
The hard life of the Alpha male. Get it? Get it? It's a double entendre. Heh heh. Penis.

Now in pill form.

Life is tough for the beta male. During his twenties, as Manosphere dudes never tire of reminding us, women reject him, choosing instead to throw themselves wantonly at caddish alpha males.

Only after these cruel, callous women have squandered their youth and beauty – by the age of 30 if not earlier – do they turn at last to the betas, who’ve been patiently waiting in the “friend zone” the whole time. Those poor betas, nice guys and good providers all, are then lured into marriage with these now-ugly shrews, who are no longer interested in sex, and want only their money, often used to provide for kids sired by alpha males. (See here for Holly Pervocracy’s more detailed analysis of the “Greek system.”)

But life can be tough for the alpha male as well, driven to exhaustion by nearly constant sex with an incredible array of horny twentysomething women. The movie trailer below will give you some idea of just what the typical alpha male has to deal with on a daily basis.

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13 years ago

Oh…and Game should really mean possessing a few traits: think highly of yourself, have a backbone and don’t go around pleasing and supplicating to women who have given nothing back to you.

13 years ago

I’ve “approached” probably 1000 people, in the sense of “Hi, I’m Holly!”, but I don’t bitterly chalk them all up as failed fucks. I was just trying to meet people.

Well, that’s what you’re doing wrong. The point of meeting people is to WIN. You’re supposed to be trying to beat them at the game of life.

What do you think other people are there for, fun?

13 years ago

Brandon’s all about treating people like people now instead of extensions that feed his narcissism? I’ll be damned.

But to answer your question, Lord Aboveitall, treating women like people means not treating women like fuckdolls with pulses.

Guys, don’t do that.

13 years ago

The funny thing is, Brandon, Game seems to mean the exact opposite. Rather than thinking highly of themselves, PUAs are encouraged to believe that they’re ugly and unlovable and the only way they can get affection from other people is by tricking them somehow.

Look at how much Eurosabra talks about how he’s an unattractive loser and if women knew anything about him they’d run screaming for the hills. His comments don’t exactly drip with self-respect.

13 years ago

@hellkell: What the hell is a “fuckdoll with a pulse”? Or do you just not like guys that value their own orgasm over yours?

13 years ago

The former one is Ashley, and as to the latter, right the fuck on. That’s called being a selfish lay, and no one should have time for that.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Sometimes I’m polite to people even though they haven’t EARNED it from me. I don’t have to be, but I am anyway just because it’s nicer.

(Also, sometimes they have earned it, by being polite to me, not by fucking me.)

I’m not very Alpha but I have a lot of friends. And I sleep with some of them.

13 years ago

“How do men NOT treat women like people? And if men aren’t treating women like people…then what are those men treating women as? Kites? Baboons? Tables? Inquiring minds want to know. Last I checked, women seem to have their own thoughts, bodies and opinions.”

As “life support systems for a cunt” as the crude saying goes.

13 years ago

Brandon won’t know what that is, Crumbelievable.

13 years ago

Basically, if you want to treat women like people (although that you need help figuring this out is pretty pathetic), see how MRAs treat women and do the exact opposite of that.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

A fuckdoll with a pulse is what you think women are when you sort all your interactions with us into “Got laid, success,” and “Didn’t get laid, never shoulda bothered speaking to her.” This suggests women don’t have any interest for you socially except as potential fucks–that you would never consider making an interesting new friend a success.

13 years ago

@Hellkell: I see you want to be a cunt and disrespect my girlfriend. So I give you a nice, hardy fuck you, you little bitch!

And they say feminists can’t be misogynists. How does it feel that you just called another woman a fuckdoll? You fucking hypocrite!

13 years ago

@Crumbelievable: I don’t need help figuring it out. I just want to know what YOU think it means. I was prodding for your opinion on the topic, not because I needed my behavior to be corrected.

13 years ago


Backatcha, cupcake. You’re so cute when you clutch your pearls. Maybe DKM can let you use the fainting couch.

You know where I heard that charming turn of phrase? Our very own NWO.

13 years ago

Oh, and if you think other women–up to and including some feminists–can’t be misogynistic, you’re pretty naive.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Calling women “c_nt” and “bitch” also suggests you don’t see women as people, because you’re using insults that mean “bad woman” instead of “bad person.”

13 years ago

Or do you just not like guys that value their own orgasm over yours?

i think we can all agree that if you dont care about getting your partner off youre a shitty partner

brandon, do you take classes on how to be more of a selfish douche?

13 years ago

@Hellkell: I bet you don’t like it because most men just treat you like a hole to fuck and they wont care about or love you back.

And just to be clear, I am saying you’re a bitch because men treat you like a “fuckdoll with a pulse” and you don’t like that. Instead of bashing men, why don’t you try and make yourself more attractive (physically and personality wise) so men might actually like, care and love you.

13 years ago

13 years ago

That was directed at Brandon

13 years ago

is it just me or is getting easier and easier to get brandon to the point where he flips the fuck out and just starts insulting people?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Also, not to put words in Hellkell’s mouth, but I think of Ashley as a fuckdoll because she’s your fictional fantasy woman (or if she exists, the details you’ve shared here are so outlandish she might as well be fictional), always offering sex, never needing anything, asserting no personality of her own except “I agree with everything you say and you can use my vagina anytime, tee hee!”

Ashley IS a fuckdoll, because she’s your imaginary perfect woman.

13 years ago

@Holly: I never made the claim that I was without prejudice. I also use dick and cock to attack men…so I am an equal opportunity offender.

@Sharculese: My partner orgasms just fine. Also, one can not get a partner off. My girlfriend could jerk me off till pigs fly, but if I am not in the mood or depressed, No amount of work will get me off. The same with her. I could fuck, lick and finger her all day long, but if she has something on her mind or is stressed…she isn’t cumming anytime soon.

The notion that your partner is responsible for your orgasm is a crock of shit. You are responsible for your own orgasm. The most a partner can do is attempt to get you in the mood for sex. And even then, it isn’t guaranteed.

13 years ago

Ashley told us how much your relationship with her improved after you stopped coming here, allegedly. So why are you back?

13 years ago

Can an imaginary woman be insulted?

Brandon, your tantrum is cute and all, and I’ma let you finish, but I’m happily married. So thanks for the life tips, as shallow as they are.

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