Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.
Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)
But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.
@Pillow: The majority of the feminists I have met along with the major feminist talking heads (Valenti, Marcotte, McEwan, etc…) has shown that I have a statistically better chance calling a feminist ugly as opposed to gorgeous. Jill at Feministe is probably one of the more attractive ones…and even she isn’t drop dead gorgeous.
Also, what do I really have to lose in calling her ugly? It’s not like Hellkell and I are friends or I want to sleep with her…
this is pathetic, even for you
flail harder, brah, maybe you’ll hit something eventually
i would say your dignity, but that ship sailed long ago, so good point, i guess?
Sometimes when Brandon condescends to grace us with his lofty presence, I like to play a game I call “Deliberately Obtuse, or Actually That Dense?”
Pecunium said:
Then Brandon said:
Why, women do have our own thoughts, bodies and opinions! Some men — a minority, thankfully — either aren’t aware of this, or don’t seem to care about it when they’re interacting with women. Those would be the men that Pecunium was referencing. If you’re not one of those men, Brandon, that’s awesome! And by “that’s awesome,” I mean “that meets a very minimum standard of human decency.”
So, does Brandon get that he was essentially answering his own question? Is he being deliberately obtuse, or is he actually that dense?
Hellkell helpfully explained:
and Brandon said:
No! That’s an entirely different (though still pretty rude) thing than not viewing women as anything other than fuckholes! Are you being deliberately obtuse, or are you actually that dense?
And then we get to my favourite part:
Somehow we have gotten from “all men treat women like people!” to “I don’t understand what a ‘fuckdoll with a pulse’ is, but I’m pretty sure it’s a totally okay thing!” to “we were clearly talking about hellkell’s sex life this entire time, and yes, men treat her like she’s not a person, but she deserves it!”
So, what do we think? Deliberately Obtuse, or Actually That Dense? I’m going with deliberately obtuse for the most part, but dense enough that it makes some difference to the overall outcome.
I think Brandon calls women “ugly” because the only thing he cares about in a woman is fuckability, so he figures that must be the only thing we value in ourselves.
…Remember, this whole argument started because someone accused him of not respecting women. So I think he’s thoroughly proving his respect right now.
@Amused: I think I am good. I am agreeable with most people…just not feminists.
Uggo? Is that the best you got? Oh, well, they can’t all be winners.
For a guy who fancies himself such an independent thinker, all the moldy oldies come right out. Next up, I’m fat. THE HORROR!!!
Just remember Brandon, you’ll be thirty five or forty, and all the gorgeous girls your chasing are going to be laughing at you. I bet by then you won’t have youth on your side either. And then you will be nothing more to them than a walking wallet. As for ugly, hm. I think feminists consider that they have more important things to do with their lives then spend it in front of a mirror. Most of the women you sneer on that aren’t what I’d call ugly.
Viscaria, I’m going to go with Actually That Dense.
I feel totes respected right now. XD
Thing is, Brandon, it just flat plain makes you look like a immature idiot, that ugly is your go to insult.
Also, it bolsters the case of you being a misogynist, which you have consistently demonstrated over time here in the comments.
What if you’re fat, ugly, AND still have people that care for you? OH NOES BRANDON HOW WILL YOU INSULT US NOW?
@Holly: I called her ugly because on average women are sensitive about being called that and she was/is being a snarky little dickhole. It has nothing to do with hellkell’s “fuckability”.
Damn, Brandon doesn’t even know how insults work. “I called you something that actually doesn’t mean that, a lot of women just take it that way for some reason!”
contrary to what his total lack of maturity might suggest, brandon is in his thirties. let that sink in.
@Pillow: Doubtful. I know 40-50 year old men that still are able to date girls in their late 20’s. Hell, my 55 year old uncle just brought over his 31 year old date at the last family gathering 2 weekends ago.
Brandon, why would any feminist give a shit about what some random dude thinks of us? What’s to be sensitive about? Its not as if we consider the random insults of a passerby to be that important when we know they are trolling. Its the type of women who you date that would take that far more seriously.
So, what do we think? Deliberately Obtuse, or Actually That Dense?
Or goldfish memory? In one thread he spews 3 different viewpoints????
So I guess it’s cool to call him a tiny-dicked assgasket. Since men get uptight about that and all.
I’m really bored of Brandon now. I think we need to get back to talking about “Alpha Male” shenanigans.
One of my favorites is the guys who say you mustn’t “supplicate” to women, which is sort of true in the sense of “don’t bring flowers to a girl who barely knows your name,” but not for the reasons they think.
More often, though, they use it as justification for just being straight up rude. They get the attitude “women have been deliberately hurting my feelings by not-having-sex-with me, so I’m going to hurt their feelings back!” And then they wonder why they don’t get laid. Must be a problem with women.
@Pillow: If it didn’t bother you, you wouldn’t be asking me questions about it.
…Okay, I do have to point out that “ugly” is a particularly pathetic insult when you don’t know what someone looks like.
Kinda takes out any possibility of an “oh no, what if he’s right?” sting.
@Holly: Yah, the “supplication” thing always made me curious. Would your “free” chocolate guy be considered “supplicating”?
The majority of the feminists I have met along with the major feminist talking heads (Valenti, Marcotte, McEwan, etc…) has shown that I have a statistically better chance calling a feminist ugly as opposed to gorgeous
Is it worth explaining to you that ideas of what is “ugly” and what is “gorgeous” are completely subjective? Probably not.
Holy shit! From the way he talks I would have thought he was nineteen!
Also, brandon, the guy I’m with is 47, I’m ten years younger. What’s your point?
it bothers me how someone could get so far into life and still be so childish, i’ll admit. i don’t think that’s really the same thing tho