antifeminism creepy douchebaggery drama hypocrisy misandry misogyny oppressed white men rape rapey vaginas victimhood

Muck Ryking: Petition to remove Alexander Ryking as a Tumblr politics editor

Evidently Ryking wasn't in debate club in high school.

So Alexander Ryking is a Tumblr blogger and one of Tumblr’s community “editors” for politics. He thinks of himself as a liberal.

He is also a raging misogynist who regularly calls women “cunts” and tells feminists to “kill yourselves you feminazi twats.”

In recent days he’s turned his douchebag-o-meter up to 11. As a result, there’s now a petition up on to have him removed as a politics editor on Tumblr. It’s already gotten more than 3000 signatures, with several hundred new signatures added in the time it’s taken me to write this post.

Here’s unknowable woman, a frequent target of his cyber-wrath, with more details on his recent meltdown. (Read the post on her Tumblr blog for links to the evidence of his douchebaggery.)

Alexander Ryking, who has a history of attempting to silence women bloggers (he told Jess of STFUConservatives and the other “feminazis” to “go kill themselves” several months ago, and has also been rude to women of color but I haven’t been on Tumblr long enough to have personally witnessed that), defended The Amazing’s Atheist’s violent rape threats on Reddit by tagging his posts with “I support TAA.”

I and many, many other Tumblr users were disgusted by this, so we decided to tag our criticisms of Ryking that night with “Ryking’s banana republic”—a reference to his co-opting of [social justice] concepts, NOT a homophobic dig, and the person who coined it was a queer man anyway. Someone also wrote a few jokingly romantic lines about Ryking’s blind defense of TAA and new atheism, and Ryking interpreted this as homophobic and misandric…it wasn’t, but because I reblogged it, Ryking insists that I am now a homophobe, which is hilarious given my own sexual identity but whatever.

We also responded to some of his posts with pictures of extreme close-ups of our eyes.

Seriously. That is what this guy is calling “abuse.”

We did NOT threaten him, make personal attacks against his sexuality, tell him to go kill himself, send him rude messages, or commit any other acts that could reasonably be interpreted as the “cyberbullying” Ryking claims it is. I did temporarily change my URL to rykingsbananarepublic and I make no apologies for that. Why should I? Why shouldn’t a group of feminists and their allies be allowed to respond creatively to misogyny? The only actual cyberbullying that has taken place was TAA’s initial rape threats on Reddit; I wouldn’t even go so far as to claim Ryking’s tweets to me and other Twitter users are cyberbullying, though I leave it up to the other people who were insulted by him to label their experiences as bullying or not.

Anyway, a few nights later, I tweeted something in defense of Whitney Houston’s legacy, and suddenly there was Ryking going ballistic. He found me on Twitter, called me a cunt right off the bat, and insisted that I claimed Whitney Houston’s death was “more important than the death of 5,000 Syrians” (I didn’t! Here is what I actually said!). I had never exchanged tweets with this man before, and was confused about his sudden interest in my thoughts about Whitney Houston and Syria. Naturally, I responded, told him how wrong he was, and the next day I screencapped some of the things he said and posted them … I never expected that post to get the amount of notes it did, but I think that just goes to show how widespread the dislike for him is.

Ryking, for his part, has responded to the widespread criticism by striking the pose of a victim, and pretending that it is somehow all related to race. Apparently, the evil feminazis are impugning his white manhood, though he’s not white.

So-called feminists have subjected me to white-bashing comments (even though I’m Hispanic) and sexist attacks impugning my manhood (slash-fiction scenes featuring me and heterosexual men; being called faggot; being told to man-up; insults about my body;) by people who don’t realize I’m gay. After nearly two decades online, I learned early on that when you’re attacked, you defend yourself by attacking right back and just as viciously, if not more so. And that’s what exactly what I’ve done. …

What’s really at issue here is not my rude behavior but that you and others like you want to punish any man who refuses to conform to your rancid, misandrist orthodoxy by discounting everything he says and using his gender and race as the excuse for doing so. …

You don’t want me stripped of my editorial privilege based on my behavior but because I reject your sick, bigoted, misandrist (per)version of feminism.

