
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

Brandon…really. I don’t give a tinkers curse over what you think of me. I’m sitting here laughing my ass off right now!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

@Holly: Yah, the “supplication” thing always made me curious. Would your “free” chocolate guy be considered “supplicating”?

Probably. He’s not doing Game, he’s just freestyle creepy.

But then you have the guys who think that being a feminist is “supplicating,” or that male cops taking rape reports seriously are “supplicating,” or that basically giving a woman anything before she’s earned it with sex is “supplicating.”

I’d understand (if still not agree with) the “I don’t owe you anything, lady!” attitude if they were just standoffish all around, but the “I don’t owe you anything… and you owe me sex!” is just nauseating.

And of course all of this happens in the universe where the only actions women can take are fuck or not-fuck, and any other actions are just annoying elaborations on not-fuck.

13 years ago

@Crum: They are subjective up to a certain point.

@Pillow: Hey, me too! Ditto!

13 years ago

God damn, he’s like a three year old. A really, really boring three year old.

13 years ago

I cannot imagine why you would want to be rude and cruel to someone you do not know because she will not sleep with you on demand.

13 years ago

By questioning you, I’m either hoping you’ll spout even more amusing things, or maybe you’ll rethink some of your assumptions.

I have more hope of further amusement though.

My guess is neither obtuse nor dense. He’s quite comfortable with the way he is.

Hey Meller, come out and play too!

13 years ago

@Bostonian: I don’t like to be cruel and rude (well to most people). But Hellkell referred to my girlfriend as a fuckdoll. It has nothing to do with wither I want to fuck her or not.

13 years ago

My experience is limited, and out of date, I have been married for *cough* decades, and my dating experience was church based too, but still I liked the people I dated, and enjoyed spending time with them as people!

I did not even sleep with the people I dated either. I did not find it to be a waste of time to date, even so.

13 years ago

A really, really boring three year old.

this is why, despite being generally anti-banning, i am pro-banning brandon. its is really just tedious listening to him scream ‘ME, ME, ME’

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Brandon, if your girlfriend exists, she is not a fuckdoll. She is a whole person with wants and needs and a history and an inner life.

…Thing is, none of us think you believe that, not the way you’ve talked about her (and hilariously sockpuppeted her) here.

Are you attracted to her for any reason besides her looks, her willingness to fuck, and her tendency to not make trouble? Do you even know about any other parts of her? (Or, since she’s fictional: have you bothered to make up any other parts of her?) Because if that’s pretty much it, then she’s a fuckdoll to you.

13 years ago

Brandon! Are you white knighting on Ashleys behalf?!

What it buddy, you’ll be a pussy whipped mangina in no time!

13 years ago

What the hell is this obsession some MRAs have with height? Plenty of women date men shorter than themselves – for some women, it’s not exactly optional! But it’s somehow become MRA gospel that women only like ONE body type, ONE facial type, ONE hair/eye color combination, and if you don’t have those, you’re shit out of luck and have to manipulate women into being interested. That’s… that’s actually really fucking sad. And they claim that WOMEN are the ones obsessed with looks…

13 years ago

Well we can’t be obsessed with looks. Remember evo psych, only men are visually driven creatures.

13 years ago

Freestyle creepy would be a good name for a band, I think.

13 years ago

@Holly: Yes, I also enjoy spending time with her (besides fucking her). Oh noes! Did I do something wrong? Should I not care about her?

@Pillow: This isn’t white knighting. White knighting is often about defending women you do not know (or aren’t close to). If a dude was just taking the woman’s side solely because she has a vagina…that is white knighting. White Knighting = believing that women can do little to no wrong.

13 years ago

I am somewhat amused by who he considers “major feminist talking heads”.
It does provide insight to the size and scope of his little world.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I think the height thing gets back to the MRA/PUA idea that male attractiveness is all about dominance and power. They’ve decided (without consulting any women) that women are most attracted to a caveman linebacker, which allows them to:

A) Declare that women really do want to be dominated and controlled all the time, because that’s what turns them on


B) Blame all their problems with women on the fact that they don’t look like a caveman linebacker, rather than having to confront the massive things wrong with their personality, attitude, and social skills.

13 years ago

Not according to a lot of the MRA sites I’ve read dude.

In fact, they’d have you strutting in pin feathers by now for standing up for your girlfriend. In their books, real men don’t do that.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Yes, I also enjoy spending time with her (besides fucking her). Oh noes! Did I do something wrong? Should I not care about her?

Those last sentences are dim even for you. No, I don’t think you shouldn’t care about her, I just think you don’t.

I mean, the most specific and humanizing thing you can think of about her is that you “spend time” together. That’s nice and all, but my boyfriend and I build gadgets together. We went snow tubing together last weekend. This weekend he’s inviting me to a party with some of his friends I haven’t met before. I like how he’s nerdy and how he extends very genuine love to everyone in his life.

Do you get how that’s different from saying “yeah, yeah, my boyfriend’s a person and stuff, now let me tell you about how skinny he is and how many of his holes I get to use”?

13 years ago

@Pillow: Which is why I am not an MRA.

13 years ago

Cassandra – sorry about the reply two pages later – I went to bed.

Yes I *can* eat normally, but my teeth hurt cos they’re moving into the new-found space. I could eat potato chips about 5 days after the surgery (so, I’m probably and ugly fatso, in the current conversation – hi!) but I’m trying to avoid anything too crunchy (despite how amazing crunchy things are) cos my teeth are a bit sore and sad. And my appetite did take a dive – the day of the surgery I had a general so I couldn’t eat anything, then after the surgery I didn’t feel like it. I did get hungry in the following days, but smaller portions than usual satisfied me (possibly cos I was eating more slowly!). One of the problems is that you want to avoid hot things for the first few days, and lukewarm soup isn’t actually all that appealing to me. Hence: mash! I didn’t eat meat for about 6 days either – but I probably could’ve been eating chicken or fish earlier. Good luck!

13 years ago

Holly: You forgot c) When told that many women date/marry/reproduce with men who are shorter, flip out and declare that women who say such things are lying bitches. This is evidently an important part of the formula.

13 years ago

“don’t go around pleasing and supplicating to women who have given nothing back to you”

How does this work, anyways, in a situation where you’re just meeting a person for the first time? They’ve obviously never given you anything, being unaware of your existence. Although, I understand that is a crime in itself, especially as all women are the same woman. The same, bitchy, cold, cold, woman.

13 years ago

Or do you just not like guys that value their own orgasm over yours?

No, I don’t, but that’s just because I’m so ugly.

Hellkell referred to my girlfriend as a fuckdoll.

No, she didn’t, but I only know that because I developed reading comprehension skills to compensate for being so ugly.

13 years ago

I also like (as in, think it’s funny) that Brandon argues that most feminist talking heads aren’t hot, then names a very small sample size. Statistically speaking, a small sample size of just plain women would likely yield very few drop-dead-gorgeous hotties. Also, subjectivity and beauty and all that.

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