So there was a congressional hearing yesterday about contraception, and, once again, men had to do all the work. Not a single lady on the panel! They were probably all eating bon bons and riding the cock carousel, like ladies do. Misandry in action!
Well, to be fair, the chair of the committee blocked a woman who was going to testify on the panel, but, you know, she probably would have just started yammering about shoes and how hot Taylor Lautner is. You know how ladies are.
Just another day in the feminazi gynocracy!
I had to go a long way back to figure out how feminists = lesbians = porn stars.
As a feminist I take full responsibility for whatever inconvenience the poor lacrosse d00dz suffered as a result of being involved with the sexual assault they weaseled out of like so many before them.
Also this is stupid and it would cause people to think slightly better of you if you stopped doing it:
So, let me get this straight… The creator of “Preggo Punchout” hates VAWA, and Buttman doesn’t know a damn thing about Margaret Sanger? I am shocked! 😀
It gets my goat when cretinous MRAs with usernames straight out of Nelson Muntz’s brain try to ride on the coattails of smarter men. You know this is the favorite tact of White Supremacists, don’t you? They claim they’re just showing their “white pride,” but it always comes across as dumbasses bragging about being in a position of privilege, yet doing NOTHING with that privilege.
FACT: A Catholic man invented women’s birth control pills.
I’m sure the church will stop opposing them any second now….
As a factual matter, women have been using various birth control methods for thousands of years (including abortions). The pill is just one of the newer methods, it’s not the first birth control ever. Also, Native American women in what is now the southwestern US and Mexico used yams containing estrogen as an oral contraceptive before that, and other estrogen derived plant remedied existed in other areas of the world as well. Roman women drove an entire genus of plants extinct by using them for…oral contraceptives! The horror! XD
Yams contain estrogen?
Huh. You learn something new everyday XD
I had to go a long way back to figure out how feminists = lesbians = porn stars.
I was baffled by that too. My best guess is that it makes sense if literally the only contact you have with women is pornography.
Fact: MEN invented women’s contraception.
I know! Some men are awesome, aren’t they?
Quackers: You know that men won’t advocate for anything that is unpopular with women. Men are so pussy whipped that they’ll let women have all the entitlements in the world if women threaten to turn off the pussy facet.
Women should have to pay for their own birth control just like MEN pay for their own birth control. It would cost less than 2 dollars a day. You’d think they could make that up with their entitlements to free drinks, free dinners, free healthcare, etc,
You know, its sad that I learn more about womens achievements and contributions to society by chatting on a blog as a pastime, than I ever did in the thirteen or so years I spent in an institution designed to teach!
Well, with a name like Buttman, why should you care if women “turn off the pussy facet”?
What is it with MRAs and their ass fixation anyway?
PS – The word you’re looking for in the bit quoted above is “faucet”. Unless you were implying that the vagina is a gemstone.
So, where’s the “Women object to the male pill.” thing coming from again? What women are objecting to it?
Of course we objected to it!!! We didn’t immediately demand a national holiday dedicated to it!
I wonder if this form of birth control will be as controversial as the pill is for women. To my eyes, it seems a very positive thing, fewer unwanted children and an alternative to the birth control for women, which a great many men in high places seem determined to outlaw. Just keep in mind that it won’t be a great many women who try getting rid of male birth control.
*Points to the OP*
Yo, I heard you don’t know what shit costs without insurance.
You know they give condoms out for free at PP and most colleges, right?
Wow, are we sure Buttgentleman isn’t a Poe’s Law comedian? He’s so delightfully dumb. I thought the “splashing in the pussy fountain” guy was bad, now pussy is coming out of faucets. What’s next?
Pussy sprinklers.
Pussy Slip-n-slide.
Pussy Supersoakers.
Lol, there are free condoms at almost every medical clinic I go to. I don’t live in the bible belt, granted.
So, Buttman, do you think insurance shouldn’t cover Viagra or vasectomies either?
Two dollars a day comes out to over $700 a year. I mean, it’s worth it, but that shit adds up.
However, contraception is still way, way, way cheaper than the cost of pregnancy and childbirth, let alone all the future medical costs of a child. Hell, it’s cheaper than abortion, too. That’s why providing people with contraceptives makes good fiscal sense, and withholding contraceptives from health programs is just being a jerk for no reason.
I appreciate your financial plan wherein I go out on dates with men, get them to buy me drinks, and use all the money I save to pay for my daily necessities, but I’m an old married lady and I’m not in the habit of spending $700 a year on cocktails. That’s cute, though. You could tour with the guy who wants women to hold an aspirin between their legs.
Thinking about it, the aspirin comment was evil right-wing genius. Can’t play many sports with an aspirin between your knees, can’t do most jobs. It would interfere with housework and childcare too, though, so I guess they only care about preventing women who haven’t had sex yet from having it?
Uh, I have a huge stash of condoms in my drawer and give my partners condoms when I have sex with them. Should I require a payment? Perhaps two dollars per day since the last time they had sex? Because, seriously, that would make me a TON of money.
Excuse me, folks, but it’s not “pussy faucet.” It’s “pussy facet.” If I know my MRA/gemstone terminology, a pussy facet is one face of the giant million-dollar diamond a man always has to buy a woman before she’ll have sex with him.
Personally, I refuse to put out for less than a many fauceted scarlet emerald.
Could ya warn me not to be sipping on a drink first!
Fact: The man that created the pill was created by a woman.
Fact: Men never pay for their birth control in a relationship, they let women do that. Nice. And I’m supposed to feel bad about getting my dinner paid for? Not a chance.
It’s not just drinks or dinner. MEN pay for condoms. Why should we have to pay for YOUR birth control? You’re not chipping in on anything for us. The problem is that women think they should be entitled to everything for free. You have so many entitlements and don’t even recognize it. The entire Western economies are collapsing due to female entitlements.
It’s your body, your choice but OUR money. We have to pay your birth control, hospital costs if you get pregnant and give birth, child support from a man who will not be entitled to the same parenting rights. It’s a ridiculous system but it’s even more ridiculous that you all act like you’re oppressed by it. You act like having to pay for your birth control is some evil plot. You know what it’s like to not have birth control? Ask the MEN who deal with it every day and then face shaming comments like “keep your pants zipped up” when a female ends up pregnant.
“The problem is that women think they should be entitled to everything for free. You have so many entitlements and don’t even recognize it. The entire Western economies are collapsing due to female entitlements.”
Name three entitlements that are directly leading to the entire Western economies (sic) collapse.
Hey dumbass, women pay for condoms too.