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Congress hears testimony on contraception: Once again, men have to do all the work!

Hard-working dudes, talkin bout contraception.

So  there was a congressional hearing yesterday about contraception, and, once again, men had to do all the work. Not a single lady on the panel! They were probably all eating bon bons and riding the cock carousel, like ladies do. Misandry in action!

Well, to be fair, the chair of the committee blocked a woman who was going to testify on the panel, but, you know, she probably would have just started yammering about shoes and how hot Taylor Lautner is. You know how ladies are.

Just another day in the feminazi gynocracy!

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13 years ago


This actually makes me angry. Yeah, I’m a guy, but it’s just…”shitty” in the worst possible sense of the word. And then we have Santorum with his vomit, and Gingrich with…well, just him in general.


13 years ago

To be completely fair, they did later hear testimony from two women, both opposing the administration’s policy. (See NYT: ) Clearly, men were overrepresented on the panels, but it seems Issa’s overriding concern was that he wanted an echo chamber where no dissenting voices would be heard.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Also, this:

“Back in my day, they used Bayer aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly.”

Which reveals:
1) A contempt for women who have sex, and indeed sex itself, that’s hard for me to wrap my head around.
2) A stunning ignorance of the fact that married people and grown-ups also require birth control unless they want 14 kids. Are wives supposed to just keep their legs closed, too? That’s every kind of unfair.
3) A severe lack of imagination about what can be accomplished with your knees together.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Because when I want to learn about birth control, I ask old white guys who don’t have sex.

Also, when I have a computer problem, I ask the Amish.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

I have to second number three, Holly. I mean, really? What must it be like to go through life with that mindset? What miserable fucks (in more ways than one), the lot of them

13 years ago

Only cis men know the truth about uteruses…fear the uterus!

13 years ago

“Because when I want to learn about birth control, I ask old white guys who don’t have sex.

Also, when I have a computer problem, I ask the Amish.”


13 years ago

And now, for perspective, here’s the proposed panel on viagra distribution joke circulating on FB:

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Fortunately, the aspirin comment makes them sound like the Granpa Simpsons that we know them to be. Unfortunately, it will probably be largely swept under the rug as the media fall all over themselves to respect “people of faith.”

13 years ago

And it just keeps getting better! Virginia wants the state to mandate physically invasive and medically unnecessary transvaginal ultrasounds before having an abortion. In other words, the state can forcibly penetrate a woman against her will! One GOP lawmaker said that women already decided to be “vaginally penetrated when they got pregnant.” Source:

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

“Because when I want to learn about birth control, I ask old white guys who don’t have sex.

Worse than that. Old white guys who can afford contraception (and/or have post-menopausal partners), and thus do likely have sex, without fear of pregnancy.

They just figure none of the common folk have earned that the way they have.

13 years ago

Yes, Republicans are in favor of smaller government. They want it so small it fits in my uterus.

Fuck these nasty old men with their insurance covered Viagra scripts.

13 years ago

Also, this whole thing (contraception fights, personhood laws in VA, OK and whatever the hell KS is up to) depresses and angers the shit out of me, because it’s Bush I Culture Wars Part 2: Electric Boogaloo, and we all know sequels are shitty.

13 years ago

“Also, this whole thing (contraception fights, personhood laws in VA, OK and whatever the hell KS is up to) depresses and angers the shit out of me, because it’s Bush I Culture Wars Part 2: Electric Boogaloo, and we all know sequels are shitty.”

Yeah, this whole thing is a bad case of Deja Vu.

13 years ago

I’d say it’s more on the level of “Batman Forever” shittiness. (I sort of liked Breakin’ 2.)

The douchebag who made the asprin joke has now apologized to all the people who didn’t “understand” that it was just a joke. What a craven coward.

13 years ago

There is a petition being circulated on the Internet to protest this. I implore everyone to sign it. I certainly did. This is straight out of the Dark Ages!

13 years ago

Worse than that. Old white guys who can afford contraception (and/or have post-menopausal partners), and thus do likely have sex, without fear of pregnancy.

Well, I was just talking about the Bishops, really.

13 years ago

There is a screen shot now circulating showing a panel, once again of all men, discussing the very photo up there of no women being allowed to testify.


13 years ago

But wait, I thought women ran everything and white dudes were the most oppressed people on Earth.


13 years ago

Yeah, this pisses me off too. I really have nothing to say except “I’m pissed off.”

13 years ago

Hey David, totally OT but I thought you, well and other readers, might appreciate this delightful respite from reddit 🙂

13 years ago

Well, and respite from Congress.

13 years ago

tYou’d think it’d be a simple thing… the idea that if you are trying to make a law that affects a subset of a population, you ask that subset about it. -_-

Just more religious posturing enforcing their antiquated notions of sexuality upon the masses.

13 years ago

The Bayer comment is so out there that it took me a while to figure out what the hell he was on about. At first I figured it was one of those teenage urban myths, like kids who think that douching with Coke prevents pregnancy. When I finally figured it out I was just sort of gobsmacked. Did these guys just step out of a time machine?

13 years ago

More women than men vote, so if you want to play the sex card you might want to add a subscript reminding us who put them into office. Ethics in reporting and all that.
But this is boring, so let’s move on to something more interesting: the collapse of the VAWA mass litigation. Wow, for a bunch of inept terrorists we’re pretty damn efficient with this whole democratic process thing.
As if the roast of this feminist pork was not glorious of itself, it seems like the Canadian censorship dogs masquerading as “Human Rights Tribunals” are finally getting debarked with a progressive bit of legislation sweeping the house.
It is a good year for democracy and for free speech, and by extension a bad one for feminists.

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