a voice for men misandry MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men penises precious bodily fluids

Do you want semen on that? How Law & Order: SVU imperils innocent penises

That's a LOT of semen.

TV detectives pore over semen stains, and find evidence of crimes. Over on A Voice for Men, B.R. Merrick pores over TV detectives poring over semen stains, and finds evidence of “anti-man mentality.” On Law & Order: SVU, he says,

Every time I chanced upon seeing a bit of it, someone somewhere said “semen.”

You know the show focuses on sex crimes, right? When you’re investigating sex crimes, I’d say the chances are pretty good you’re going to run across some semen from time to time.

This is a show that has been on the air for more than a decade, a spin-off from another program more than two decades long, dedicated to entertaining millions of Americans every week using salacious, graphic language about terrible crimes.  Semen.  Semen stains.  Semen samples.  Semen on a dead body.  Crime.  Law, order, crime, and semen.

Spam, eggs, bacon, semen and spam. Spam, spam, bacon, semen, and spam. Semen, semen, spam eggs sausage and semen.

Sorry, I got distracted.

Semen is disgusting, if I am to conclude anything from watching this program.  How is it that a show that continually mentions semen in connection with horrific crime can remain so popular for over a decade? 

Christopher Melonimania? No, nothing so straightforward as that. Clearly what we’re dealing with is anti-semen propaganda of the sneakiest sort.

Millions watch, but virtually no one notices.  It is as if the ejaculation of semen is something that the world puts up with but secretly detests.  Since only men make semen; since it is usually voluntarily ejaculated except for certain cases of rape and nocturnal emissions; and since the voluntary giving of this life-giving substance is usually frequent; what are men supposed to think if the culture embraces mainstream entertainment that virtually equates semen with crime?

If semen is outlawed only outlaws will produce semen?

The conclusions we are supposed to draw seem pretty obvious to me: Women and sexless children are the victims of semen, the victims of men.  Men are too quick to indulge their semen-connected desires.  Pornography is directly connected to men, semen, and the oftentimes unavoidable crimes that result. 

So jerking off into a sock has been criminalized?

Once you indulge a penis, all bets are off.  Unless, of course, he’s been thoroughly trained.

Penises can be trained? Really? I’ve had very little luck training mine.

Men who are raised not to take their feelings seriously will probably feel a little tinge that is quickly ignored when semen is mentioned in a silly television program.  Men who are used to being teased will grin along with the giggling girls who laugh at a man whose penis is not only severed, but shredded in a garbage disposal, so that he can spend the last several decades of his life without one. 

So Law & Order: SVU is secretly preparing men for a dystopian future in which all untrained penises will all be shredded in garbage disposals?

Stay tuned, I guess.

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13 years ago

Omg Nathan is back! I thought you had left us, dude. Flounce number three in 3… 2… 1…

13 years ago

MRAL, you passed pathetic a long time ago and are still accelerating. Just go away, douchebag.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Holly Pervocracy’s analogy is hilarious, because if God suddenly came down to Earth and started acting like a raging dickhead, there probably wouldn’t be many Christians.

The Old Testament aside…

Feminism is not the worship of feminist leaders. It is not their cult of personality or the belief in their infallibility. It is the belief that women deserve equal rights and safety. There is no figure you can malign, no quote you can throw in my face, that will make me think women should have unequal rights or be unsafe.

I can’t believe I have to spell things like this out for you, MRAL.

13 years ago

MRAL, I mean Nathan, this is not the board you’re looking for.

13 years ago

The Evidence that Feminists Hate Men.
–Betty Friedan made a stupid analogy to Nazis.
–Marilyn French had a character say a thing in a novel.
–Germaine Greer is an asshole.
–Some lady I’ve never heard of quotes a man as describing men as the death sex, because they are disproportionately more violent and masculinity is linked to violence.
–There was at least one violent killer who was a feminist, and Robin Morgan put it into an anthology because it was important and possibly satirical.

13 years ago

Cloudiah, so he admits he’s Dunning-Kruger in action and proud of it. I also noticed he’s got the typical MRA huge hangup on R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

13 years ago

Things That Don’t Count As Evidence That Feminists Quite Like Men Actually:
–bell hooks’s We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity.
–Shira Tarrant’s Men Speak Out.
–Paternity leave.
–Rape crisis lines that help men.
–Greater freedom from gender roles.
–Actually fucking helping men.

13 years ago

My penchant for BDSM is a direct result of feminism, it wouldn’t have happened without feminism.

Feminism allows women to allow their own sexuality to develop and provides tools to reject ridiculous societal standards.

13 years ago


wwwwwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut. O_____________O

Example for a self prayer:

I am open and unapologetic about my sexual desires. In any sexual interaction with a woman, she will be submissive to my power. Women may dislike me and even hate me, but I make their knees weak and their vaginas wet.”

Men are mainly attracted to women who have sexy bodies and are able to go through the hardship of labor (which is similar in many cultures). Women are mainly attracted to social status, which definition is more plastic and changes from culture to culture (see Billion Wicked Thoughts and HookingUpSmart). In general, a good male lover has higher status than the female and a good female lover is sexually attractive.

