antifeminism creepy douchebaggery drama hypocrisy misandry misogyny oppressed white men rape rapey vaginas victimhood

Muck Ryking: Petition to remove Alexander Ryking as a Tumblr politics editor

Evidently Ryking wasn't in debate club in high school.

So Alexander Ryking is a Tumblr blogger and one of Tumblr’s community “editors” for politics. He thinks of himself as a liberal.

He is also a raging misogynist who regularly calls women “cunts” and tells feminists to “kill yourselves you feminazi twats.”

In recent days he’s turned his douchebag-o-meter up to 11. As a result, there’s now a petition up on to have him removed as a politics editor on Tumblr. It’s already gotten more than 3000 signatures, with several hundred new signatures added in the time it’s taken me to write this post.

Here’s unknowable woman, a frequent target of his cyber-wrath, with more details on his recent meltdown. (Read the post on her Tumblr blog for links to the evidence of his douchebaggery.)

Alexander Ryking, who has a history of attempting to silence women bloggers (he told Jess of STFUConservatives and the other “feminazis” to “go kill themselves” several months ago, and has also been rude to women of color but I haven’t been on Tumblr long enough to have personally witnessed that), defended The Amazing’s Atheist’s violent rape threats on Reddit by tagging his posts with “I support TAA.”

I and many, many other Tumblr users were disgusted by this, so we decided to tag our criticisms of Ryking that night with “Ryking’s banana republic”—a reference to his co-opting of [social justice] concepts, NOT a homophobic dig, and the person who coined it was a queer man anyway. Someone also wrote a few jokingly romantic lines about Ryking’s blind defense of TAA and new atheism, and Ryking interpreted this as homophobic and misandric…it wasn’t, but because I reblogged it, Ryking insists that I am now a homophobe, which is hilarious given my own sexual identity but whatever.

We also responded to some of his posts with pictures of extreme close-ups of our eyes.

Seriously. That is what this guy is calling “abuse.”

We did NOT threaten him, make personal attacks against his sexuality, tell him to go kill himself, send him rude messages, or commit any other acts that could reasonably be interpreted as the “cyberbullying” Ryking claims it is. I did temporarily change my URL to rykingsbananarepublic and I make no apologies for that. Why should I? Why shouldn’t a group of feminists and their allies be allowed to respond creatively to misogyny? The only actual cyberbullying that has taken place was TAA’s initial rape threats on Reddit; I wouldn’t even go so far as to claim Ryking’s tweets to me and other Twitter users are cyberbullying, though I leave it up to the other people who were insulted by him to label their experiences as bullying or not.

Anyway, a few nights later, I tweeted something in defense of Whitney Houston’s legacy, and suddenly there was Ryking going ballistic. He found me on Twitter, called me a cunt right off the bat, and insisted that I claimed Whitney Houston’s death was “more important than the death of 5,000 Syrians” (I didn’t! Here is what I actually said!). I had never exchanged tweets with this man before, and was confused about his sudden interest in my thoughts about Whitney Houston and Syria. Naturally, I responded, told him how wrong he was, and the next day I screencapped some of the things he said and posted them … I never expected that post to get the amount of notes it did, but I think that just goes to show how widespread the dislike for him is.

Ryking, for his part, has responded to the widespread criticism by striking the pose of a victim, and pretending that it is somehow all related to race. Apparently, the evil feminazis are impugning his white manhood, though he’s not white.

So-called feminists have subjected me to white-bashing comments (even though I’m Hispanic) and sexist attacks impugning my manhood (slash-fiction scenes featuring me and heterosexual men; being called faggot; being told to man-up; insults about my body;) by people who don’t realize I’m gay. After nearly two decades online, I learned early on that when you’re attacked, you defend yourself by attacking right back and just as viciously, if not more so. And that’s what exactly what I’ve done. …

What’s really at issue here is not my rude behavior but that you and others like you want to punish any man who refuses to conform to your rancid, misandrist orthodoxy by discounting everything he says and using his gender and race as the excuse for doing so. …

You don’t want me stripped of my editorial privilege based on my behavior but because I reject your sick, bigoted, misandrist (per)version of feminism.

Yep, apparently the dude who loves to call women “cunts” is the final arbiter of what is and what isn’t “true feminism.” Who knew?

I signed the petition. How about you?


