evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy misandry misogyny oppressed men reactionary bullshit sex vaginas we hunted the mammoth

Congress hears testimony on contraception: Once again, men have to do all the work!

Hard-working dudes, talkin bout contraception.

So  there was a congressional hearing yesterday about contraception, and, once again, men had to do all the work. Not a single lady on the panel! They were probably all eating bon bons and riding the cock carousel, like ladies do. Misandry in action!

Well, to be fair, the chair of the committee blocked a woman who was going to testify on the panel, but, you know, she probably would have just started yammering about shoes and how hot Taylor Lautner is. You know how ladies are.

Just another day in the feminazi gynocracy!

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13 years ago

What, M Dubz? Married? No they’re not. That wasn’t in any of the videos.

M Dubz
M Dubz
13 years ago

@Viscaria- I think FactFinder needs to be better at finding facts. Especially since we are basically shoveling them at him and he is still missing them.

13 years ago

Basically, hate speech isn’t actually identical with what you would term “PC Police language” or whatever assholes say to sound like other people are ogres for expecting basic human decency.
When did “fining a comedian $15k” become “expecting basic human decency?” Wait, are you one of those petty little harpies who is so grandiose that you think you deserve the privilege to regulate the exact same free expression that allowed your little pet cause to gain traction in the first place? Are you really that stupid, or are you just trying to be argumentative?

13 years ago

He’s never met a fact he could not avoid completely.

13 years ago

What is the average size for a harpy? I’m relatively small for a human, but somehow it seems to me like harpies would be smaller than the average human, so maybe I’m an average harpy?

13 years ago


Also what FF doesn’t understand:

– Searching for facts doesn’t just mean finding headlines that sound good. Content matters, same with words you use.

13 years ago

When did “fining a comedian $15k” become “expecting basic human decency?”

When you have a Michael Richards type breakdown. I don’t know what this particular comedian said so I can’t speak to the appropriateness of the fine

M Dubz
M Dubz
13 years ago

@FF- oh sweetie. Free speech doesn’t mean that you don’t have to suffer the consequences of that speech. Sometimes it is getting fined for saying words that you agreed not to say in certain public forums. Sometimes it is just repeatedly getting called an asshole.

13 years ago

If this site and its readership are any indication of feminism, then it’s no wonder that your pet pig, VAWA, is burning and all you can do is moan about “misogyny.” You know, misogynists are everywhere – lurking in the allies, hiding in your cars – even hidden in your walls! We’re responsible for VAWA collapsing, not just feminist hubris. I mean, would it really kill you feminists to apologize for the whole Duke Lacrosse PR disaster? Has any feminist who cried about that ever gotten around to apologizing for that crap?
Yeah, that’s what I thought. Goodbye, VAWA.

13 years ago

Women who’re OK with letting men watch them fuck each other = porn stars. For real, you guys. FF has Finally Found a Fact.

(Not really)

13 years ago

We have a pet pig!? THIS IS SO AWESOME. My life was way more boring before FF came into it!

13 years ago

Sometimes it is getting fined for saying words that you agreed not to say in certain public forums.
Where did he agree not to say those words in “public forums?”
Wait, do you actually think that the money-grubbing lesbian actually deserves $15k for being called a name? Or are you just being difficult?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

When did “fining a comedian $15k” become “expecting basic human decency?”

You’re really bad at reading, aren’t you? I pretty specifically seperated hate speech from what you consider PC Policing, with a rejoinder about how “PC Policing” is just a way to try to insult the people who expect basic human decency.

Wait, are you one of those petty little harpies who is so grandiose[Editor’s Note: Emphasis mine; this word does not mean what you think it means. Arrogant might work, or hypocritical, but grandiose makes no sense here.] that you think you deserve the privilege to regulate the exact same free expression that allowed your little pet cause to gain traction in the first place?

Oh ho? Hate speech isn’t responsible for the rise of feminism, little mediocrity, however much you stamp your feet and insist that it is so. I mean, some property violence definitely had something to do with it in the UK, no question, but I’m not against vandalism as a vehicle to send political messages.

Are you really that stupid, or are you just trying to be argumentative?

I’m mocking you for your inability to write and read, little mediocrity, as well as your poor understanding of political positions you seem to have set yourself up as a nemesis to.

