down.

13 years ago

@FelixBC: At least you asked for clarification instead of jumping to conclusions…bravo!

Anyways, some men go seriously out of their way with women they just met (Such as the woman asking for money after a week of knowing you and you giving it to her). These men need to scale it back to what the woman is giving you in return.

All relationships start with each side give and take. But some women give nothing and men still line up and give her whatever she wants. By not supplicating, the man would try to level out the give and take of the that each party is both giving and taking in roughly equal amounts.

13 years ago

“And the more feminists dislike me, the more of those women come my way. I guess it is all about targeting the demographics you want to attract.”

Strike me down, feminists! For I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine! And by powerful, I mean sex. And by sex I mean with girls. And by girls I mean real girls. And by real girls I mean my hand.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I know this is just another deckchair on the Titanic, but it always makes me sad that queer people just completely disappear from the manosphere math when you get into this Greek Theory stuff.

Sometimes there’s a vague implication that gay guys are lucky because they can get laid anytime, and lesbians are lucky because they don’t have anyone bothering them to have sex, but even these crude misconceptions are more than MRAs/PUAs usually bother with. Men are all on the hunt for a women, women are all judging men’s approaches, end of story.

13 years ago

I grew up with tons of dental appliances and braces and such.

13 years ago

Well Brandon. That’s the most sensible thing I’ve heard out of you yet. So, why not start out by saying stuff like that then the nonsense you usually spout?

13 years ago

Also, ‘fuckhole’ is a super-respectful way to refer to a woman.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Anyways, some men go seriously out of their way with women they just met (Such as the woman asking for money after a week of knowing you and you giving it to her).

Oh no, we’re under attack by Imaginary Women doing Hypothetically Horrible Things again! Quick, raise the Pretend Shields and get behind the Theoretical Wall!

13 years ago

Seriously, where are these men and women? Never see this IRL.

13 years ago

Holly, do you really want MRAs trying to narrate what queer people want? They don’t manage very well even for their own gender.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I seriously don’t know any women who just flat ask guys for money unless they’re really broke and they feel pretty close to the guy. Otherwise it’s just embarrassing.

I also don’t know any guys who would give a woman money just because they were hoping maybe they’d get laid later. Usually it’s because she had (or claimed she had, I guess) a truly desperate situation, and they felt pity for a human being in distress. They may also have hoped for some “gratitude” from her, but that wasn’t their only motivation.

The woman who flatly says “give me cash money, because I’m a woman” and the man who goes “okay, because you’re a woman” are a couple of ridiculous strawpeople.

13 years ago

Viscaria – rice is a bit of a no-no after a wisdom teeth extraction, unfortunately. It’s small enough to get stuck in (sorry everyone) the open sockets ppl are usually left with, or stuck in the stitches if you had enough gum to cover the hole. Soups are fine too – but I can’t handle lukewarm soup and for the first few days it’s best to avoid hot stuff, cos it promotes bleeding. Smoothies and milkshakes are also made of win.

13 years ago

@Pillow: Last time I checked I don’t just think women are fuck holes. Granted, I objectify them to some extent (admiring their beauty, etc..). But that is just one facet of that person. A person is more than just a fuck object…but it doesn’t make it wrong to treat someone that way on certain occasions (like in bed or role playing), it only becomes a problem when you treat them like that ALL the time.

There is a lot of really misogynistic crap in the MRA movement. But I do agree that alimony, divorce proceedings, family courts and child support payments aren’t fair and equal. We don’t live in the 1950’s anymore and our family laws should reflect that.

MRA’s take a little skepticism about women (such as fear of cuckolding) and blow it up into a full blown complex. Sure, men should question a woman’s motives and take a few rational steps to protect themselves but that shouldn’t prevent one from living their life or become neurotic about it.

13 years ago

” Last time I checked I don’t just think women are fuck holes. Granted, I objectify them to some extent (admiring their beauty, etc..). But that is just one facet of that person. A person is more than just a fuck object…but it doesn’t make it wrong to treat someone that way on certain occasions (like in bed or role playing), it only becomes a problem when you treat them like that ALL the time.”

Hooray, Brandon has broached the surface of reasonableness!

Where was that “minimum standard” cookie again?

13 years ago

Seriously, where are these men and women? Never see this IRL.

I’ve never seen women asking men for money after knowing them for a week, but hey, I’m not a straight or bi guy, maybe this is something that actually happens in the world?