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12 years ago

Note from DF: And that will be it from MRAL. Please do see the therapist, and block this site, for real.
Jesus… one of this guy’s most popular tags is “men who should not ever be with women ever”. This guy could be Norman fucking Bates, and the best David could do would be to say, “Never, ever, ever, ever see a therapist.”

12 years ago

MRAL is the only commenter here who’s scared me and triggered my stalker radar, and hearing about what he did in the forum and Holly’s blog make me glad I never engaged with him. I admire the courage of the rest of you, but that pattern of behavior is too hard for me to deal with.
@Ami, it hurts my heart that you went through that with your father. 🙁

12 years ago


I keep thinking….who did you hit MRAL? I doubt very much that a bunch of internet feminists convinced you of anything. So assuming that you have any empathy for women at all, who did you hit? Who wasn’t like “all the others?” You’ve been screaming rage and singling out particular women on line for your abuse. What’s preventing you from hurting someone? Nothing much from what you’ve posted here I think.

Christ that’s depressing. Is there any particular warning that an abuser is about to cross the border into physical abuse?

12 years ago

Cloudiah, I’m sorry to hear he’s upset you.

If I had dealt with MRAL it wouldn’t be due to courage, it would be defiance fueled by rage. He reminds me of someone, too much.

12 years ago

It has occurred to me a few times, given that he seems to be obsessing over my supposed misandry, that he might try to harm me in some way. I’m glad he’s in another state, and a bit concerned for any of the women* he’s historically had a hate-on for who’re within easy driving distance of him.

*Obviously Ozy is actually genderqueer, but it’s pretty clear that MRAL refuses to accept that and has gendered hir “girl” in his own mind.

12 years ago

I banned MRAL several days ago.

Oh, silly me, I thought he was just on moderation! I think that was the right call.

12 years ago

…Not that you need my validation or anything >.>

12 years ago

Ideologue Review is our old friend FactFinder. Apparently he’s back, to find more facts.

I hope he’s improved since last time, he was totally ineffectual at it last time.

So, IR, your Preggo Punchout game must be very nearly finished by now? Is there a beta version available for testing?

12 years ago

Shame he didn’t find some reading comprehension during his travels.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

He could do with a creative writing course, but I don’t think I’d inflict that terrible on a professor.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

Jesus… one of this guy’s most popular tags is “men who should not ever be with women ever”. This guy could be Norman fucking Bates, and the best David could do would be to say, “Never, ever, ever, ever see a therapist.”

Wait.. what? o_O

What’s FactFinder talking about? o_O

12 years ago

I think he ran off with MY reading comprehension ’cause I can’t make heads-or-tails of that post

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

Neither can I o_o

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Ami – I can’t tell. I’m not sure if it’s “therapists are bad for you” or if it’s “David never tells people to get help.”

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

*hugs cloudiah*

12 years ago

What I got was a. he thinks MRAL is about to stab someone in a shower and b. he thinks that David is strongly against MRAL getting therapy to hopefully prevent that from happening?

Hey, potentially criticising another MRA, that’s unexpected.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

Maybe factfinder believes that all therapists are women? o_O And MRAL is likely to kill his therapist or something? -_o

FactFinder, can you come here and find some facts in your post for us? xD

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

@CassandraSays I don’t think he’s criticizing MRAL, I think he’s trying to use the situation to imply that David is causing some sort of future mass murder…

I’m unsure HOW tho, cuz I still can’t figure out what he means xD

But it’s not criticism of MRAL, it’s criticism of David.

12 years ago

Can he find a copy of the AP Style Guide first? Please?

12 years ago

OK, so, in that case, the idea is that David should be able to reach through the internet and MAKE MRAL get therapy, and he’s not doing that because feminists are evil and want creepy college students to kill their mothers?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

If he were a good writer, I’d say he intentionally left it open to interpretation, so if we hear about any stabbings in the boston area by the idiot he could then look back and say “SEE! IT WAS HIS FAULT”; That could just as easily be read as “What if he stabs the therapist?”

But it’s FF, not a good writer, and I’m going to go with “He tried to turn a plea to get help into a warning away from therapy”; this the sort of thing that is his MO.

12 years ago

Yeah, you don’t get what I’m saying. It’s totally me, sorry about that.

12 years ago

I thought it was some NWO-style “all therapists hate men, c ya losers!!!” type thing. It’s almost poetic in it’s ability to draw so many interpretations

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Hey IdeologueReview, have you considered the possibility that you should for his the other while you maybe has were that things been?