evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy misandry misogyny oppressed men reactionary bullshit sex vaginas we hunted the mammoth

Congress hears testimony on contraception: Once again, men have to do all the work!

Hard-working dudes, talkin bout contraception.

So  there was a congressional hearing yesterday about contraception, and, once again, men had to do all the work. Not a single lady on the panel! They were probably all eating bon bons and riding the cock carousel, like ladies do. Misandry in action!

Well, to be fair, the chair of the committee blocked a woman who was going to testify on the panel, but, you know, she probably would have just started yammering about shoes and how hot Taylor Lautner is. You know how ladies are.

Just another day in the feminazi gynocracy!

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Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Females lie all the time and SAY they’re on the pill just to dupe some guy into fatherhood.

This world you live in, so different from our own…is it fun? Are there kitties? Do you have a PUSSY FAUCET?

13 years ago

Wait, I thought that Planned Parenthood wanted to make sure that no women have babies. Now Buttman thinks that they’re conspiring to help women steal men’s sperm so they can have babies?

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Wait, I thought that Planned Parenthood wanted to make sure that no women have babies. Now Buttman thinks that they’re conspiring to help women steal men’s sperm so they can have babies?

Them wimmens is devious…

13 years ago

Wow, $700+/year is a lot of money. How on earth are teenagers or low-income or unemployed people supposed to afford that? I think I pay ~$50/year over here. A legit issue: this is one.

13 years ago

Wow, $700+/year is a lot of money. How on earth are teenagers or low-income or unemployed people supposed to afford that?

They’re just not supposed to have sex. Simple as that. Forget about the fact that this something that has never worked in the history of humans. If they do have sex and make babies the very same people who don’t want them to have affordable birth control, will resent tax dollars going for formula. It’s completely insane.

Them wimmens is devious…

Clearly. Plus, I heard, that men are always totally responsible about birth control, but women are always pulling used condoms out of waste baskets to impregnate themselves. That’s what I heard.

13 years ago

“Plus, I heard, that men are always totally responsible about birth control, but women are always pulling used condoms out of waste baskets to impregnate themselves. That’s what I heard.”

Resident OCD germphobe says ew. Also, why bother coming up with nefarious plots to steal sperm when so many men are all too happy to just give it away?

13 years ago

Resident OCD germphobe says ew. Also, why bother coming up with nefarious plots to steal sperm when so many men are all too happy to just give it away?

You know, I have two friends -a married couple- who are attempting to conceive via artificial insemination. When they first told me what they were paying, per month, for donor sperm I had this (completely internal) but extremely heteronormative “What the fuck!” type of reaction.

All I could think was, “But… but… sperm is free!”

I had to take a step back and think about it from their perspective. Turns out, I have sperm privilege.

13 years ago

Sorry but I wasn’t talking about females. Is a man sabotaging their abortion? No. There is no comparison.

You’re a fucking moron. I acknowledged that there are women who have or will lie about using hormonal birth control. And I’m telling you that there are men who will sabotage a woman’s birth control. This isn’t about abortion. There are men who deliberately attempt to impregnate their partners. Directly comparable behavior. Google it, dumbass.

I was clearly referring to unmarried parents. The woman is assumed to be the better parent and this discrimination is somehow allowed.

Jesus, dipshit, I know you were talking about unmarried parents. That’s why I wrote:

Secondly, what the fuck do you think is supposed to happen when people who aren’t co-habitating produce a child?

Now, I realize you’re too stupid/uneducated to know much about how newborns work. But am I to understand that you also don’t realize that unmarried fathers can and do petition for joint custody of their children? Really?

13 years ago

What’s with the direct correlation between referring to women as “females” and brain-melting misogyny?

13 years ago

I would like to point out that most of the people yelling the loudest about the horrors of having to pay for bc were the ones who opposed the pill going over the counter, which it should have done YEARS ago, with a corresponding drop in price. I’m all for market solutions, but if you literally won’t LET the market solve it, don’t bitch about payin up.

13 years ago

However, supreme cynic that I am, I conspiracy theorize that Obama and co., so happy to sacrifice women’s reproductive rights at any turn, are happily letting us fight out religious freedom vs. vital birth control access, in order to distract from the fact that their healthcare promises led only to continuing the barbaric, laugh-that-you-may-not-cry feudalism of Employer-based “insurance”

13 years ago

I really see no good reason why at least the morning after pill shouldn’t be OTC. It’s working fine that way in the UK.

13 years ago

CassandraSays – We now have the morning after pill otc but still refuse to put the regular pill over the counter. Also, no morning after pills for you if you’re under seventeen, because of the twelve year olds, etc, as irresponsible young girls might go out and get themselves raped, of course.

13 years ago

US Feminists need to form ALL the underground women’s health collective things and we need to do it now 🙁

13 years ago

When did that happen? Yay for EC being OTC, but if it’s not available to girls under 17 that’s not good. The only times I ever took it were when I was barely over 18 – I’ve never seen a detailed breakdown, but I’d guess that younger women make up a very high percentage of users.