I have seen men and boys giving things to women and girls all out of proportion to the relationship that exists between them. Usually the motivation, much like for Holly’s chocolate-giving guy, seems to be “so this inappropriately big bouquet of flowers/gaudy bracelet that isn’t at all your style but is clearly worth a fair amount of money/big present I brought to our just-reconnecting-as-friends coffee shop meeting is what your affection and/or access to your genitals costs, right? So I get those now, right?” The reaction from the women and girls is rarely “yes! I get stuff and I haven’t even let him fuck me yet! What a dope!” and is much more often “…you can’t actually buy my affection, that’s not how this works.”

13 years ago

Kirby, it’s like Pecunium’s earlier point finally sunk in or something.

13 years ago

@Holly: Really? Because that just happened to me yesterday. I knew this girl for about a week and she was already asking me for small sums of money ($10-25).

You don’t know of men that give women money in the hopes of getting laid? Are you even on planet Earth? Flowers, Drinks, Gifts…they all cost money. Sure, men might not just walk up to you and hand you a C-note, but tons of men think that gifts (which cost money and have a monetary value) are the way to a woman’s heart. (It helps, but isn’t mandatory)

You are fighting your own strawman. My point wasn’t that men could just go into a bar and a bunch of women would just “attack” him asking for money.

@Hellkell: Get out more…make friends with people below your tax bracket.

13 years ago


Viscaria – rice is a bit of a no-no after a wisdom teeth extraction, unfortunately. It’s small enough to get stuck in (sorry everyone) the open sockets ppl are usually left with, or stuck in the stitches if you had enough gum to cover the hole. Soups are fine too – but I can’t handle lukewarm soup and for the first few days it’s best to avoid hot stuff, cos it promotes bleeding. Smoothies and milkshakes are also made of win.

Ah. It’s been a while since I had my wisdom teeth out, and I was all sorts of messed up on codeine so my memory would be pretty faulty anyway. I do remember a lot of smoothies, though.

13 years ago

Okay Brandon…I think I see where you are coming from a little better.

Thing about give me money, I’ve met exactly ONE young girl who demanded quite a bit from the men she dated. My experience has been of men making grand romantic gestures towards me (expensive flowers and gifts) even though I barely know them. And they clearly don’t know me because I’m happier with getting a can of peaches or a potted plant. Those grand romantic gestures tell me that they have far more invested in some fantasy of who I am, then I have in actually knowing who they are. Its a really uncomfortable position to be in, because if I accept the gifts I feel like I’m being forced to play catch up to how crazy in love they are. And that’s not a realistic expectation to hold.

As far as demanding that kinda treatment or cash, I’d rather fall on a sword first.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I dunno what’s more amusing, that women apparently think Brandon is an easy mark or the very small sums he’s citing.

13 years ago

Back to alphas, and the incredible shrinking Y chromosome:

Men, or at least male biologists, have long been alarmed that their tiny Y chromosome, once the same size as its buxom partner, the X, will continue to wither away until it simply vanishes. The male sex would then become extinct, they fear, leaving women to invent some virgin-birth method of reproduction and propagate a sexless species.

The fear is not without serious basis: The Y and X chromosomes once shared some 800 genes in common, but now, after shedding genes furiously, the Y carries just 19 of its ancestral genes, as well as the male-determining gene that is its raison d’être. So much DNA has been lost that the chromosome is a fraction of its original size.

But maybe there are pills you can buy on the internets for that?

Spoiler alert: It may have actually stopped shrinking.


13 years ago

Sure, men should question a woman’s motives and take a few rational steps to protect themselves but that shouldn’t prevent one from living their life or become neurotic about it.

Like hidden cameras? Or totally-not-obvious “feminist screening” techniques?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I knew this girl for about a week and she was already asking me for small sums of money ($10-25).

Really? I gotta admit this isn’t a behavior I’ve seen in Earth women. Was she asking for the money for some purpose or just “hey, give me ten bucks”?

You don’t know of men that give women money in the hopes of getting laid? Are you even on planet Earth? Flowers, Drinks, Gifts…they all cost money. Sure, men might not just walk up to you and hand you a C-note, but tons of men think that gifts (which cost money and have a monetary value) are the way to a woman’s heart. (It helps, but isn’t mandatory)

I’ve never had a guy give me flowers or gifts (other than birthday and Christmas presents) until well, well after I’d already slept with him. Which is good; I’d be extremely creeped out to receive them from a guy who was just “hopeful.”

Flowers in particular don’t have much value except emotionally, so getting them from someone I didn’t have those emotions about would just be… uncomfortable.

I tend to assume that a guy buying a woman drinks is just trying to get her drunk, and there’s few things less “supplicative” than that.

13 years ago

The only times a woman has asked me for money is when we went out to eat and she forgot her wallet. Then she paid me back, in an even that rocked the world to its very foundations. It’s like we were just friends borrowing and lending money, rather than… you know… some huge and pervasive war between the sexes.

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