Yep, apparently the dude who loves to call women “cunts” is the final arbiter of what is and what isn’t “true feminism.” Who knew?

I signed the petition. How about you?


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12 years ago

At the end of this process a cockroach is born, instead of a butterfly.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I don’t usually say this, but I am not usually dealing with a lying, abusive shit (MRAL, not you); He never lost control. He could always manage to say what he wanted to in his ragetyping, f’rex. The feigned loss of rage was a poor attempt at manipulation. He wanted us to fear him.

Yeah, a community with a lot of abuse survivors is a bad place to pull this shit, because I’ve been through this stuff in real life. I know the games.

And one of the games is called “I only hit you because you make me so mad I can’t control myself… but somehow this never happens when any witnesses are around.”

Ragetyping, yet always somehow managing to say exactly what he wants, is just the keyboard-only version of that game.

12 years ago


It’s possible, I definitely never believed his *MRAL smash* type rants. But I think he is genuinely enraged by women choosing sexual partners for themselves by criteria that he doesn’t like, and by people not buying his “talking out of turn, that’s misandry” shtick (h/t to Quackers). OTOH, maybe that’s just blind optimism on my part (and how sad is it that would qualify as an optimistic view of him).

12 years ago

Also, his first outburst at me, and I think at least one of the subsequent ones, was a pretty clear attempt to make the community turn against me in order to buttress his own position. See, I’m not the abuser, it’s her, over there, abusing me!

The absolute clincher, though, was the multiple iterations of “I promise I won’t do it again”, followed by him doing it again, followed by promises to stop, followed by…

It really does make me wonder if he acts like this IRL, or if the reason he’s so fixated on this blog is that this is the only place that offers him the opportunity to act like that towards women.

12 years ago

@Nathan: There has been no comparable backlash against gay rights, or civil rights,

Citation FUCKING needed.

Also: still waiting for you to name five feminists whose works you’ve read!


12 years ago

Well, larval or pupal, you really nailed it, Bostonian. XD It’s the perfect way to describe him.

12 years ago

Well, gosh, Ithilana, he read the notes one one woman author on Wikipedia, and she was probably a feminist – or at least he skimmed the notes – shouldn’t that be enough? You’re so meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

12 years ago

*on one


12 years ago

I feel very validated right now.

12 years ago

@Nathan: but that’s not universally true. In some situations, or some circumstances, it would be better to be female than male.

I knew you were gonna pull the whole “you’re all talking at me at once thing I cannot answer” think I just knew it.

So, tell me ALL the situations or circumstances in which it is better to be female than male?

And keep in mind that there are very few if any claims that are “universally” true — that’s not a standard anybody applies in evaluation of rhetorical claims.

Since you are apparently NOT MRAL and thus MAY be new around here, let me tell you first, I am a queer woman who lives with another woman in rural Texas, and I am an English teacher, and have been reading/studying feminists/womanists works since 1982.

So, who are those feminists whose works you boasted about reading?

Why are you so reluctant to provide any evidence for your claims?

12 years ago

By the way MRAL, I’m pretty sure that if Manboobz were say, an actual physical place where people hung out and shot the shit and so forth, and you’d been repeatedly asked to leave, but you kept sneaking back in, that would perfectly legit grounds for arrest. Think about what that says about you. Or rather “Think on it.”

12 years ago

Dracula, better yet:

You’ve been asked to leave, DEAL WITH IT, DICKHEAD.

12 years ago

*dang* I wasn’t gonna engage with MRAL, and Nathan sucked me in–should have known. Besides all the other similarities, he didn’t engage with me ever (he hadn’t as MRAL for some time).

Good spotting, all.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I mentioned this on the forum, but for people who aren’t members, it’s relevant: A couple days ago, MRAL was repetitively posting stuff on my blog. I started deleting his comments and told him he wasn’t welcome there.

