actual activism MRA MRA paradox

Men's Rights in the real world: "No one showed up to the event but organizers say the lack of attendance is not due to a lack of interest."

Come early to get a good seat!

Sometimes it’s worth reminding ourselves that despite all the noise they make online, the Men’s Rights movement has basically no presence in the real world. The picture above is an actual photo of a men’s rights symposium at Montana State University. Here’s how the local NBC affiliate described what went down – or, more accurately, what didn’t go down:

The MSU chapter of the National Coalition for Men organized a symposium to raise awareness of problems in men’s lives.

The group geared the event towards fraternity students at the college and invited speakers to talk about things like men’s rights when it comes to sexual misconduct investigations on-campus.

No one showed up to the event but organizers say the lack of attendance is not due to a lack of interest.

You just keep telling yourself that.

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Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I originally came here for the freak show that is the MRM. I stayed for the community. And the kitties. And, of course, the bacon.

13 years ago

I do find it hilarious that you are offended that I got the name of your ridiculous game slightly wrong.

Even better, he’s offended that you think it might get made. “Oh, you think my game could go beyond the concept stage? Well, the joke’s on you! It’s a terrible idea and no one will ever produce it! HA!”

But it’s okay, because he’s very successful!

13 years ago

Pretty much what CaptainBathrobe said.

Hell, I’m pretty sure someone will break out some delicious food recipes and animal pictures, after we’re done with the FactFinder Pinàta (or maybe during, haha).

13 years ago

The new base standard for the MRM, as a movement, should be this: Is there any area where bronies have not outperformed them?

Bronies have a massive convention in New York City which has been covered by Wired and the New York Observer. The MRM was unable to get anyone to show up to a meeting in Montana which was covered on a local news station’s website.

Bronies routinely make YouTube music videos generating half a million views apiece. MRM videos of dead-eyed men ranting about women can attract up to dozens of views if the Spearhead links to them.

Bronies designed and programmed their own pony video game. An MRA came up with an idea for a woman-hating video game, posted his description on DeviantArt, and is patiently waiting for someone to come along and make it for him.

13 years ago

I’m a bit sad to hear the news in the OP, because I would hope that at least some people interested in masculinity issues would have been tricked into going without realising who the organisers were.

13 years ago

You know, when I first heard about MRA’s I didn’t necessarily think they were a bad thing. A member of my family went through a horrible custody case because his ex-wife started using drugs and it kicked in to full-blown, un-managed, running-away-to-join-a-cult-and-taking-the-kids-with-her schizophrenia, but it was difficult to get full custody of his kids because he was a man.

The court case lasted several months and was pretty traumatic for everyone in the family.

So, when I heard that there were men’s rights groups who had issues with the disparity of custody cases going in favor of men, no alarm bells went off.

Then I spent, like 10 minutes on google. Seriously.

I have yet to read anything from an MRA that actually advocates for positive action, it’s all just angry hatred-of-all-women spewing all over the internet like last night’s questionable chicken salad sandwich.

I imagine that’s what happens when people see fliers for MRA events: “Oh, a meeting about men’s issues, who’s the speaker? Let’s check Google. Oh, god, no.”

I’ve been lurking manboobz since you were recently linked on Hoyden. You actually make something humorous out of their rantbarfs! Thanks for consistently making me laugh.

Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
13 years ago

I think no one turned up because they were scared Peter Andrew Nolan or NWOslave (insert other insane MRA names) would turn up and kill the crowd or perhaps “self immolate” themselves.

Kyso K.
13 years ago

Demios – I would buy that bronie game for every little girl I knew.

13 years ago

I have no amusing animal photos or recipes to share at the moment, but it turns out dumping crushed red pepper in Ramen does wonders for congestion. As does putting cloves of garlic in tea. Or inhaling steam for five minutes.

Can you guess who’s had a cold?

13 years ago

Can you guess who’s had a cold?

Half of the people I know! Possibly me! And cartoon Joker, apparently.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I wouldn’t worry, AndersH. You’re talking about the MRM. Masters of organization and persuasion, they are not.

13 years ago

Related to this pot, has anyone noticed the total lack of (MRA) fresh thinking at AVfM? Nothing really new has come out lately, just a lot of re-hashing of the same ol’ nonsense.

The MRM seems to have hit a real brick wall lately.

13 years ago

If this article is any indication, they sure have.

