So there was a congressional hearing yesterday about contraception, and, once again, men had to do all the work. Not a single lady on the panel! They were probably all eating bon bons and riding the cock carousel, like ladies do. Misandry in action!
Well, to be fair, the chair of the committee blocked a woman who was going to testify on the panel, but, you know, she probably would have just started yammering about shoes and how hot Taylor Lautner is. You know how ladies are.
Just another day in the feminazi gynocracy!
Not to mention.. you know… actual Birth Control.
So if a het couple are fucking, who does Buttman think should pay for birth control? In his mind does it just depend on the method? So like, if a couple use condoms it’s HIS birth control, but if they opt for the pill it’s HER birth control?
Dude does not understand how relationships work.
I can’t even with Buttman, the dumb is just too strong. He really must think no women work or pay taxes, nope, it’s all men.
You know what, Buttman? It’s OK to let your ignorance flag fly, but it’s another thing entirely to throw your ignorance a fucking ticker-tape parade down Main Street.
Does the bill mandate free BC, or just that it be covered with whatever the normal copay is? Because as much as I would love to see hormonal BC free to those who need it/can use it, I can’t imagine the insurance companies letting that kind of language through.
WTF? Health insurance that women ARE indeed chipping in on covers men’s health. Are you kidding? The point is, contraception is health-related and should be covered by health insurance, which women pay into.
This is not a situation in which women are standing around waiting for some men to give them something for nothing. We want the service that we pay for to cover our needs.
Also, western economies are collapsing due to finance industry shenanigans and lack of oversight of same. The people responsible for said shenanigans and lack of oversight are overwhelmingly male.
What the fucking fuck? There you were, innocently going about your business, handing out money for birth control when OUT OF THE BLUE, with ABSOLUTELY NO PARTICIPATION FROM YOU, random women got all pregnant and stuff, and then you had to pay even more! Wowzers.
What does this even fucking mean? What exactly are you dealing with every day? Are you getting a woman pregnant every day? Why DON’T you have birth control?
Buttman: You have birth control. You have condoms, outercourse, and vasectomies. Honestly, you should be using condoms in any relationship that isn’t seriously, monogamous-life-partner-level committed, and once you’re at that level you can have a vasectomy unless you want children.
The rule I use with condoms is that the person hosting the sex provides the condom.
And, yes, it is unfair that men don’t have a male birth control pill! But don’t whine at us about it, we think there should be one.
“Hey dumbass, women pay for condoms too.”
Are those women right next to the feminist fairy tale of the women who pay for dinner? Besides… I’m told that those cheap, guaranteed to break condoms are free at unfunded Planned Parenthood.
Well, monogamous and polyfidelitous, I should say.
So women don’t pay taxes that covers old men’s viagra?
Condoms aren’t available at college health clinics, Planned Parenthood or sexual health clinics?
Men don’t get free health care in Canada or other countries that have that system of healthcare?
Women getting pregnant is no big deal? it doesn’t change her entire life?
I don’t get you MRA morons, you are completely devoid of all logic. You want to fuck women, but those women are sluts. You don’t want birth control covered, but you’re terrified of women getting pregnant and trapping you with child support. You whine that there is no birth control for men, claim that feminists are out to stop it, so you respond by arguing against women’s birth control being covered rather than demanding your own.
News flash: $700/year is a lot of money.
and in other MRA stupidity…can you believe this guy was once a counselor? someone devoid of all empathy. Someone who gets so worked up over two stupid words?
“So if a het couple are fucking, who does Buttman think should pay for birth control? In his mind does it just depend on the method? So like, if a couple use condoms it’s HIS birth control, but if they opt for the pill it’s HER birth control?”
Each person is responsible for birth control. A man would be foolish to trust a female that she is actually using the birth control. Females lie all the time and SAY they’re on the pill just to dupe some guy into fatherhood. That’s 18(plus) years of payments that a man will be making that she is entitled to. Don’t even think of going for joint custody because 99.9% of unwed mothers are given primary custody. Don’t bother protesting because they will just shame you – of course they won’t do the same to women. You never hear women say that women should just keep their legs shut.
