So there was a congressional hearing yesterday about contraception, and, once again, men had to do all the work. Not a single lady on the panel! They were probably all eating bon bons and riding the cock carousel, like ladies do. Misandry in action!
Well, to be fair, the chair of the committee blocked a woman who was going to testify on the panel, but, you know, she probably would have just started yammering about shoes and how hot Taylor Lautner is. You know how ladies are.
Just another day in the feminazi gynocracy!
It is one of those jokes men tell each other and then expect their wives to laugh along.
As it happens Santorums moneybag told his joke to Andrea Mitchell in an effort to laugh off all this strange media talk about Santorum ever having said anything whatsoever about such matters.
Always keeping in mind that when Santorum announced that pregnancies resulting from rape were a gift from God it was not a joke no matter how many spit takes ensued.
Note: Ideologue Review is our old friend FactFinder.
I can’t even – are we sure this is the 21st century?
omg that’s so cute factfinder is claiming credit for societal biases that predate him by generations. It’s even better than mammoths, because he’s seriously implying the MRM is responsible, not just men as an aggregate.
PS: Hate speech laws are generally more important for anti-racists than they are feminists. I have literally never heard a feminist give an opinion on one in the context of feminism, for real. But keep on rolling with your facts, my friend X3
Hate speech laws are generally more important for anti-racists than they are feminists. I have literally never heard a feminist give an opinion on one in the context of feminism, for real.
It’s sad, isn’t it? We get one of those constant little reminders that misogyny is everywhere, and these guys dance like they just invented it.
Also apparently FactIdeologue can’t tell the difference between “feminist” and “lesbian” but that’s not all that surprising because they both have to do with women not doing what he wants.
Heeheehee. Your fabled skills at comprehension remain untouched by your time away, I see.
Protip: Fox isn’t a group of feminists
Protip the Sequel: Homophobia is not something that is yet a proper feminist issue.
Also apparently FactIdeologue can’t tell the difference between “feminist” and “lesbian” but that’s not all that surprising because they both have to do with women not doing what he wants.
Yes, no man in the history of ever has wanted a woman to fuck another woman. And they certainly don’t pay to watch it, ever! There certainly isn’t an entire goddamn industry built up around getting women to twaddle other women and then having men finance said industry, that’s just preposterous!
Good night, Holly.
May I offer this antidote to the general miserable assholishness of our newly returned friend?
This guy I like.
(Shamelessly stolen from Jezebel.)
Protip: Fox isn’t a group of feminists
Wait, what the fuck are you going on about? Okay, the Human Rights Tribunal, the subject of the article is what I was refer… fuck it.
Um… lesbian porn exists, therefore feminists and lesbians are the same thing?
Haha, what the fuck are you going on about now Holly? Are you drunk or something?
IdeologueReview, you are that were some except while them unless everything.
You’re as bad at writing as well as reading then! (Spoiler: We knew that)
Also you’re pretty much just asserting the judges were feminists, and the matter at hand (Slurs slung at a lesbian) was considered by them specifically on the axis of feminism. I’ve heard feminists offer opinions on hate speech, sure… but the discussion has always been in terms of race, not gender. I know you think that you’re trolling us with this information, but it’s really just not a feminist matter in general.
@Cassandra- Oh my God. Spandy Andy is the BEST.
I’ve heard feminists offer opinions on hate speech, sure… but the discussion has always been in terms of race, not gender.
Internet petitions: Now exactly the same thing as hate speech laws.
You do realize that your “I’ll spout incomprehensible non sequiters until they realize my genius!” plan is working exactly backwards, right?
As evidence of this, I offer the fact that certain mammals in Australia and New Guinea can lay eggs.
You really suck at finding facts dude!! What does that petition have to do with hate speech laws? Even the petition doesn’t make any reference to hate speech, let alone hate speech laws
What… is going on I don’t even… Huh?
Wait, where did I say Internet petitions are the same thing as hate speech laws? Do you have a history of drug abuse or have you just lit up or something? I read over my post again and I see nothing claiming online petitions are “the same thing as hate speech laws.”
Heeheehee, have you actually been trolled by this? Or are you just incapable of admitting error?
Protip: That isn’t hate speech, nor is it a proposed law (making it an actual matter of free speech) it is a request to a site to remove a terrible page.
Seriously, my kingdom for a clip of Jon Stewart saying “Go oooooonnnn” in his most patronizing voice X3
This gaslighting is so effective that I currently believe I’m actually a butterfly.
Kukukuku! I kind of hope he succeeds at his newest little quest; what comes next will be fun~
Does… Does FF think “wants to watch lesbian porn” is the same as “respects the rights of lesbians to do what they want to do with one another?” Most lesbians are not going to allow you to watch them when they have sex, just so you know.
Sometimes women have sex with other women for their own pleasure, not for the pleasure of male viewers!!