Some examples of men lover/provider abilities:
1. Having a good prestigious job – Good provider since you can support children and good lover since you have high status.
2. Cheating on your wife – Bad provider since you endanger the family team and a good lover since you are desirable by other women.
3. Attempting and failing to cheat – Bad provider since you endanger the family team and a bad lover since you are not desirable by other women.
4. Woman attempt and fail to make you cheat – Good provider since you hold a social contract and a good lover since you are desirable by other women.
5. Your wife nags you and make you cook/clean – Good provider since you support and sacrifice for the team and a bad lover since you have lower status.
6. You decide to cook/clean – Good provider since you support and sacrifice for the team and a neutral impact on lover ability.
7. You tell your wife to cook/clean and watch TV- Bad provider since you don’t help the family team and a good lover since you have high status.
8. You tell your wife to clean while you cook dinner – Good provider since you help the family team and a good lover since you have high status.
9. Acting violently against your woman – Terrible provider but good lover (of course, don’t apply violence against anyone, However, many women go back to thugs who hit them.)
10. Protecting your woman from violence – Good provider and good lover.
11. Trying and failing to protect your woman from violence – Good provider and bad lover.


13 years ago

Snowy, I interpreted your question as rhetorical. I have had sex without giving consent, and I have trouble conceptualizing what happened to me as rape. True, it happened because I was afraid force would be the next step if I did not comply, but I did not struggle or attempt to leave. On a practical level, I don’t think the incident would have any legal force as a “rape” though it was not wanted. That does not make my definition of the word or my characterization of the incident correct, but I don’t think my perceptions are anomalous among the general population. Yes, the regular commenters on this blog may agree on all the definitions of rape, but the fact remains that what constitutes “consent” is often disputed. I’m not saying this is right, only that the subject is not always clear-cut to me, even in terms of my own experience.

I’m sorry my questions were seen as obnoxious or “sexist”, but I do feel that the qualifications I used in my statements were ignored in order to respond to them more broadly. I’m not going to cry if someone takes a hostile tone with me, but I don’t believe I asked the questions in a hostile manner.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Okay! New analogy time!

Feminism is like food safety. Imagine that there was a really big-deal food-safety expert, top in the US, in charge of tons of plant and restaurant inspectors, and then we found out he was a giant asshole. More than an asshole–a Nazi! The chief of all food inspectors is a God Damn Nazi!

This would cause us to oust the guy. To be very angry with him. To, perhaps, call for a questioning and maybe restructuring of the whole food safety system.

But the one thing that would not possibly follow from all this would be anyone deciding that it was okay to eat salmonella.

…does that make any sense or am I still screaming into the abyss?

There is no “your feminist leaders have betrayed you!” story that is going to make me think women deserve unequal rights or to be unsafe.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Kirby – Hitting a woman and refusing to do anything for her is “good lover”?

…Does he know what the word “love” even means?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I have had sex without giving consent, and I have trouble conceptualizing what happened to me as rape. True, it happened because I was afraid force would be the next step if I did not comply, but I did not struggle or attempt to leave. On a practical level, I don’t think the incident would have any legal force as a “rape” though it was not wanted.

I don’t want to define your experience for you and I wasn’t there, but… this sounds like rape.

If you had sex because you were afraid and not because you wanted to have sex, that’s rape.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

What the hell is the genesis of “Your leaders have betrayed you!” as a quote, anyway?

13 years ago


I have no idea what’s going on in most of that “guide…” But the author is obviously a couple steps removed from the world everyone else lives in.

13 years ago

Man, the things I miss online when I’m working.

feminism is not, in practice, about equal rights (which were achieved decades ago)

BWAHAhahahahaha! Oh, if only.

Belief in your power and abilities, rational or not, is one of the basic hallmarks of a patriarch.

Which would explain part of why so many of us are fed up with the patriarchy.

Also, this is a real thing in the world:

You’re welcome.

13 years ago


That cooking book thing… reminds me of the people who advocate drinking your own urine. “Its actually very healthy and not at all disgusting! Here, just try easing your way into it by watering it down, and you’ll find blah blah blah.”

No, I do not like semen and ham. I do not like it, Sam I Am.

13 years ago

Well, Holly, I appreciate that, but it was a long time ago, and there is no reason for me to turn the blog into therapy hour. I’m not sure he realized I was afraid, and I did ask him to use a condom when I realized sex was probably inevitable and communication wasn’t going well. I never considered it rape, even if it was not a desired experience.

I’m in my thirties. The incident happened when I was a teenager. The idea that consent must be explicit was not widely promulgated at the time.

13 years ago

I tried googling, but didn’t get anything definitive. My guess would be that it comes from the military, since I’ve seen it used where one side is trying to get the other side’s soldiers to desert.

13 years ago

I was afraid to read any further, and now I see my fear was justified! This is a sick, sick person. I am going to go pet my kitties to try to clean the ick off my brain.

13 years ago

I’m sorry for what happened to you malcontent, but just because you don’t consider what happened to you as rape doesn’t mean others do as well. Yes, rape can happen without any force and the perpetrator’s side.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Malcontent – Using a condom is not consent. It’s an attempt to mitigate the harm from being raped. Knowing sex is inevitable is not agreeing to sex.

13 years ago


I wouldn’t say that. There’s got to be someone out there who would enjoy the book, and the author isn’t exactly doing any harm. *shrug*

13 years ago

@Unimaginative: Okay, kitties had to wait a second. I clicked through to the Reader post on that cookbook, and the comments are hilarious:

Vegan alternative = soyman [alt: seiman]

gives new meaning to “come and get it!”

“What do you call this dish?” “The Aristocrats!”

The new Umami

It’s the ultimate in locavore.

Of course, I do have the sense of humor of a 13-year-old boy. MISANDRY.

13 years ago

Semen outside of a sexual context is icky to many people, and that is ok, in my opinion.