evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy misandry misogyny oppressed men reactionary bullshit sex vaginas we hunted the mammoth

Congress hears testimony on contraception: Once again, men have to do all the work!

Hard-working dudes, talkin bout contraception.

So  there was a congressional hearing yesterday about contraception, and, once again, men had to do all the work. Not a single lady on the panel! They were probably all eating bon bons and riding the cock carousel, like ladies do. Misandry in action!

Well, to be fair, the chair of the committee blocked a woman who was going to testify on the panel, but, you know, she probably would have just started yammering about shoes and how hot Taylor Lautner is. You know how ladies are.

Just another day in the feminazi gynocracy!

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13 years ago

I want a pet pig! Can it be this one?

13 years ago

It’s a good thing we have people like Sandra, out there doing Things That Will Change The World every minute of every day! No time for tuna sandwiches for our Sandra, I’m sure. Lunch time is better spent doing activism! I’m positive she never watches movies for fun, or snuggles kitties, or does meaningless paperwork at work!

13 years ago


Stay as long as you like. 🙂

13 years ago

What the hell, Rutee? Are you fucking nuts? Are you saying that I can go throw a Molotov cocktail at the residency of a person I disagree with and it would be okay?
Violence is what imbeciles who cannot function in a democratic, open society resort to. Imbeciles like you.

13 years ago

Actually I suppose my last comment was pretty close to an unnecessary personal attack, so let me say what I was thinking without the sarcasm: not everything is about activism. Not everything is about changing the world. Some things are just, you know, fun.

13 years ago

FF, given that you’re the one who loses your shit and starts calling people bitches when they disagree with you, you’re the one I’d be worried about causing vandalism against people you don’t like.

13 years ago


Yes. Being in favor of vandalism to send political messages in certain situations means that you are in favor of burning down someone’s house. Sure…

What about imbeciles again?

13 years ago

Don’t forget, kids – vandalism is pure evil and a sign that you’re a barbarian, but wanting to punch pregnant women is an important blow against feminism. Fight the power!

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Sometimes there’s an exception for statements that could incite violence.

Sometimes, there’s an exception for hateful speech that directly adds to and encourages a violent environment and degrades humans.

I actually have no opinion on hate speech, though I find it rather concerning that most of the criticisms of hate speech laws reek of privileged positions.

What the hell, Rutee? Are you fucking nuts? Are you saying that I can go throw a Molotov cocktail at the residency of a person I disagree with and it would be okay?

Uh, no, actually, that’s probably going to hurt someone in the resulting fires, and that would be actual violence, not artistic license to the word “vandalism”. Destroying a home isn’t just ineffective, it’s really going to hurt someone (Even if nobody burns in the fire), and that person is going to be specific.

But you know, if you say, staple a giant poster of a dead fetus to a pro-choice billboard, I may consider your views stupid, but I have no ethical problem with your damaging of that property. I grit my teeth when reading about suffragettes defacing historical relics regarding the rights of Englishmen (I don’t remember which relics exactly at this point) because they were destroying parts of history, but I accept it as a victimless crime (Unless the thousands of historians crying ‘IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM’ count as victims? I don’t think so, speaking as one of them). I also accept the jail time suffragettes were sentenced with as a perfectly acceptable and just punishment by society for it.

13 years ago


Ah, my heart is much too big… I keep neglecting to hold people’s fucking stupid past actions against their present ones.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Day 7 on the alien planet. Nope. Nothing changed. Just a group of folk terribly chuffed with themselves and each other at their pithy comebacks at turds who would like to see them permanently hurt. That’ll change the world. Good stuff.

Oh shit, it’s one of those people with a bizarre browser that distorts “Misogyny: I mock it” and makes it look like “The one stop shop to save the world from all -isms”. We’ve gotta work out that tech issue.

13 years ago


“The best part of the VAWA reauthorization is that it now recognizes that domestic violence is not always an act perpetrated on a woman by a man. In an important (though overdue) step, the reauthorization bill also includes language that would ensure protections and services for all victims of domestic violence- regardless of gender and sexual orientation.” source

So the language that makes the bill more inclusive towards all genders/sexes/etc. (including male victims, MRAs) is the language that the Republicans are fighting against (possibly). Wowwwwwww….

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So FactFinder, Finder of Facts… you decided that what she meant is that it’s okay to firebomb houses and cars? xD

I tend to think of that as arson more than vandalism…

We’re responsible for VAWA collapsing, not just feminist hubris. I mean, would it really kill you feminists to apologize for the whole Duke Lacrosse PR disaster? Has any feminist who cried about that ever gotten around to apologizing for that crap?

