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Quiz: What makes an MRA maddest? (Pussy-begging A Voice for Men edition.)

Pussy begging at its worst

Several days ago, angry-MRA-dude hub A Voice for Men ran a guest post from someone identified only as Phil in Utah entitled “How I became an MRA: Domestic violence advocacy.” After Phil’s post in question drew some criticism from some of the  AVfM regulars who didn’t see it as radical enough, site founder and head cheese Paul Elam felt it necessary to take Phil to task for one of the statements he made in the post.

So let’s have a quick quiz. Here are three quotes taken from Phil in Utah’s post. Which of them is the one that drew Elam’s ire?

  1. “[F]eminists only support the rights of women who agree with them, and have no qualms throwing disagreeing women under the bus.”
  2.  “[T]he idea that women are hurt more than men by being abused is a load of crap.”
  3. “I still believe that men who brutalize women are the scum of the Earth.”

ANSWER: Did you guess #1? Wrong. While this statement isn’t actually true, Elam didn’t object to it. How about #2? While this statement is also untrue – numerous studies show that women are far more likely to be seriously injured by domestic violence than men – Elam didn’t object to it either. Nope. He objected to statement #3. That is:

I still believe that men who brutalize women are the scum of the Earth.

How could any decent human being possibly object to this? Here’s Elam explanation:

I admit I flinched a little when I read this. Clearly these are words rooted in old world sexist notions about violence; that somehow men who brutalize women are worse than women who brutalize men. It is old programming that tends to swim around in the unconscious even after the first few rounds of red pills.

Now, I should note that Phil didn’t actually say, or imply, that “men who brutalize women are worse than women who brutalize men.” Indeed, he spent most of the essay arguing that DV against men needed to be taken more seriously. If anything, he minimized violence against women, by denying the fact that women are indeed more likely to be seriously injured by their male partners than male partners are to be seriously injured by women.

Evidently, for Elam and others on AVfM, straightforward expressions of enmity against men who brutalize women are a form of “latent misandry.”

But we’re only just getting started here. As it turns out, Elam was less troubled by Phil’s “misandry” than he was by some of the nastier attacks on Phil and other

new MRA’s who are ‘getting it’ but have not had the time or opportunity to fully refine their understanding of the modern zeitgeist.

Indeed, one commenter had even gone so far as to call poor Phil “pussy-footed.” And yet another called him a “mangina/white knight.” This, Elam announced, would not do!

MRA’s name calling and shaming other MRA’s is not constructive. It is petty alpha-gaming … .

In other words, it’s the sort of thing that guys do to try to impress the chicks. And that’s bad.

[A] significant part of the dynamics that hinder progress in the MRM is the innate friction between men which is driven by an undercurrent of sexual competition. Our unfortunate programming is to apply downward pressure on each other in order to vie for sexual selection.

On MRA blogs, this is often described with the scientific term “pussy begging.” Elam continued:

Feminism is an outgrowth of chivalry. It is dependent on male sexual competition to thrive. In short, misandry, feminism, the stinking lot of it, is a human problem rooted in men’s mindless competition for women.  We don’t get out of that competition by simply rejecting women or Going Our Own Way. We get out of it by identifying and respectfully challenging the elements of that competition when they prove dysfunctional, as in going after MRA’s for blood any time we imagine they are not 100% on message. This conduct, when distilled down to its essence, is just a tell-tale artifact of pussy-centric masculinity.

So, in other words, MRAs who call other MRAs pussy-begging manginas are themselves … pussy-begging manginas.

Such is MRA logic.

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12 years ago


“Originally I discovered the MRm through YouTube… In fact, the YouTube MRm community is helluva sane-r than the written MRM community.

Over the past years I have grown to feel like “the MRm is getting worse”, but I just realized that’s not true… It’s not that the MRM is getting worse, it’s that I had been reading more written MRM…

The nuttiest nutsos will never do videos, because it is very close to real life… Like BP said, the shame of voicing this crap in public is big. BP was saying how we need more in-real-life activism, because that weeds out the nutcases.

I think YouTube activism seems to be a close second… I think I’ll just start making videos soon, and try to contribute that way.”


“Videos are the closest things to real like, that why SANE MRAs do videos.”

Never mind the ableism, Alex Novy just doesn’t know what YouTube is like AT ALL.

12 years ago

Well, that explains their frothing over the SCUM trailer I guess.