13 years ago


“infamous boob thrusting pose” *DIES*

I think MRAs think boobs work like cats’ claws. Women retract them on a daily basis, only unsheathing them when they want to be harassed or judged (usually coded as “attract men and leave them with blue balls”)

13 years ago

I think MRAs think boobs work like cats’ claws. Women retract them on a daily basis, only unsheathing them when they want to be harassed or judged (usually coded as “attract men and leave them with blue balls”)

Especially since that appears to be less of a “boob-thrusting pose” and more of a “boob-having pose.” She’s not, in fact, pushing out her chest or sucking in her stomach (or if she is, she’s damn good at hiding it). She’s just standing there, having boobs. THE NERVE OF HER.

13 years ago


That’s why that phrase made me laugh so much! It actually looks like she’s hunching her shoulders, so if anything she’s in the process of retracting :p

13 years ago

Man, now I wish I actually had retractable boobs. Beyond the fact that unsheathing and retracting them just sounds like fun, my clothes would fit better, since I could adjust my boobs to match each individual top. No more trying on bras – just expand or contract your boobs to fit into any bra you want!


13 years ago

@Polliwog, Wouldn’t that be great? Running would be so much more enjoyable if I could retract my boobs temporarily. 🙂

13 years ago

What I want is little mini boob zero gravity force fields (one for each) that gently cradle the boobs while engaged in sporting activities. If I sit in the middle of the street and cry will some man feel compelled to make this happen for me?

The failure of feminists to find a way to retract our boobs in order not to distract men with them is misandry.

13 years ago

Maybe, just maybe, more men didn’t show because they knew they would be shamed, laughed at, and branded misogynists and rapists, especially in a liberal, pro-feminist university setting? Sort of like you’re proving right here? Just saying.

13 years ago

Yeah, right, in one second you’ll tell us the police is keeping file on all people who would come to the symposium and feminists were waiting outside to throw rocks at them.
Anyway, most MRAs aren’t, to my knowledge, rapists, even so many are rape-apologists.

So what, you’re all just afraid? You’re just internet-tough guys, and afraid of being called names if you get in the open? Your revolution is not get any closer, with that kind of attitude.

13 years ago

Shamed? The nerve. We must make sure that what people do publicly never has any effect on their lives or other peoples’ perceptions of them.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Shamed? Dude, feminists made it out to an event called the Slutwalk. You think we weren’t (hell, aren’t still) shamed like hell for being dirty dirty sluts when we did that? You think there’s a piece of invective, objectification, or intimidation that wasn’t hurled at the Slutwalkers?

If you can’t stand up to any kind of public opposition whatsoever, you can’t have any movement more controversial than “The Teddy Bear Appreciation Society.”

13 years ago

I see the hatred is still going strong. Men wanting rights? Preposterous in our feminist dominated culture. It must be nice knowing women recieve all, not some of the vast fortune dear leader has borrowed at interest and billed to the serfs.

Even though dear leader has recently been forced to borrow less due to policies clearly designed to destroy whats left of the middle class. He still managed to earmark 100 million to train 100 thousand teachers in a system which already has a glut of teachers. And the present bill that goes along with it, if passed, will require all teachers to take feminist theory, queer theory and diversity training in order be certified as a teacher. Between the hostile enviornment boys presently face in school, and the next crop of teachers manditorily trained to hate straight boys. The final nail in boys education will be firmly hammered into place. Boys will simply refuse schooling and most likey the majority of boys will be imprisoned at some point for truancy.

Anyone with even an inkling of common sense would see the cause and effect of a system which glorifies half of society as deities, hates the other half as demons and propagates both. When men care so little about themselves, or are at least tired of fighting a losing battle against the machine that they won’t even show up to reclaim a lost right, or recieve fair and equitable. This situation should strike terror into the hearts of anyone. If men care so little about themselves, how much will they, or should they care about women? When men/boys have nothing. When mens personal wealth is used to teach hatred of men/boys in schools, government, charities and the media. There really is nothing left to lose.

Perhaps instead of laughing at the plight of downtrodden men, you should direct all your efforts to rectify a bad situation before it’s too late. Or you could continue to point at the scant handful of men at the top while ignoring the legions of men at the bottom. It’s fairly obvious who has all the power in the government, corporate, mass media complex by looking at where the wealth is spent and how they’re portrayed.

Helping the very people who’ve died by the billions in wars, catastrophies, thankless jobs, ect. for the protection and provision of women and children would seem to be an automatic response. Of course you would have to be willing to bloody the nose of a Hanna Rosin as she gloats about men in poverty. Or some other woman high up in the media/political arena when she directs all efforts to help only women and children in an impoverished thrid world country. You’d have to be willing to spill and shed a little blood for the people who’ve spilled and shed oceans of blood for you.

13 years ago


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