VAWA isn’t “collapsing” -_o Also you’re responsible? xD How are you responsible? Or “we” whoever “we” is xD What have you done? 😀 Cites? Surely if you did something we can see how you got from A to B to C right? xD

Also what do we have to apologize for? -_o You said “you feminists” which means us. Which feminists here need to apologize and for what?

You’re very bad at finding facts… no wonder you changed your name xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Somehow, I doubt Factfinder, Finder of Facts, is actually concerned that Rutee or any feminist is going to firebomb his house despite his rhetoric xD He may whine constantly about how in danger his life is, but I doubt he actually lives his life as if he’s in danger, or really thinks about it day to day outside of the “I’m the brave rebel in a land of dragons” complex.

I think we should conduct an experiment. The MRAs say all the time that being “publicly MRA” will get you killed or accused of rape. Like maybe tomorrow I’ll go around saying “oh, by the way, I’m an MRA” when I go about my life. Like if I’m shopping or something xD Obv, this might be v weird. But somehow I bet you I could go my entire day without being arrested, shot, stabbed, killed, or falsely accused of rape xD

And I know ppl will say “THAT’S CUZ UR A GIRL” so, any men want to try it out too? 😀

13 years ago

We’re responsible for VAWA collapsing, not just feminist hubris.

First of all, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BIRTH CONTROL DISCUSSION. I’m seriously fucking sick of you assholes coming in here and purposely steering the conversation away to cover your own little pet issues. START YOUR OWN BLOG ALREADY.

Okay, that said, you’re a moron. VAWA is in trouble because Republicans are bigoted bastards and they don’t like LGBT language included in it. They’re also on record (on video, no less) confessing that their strategy during Obama’s entire term is to block every legislation they can to purposely torpedo his governance and make him a one term president. Period. Talk about hubris, thinking the MRM had ANYTHING to do with this! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

13 years ago

Cassandra, thanks for reminding me about FF’s video game masterpiece, Preggo Punchout. That he was promising the world would be on Steam by now.

Oh, he’s that asshat? That explains so much.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I have a more-than-slight suspicion that FactFinder thinks if VAWA isn’t reauthorized then violence against women will be legal.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

I mean, would it really kill you feminists to apologize for the whole Duke Lacrosse PR disaster?

I’m not Crystul Magnum or Mike Lefong. I have nothing to do with that case, so why should I apologize?

If it makes you feel better, though, I apologize for a false rape claim that happened in North Carolina six years ago. I also apologize for the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Yes, it happened when I was a child, but I’m a feminist and therefore personally responsible. I’m sorry for the Hundred Years War. I’m sorry for the destruction of the Library of Alexandria. Most of all, I am truly sorry for the assassination of Julius Caesar. My bad.

I really overestimated MRA’s when I said anti feminist backlash had anything to do with all eight Republicans in the Senate Judiciary Committee voting against the reauthorization of VAWA. MRA’s do not get to take credit for Republicans being homophobic. That credit goes to groups like the Christian Coalition and the Tea Party. While I think MRA’s = suck, I think right wing conservative Christians are worse, because they actually have influence and power.

13 years ago

Okay IdeologueFinder. I will apologize for the Duke lacrosse case. I apologize that a woman was raped at a Duke lacrosse party and that the prosecutor fucked up the case so we’ll never know who at that party was the culprit. I’m also sorry that we sullied the name of some of the Duke lacrosse players for being rapists, when we should only have sullied their names for being misogynistic pigs who post hateful crap in emails.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

Oops, I meant Mike Nifong, not Lefong.

13 years ago

Damn, I missed the return of Fact Finder. Looks like he has found no facts, but can still derail like a motherfucker.

13 years ago

So I assume FactFucker is in fact also opposed to the white Christian terrorists who routinely commit vandalism and bombing of women’s health clinics, or threaten the same, or surround the clinics yelling hate speech at women going in (many of whom are there for all sorts of reproductive and health issues NOT only abortions)? Because he’s just so against vandalism and such?


13 years ago

So burning down a house and defacing a billboard are the same thing? For his next trick FactFinder will find the fact that civil disobedience and randomly beating up strangers on street corners are the same thing.

13 years ago

While I think MRA’s = suck, I think right wing conservative Christians are worse, because they actually have influence and power.

Yup. And I guaran-damn-tee that no one of the Senate Judiciary Committee has even heard of the MRM. And, by the way, it didn’t go down in flames as it did pass the committee (on party lines) on February 2nd.

It was turned into a partisan issue over the LGBT language and the language including protections for immigrants. I also guaran-damn-tee that no one on that committee ever once uttered the word “misandry” while the hearing went on. The leader of the bill’s dissent was Rep. Grassley. He supports the bill’s reauthorization, but only if they take out the language about gays and immigrants.

Do I need to repeat that, Factless? HE SUPPORTS THE BILL’S REAUTHORIZATION.

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