So very… very thick. Leave it to Elam to a complete privileged dick to traumatized people in the name of straw-manning (straw-womanning?) feminism.
It’s not just drinks or dinner. MEN pay for condoms. Why should we have to pay for YOUR birth control?
Oh, honey, honey… you know that women usually use contraception to have sex with MEN, don’t you? And this contraception protects the MAN from baby-making? It’s your birth control too.
Also, women in this universe pay taxes. Yes, yes, I know, no woman has ever made money at a job because we’re stupid and smelly and have cooties, but I just got back from seeing my accountant today and he was pretty insistent that I write the government a check anyway.
A check made out to MEN.
Yep pretty much. The fact that the guy was a counselor really gets me though, as you’d need empathy and compassion for victims in a job like that.
I’m lucky to have not faced anything traumatic that triggers any particular PTSD or anxiety, but who the hell am I to judge what other people have faced? how is putting down two fucking words that can prevent a person from having an unwanted memory or panic attack such a hard thing to do? it’s like they go out of their way to be assholes on purpose.
I was going to ask Buttman how he figures out who’s paying for the birth control in a joint bank account, but I already know exactly what he’s going to say.
News flash: $700/year is a lot of money.
Indeed – and it’s also significantly less than what many birth control pills cost. The last one I took was $92 per pack, which works out to $1200 per year. That’s a pretty darn hefty sum, especially if you’re not particularly well-off.
But hey, according to Buttman, apparently I could have made that up by…getting guys to buy me drinks at bars? I was under the impression that I had maybe two drinks at bars, total, in an average year, but apparently, unbeknownst to me, cocktail prices have been raised to $600 per small fruity drink nowadays. It’s a wonder how bars stay in business under the circumstances, really.
@Quackers — You’re so right. They just want to have their cake and eat it too. They want the disposable women they can fuck and they want the house wife to take care of them and raise their kids. They’re such spoiled little children.
Someone’s been taught Statistics 101 by Professor NWO
And there are men who will sabotage a woman’s birth control and/or refuse to use protection. Shitty people are shitty. I do believe, however, that couples/partners/fuck-buddies/whatever who are having the kind of sex that can result in babies should probably double-up on birth control if they’re serious about not procreating. It just makes sense.
First of all, when men bother to legally challenge custody, they’re awarded joint custody the majority of the time. Seriously, look it up. Secondly, what the fuck do you think is supposed to happen when people who aren’t co-habitating produce a child? The woman goes through pregnancy, delivers the baby -hopefully, they both survive the labor in good health- and then what? The newborn spends one night at the mother’s and one night at the father’s? Have you ever taken care of a newborn? Fuck it; have you ever even held a newborn? Do you have any idea how often nursing babies have to be fed? Shut the fuck up.
Bullshit. Whether you’re being deliberately obtuse, or you’re woefully under educated, or -as I suspect- just a lying sack of shit, you don’t have to look hard to find women who are happy to shame the shit out of unwed mothers.
If you aren’t an interesting enough guy to get a woman to split dinner with you, treat you, or go out on a date that doesn’t involve money, that’s your problem. Your problem. It doesn’t have shit to do with feminism. And, for the record, I buy my condoms at Target. I also store in a cool dry place and pay attention to expiration dates. When I was single, I kept them in two different sizes. Because, you know, never make assumptions.
By the way, here’s a picture of the pussy faucet, in use:
“And there are men who will sabotage a woman’s birth control and/or refuse to use protection.”
Sorry but I wasn’t talking about females. Is a man sabotaging their abortion? No. There is no comparison.
“First of all, when men bother to legally challenge custody, they’re awarded joint custody the majority of the time. Seriously, look it up. ”
I was clearly referring to unmarried parents. The woman is assumed to be the better parent and this discrimination is somehow allowed.
Whar pussy faucet, whar?