He posted twenty comments into my delete queue. They alternated between angry abuse and “BUT WHYYYYY?” with hilarious speed.

Two comments is “I disagree with you banning me.” Five is “I’m not getting the hint.”

Twenty is “I cannot accept the concept that you can say no to me and keep saying no. There must be some way to make it into a yes.”

MRAL, if you’re reading this, don’t take the above as an insult. (Although it is.) Take it as an indication of just how badly you need help. Take it as something to talk about with a therapist. Take it as something you can, and have to, learn how to stop.

12 years ago

Dammit, and now I missed the flounce. Oh well; the odds he’ll be back are high.

And that was a shitty sock. Another young straight cis white dude with a mild physical disability? Dad2Boyz was way better. (And David Foster Wallace was a complete giveaway. I mean, it was obvious before, but two dipshits with the same writing style and opinions and the same favorite author is beyond a coincidence.)

12 years ago

The fact that he’s been repeatedly asked to leave and refuses to abide by that request does add that extra hint of doesn’t respect boundaries to the abusive personality soup, doesn’t it?

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

MRAL, if this is how you handle people just banning you from ONE INTERNET BLOG, I’m scared how you’d handle rejection, break ups, people wanting you to respect their physical boundaries… etc :


And you say you’re not entitled with a privileged mentality -_-;;

And if ppl don’t give into your entitlement, you abuse them, you do sneaky and disruptive things, you lash out in anger, you say hurtful things, you lie, you make fake apologies, etc etc etc

I thought you said you DIDN’T want to become NWO and Elam?

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

This is extremely relevant to MRAL atm.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

Twenty is “I cannot accept the concept that you can say no to me and keep saying no. There must be some way to make it into a yes.”

Exactly Holly, and down that path leads… potentially bad things -_-

12 years ago

Maybe he’s not MRAL. A creepy white male factory worker with a limp–maybe he’s MacPhearson from Space Mutiny.

12 years ago

Dammit, Ami, don’t make me associate adorable fawns with proto-MRA jackassery. That kind of thing causes terrible headaches.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

Oh and for ppl who aren’t on the forum… MRAL made a sockpuppet to harass and scream at people in the chat (during the same time he was stalking Holly’s blog)

[22:42:21] Youngblood : When have I acted like an asshole?

[22:42:26] Dorktv : I am guessing eleventy billion

[22:42:30] Dorktv : ALL THE FUCKING TIME

[22:42:35] Youngblood : And I need these sockpuppets because PEOPLE KEEP BANNING ME

[22:42:48] Dorktv : when you ignore people’s experiences, viewpoints, pain, requests and kindness

[22:43:01] Dorktv : YOU NEVER LEARN A THING

[22:43:10] Youngblood : I’m trying not to do that anymore, but no one is making it easy

Notice how he’s done the “STOP MAKING ME HURT YOU” abuser thing… it’s OUR fault he sockpuppets… it’s OUR fault that he doesn’t learn and he hurts us!

We’re not making it easy on him to become a better person! It’s our fault our fault our fault >_>

He reminds me of my dad… 🙁

(Also Dork told me on IM and I rushed over and banned him >_> in case nebody wondered how the story ends)

12 years ago

It really is disturbing how convinced he is that he has a RIGHT to post here just because he wants to, and a RIGHT to make people agree with him, and a RIGHT to scream abuse at women whenever he feels like it. I know some people thought it was a bit much when someone else suggested that he go hang out with Holly and I was going, um, no, not a good idea, I would be scared for Holly’s safety, but really – the kid is dangerous. He may not have hurt anyone yet, but given the behavior patterns that’s probably just a matter of time.

12 years ago

Ami, I’m so sorry that your dad has those kind of associations with you 🙁

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

@Katz you have no idea :

@Cassandra and if in the future he DOES hurt ppl, he’ll prolly blame us too (along with blaming them) for making him the horrible person that he is (he’ll prolly self flagellate just like that too) :

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