I’m not sure that I think making the regular pill OTC is a great idea just because there are so many versions, and a lot of people have to try several until they find one where the side effects are tolerable for them. Once someone has found one that works for them, though, I see no good reason why they shouldn’t then be able to continue buying it OTC.

13 years ago

t I’d guess that younger women make up a very high percentage of users.”

Yes. Which is why leaving it out of their hands is a feature and not a bug for these people…

Certainly there’ll be a need to find the best for you and to communicate with health care providers, but countries that have it otc seem to handle that pretty well, even poorer ones, to the best of my knowledge. Communicating with your health care professionals about the over the counter stuff that’s best for you is important anyway, and the US tends to over-rely on the prescription/patent system in really crazy ways, anyhow. But yes, becuase bc is hormonal, the need for communication is greater, but all in all I think in terms of affordability, access, and etc, it’s far past time we put it otc.

13 years ago

Would putting it fully OTC actually make it cheaper for people whose insurance currently covers part of the cost? I’d be curious to see what the price point would be if it did go OTC.

I’m a socialist, remember, so my preference would be state funded health care that’s free at the point of service for all, and free or very cheap BC via the same system. Going through the British system as a teenager was pretty easy for me, and if I did pay anything for the pill (can’t remember) it wasn’t much.

13 years ago

Also, if it was to go OTC, I’d think we’d have the same issues that have already happened with some pharmacists refusing to dispense it in certain circumstances, so I’d worry that in more conservative parts of the country that might present some issues too. What if Pharmacy Chain X decides they’re not selling it, or Individual Retail Clerk Y decides that he’s not selling it to anyone he thinks is too young/not respectable enough looking/etc?

13 years ago

Sorry but I wasn’t talking about females. Is a man sabotaging their abortion? No. There is no comparison.

No the republicans are totally not pushing legislation that forces women who want or need abortions to have an object FORCED up their vaginas against their will because of pro-life zealotry. No republicans and pro-life zealots haven’t been pushing for all this ridiculous legislation to make abortion harder and harder to obtain.

But since you don’t give a fuck about women’s rights, let me put it to you in a way that your selfish piece of shit self will understand: Take away abortion and affordable birth control and that’s a hell of a lot more men forced to pay child support and become fathers against their will. Its in YOUR benefit to support women’s birth control, not sabotage it. But since MRAs have this fucking childish, visceral reaction against anything that benefits women in any way, its no wonder you can’t see how it helps you too.

And finally GTFO of here and demand the market for your own birth control pill!

13 years ago

Would putting it fully OTC actually make it cheaper for people whose insurance currently covers part of the cost? – Maybe yes maybe no, in terms of what they pay. For many lower income people, the cost out of pocket might rise, but in terms of the “600 dollars a year” we face down, that’s likely to get cut down heavily. Of course, I am not a fortune-teller.

I’m for a market system that’s way, way the hell off from the abomination we have now, so I would be for a basic net of state-funded health care free at the point of service as a transitional point, (It adding up to a lot less state ) but I honestly think that a mix of over the counter ness and a nationalized system would work out the best. I’m tired though. What matters to me is that, even if someone has little problem accessing the health care system, when she loses her pills and it’s a sunday, or she’s on vacation, or for whatever reason can’;t make it to the obgyn, she can go pick up the pills at a cost that isn’t prohibitive.

Anyway, what we have now is pure evil, and just getting some small guarantee birth control access out of it is pretty shabby pickings.

Grarrgh being dependent on your employer for healthcare is evil rarrgh I gotta go to bed theocracy grumble snore.

13 years ago

.” Is a man sabotaging their abortion?”


13 years ago

No shit. Any man who’s worried about becoming a father without having actively planned for it should, if he has any sense, be DELIGHTED to see the government making it easier for women to access hormonal birth control, abortion, etc. But MRAs are neither sensible nor reasonable adults, so they respond with petulance and anger without even stopping to think that less access to birth control = more fathers who never planned on fatherhood.

13 years ago

Also, if it was to go OTC, I’d think we’d have the same issues that have already happened with some pharmacists refusing to dispense it in certain circumstances, so I’d worry that in more conservative parts of the country that might present some issues too.

We’ve still got that problem here with it being prescription (seriously).

And while that’s a problem, I think making it uncontrolled by prescription also means it’s also easier for feminists or other concerned people to sell it to get around those barriers. And agian, rememember, this wouldn’t mean your doctor COULDN’T prescribe it for you, or that health clinics couldn’t be involved, especially if you had special needs or were in such a location.

13 years ago

@ zhinxy

I’ve been in the US for 15 years and I still can’t get over what a terrible idea it is to have corporations be responsible for providing healthcare for most of the population. On that we can agree.

13 years ago

Here’s a thought – if it were to go fully OTC, would that mean that it could be sold over the internet? Because that would be one easy way around the issue of certain parts of the country being de-facto theocracies that want to ban BC completely.