Morons with Ridiculous Aggrievement

12 years ago

I’m just trying to figure out how to even make sense of videos being the closest things to real life. What are our list of options? Wouldn’t real life be the closest thing to real life?

12 years ago


The closest thing to real life would be some sort of VR I’m guessing. But considering MRAs view real life the way we view Proxima Centauri, I’m guessing they have way different answers

12 years ago

In that same thread, people are saying that the exposure of the MRM to the public eye means they are winning! If winning means having to abandoned most of your movement to avoid public scrutiny… You probably didn’t want to win in the first place.

12 years ago

Women are evolutionarily-wired to be manipulative bitches. That Stardusk guy (who was recommended in that post) made a video about it, so it must be true

Note to Dave: I tried to make this post earlier but screwed up typing my email address.

12 years ago

Shadow: But VR is real life! Or it will be very very soon! Right before we divide the nation in half down the Mississippi River.

12 years ago

Okaaayy.. So because the black pill has documented some proof that MRAs are racist, that shows that feminists are racist too….mkay.

Looks like the black pill is the same shit, different pile to me. Pretty bad when conservative thinking sounds almost appealing by comparison.

12 years ago

In that same thread, people are saying that the exposure of the MRM to the public eye means they are winning!

what exposure to the public eye?

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

In that case, Katz, congratulations on your law degree, your successful freelance writing business, and your recent hilarious blog post about Twilight. However, you might want to get started on your business tax returns ASAP, as you’ve put them off long enough. 😉

12 years ago


Elam has a tab on his site labeled ‘Mentions of AVFM in the Mainstream Media’. One is a NYT article calling the site “misogynistic”. One CBS piece criticizes one of Elam’s articles as “victim blaming”; the other two are fairly brief and neutral mentions. Elam seems to believe that greater exposure means that his movement is being taken seriously, but it just means there will be more people to laugh at him.

12 years ago


I hear an ingenuous MRA has been working diligently and is THIS CLOSE to creating our new VR homeworlds.


LMAO! I can’t believe Elam doesn’t cut himself to death whilst shaving in the morning cause he’s too busy laughing at himself in the mirror.

12 years ago

He already created them but his patent got stolen because they wanted to award it to a woman instead. So he got a job at a milk bottling plant.

12 years ago

When AntZ met NWO

The most horrifying romantic comedy that will ever come to theaters near you

12 years ago

I had my face shown on the news once, therefore the city of Compton has gotten more exposure and is being taken more seriously.

Hey, it makes just as much sense as Elams gloating over CBS owning him.

12 years ago

Elam and others have convinced themselves that it’s just the rabid and raving feminists that are bringing them down and criticizing them. I’ll bet dollars to donuts they are convinced that its evil feminist harpies at CBS that are attacking them, and if they could just get their message out to the masses they would incite revolution.

It couldn’t possibly be the message itself that’s the problem.

12 years ago

So according to the black pill, roissey and the other PUAs are really feminists??? O.o


I’ll give the dude points for his accurate take down of the underlying problems with how PUAs inherent hatred of men though. And his partial solution to what it takes to get dates.

Who wants to tell this guy he’s turning into a white knight?

12 years ago

“Who wants to tell this guy he’s turning into a white knight?”

Someone in the MRM probably already did. 😉

12 years ago

Yeah but hearing it from an accredited self proclaimed feminist but have more sting.

At least we can thank him for trying to set men straight about the pick up artist community. Or would we be blowing his cover?

What sayeth the commonality?

By the way, all women are sad because all women have watched the entire Earth Final Conflict series….and there will be no new ones 🙁

12 years ago

Crumbelievable – That video is even better than I thought it would be.

12 years ago

I didn’t watch it all the way through, since after a while he just keeps repeating “consummate…manipulation…consummate”, but the ‘caveman’ talk (Is one the squares on the Evo Psych Bingo board the word “caveman”? It should be) made me laugh.

12 years ago

I read the question in the title (“What makes an MRA maddest?”) and my brain immediately coughed up,

To crush the wimmins, put them back in the kitchen, and to hear the lamentations of manginas!

which gets no points because it’s the answer to the wrong question. Plus, it’s not terribly original.

12 years ago

What makes the MRM most angry is that the world is become more and more what they hate (women as people), and that no one who pays them any attention agrees with them (for values of no one which accepts that some people are misguided in the same way. When you can’t get any one to show up to a free event you don’t have a movement, you have a bunch of guys stewing in their own rage).

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I have made more Art!

(Conceivably NSFW? I have no idea. Depends how your work feels about uteruses.)