However easy he is to troll, I must say he’s bored me now. I’m going to go back to sewing pretty dresses in Uncharted WAters Online; I’m pretty close to capping my tailoring skill~

13 years ago

The creator of Preggo Punchout dislikes VAWA? I am absolutely disillusioned!!!

I find it endlessly amusing to see the MRM’s obsession with VAWA. You know why VAWA has never bothered me dude? It’s cause I have no need to commit violence against women! You should try it out sometime

13 years ago

” It’s cause I have no need to commit violence against women! You should try it out sometime”

That’s misandry, that is. What if they want to? Freedom! Persecuting men for their natural male urges! The women from VAWA are coming to get them!

13 years ago

Ok, now I’m really confused…

on VAWA:

“Reauthorization is currently being debated in the Senate. In January of 2012, it passed through the Senate judiciary committee. Every democrat on the committee voted yea, while every republican voted nay.” source, wiki

on United States v. Morrison:

“Feminist Wendy Kaminer agreed with the courts that Congress had overstepped its bounds by invoking the Commerce Clause: “The price of upholding VAWA’s civil rights remedy is an unconstitutional grant of unlimited power to Congress, power that will not always be used wisely or with regard to individual rights. We need to combat sexual violence without making a federal case of it.”” (this removed a section of VAWA allowing victims to sue their attackers in federal court, possibly put in because of concerns that assault crimes against women weren’t being followed through the same way that men’s crimes were) source

So… Exactly how is VAWA burning?

13 years ago

I mean, some property violence definitely had something to do with it in the UK, no question, but I’m not against vandalism as a vehicle to send political messages.
Yeah, unless it’s your apartment or your car that’s being vandalized to send those messages, right? That’s the problem, it’s always other people’s shit you want to fuck up, but oh Lord have mercy if someone lays a finger on your crap.

13 years ago

Day 7 on the alien planet. Nope. Nothing changed. Just a group of folk terribly chuffed with themselves and each other at their pithy comebacks at turds who would like to see them permanently hurt. That’ll change the world. Good stuff.

13 years ago

So… Exactly how is VAWA burning?

Because someone left the bacon in the frying pan too long?

13 years ago

Ooh, more fun stuff about the reauthorization:

“Republican recalcitrance around the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act has been in the news for the last few days. Unwilling to endorse provisions that would guarantee services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people subjected to abuse and that would extend additional protections to undocumented women, Republicans in the Senate Judiciary Committee have refused to endorse the bill, which was passed by the Committee in a party line vote. Despite strong historical bipartisan support for the measure, which has allocated hundreds of millions of dollars to police, prosecutors, courts, and, to a lesser extent, civil legal assistance for women subjected to abuse, VAWA is facing an uphill battle in the Senate.” source

13 years ago

Funny… I see no mention of massive upswelling of MRAs successfully battling VAWA’s passage, just standard Republican bigotry.

2-D Man
2-D Man
13 years ago

Free speech doesn’t mean that you don’t have to suffer the consequences of that speech. Sometimes it is getting fined for saying words that you agreed not to say in certain public forums.

Er, what?

“Free speech” does mean you won’t have to suffer consequences of that speech at the hands of government. This includes criminal prosecutions and fines.

Sometimes there’s an exception for statements that could incite violence.

Sometimes a private group will ban you from their private forum (ie: XBox Live) but that has nothing to do with the government.

It’s also important to note that the ironically named HRC is commonly recognized as Canada’s strongest opponent of free speech.

13 years ago

Oh come on FactFinder, isn’t this your job?

13 years ago

Wait, nobody’s moaning about this bitch claiming property damage is alright as long as it sends a “political message?” I have a feeling that if Men’s Rights Activists torched her car, loft, etc. she’d have a hissy fit like no other. I know she has to go play video games now, but she actually said that?
She said that property damage is okay in a political context. You have to be damaged goods to think that you have the right to destroy someone’s property without having the favor reciprocated.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Yeah, unless it’s your apartment or your car that’s being vandalized to send those messages, right? That’s the problem, it’s always other people’s shit you want to fuck up, but oh Lord have mercy if someone lays a finger on your crap.

The examples of vandalism for politics that readily occur to me involve the commons and the residences of public figures, not so much ordinary citizens (Which seems an ineffective choice of target, not to mention nonsensical).

You are just dying to sting me aren’t you? Would it help you sleep if I pretended you got one over on me? I feel pretty bad about your relative performance in this thread, so I mean, if it’ll help I can totally do that.